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Creek 1 Zane Creek Mrs.

Wildhaber Honors World Literature 02 February 2012 The Chosen Reading Log #2

2 February 2012- Page 103 Our people believed that there were demons and ghosts everywhere that tortured the Jew, wracked the body, and terrorized his soul. I think that this passage includes symbolism, irony, and juxtaposition. The symbolism in this passage is that the demons and ghosts that tortured the Jew can be represented by many figures throughout history, one of the most known being Hitler and the Nazi regime. Not only did the Nazis proceed to imprison and kill many Jews, but they also did exactly as the quote says. They tortured countless people and terrorized countless souls in the quest for power. The demons and ghosts could also represent a lesser, yet still hateful, crowd, the common crowd. As Reuvens dad went on with his story, he explained to Reuven how much people all across Europe hated the Jews. Although each with their separate reasons, they still terrorized and tortured Jews, they just did it spiritually and verbally. I also find this passage ironic because of how the father makes it sound past tense although, in all reality, it still goes on today. No matter what we do, we will not be able to get rid of racism. But, Reuvens dad makes it seem hopeful, as if it all has gone away, even though many people still dislike the Jews. As for juxtaposition, when you combine tortured the Jew, wracked the body, and terrorized his soul it really touches

Creek 2 you so much more. In this modern day and age we hear and have heard about people being tortured, and people terrorizing communities. But, when all of the above happen to one group of people over and over again that is just unforgiveable. 13 February 2012- Page 174 The flys tiny black legs flayed the air fiercely, then its wings were free again, buzzing noisily, but its body remained glued fast. This symbolizes Reuvens experience with his eye surgery in the hospital. When his eye was hit by the baseball, his body and wings were stuck to the web. The web symbolizes the new way Reuven looks at things and how he is somewhat stuck in his new world of belief. When the surgery on Reuvens eye came out as a success, this is a symbol of the flys wings coming free of the web. The wings symbolize his eyes and his emotional being, while the flys body symbolizes his physical being. In the story, Reuven, after the eye surgery, looks at everything in his life differently. Although his body is still stuck to the web (his physical being hasnt changed) his wings have escaped the web (his mind is now free from his its previous restraint, and he sees things differently. 13 February 2012- Page 193 He walked bent forward, as though there were some kind of enormous burden on his shoulders. This passage, although it is a simile, is actually quite true. It is obvious why it is a simile, but it is also true because this passage is linked to Reuvens father. His father, with his weekly rallies and numerous speeches, is extremely busy. In a way, he actually is carrying a burden on

Creek 3 his back though. On various occasions it says that Reuvens father carries around a satchel with him. So, whos to say he didnt sometimes carry it on his back with the strap on his shoulders? 13 February 2012- Page 217 But the eye that blinks, that is something. This passage is symbolism. The speaker (I think it was either Danny or Reuvens father) was comparing the span of someones life to eternity and how it was a mere blink of an eye. The speaker says that the time someone lives on this earth (in the book he said but the blink of an eye compared to an eternity is nothing) is hardly worth noting. But, the person who lives the life is the one worth noting (But the eye that blinks, that is something.). I think that this is because every day more and more people are born every day, not one of them being more important than each other. But, once in a while comes a different person, I guess you could say. This person usually lives just as long as any other person, which is why we cant note their life. But, they, on many occasions, are genius and can definitely be noted for their life achievements. 13 February 2012- Page 226 His frustration over it went up and down like a barometer This passage is a simile and symbolism. It is a simile because it is comparing to unlike things using like. Then the symbolism is relating (this whole passage is talking about Danny) to his frustration at the whole situation he is stuck in with his father. This is also ironic because the textbook definition for barometer is an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure. Commonly, people full of anger are related to as full of hot air, which is why it is ironic a barometer, which measures pressure, is used. Anyways, back to the symbolism. There is also

Creek 4 another common saying the tense air. I think that saying applies perfectly to the situation between Danny and his father. With his father not talking to him, and his fathers outbursts over the simplest topics, the air is very tense. That saying also goes back to irony with the barometer. 13 February 2012- Page 235 Silence was ugly, it was black, it leered, it was cancerous, it was death. This passage is a metaphor, symbolism, and truth. It is a metaphor because it is saying something was something else. But, it is also symbolism because of all that represents silence. First, when it says silence is ugly that is symbolism because they are both terrible to look at and nobody tends to like either. Then, with silence being black, they both are terribly dark and cover up what really matters and what you are really trying to see. Also, they both represent something bad or the end or death. Next, saying silence leered, they both sit there staring at you and although nothing bad is happening you know something will. Then, silence being cancerous has a wide array of different meaning. First off, they both spread like wild fire if not treated properly. Second, if caught early there is a good chance that both can be ridded of. Last, they both sit there undetected at first but after a short while causing many problems. Last, silence is like death because it is the last thing that happens and can be the very worst. 13 February 2012-Page 264 And his eyes seemed large behind his shell rimmed glasses. This passage is about Dannys frail little brother. The passage is symbolism. The eyes symbolize the boys metaphorically large heart while the glasses represent his fragile body. His body is aching and slowing failing, inside is his trapped heart just waiting to do well. But, with

Creek 5 his eyes representing his goodness, this story shows just how easily that can be taken away from him. Lets make an example of Reuven and say that a baseball is a disease. If it hits the boys eye (large metaphorical heart) hard enough, it can surely cause some permanent damage.

13 February 2012-Page 267 The tzaddik sits in absolute silence, saying nothing, and all his followers listen attentively. This passage is symbolism. This is because sometimes it isnt what you say that changes things, it is what you dont say. In the case of this quote, many people blindly follow the tzaddik (religious leader) because their religion tells them that the tzaddik is right. They believe so strongly in the religion that they will blindly do what they are told because they believe it is right. This is also a bit ironic, because Reuven is a very religious Jew and he also blindly follows his religion. But, due to his baseball incident, he almost did start to literally blindly follow. As I was originally saying, with some people it is better to leave some silence in there to let them interpret it in their own way. If you give them a base understanding of the idea, then leave just a little bit to the imagination, this really helps people further their understanding of things. 13 February 2012- Page 280 Our lives would separate like the branches overhead that made their own way into the sunlight. This passage is symbolism. The branches symbolize Reuven and Danny, while the sunlight symbolizes their separate prosperous lives. As Reuven looks up, he sees some branches

Creek 6 that stemmed from the same original branch. This makes him think of his long friendship with Danny, and how they will soon have to separate. Just like the branches, Reuven and Danny have had a long time together and dont really want to separate, but it is inevitable that they will have to.

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