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Generic Lesson Plan Form

Subject: Comprehension/Fluency Walk-To__ Activity: Mad Libs Worksheet_ Setting: Classroom_ _# of Students:__6____

Statement of Objective: *Observable/Measurable (A,B,C,D) *GLCE/IEP Materials: *Prepared and organized *Available for all Opening: *Gain attention/motivate *Activate prior knowledge ~link/relate; assess; prepare for new learning (e.g. vocabulary) *State goals/set purpose ~explain task: why, what, how, and when for strategies *Clear directions

GLCE: R.WS.04.01 explain how to use word structure, sentence structure, and prediction to aid in decoding words and understanding the meanings of words encountered in context. Objective: Given worksheet students will have an 80% success rate. Teacher: Copies of worksheet (6) Student: Pencils, walk-to folder, context clues sheet. Ask the students what it means to use context clues and how they can help us. Explain that it is important to use context clues to fill in missing words in a story. We will be doing a mad libs activity to help us understand how we can read the whole story and choose the best word that fits in the sentence.


All the students in this small group have difficulty with fluency and comprehension and have been placed in my group for this reason. This activity will help them understand context clues more.

Presentation: Teacher: *Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T) *Organizational framework ~construct, clarify, and link concepts in a meaningful context *Present visually, verbally, kinesthetically, real world (e.g. LESH) *Model and think aloud to make visible ~language practices/processes ~learning strategies and adaptations (how, when and why) ~organization, relationships, and clues *Transfer of control ~students explain, justify, clarify, etc. *Clear directions *Check for understanding ~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt probe/question (in ZPD) ~assess/error drill ~monitor and adjust instruction Students: *Participation ~overt and active ~instructional dialogue, think aloud, explain, justify, evaluate, etc. Guided Practice: *Activity related to presentation/objectives *Active student participation ~provide rationale for assignment ~multi-sensory and real world ~instructional dialogue *Transfer of control ~students explain, justify, clarify, think aloud *Check for understanding ~ensure high success rate ~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt, probe/question (in ZPD)

I will pass out the worksheets to all the students. I will explain the directions of the activity using choral reading. I will write the first 2 examples on the board and do a think aloud as to how I would do the activity. I will then ask if there are any questions.

I am having the students do choral reading with me so they dont feel singled out but it will be activating knowledge and helping them hear fluent reading.

I will have the students read the story out loud: each student will read 2 sentences and then pass to the next student. After the story is read, the students will complete the worksheet. This will be done independently.

I am having all the students read the worksheet so they are familiar with the words and the content of the story. This will also insure that they have read the story at least once, which is important when learning context clues.

Individual Practice: ~assess/error drill ~monitor and adjust instruction *Management/monitoring ~scan, circulate, assess, support, praise Closing: *Adequate time *Students summarize content and accomplishments *Assess/identify new goals *Link to future learning

When there is 2 mins left in the class I will see how far the students are. If they are mostly done I will collect them. If they still have or more to complete then they will keep their papers and we will do the activity on Monday.

Reflection: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

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