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Blaike walked down the hall to detention with Prof. Snape nervously.

*Flash back to earlier that day* And what excuse do we have today as to why we re late to class THIS time Ms. Terrence? drawled the greasy haired Professor as Blaike tip toed into class hoping not to be noticed. Well, sir, you see started Blaike smirking Me and a few Gryfindors were off by the womping willow trying to find the knob to get to the shack so we could go get a smoke but a first year came by and got hurt so I took him to the infirmary and THAT S what made me late you see! So I was saving someone s life. Sighing, the potions master gave her a look that said How-do-they-come-up-with-thisshit? See me after class Terrence, the grumpy professor all but growled at her Now everyone, your assignment is on the board if you paid any attention to my lecture yesterday this should be excruciatingly easy to you. You have the next two class days to finish. Your groups are also on the board. Begin. *End of Flash Back* He was really mad when he had talked to her after class. It seemed to be more than just her excessive tardies to potions class. Maybe Snape just needs a girl friend or something. Thought Blaike as she walked trying to loosen up, to, like, release tension or something *gasp sound* I could set him up with that new Muggle Studies professor! Maybe he d be a little more cheerful then! Now, Blaike knew this plan probably wouldn t work out. But it was worth a shot! And detention was the perfect time to begin the first stages. Soon she reached the door to Snape s office and knocked by this time having to work to refrain from looking excited. Taking a deep breath Blaike was about to knock when Snape called Come in. How does he DO that?! Thought Blaike as she opened the door and walked in. His office was small compared t most professor s but roomy and seemed to get the job done. Snape impatiently gestured for her to sit in the chair opposite his desk, interrupting her thoughts. Now, Blaike, started Snape seeming almost tired You have to understand, I didn t give you this detention because I m the mean potions teacher. To be honest I couldn t give a damn what students think of me. I gave it to you because you re a great student and you re throwing it away! Blaike furrowed her eyes in confusion How so? asked Blaike, seemingly oblivious to his point. You were top of my class all year and, frankly, every other class you were in for that matter from what I ve heard from your other professors! But lately all your grades have been plummeting. Drawled Snape seeing past her ruse of not knowing her intellectual levels you ve stopped turning in

papers and essays, your projects and assignments are lacking the level of sheer effort and intellectual prowess they used to have just one month ago. You re always tardy and have even been missing meals! The more her potions master spoke the more she sank in her seat not wanting to see what he was leading on to. What I want to know Blaike, is what happened? asked the worried professor if you were twenty years older a person standing back would chalk it up to either burn out or depression. But a girl your age shouldn t have that issue! And if you were I would hope you would confide in someone. That comment was the last straw for Blaike who promptly let her shoulders slump and look at her professor numbly, How can I professor when I don t even know where to start? asked Blaike helplessly or where I m even ALLOWED to start?! You must understand that some things aren t something to be discussed with your average trusted adult ! Others are just too hard, or flat out unexplainable! Professor Snape sat back and thought about what she was saying. He knew all too well what it was like to be unable to share something with others around him. From a very young age in fact. He also knew what it was like to bear those kinds of burdens alone, especially as a teenager. It was daunting. I understand. Very well in fact. Said Snape quietly seemingly in another world, snapping out of it he continued Tell you what, You can tell me whatever it is on your chest every Wednesday and I won t tell anyone unless I deem it a danger to yourself or those around you, if I do you can go to the Headmistress and see to it that I m fired. And in return you can ask me anything, no matter how personal and I will tell you the truth. That way we are on an equal playing field neither giving more than the other. Deal? Blaike thought about his proposal for a long while in silence, as if pondering the gravity of her next decision. Finally, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Blaike gave him an answer. So . ANYthing I want to know right? she asked quirking her eyebrow. Snape nodded his head not wanting to know what she meant by that. Hmmm, okay. But on one condition. Said Blaike smirking. And what is that Ms. Terrence? asked Snape sounding increasingly formal. If after three weeks, you re still single, I get to set up on a blind date with whomever I choose. Said Blaike smiling like the Cheshire cat at the rock and hard place she had put her professor in.

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