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Inscribed by R.A. Miller III {Rameses Paa Thalan}

3-6-2012 _ Black Light Illuminati Scroll

The Three Terms Will Be Broken Down In This Brief Scroll. Many of us have been intrigued about the term illuminati and this elite group referred to as the illuminati. Let me first explain this travelers, your perception of any thing is the key to it being good or clear {as in clarity/clairvoyant} and evil or unclear {as in confusing/chaos}. Unless you have been initiated in this so called new world order or illuminati then you do not have the tools or resources to cast judgment. Now, when we are dealing with the English language {phonetically linked to Anglo, where they used kenning research} we have to go beyond the definition in some instances. A definition is biased to the


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definer rather than the meaning. So, let me show you how the connotation of the words black, light, and illuminati have SHIFTED your perception to an illusion, rather than the reality of what is being stated. Let us begin with illuminati.

Illuminati 1. Persons possessing, or claiming to possess, superior enlightenment. 2. (Initial capital letter) a name given to different religious societies or sects because of their claim to superior enlightenment.

The word illuminati comes from the Latin word illuminatus meaning enlightened which is the past participle of illuminare. The Latin term illuminare in fact, links the word

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illuminati to the word illumination. Illumination is the fact or condition of being illuminated and spiritual enlightenment. Illumination comes from the Latin word illuminationem which again is the past participle of illuminare meaning to throw into light, make bright, light up;" figuratively "to set off, or illustrate. Illuminare comes two parts; in {in, into} plus (+) lumen or generally luminis {light}, which is related to lucere meaning to shine. Lucere links the words Illuminate, Illumination, and light back to the PIE word (Proto-IndoEuropeon research) leuk meaning light or brightness. So now, after going in depth into the definition and meaning of illuminati, you can see that we are talking about a state of light. When we see black light illuminati, we realize

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that the word, illuminati, is referring to the state or condition of the light; which in this case is black light. Also, this can be the same when you see the term illuminati when referring to this group that is supposed to run the world.

The Illuminati is the state of being illuminated by a specific light and is the same as The Illuminated not the illuminators.

Do you follow travelers? Let us move forward into the next part, which is light.

3-6-2012 _ Black Light Illuminati Scroll Light 1. Something that makes things visible or affords illumination. 2. Physics. a. Also called luminous energy, radiant energy. electromagnetic radiation to which the organs of sight react, ranging in wavelength from about 400 to 700 nm and propagated at a speed of 186,282 mi./sec (299,972km /sec), considered variously as a wave, corpuscular, or quantum phenomenon. b. a similar form of radiant energy that does not affect the retina, as ultraviolet or infrared rays.

Let us key in on or focus on definition 2a, where it states that light is also called luminous energy {as in I-luminous} or radiant energy. The reason being, is so we may realize that light is not only visible and the only light we can see is the visible portion of the electrical magnetic radiation spectrum.

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So when you hear or see the word light, know that it is referring to electromagnetic radiation, which shows a wave like behavior as it travels through space. As it hits the retina of the eye, electrical impulses or stimulation is sent to the brain and the mind interprets what pattern of energy it is. When we hear the axiom nothing rests, everything is in motion, we can over stand the wisdom in this all, wise, right, and exact statement. Nothing rests because everything in the material universe is composed of sub atomic energy, which is always in motion. You would not be able to see the light portion that is visible if it were not for motion. There for the only constant, as stated by my master teacher, is change. So when we see the words light and illuminati together, we may now begin to realize the essence of what is

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being stated. We know that illuminati is referring to being illuminated by a specific light and now we realize that light is electromagnetic energy that moves through space in a wave like behavior. So now what is energy?
Energy 1. The capacity for vigorous activity; available power. 2. An adequate or abundant amount of such power.

The term energy comes from the Middle French word energie, coming from the Late Latin word energeia, which stems from the Greek word energeia meaning activity or operation, which also comes from the word

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energos meaning active or working. The Greek word energos is composed of en {at} and ergon {work, that which is wrought, business, or action}. The word ergon connects the English terms energy and urge together and links both words back to the PIE root word werg, which means to work. Urge comes from the Latin word urgere and means to press hard, push, drive, or compel. Is this not what energy does to people? Does energy not push, drive, or compel beings to work or complete a task? What is supposed to happen when the sun rises in the morning? The light or energy from the sun {rayay} is supposed to compel you to get up. Then, the same light or energy is supposed to push you to work and also is supposed to drive you to complete your

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work. The male point in time {atum rayay} of the sun pulls you up from your sleep. The female point in time {atun rayay} of the sun compels you to work hard as your support. rayay} gives you the drive to complete your The ashan (2nd) male point in time {amun work. The ashan (2nd) female point in time {anun rayay} of the sun presses hard on the ailments and stress of working all day and prepares you for the next day (renewal). So now we over stand what is meant by light illuminati.

A ___, light illuminati, is referring to something being filled with energy {light} to complete a specific task.

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What light are you illuminated by?

Now, oh patient traveler, before we move into what is meant by Black light illuminati, let us address this first. If anyone refers to the illuminati or being illuminated, the logical question to ask would be, by what? If it is by light, then what kind of light? If it is a color of light, then why is it limited to the visible light spectrum, where our retina is capable of responding to it? Then, where is the light coming from? Do you follow traveler? Have you been walking with me so far?

If So, Let Us Continue On Traveler!


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1. Lacking hue and brightness; absorbing light

without reflecting any of the rays composing it.

The word black comes from the old English word blc meaning dark, which come from the Proto-Germanic word blakaz meaning burned. Blakaz links the word back to the PIE word bhleg which means to burn, gleam, shine, or flash. Note that the word black, defined as lacking hue and brightness, is rooted from the word bhleg that means burn (which can cause brightness), gleam, shine, and flash. The word bhleg links the word black to the word flame and both go


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back to the PIE root word bhel meaning to shine, flash, or burn. So now, what is a flame?
Flame 2. Burning gas or vapor, as from wood or coal, which is undergoing combustion; a portion of ignited gas or vapor. 3. Often, flames. The state or condition of blazing combustion.

So when we say black light, we are referring to the life force energy, which is in a state of blazing combustion (as in the sun and birth of the sun/motion/vibration). We are talking about this energy that is in all and is all


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expanding. When you are illuminated by black light, you are filled with the energy to complete the work of the life force energy that existed before, what is generally called, light. So when my family chants or prays, we state I am a part of the all expanding and the all is a part of me.

This statement may be over stood in this moment!

One of my brothers asked me, if black doesnt reflect any light, and light is needed for the eyes to see, when you are able to see the color black or the state of black. How are your eyes able to do so?


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The answer is in a simple question. Do you actually see with your eyes? As stated by my master teacher, in the video the hidden meaning of freemasonry in egipt, all intelligence, all thinking, has its birth or origin in darkness; meaning, there is no light inside your head, at this moment. So when you see anything, you look outward apparently and reflect the image inward. So in order to see, you dont see this way:


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You see this way:

And therefore youre sending light inward to darkness, and when it gets inside the head, you follow, through the eyes, through the optic nerve, then it triggers with the brain; therefore the intelligent point, or the point of decision, or deciding what I am looking at, how tall it is, how bright it is, how fat it is is done in darkness. And it takes the


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intelligence to make that decision. You follow what Im saying? It doesnt take the ability to cut on the light to use the intelligence. The intelligent factor is done in the darkness. Thus god is, in actuality, being the source of all intelligence, dwells in darkness. And later on Dr. York states .but black, not being a color but a state, existed before darkness. You see, because dark-ness is telling you it has a state, it has a degree of itself. DARK-NESS! If there is darkness then there is less of darkness. And furthermore, my master teacher states, .so when you reach down inside the human being, right, in the mind, Do You Find Light or Darkness? And in that darkness you find reason,


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decision, and thought. So realize now that when the phrase, Black Light Illuminati, is used we are referring to the intelligent life force energy or light within the mind.

The black light illuminati, is referring to the physical being, filled up with energy {light} to complete the work or task of the mental.
Some of my family question the purpose of my endeavors of writing, as our master teacher has written over 400 books on just about every topic. They question without realizing that if this was not meant to happen then I would not have the energy to complete

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these scroll, which this one was written in less than a day. I would not even be interested to find the facts within the truth of the illuminati theory in this day and time. I am truly in the divine love of the all expanding as all love is in me. Remember This, Which Was Bestowed Upon Me From My Great Master Teacher, We Can Be All That We Wish In The All, As Long As Our Wish Is To Stay With In The All.

I hope you have enjoyed the dynamic research of R.A. Miller III {Rameses Paa Thalan}. Presented By Green Flame Constellation.

3-6-2012 _ Black Light Illuminati Scroll

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3-6-2012 _ Black Light Illuminati Scroll

Post-Inscription Note:
I Would Like To End This Scroll By Giving Praise To The Most High. Nothing Would Exist If It Was Not Willed By The Most High. Nuk Qadur Najuh Amma Qasam-un shil Paa Pat, Wu Khabub Amma Shakhas-un

I Can Succeed as a part of The All, and fail as an individual.


3-6-2012 _ Black Light Illuminati Scroll

I want you to know personally that I appreciate you so much. We are never by ourselves. We are all connected by way of the conscious life force energy that exists within all existence (Aether9). I appreciate you giving time and energy to connect with me. Peace, Love, and Light Be With You - R.A. Miller III

3-6-2012 _ Black Light Illuminati Scroll

Paa Munzal Meen Paa Nazdaru: Amun Nabab Rayay Akhakh Ptah Djedtwy Shil Paa Hanutu


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Join The Ancient Egiptian Order Today! More info at {}


3-6-2012 _ Black Light Illuminati Scroll

Feather Of Truth Quote

"The feather of truth, To Me, Means the Ability to fly without the Extra Weight. As in, if you Are Truthful in your life, when its time to start again, you wont be attached to this life because your heart is light (in weight). For Me, I know its Not about Judgment from someone Else rather Than My Own Self. Notice how the self is within the fles(h) or The Anti Self Is Flesh, Density, Weight. Look At It in This way { sel - F - les } And In The Middle Lies The (F)eather. Which One Will We Choose?" - R.A. KALFANI {GFC}


3-6-2012 _ Black Light Illuminati Scroll


Inscribed by R.A. Miller III {Rameses Paa Thalan} Presented By

Where Innovation meets Inspiration


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