Mac Mock Month1

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's} Losk omd reod:



cf TeEevisiosc!

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ti tl


Mr Chips was a lowely old rrrarr. He always hrad a srnile on his face. Mr Ckrips lowed people- He al'rnrays had a kind word tcl say to eweryone. Mr Chips loved his garden, r.vtrere he grelv florazers and wegetables. Everyone liked Mr Chips" Everything was fine - until the day he got a televisior-l set. Mr Chrips decided to buy a telewision set trecar-rse he was lonely in ttre ewenings r.vhen he krad nothing to do. Mr Chips thougtrt telewisiorl was wonderfut. He lowed to watchr sport. He loved to razatch fikns" tstlt best of all he lorzed to tvatch the advertisernents. Mr Chips thotlght threy l^/ere a.s good as all thre sho-ws. But soon Mr CFrips began to get annoyed. He raras only able to watch one chrannel at a tirne. He rnras rnissing all thre otkler good prograrrrrrres on the othrer channels. He decided to buy a wideo tcr record ttre prograrrrrnes h.e r,vas rnissing. Ewerytkring r,rra.s fine for a strort tirne.
Tkren Mr Chips got annoyed again- When he went into the kitchen to make hirnself sornething to eat kre was not able to watctr television. So he rnoved his kitchen into his living roorn! He rnoved in his cooker and his fridge. He rri.oved his bed in as weli. He did n"ot frave to leave his roorn at atrl. F{e spent alJ" day and rnost of the night watching television. He did not have tirne to do any rnore garderring so he sold his garden. He spent the rnoney he got on rnore television sets. Now he had lots of television sets in his room. He had a different prograinrrre orr each set. He watched lots of prograrnmes at thre sarne time. It was very noisy. Soon tkrere was rlo roorn for any rrore television sets. His room was fultr of thern but Mr Chips did not care. He Cid not go ou.t anymore. He never saw his friends" FIe never talked to anyone" The only thing he ever did was watch television. Mr Chips had becoryre a television addict!



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*iai **,-*


bll Answer ?&re followireg questions: 1. Wss /vlr" Chips c lovely old rnqn?
2. Whst did he do vuith fhe rnoney ofter selling fhe qorden?

c) True or Folse:

- Folse 2. Mr. Chips rnovad his television set irafo the bqthnoom" Tnue - Fqlse 3. rn the er,ld nMr. chips become o television oddict. True - Folse

At f inst avlr. chips lovec his gondeal.


Questiors 2:
Cors"sp8ete" us6ng

q wond from filie box:

button - spocesuifs

dia)- clows

1. AstronoLlts weqr

when they

fly to the mson.



hos very shorp


3. Press the

when you turm o*


4. Turn the
Qq.lestiom 3:


cnd turn on the fsn.


ver4 hof fodoy.

Eo os

broekefs: L. We were in the club yesterdoy.

showna iaq


2. Why did you rnoke



fqther osked


3. The Ahly Teom ployed well. They won th'e


rnofch. (Join)

are harc bones on the heqd of sonne animols. (complate) They wslked to schooi lost Sundoy" ([..lser nof)


.r\.yil .:.rt'i.;:,l r !rf?$f,.!i{{:}fri: 4rJ'

,al( .:rrr*i*i:r,,r,,rrr /.r,rr,.,\r;,




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l.:rrr1qrrrc5..r" 1s 1'L'!v" l 'i li91'6l i - ri dylrr t

,lJ ' *l ,...-:**t# r i ;i,' -..*Jl *6q -tg** t,:c.x*..i* t ;L=*2* oa4loa ;area -.5*l *r.a,+,r*

*' ,*

L.s.. "_.-/ i JA., 5 '

Ques?ion 4: l{fgfe the nome



Qusesf iom 5:

"The Ef;ephomt's Child"


Answar the foilowing qs.les?ions: 1. Where did the Elephont's Child

2. Why did the Elephonf 's child leove tPre melons skins on the ground?

Question 6:

thc beg6mnimg of t$'ae sfony. Thsen Fdnish the esriddle amd fhe
The Greedy






. /x.:l:q-rdr4r;r14&gLt ,i\,a:l t*, !:s!rr Xr?r'rc .'\. 1r,re;rrrr t*r.rti!trr.-.Rl l6-t':,.-,,I'l"lru[:.r]r

- | -,:re "4.;';:r!1ir,$ r:r 13,61rir rq.r.r'tw - { I i" r,sri:r




.4.1,.,5i Ir;rci !'

*+.---i' j..."*r1f I *]r-****:j'*.Yi I iJ.r1 * :' a;bi ***, r.rp 1'-:*.1 I ",so- + s"*i ! ";f r.1*, *Lxdl - **r 3*

$",. ;L.r1e* _

These words cre goiyrg to

(greeay - osKed - thrn storte/d - stuck)

heEp you:

-trefd - qfe - cou|dn't - fqt


- for:llt -fdod-

fhot wos h{Jngny. l-{e looked for something to eat. He looked here,there ond evenywhere. F.Ne didn'f find ony food" While seonching,he smelled fhe food insideJhehole of atree. |.{e jumped ond got inslde the hole.

One doy,there wqs o thin fox


hungry fox found o lot of fosd insrde. Ha


to esf gneedily. The more

f inished the whole food



fhe rilone he become ..... He ond storfed to gef out of the

tree. to get ouf of thetree hole. l-le tried ond fried, but he... ........ F.{e..".... ... im the hola ond couldn'f gef out. The fox .".... fon help. The old fox heord him ond went to seehimt. When he found him stuck in the hola, he soid, "you qre o fox. You ote a lot of .. ond yCIu becorne f,qt". The old fox
contimued, ogoin".

The woff


"It's your


You'll wqit in the hole until you becorne thin



,L :,a.*

<.i+,t.,;:u3l ,*_.lill r.,,*;i:/ t *lr*-S("*:l t il*if4;;--3* e,FL/ ..**.r:*-Jl -r.f-J/1 +rar --, ra

fdock Exem 3
QurcStion li" o) !-ook amd read:

The Supenscurus
This big bona

from o Superso{-irus.


died o long f ime ogo.

Supersouruses wetrelorEe dinosours. They lived obout 150 million yeors

SupersourLlses were \tery big onir^nols. They were 3C rnef res !ong"

Thst's three timres loruger thon o bus! They were tr7 rnetres high. They hod long toils ond long necks. Their heqds wsre srnclf . Thay had four legs. Their f ront legs ware shorten thqn thair bock legs" They wslked

Supersouruses were vary heovy. They weighed obor:t 50,000 kilogr.orns.

Elephonts living in Africo fodoy weigh only oboLtt 6,000 kilognorrrs. 5o

SupersoLlnLlses were much heovier thsn elephcnts!

Supersouruses lived in forests ond ote leoves from trees ond other plonts. Bacouse they wqre such big, heovy onin'nols, they needed to eot o lot eoch doy. Their long necks helped them to reoch leqves high up in

the trees of fhe forest. Scientists think thot boby Supersouruses come from eggs. Thay olso think thot Supersouruses lived fon obouf 100 years!



the followfrag questiorBs:

did Supensouruses hsve?

1. l"{ow mony legs


Whot did Supersounuses eot?

3. Whene

did Supensounuses Iive?

4. How long were Supersourusas?

5. Did boby SupersourLlses corne f rom eggs?

Quesf iors 2:

eornplete, usiarg a ryqrd f,nom the box:

whiskers - Brls'h - eyebr'aws - gosped

1.My gr"ondpo hos got bushy

2.ylity brofher
t J.

in surpnise when ha ssw tha new bedroorn.

buttons ond Net tha msehina wonk. 4. Tigers, lions, cofs and dogs hove got

. the

Do os shown irl brcckets:

1. Omor and Hishom poialted




2" Stond


miss Shereen shouited

3. The f lowars look beoutifr.ll. They smell bod.



is s nrochine we, use

ts see f sr things.

t..' ir r n* ! vl*,t'\ ;': { r !t r' I k ! 1 :;;:.a:N .i i\ ,.\rr:ll i;,rr:i.rl!r tri*{.ii:*:tf !:. *-*i i$>;rr:1,a111 15 ''!r*t,l.t!rrflr . l rtri6rr:r6;*' '\r",*ri, 1q"a!. lsir. ! itrlgr;,i tr,,.x;;:rl
.,rc. I
;i h

A i ---,\ i::-li :.irt.* .r\

i - i.ii:6 i


I I l"

,r *d?fr"inf s*;ts1,.. , , : Jv;nx;iJ; -L,r*u,&,;if :tr,;i*S *;* rg,Jt +-;ar:r--' a*is FF?J+ -\4Fa -.dL*ls -.*c al*l *,r*

5. The boy wos veny sick yestendoy"

(Use: not)

Aueggionr 4: Wn6fe fhe nam'ae of, eae h wond:

/ ,"1 {',,,,.. .,,i2 L. i-7 a;t;-:/ ^6^aF.\




1) {)






"Tha Elephont's Child"

folEomr6rtg qLlestdons:


1. Wos

the ElepFront's Child cfroid of Crocodifle?

2. Whst did the Elephonf 's ch;ld wqnf fo know?

QLsesfion 6:



fhge plct'ures. Them, wrF?e yo{ln owm stony:

The Fox

orcci Th{e enow


"rll.-.'\ ;.jlilit.r +1il,--ll{:+;r.r"if" r'l i'-s-rr ra!*l+ A--! r.ra t:urr /.r rr.'j\dlii{dri:itrt [$]ii*.'iiti]flif {:-:l: q$::'tf:r,!:r}! "r"l:w1,!E;+al'z A.r.rl. i,. 1..;trr:Hrr;cWc ae.!,aerv t illl:r+i la r:: grr'ra

! a*i-";;.* ;'! ) +: r-*$*:f !.f 1^1: -i,+"t?*Jl ""3.r*.;,}.i ;+--:- *-t-. *l,er*:-*




These words ore goinE

to help you:

(piecytffiie,ese - bedk - o brorlch of a tree - looffid - tolKed - eVEs - t Tdthers Aeaut"r+-il - v.oicl - opetled he,rrq$outh -,s-de - d" - "Thonkflou!" - rer'! owoy)
One doy,

u '*:

*,.'qp?' ;*s..***.(;-*-J a ' ...** , ' 1ry-J I *j r-.f? +lar *,*


&&:=,-i1 ;.*-r?l

| :',\t%4 ;"*-fe c*- tjl


to{qqk Exoys'$ 2

s) t-ook

smd resd:


Long ago there was a town with a b carne to buy and seii ali scrts of things there. Cne day an otrd man went ta the market to buy scme vegetables. F{e saw iots of people. In the middle of them was a strong man" Everyone was afraid of him. ?he stlong man a big heavy rock with him. some people tried tc iift it but it was too heavy for thern. Thre strcng man said, 'Look at me. i can lift this heavy rock.' The man bent down and took hold of the heavy rock. He pulied and putrled. Ftris face went redder and redder. 51ow1y he lifted the rock above his head" 'l am the strongest man in the world,' he cried. Then sorneone sirouted, 'You are lust like a buffalot A buffalo is strong too, but it has no sensel' The people alt taughed. The strong man was angxy. Fie saw the ctrd man smiling. 'Why are you smliing?' he shouted at him. Thre old man said, 'You may be strcng, but you are very proud. you cannot iaugh at yourself.' The strong man felt t'aolish. He looked down at the gnound and watrked away. After that, no-one was afraid of him any more.

.."n ll rr* :* r rr*:t l jit .'&,i? l'i ;r a' ! {u i t ;dr\ t s (: .,\:xl1;1rL,,.1i X.1,qs{ii}t;trl"::1ix,1:.f,$rni:;ti{:;r,r!''{"llyf.;;tc.fl

i$- r\

a,L1;;j:, .yA J'-gEr;r.ali"

1y r.u'**,



l ;rrr74rrir6;r" l.:81:r fi, cr'!.il:r l

, te!*eJ, ,r*a;rt*;]t

a,;.r-x ;i* t ;i"i ;**lil;*,:r



*ji***+, *j:',r*? a,*iir u*l*]>, .;.qs* ;f,*r _-_, 1+

b'! Ac'lssuer the folBowif,lg -ques?9ons: 1. Cid tha story ts$<e plcce,?

2. Whot did tFre old


wont fo buv


tha rqlqrket?

3" Who wos in the middle

of o!l t$re people?

4. WhV did evenyor'le louqh of the stronq mon?

Qr,restion 2:

Complete. usinE o word from fhe box:

oolra- pirl I - gq4t" Please

. the swifches ond


turn on the light.


?. The old men hqve got bushy eyebrows ond o long

3. 4. A.:

the door when you open it. ,.... is avery blg door.

Question 3: Do os shown 6n bnockets: 1. They trqveled to Csiro lost week"



I did rny homework

my sister soid

3. The f lowers look

beoutiful. They smell niee. (Jo in)



. is not reol onimol.

5. The boy wos very sick yesterdoy.

(Use: not)


6..*_i: ,a-.t'| :q: o*.*S.*,? I i-;if*;* o, "*;ii: *dq*r.#Jl L{,7*J*1 4ng nalt 4.;,4** *",e' . f, la

"The Elephont's Child" ,Answer fhre followinE questions: 1. Did the elephcnts hove trunks?
2. Whot did Crocodile qsk fhe Ele,phont's child to do? Why?


Qsestien 6:Look

of the nictures

The Shopping Trip







i.',r:r r '* !ai:.r +\;-! n-rr r,rr, !r.o ', o.i,rrr tre.rtitrrr,n,l ti-rr.r<-rro { rlyl'"a}' 1 i',rr}{rr:rii* '.\r;rlr',

."\.! .,"rx. r,,$r,rro. ..l\.1-$ii lg;r n-l


*+ ,,..a l h r

4?'t4tJ . r .gi ",dF






fil .'- "li i

' narlf I " 3J *! 4rJ-+:uF! .#Jl 4::-:d,-F {Jr*".}'_ lt"x-l *, rs

l-o ;.4s-

These words qe.e goiilg

fo hetp you:

Cne doy,

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