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M A T H E M A T I C S Subject: Mathematics Class: 4 Optimis Time: 11.50 1.10 p.m. 4 O P T I M I S Learning Area Learning Objectives : Standard Form : Students will be taught to: 1.1 Understand and use the concept of significant figures 1.2 Understand and use the concept of standard form to solve problems. : Students will be able to: 1.1 (i), (ii),(iii) 1.2 (i), (ii),(iii),(iv) : Standard Form :Understand and use the concept of significant figures. : Students will be able to: (i) round off positive numbers to a given number of significant figures when the numbers are: a) greater than 1 b) less than 1 : Identifying patterns : Cooperative Learning ,Mastery Learning : Systematic, Rationale, Consistent : Scientific Calculator/ Graphing Calculator/Graphmatica Software/GSP/ CD1/CD2/CD3/ Rotagram/Graph Board/Transparency/ Posters/Charts/Power Point,Word, Excel, LCD, Notebook, etc : (In Kristal/Mutiara/PIBG Computer Lab/Mathematics Room) 1) Set Induction: Recall what students learnt in Form 1- Rounding off numbers. 2) Concept Explanation /Teacher assigns students as expert groups (Cooperative Learning) to discuss Unit 1.1. 3) Explanation through examples/Each group comes in-front of class to tell others what they have discuss. 4) Guided Practice/Teacher explains 5) Enhancement Practice/ Ex. 1.1a from textbook, p 4 / from CD1/from courseware/Teacher gives her own exercises. : T& L is postponed because teacher and students were involved in Minggu Orientasi Tingkatan 4 Taklimat Ketua Bidang Kemanusiaan / Teacher is on mc/ Cuti Rehat Khas. Homework is given. T&L will be continued next week. OR Strength/s: 80% of the students managed to do the homework given. Weakness/es: 20% didnt do the homework. Improvement/s/: Teacher will monitor those who are having difficulties in doing the homework. OR 80% students were able to make conclusion and solve problems given. Teacher will give short test in the next class.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Area Learning Objective/s Learning Outcome/s

CONTOH RANCANGAN HARIAN SEMASA PEPERIKSAAN Subject : Test 1/2, Diagnostic Test, Topical Test, Intervention Program/Test, Mid-Year Examination, End-of-Year Examination, Trial Examination (SUBJECT) Learning Outcome/s: Students will be able to test their understanding during the process of learning. Activity: 1) Students answer the examination/test questions. 2) Teacher invigilates the examination/test. Moral Values: Honest, Rationale, Accountability. Reflection/s: 35/36 students managed to answer the questions. One student didnt answer the exam/test./ One student did not sit for the test/ Muhammad bin Azman did not turn up/ 1 student was absent/ five students were absent.

CCTS Generic/s Moral Value/s Teaching Aid/s



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REFLECTION/S RECORD BOOK 2012 (From Puan Azian) Majority of the students could obtain and interpret information from pie charts Strength: 90% of the students could solve problems involving angles and sides of polygons. Weakness: 20% of the students could not solve problems involving angles and sides of polygons. Improvements: Weak students need more exercises and teachers guidance./ Good students will coach weak students in the next lesson. The teaching and learning (T&L) is postponed. Teacher discussed test paper answers. Students identified their mistakes and made corrections. (From Miss Tam) Most of the students could.. Only some of the students could This lesson would be continued in the following lesson. This lesson would be carried forward in the following lesson. Objective/s of the lesson was/were achieved. (From Miss Vanaja) All students participated in the activities. All students were able to pronounce and understand the words in context. 90% of the students involved actively during class activity/activities. All students are attracted with the presentation and paid attention. 90% of the students could answer the questions. 95% of the students participated well during the activities. They are able to pronounce the words and understand the words in context. The objective/s was/were successfully achieved. Students were excited when shown LCD presentation and participated well during the question and answer (Q&A) session. 90% of the students could answer the questions asked by the teacher. T&L is postponed because teacher attended Bengkel Penggubal Soalan Matematik SPM peringkat negeri at PSPN. T&L will be continued in the next lesson. T&L is postponed because teacher & students are involved in Form 4/1 Orientation Week/ Class housekeeping/ Mesyuarat Agung Rumah Sukan.T&L will be continued in the next lesson. T&L is postponed because teacher is on mc/ crk. Strength/s: 80% / (Majority) of the students managed to answer the questions given. Weakness/es: 20% of the students had to be supervised when answering the questions. Improvement/s: Teacher has to supervise/ (will coach) the weak students in the next lesson/ Teacher will give more drilling exercises in the next lesson/Teacher will organise Math Clinic to the weaker students. The server is down. Students had to come out with their own ideas. In the next lesson, students will surf the internet to find more information.

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