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no. 2 March 2012

A Geordie welcome for Conference

For the 1st time, Liberal Democrats will be holding Federal Conference in the North East of England

Produced, printed and promoted by Jonathan Wallace, 7 Laburnum Grove, Sunniside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE16 5LY

Lib Dem Conference comes to Gateshead

Welcome to Gateshead!
Gateshead Quays has undergone a The Sage, Gateshead, venue for Spring Conference transformation during the past decade. An area that was once scared by industrial dereliction has now been transformed into a cultural centre with a national reputation. As a Gateshead resident (and Councillor) I have watched with pride as Gateshead has moved on from its past of heavy industry. The Sage, Gateshead, is a fantastic venue and Liberal Democrats in the North East have eagerly awaited the opportunity to use this architectural icon as the venue for Federal Conference. When I worked for the Liberal Democrats Policy Unit (2002-06) I bored colleagues silly about the merits of Gateshead as a venue for Conference. Now that the party is about to arrive here in force, Im confident fellow members will decide that its the first visit of many. I have produced Conference Democrat to promote the photo ops I continue to run for campaigners and to give some idea of the newsletter, photo and video services I can provide for local parties and internal organisations. Please feel free to forward it to other members if you think it will be of interest to them. Thanks Jonathan Wallace Editor, Conference Democrat

Not registered for Conference yet?

If youve not registered for Conference yet, online registration is still open at There will also be on-site registration facilities available at The Jurys Inn Newcastle Gateshead at the following times over the conference weekend: Friday 9th March 13.00 18.30 Saturday 10th March 08.30 17.30 At busy times you may experience queues at onsite registration and we strongly advise all those wishing to attend conference to pre-register via and simply collect your conference pass from on-site registration on the day.

Members newsletters - a full service

Members newsletters - they often get pushed to the bottom of the list of things to be done and often dont get produced at all. But they are an important way of keeping your local members on board and encouraging them to get involved. A full newsletter service for local parties is now available: It will be based on an A3 template containing coverage of the Liberal Democrats nationally. There will be space available for local stories provided by you. We typeset, print and mail out the newsletter to addresses you provide. The cost of the basic service is 20 plus 60p per mailing address. View some of my recent newsletters at:

The next edition will be produced after Sheffield and will cover Conference and its decision. For more information call Jonathan Wallace on 07860 730270 or email

Conference debates at the Sage, Gateshead

Conference under the spotlight
Liberal Democrats will be trying out Gateshead as a new location for Conference this weekend. The northern town seems an unlikely location for political conferences. It is, however, home to the award winning, shiny new Sage Music Hall with spectacular views of some of the most famous bridges in the UK. Liberal Democrats have been in government for nearly two years. We already have a number of successes under our belts - the rise in the tax threshold which has taken a million low paid people out of tax, the Green Bank, the guarantee that will ensure the state pension is protected and rises each year; the pupil premium, the Youth Contract and so on. These have been achieved during difficult times. Difficult choices have had to be made. Compromises on some issues have had to be reached. We have worked with another party with a different history and a differing philosophy on many issues. The result is that the UK has a more stable government than the country has had under single party rule for decades. And we have avoided the chaos and disaster that has afflicted other countries in Europe. Now that we are approaching the half way point of this fixed term Parliament (fixed because Lib Dems fixed it in Government), Lib Dems will use the conference to debate our priorities for the 2nd half of this Parliamentary term. Also on the agenda are youth employment, the environment, tax and civil liberties. As Nick Clegg said, I am confident that as a coalition government we will make further real strides forward in all of them.

Key Conference Debates

Friday 9th March 2012
15.0017.30 Consultative Session: Housing 15.0017.30 Consultative Session: Mutuals, employee ownership and workplace democracy 15.0017.30 Consultative Session: Sustainable prosperity and jobs 18.3019.30 Conference Rally Meeting the Challenge

Saturday 10th March 2012

09.20 -10.20 Policy Motion Europe 10.20 11.15 Policy motion Giving Young People a Future (Policy Paper on Combating Youth Unemployment) 11.15 - 11.35 Speeches Brian Paddick and Caroline Pidgeon 11.35 12.45 Policy Motion Making Tax Fairer 15.15 - 15.35 Speech Rt Hon Vince Cable 15.35 16.20 Policy Motion The Greenest Government Ever 16.20 17.00 Nick Clegg Q&A 17.00 -17.40 Policy Motion Public and Private Sector Pensions

Sunday 11th March 2012

09.20 09.50 F15 Emergency Motion 10.00 - 10.45 Policy motion Trusted, Professional and Effective: British Policing at its Best 10.45 - 11.45 Policy motion Civil Liberties 11.4513.00 Speech Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP

Healthy debate?
The structure of the NHS is one of the more controversial issues in politics at the moment. Some members have submitted an emergency motion calling for the Health Bill to be dropped. As yet we dont know whether this motion will be debated. Conference Committee will need to decided on Friday if it constitutes an emergency under Conferences standing orders. And if the Committee does regard it as an emergency motion, Conference representatives themselves will, if there are sufficient motions, be balloted on Saturday on which ones they want debated. Those emergency motions chosen by members will be debated on Sunday morning.

Conference debates at the Sage, Gateshead

Making tax fairer

The Liberal Democrats top election pledge in 2010 was to raise the tax threshold to 10,000 a year, taking over a million low paid people out of tax altogether and giving a tax cut to 25 million other people on low or middle incomes. This motion aims to move forward this pledge and to ensure the greater burden of the cost of reducing the deficit is carried by the wealthiest. The motion welcomes the tax measures that have been introduced by the Coalition for which Liberal Democrats had previously campaigned, such as the increase in the personal allowance, the bank levy, increases in the rate of capital gains tax on the wealthy and a crackdown on tax evasion. Reflecting recent calls by Nick Clegg, the motion calls for the raising of the personal allowance to 10,000 as soon as possible but then raises the possibility of raising it further so that no one working full time on the minimum wage would pay tax. The motion also calls for the tax system to support the creation and growth of new and small businesses. To ensure the wealthiest pay a fairer share of taxation, the motion calls for an annual levy of 1% on the value of homes that exceed 2 million. It also calls for further limits on tax relief currently enjoyed by the highest rate taxpayers. The motion concludes by arguing for the retention for the time being of the 50p income tax rate.


A Liberal Democrat History Group fringe meeting WINSTON CHURCHILL: LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE?
I am an English Liberal. I hate the Tory Party, their men, their words and their methods. These were Winston Churchills own words in 1903. As a Liberal, Churchill held high government office and along with Lloyd George was regarded as one of the driving forces of Asquiths reforming administration. Was this his true political ideology? Or should we judge his position from his re-ratting in 1924 and his long association and later leadership of the Conservatives? Churchills party politics will come under the spotlight at the History Group fringe meeting at Gateshead. Delivering their verdicts will be Professor Martin Pugh, formerly of Newcastle and Liverpool John Moores Universities and Sir Alan Beith, Liberal and Lib Dem MP for Berwick on Tweed since 1973. Chair: Baroness Diana Maddock.

8.00pm, Friday 9 March 2012 - MEC6, Sage Centre, Gateshead



EMLD lunchtime FRINGE on:

Air Passenger Duty Hike: Impact on BME Communities and the British Economy
Discussion on what effects APD will have on BAME communities and the wider British Economy when introduced in April 2012. Speakers: rep from Airport Operators Association; HE Anthony Johnson, Jamaican High Commissioner; James Jennings, Vice-Chair EMLD. Chaired by Issan Ghazni.

The Sage Gateshead, MEC 5 Saturday 10th March, 1pm - 2pm

Conference debates at the Sage, Gateshead

The Greenest Government ever

The aim of making this the greenest Government ever is recognised in a motion to be debated on Saturday of Conference. Whilst recognising the environmental gains made by Liberal Democrat ministers however, the motion expresses its concern that environmental policies are not always embedded throughout Government. The motion therefore calls on the Government to Encourage the rapid takeup of the Green Deal to ensure greater energy insulation and lower energy costs for homes; Upgrade building efficiency regulations to deliver the zero-carbon homes standard for new homes by 2016; reform the energy market to promote renewable supplies;

Lib Dem Conference will debate reform of the feed in tariff so that it benefits community schemes

reform the feed in tariff to encourage and benefit community energy schemes; increase the use of electric vehicles; ensure through the planning system that development is sustainable; end the disposal of biodegradable waste in landfill by 2015;

This motion is highly critical of David Camerons approach to the European Council meeting in December 2011 and warns of the dangers of the two speed Europe developing. The motion argues that the best way of promoting the interests of the British people is by working with other European countries on matters of common interest. Nevertheless, the motion goes on to outline the need for reform in the way the European Union is run. There should be more democratic control of institutions and decision-making. The motion also calls for the end to maintaining a deeply wasteful second Parliamentary seat in Strasbourg. The calls on the UK to play a constructive role in the EU and build alliances with others to drive forward an ambitious jobs, growth and reform agenda; support moves for European security and defence; promote greater flexibility in management of fisheries; promote completing the internal market in financial services; support moves to tackle climate change; argue for further reform of the Common Agricultural Policy to move away from subsidy of agricultural production and towards incentivising environmental protection and resource efficiency.

There will be three photo ops for campaigners at Gateshead Conference. Photos will be taken by Jonathan Wallace, who has arranged sessions at previous Conferences, so you do not need to bring a camera. For Parliamentary Candidates Association members at the PCA reception, 8.159.30pm, Friday 9th March, Northern Rock Foundation Hall, The Sage, with Nick Clegg. For all members, 5-5.30pm, Friday 9th March, The Sage, Hall, with Norman Lamb, Minister for Post Offices, about the successful Lib Dem policy to protect Post Offices For all members, 10.30-11am, Saturday 10th March, The Sage, Hall, with Ed Davey, new Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.

Photo ops for campaigners


Conference debates at the Sage, Gateshead

Giving Young People a Future

This motion is based on one of the main policy papers going to Conference. It expresses concern at the rise in the number of young jobless people, including under the previous government. It calls for all career options, including higher education, apprenticeships and on-the-job training should be treated as equally valid. Youth Contract, capital investment in infrastructure and extra apprenticeships under the Coalition are welcomed. The motion then specifically calls for: An Extention of the Youth Contract and permanently retain the guarantee for 18 year-olds to ensure all young people leaving school at 18 enter training, education or work within one year. Support for young entrepreneurs through prioritising start-up loans and mentoring for young people under the New Enterprise Allowance, and ensuring the major banks fund the development of the community banking sector, which is often better able to support local enterprise. Young people to develop their skills by: Providing loans towards living costs and additional childcare support for 1824 year olds on the first year of an apprenticeship programme, funded by both businesses and government. Increasing the number of higher level apprenticeships, which provide the best chances of future employment and ensuring wide availability of foundation level apprenticeships. Reviewing the effectiveness of Jobcentre Plus in meeting the needs of young people. Ensuring greater advice on a wider range of employment and life issues when a young person first claims Jobseekers Allowance. Enabling jobseekers to volunteer for more than 16 hours per week without losing financial support. Advertisement

Conference services for your Lib Dem organisation

Do you run an organisation in the Liberal Democrat? Are you holding a fringe meeting at the Gateshead Conference? Many members will not be able to go to Conference and many who do attend may not be able to get to all the meetings they want to. Fringe meetings are a good shop front for Lib Dem organisations but a limited attendance can mean their success can be limited as well. However, your organisations fringe meeting can reach a bigger audience by making a video of it available on the internet. I can make a video recording of your meeting and, if necessary, place it on my YouTube channel so that you can embed it on your own website. I can also take a full range of photos of your meeting. The cost of the photography service is 20 per meeting. The cost of the combined photography and video service is 50 per meeting. If required, I can edit your video into short sections for 50 per meeting. If your party organisation is interested in making use of these services, or you are interested in discussing this further, please get in touch with Jonathan Wallace by emailing or by calling 07860 730270.




1 in 6 people in the UK are disabled (10.6 million) Only about 28% claim disability related benefits 25% have experienced hate crime or harassment Only 6% use wheelchairs The average constituency has 15000 disabled voters ... & their families and friends who are ALSO voters.

Our values are the shared values of all Liberal Democrats, as stated in the Partys Constitution and summarised in this extract from it: We champion the freedom, dignity and well-being of individuals, we acknowledge and respect their right to freedom of conscience and their right to develop their talents to the full. We aim to disperse power, to foster diversity and to nurture creativity. We believe that the role of the state is to enable all citizens to attain these ideals, to contribute fully to their communities and to take part in the decisions which affect their lives.

NOW is the time to put those words ... your values ... into action for disabled people! Please Join us:Visit stand 116 at the Gateshead Conference, Go to, Write to Mrs G Roulston, 98 Colesmead Road, REDHILL, RH1 2EQ

Conference venue - new and old together

Never been to Newcastle or Gateshead before? Use the opportunity of Conference this weekend to check out some of the sites - new and old - within walking distance of the Sage. We suggest you try the following:

Above: Newcastle Castle and St Nicholas Cathedral. The castle, started by William I in 1086, was built on the site of one of the fortresses of the Roman Wall. It commands spectaculr views of the River Tyne. Right: the Baltic Art Gallery on the Gateshead Quays, the former flour mill is now one of the biggest exhibition spaces for modern art in the UK. Free entry and more great views from the top of the building.

To your right as you cross the Tyne on the train, you will see the famous bridges across the river. The above was taken from the opposite direction, from the new Gateshead Millennium Bridge (the famous Blinking Eye - see below): Tyne, Swing, High Level, Metro and King Edward Bridges.

If you are coming by train from the south to Newcastle, Geordies save the best til last. As the train crosses the King Edward Bridge across the Tyne, you will have spectacular views of the valley. To your left you will see the Dunston Staithes (see below), the largest wooden structure in Europe. We may no longer be exporting coals from Newcastle but the Staithes are a monument to the deep mining of coal, an industry that has all but disappeared from the North East.

Conference Democrat is not an official publication of the Liberal Democrats but does support the party. It is produced to promote various services for members and organisations at Conference.

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