Smart Client For Smart Grid Network

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International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

A.Phani Bhushan, 2B.Abdul Rahim M.Tech, VLSI System Design, AITS, Rajampet, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA 2 Prof & Head, Dept of ECE, AITS, Rajampet, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA e-mail: phani001@gmail.com1, bar@aol.in2

Abstract- Because of Growing environmental concerns, the electric grid needs to be more flexible, accommodate distributed power generation from renewable sources and use several energy-efficiency techniques. The electricity distribution and billing system will be upgraded. The billing per unit is more if, the power distribution is from non-renewable resources(say, peakhours) and per unit cost is low/normal while the power distribution is from renewable and efficient power generation techniques (say off-peak-hours. Proper distribution of load is to be done. To achieve this, every gadget or appliance is to be upgraded with additional intelligence that sense the nonpeak and off peak hours and reduce the power consumption accordingly. This paper, explains about the television, and the response given by this whenever it encounters a signal from the electricity grid (I refer this electricity grid to the smart-grid).

Fig-1: Controller for television

I. INTRODUCTION As, the electricity consumption and wastage are increasing day-by-day, there is a need for controlling the power usage and wastage to overcome power crises and prevent complete shutdown of power supplies. Every residence will be provided with home controller device; this communicates with the home devices and with the electricity-grid. Here, am considering two signals from the home controller, PEAK_HOURS and GRID_REQ_PWR_OFF for representing the situations like, high billing hours and power crises situation respectively. Here, in power crises, the devices are turned off to prevent complete shutdown of power. Whenever, the Television senses a signal like PEAK_HOURS from the home controller, it automatically pop-ups a message as notification to the user and shifts to power saving mode for minimal power consumption (the response to PEAK_HOURS signal varies with device). The user can reject the decision to use the device at full performance (normal_mode). And, for a GRID_REQ_PWR_OFF signal, the device should shutdown/ standby with a notification message. II. FUNCTIONING The controller with this functionality can be integrated to television and perform the required functions and the block diagram is, as shown.

The controller that is designed with this functionality just accepts the signal from the home controller and in response with the user decision, it outputs the power mode. For instance here, there are three power modes standby, normal, power-save modes. These modes have their own properties like, standby mode where the minimum power is consumed, normal mode is the full performance mode and power-save mode is the optimal performance mode where minimum power consumption takes place. This controller in conjunction with the television is depicted in the following block diagram. So, just adding this modes and with user notifications, I developed a model that can perform the desired tasks for this particular device (TV). The state machine that describes its functioning can be seen below.

Fig-2: Functioning of Television in conjunction with controller

Volume 2, Issue ICTM 2011, February 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICTM 2011|June 8-9,2011|Hyderabad|India




International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

Just integrating this functionality to a controller and integrating it is not enough. The power wastage situations are to be taken into account and then the logic is to be developed as, the main aim is to reduce power consumption and wastage. III. AUTO TURN-OFF FEATURE As discussed above, there are situations wherein the user may not be watching the TV and also situations like forgetting to turnoff TV while hurrying to office. These type of situations too will accompany for wastage of power. To overcome these power wastages, some logic is to be implemented like ambient sensing with user presence sensing using a sensor. But, the drawback here is, the presence sensor detects any movement in the hall and considers it as, a user presence condition and the TV continues to be in turned ON state. The movement may be caused by the pets or any other things which is also to be considered as a power wastage situation. So, to overcome this Im proposing a method where the user interaction is necessary. It is nothing but the remote controller activity. There is a delay between the last remote control activities sensed by the TV. Say as, 30 minutes duration, if there is no remote controller interaction with the TV for past 30 minutes, the controller displays a message to user to respond. If, the user responds, the TV will continue in the normal mode else if the user doesnt interact (say within 10 sec), the TV will be set to Standby mode. Thus the power wastage is reduced by implementing a simple logic with an additional controller.

user intervention. When the user tries to turn off the Television, the user is given a choice to keep the hdmi connected components to be awake, by just suspending the turnoff or standby code for the components through HDMI (CEC). Thus provides flexibility to use standalone products even after turning off the television. V. RESULTS

Fig-4: Simulation Result (VCS output)

Fig-5: synthesis (design_vision synthesis output)

Fig-3: An FSM model for implementing the presence sensing in television.

IV. COMPONENTS/ ACCESSORIES AUT0 TURN-OFF The components / accessories like DVD players, etc., accompany for power wastage if not turned on when not in use. All the devices that compatible with HDMI-CEC connected to television can be controlled to turn off when the television is turned off so that these can save power. The controller is configured in such a way that the connected components can be left turned on with
Volume 2, Issue ICTM 2011, February 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICTM 2011|June 8-9,2011|Hyderabad|India

VI. FUTURE SCOPE This design can be added to televisions and can control the general power wastages. As, this presence sense or the remote control inactivity period starts to function in normal and power save modes, and a special control logic can be added to disable it when require in situations like, sleep mode is activated or a movie mode. VI. CONCLUSION The model supports the future smart grid networks and supports different power consumption configurations; power save mode and normal mode and eliminates power wastage. The design makes use of approximately 1068 gates (referencing to 2-input nand gates) and a total area of 4275.5.



International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

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Volume 2, Issue ICTM 2011, February 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICTM 2011|June 8-9,2011|Hyderabad|India


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