Notes of - Why Do We Fall Ili, 2011-12

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Why do we fall ill?

HEALTH- A state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of a disease. Physical well being- It refers to physical fitness of an individual. Person should have adequate strength and stamina to carry out daily activities. Mental well being- Person should be emotionally strong and able to handle the emotions like tensions, hatred, fear, love, anxiety etc. that affect the health. Social well being- A socially healthy person has qualities like tolerance, helpfulness, caring, pleasant and affectionate attitude. Difference between HEALTHY and DISEASE FREEA disease is a disturbed state of body or mind. The disease can be in any part of the body and due to malfunctioning of the body organ. Conditions essential for GOOD HEALTH1. Proper nutrition and balanced diet 2. One should be disease free 3. Social equality and harmony

Conditions essential for being DISEASE FREE1. Proper balanced diet 2. Good habits of adopting clean and healthy life.

Difference between symptoms and signs of a diseaseSymptoms refer to the general visible changes and we feel as being wrong. Symptoms do not indicate a specific disease as symptoms of a number of diseases look alike. e.g. headache, loose motion, fever etc. Signs of a disease means definite indications of a particular disease. Physicians recommend specific tests on the basis of signs to identify the disease correctly. Differences between ACUTE and CHRONIC diseases1 2 3 4 Acute Disease Lasts for a few day only Does not cause major effect on vital organs of the body Does not have major bad effect on general health No long term effect on health Chronic Disease Lasts for long time Causes poor functioning of some of the vital organs of the body Leads to poor general health May have long term effects

Causes of diseases- Levels of causes1.First level- It refers to the immediate cause e.g. viruses, bacteria, protozoans, worms etc. 2. Second level- It refers to the contributory causes. It deals with the immediate cause. e.g. *where did the virus come from? * is it due to unclean drinking water? *why did not other children get it? * is it due to poor health of the body? 3. Third level- It also refers to the contributory causes such as

*why was there no clean drinking water? * Are public services poor in the area? * Is there lack of good nourishment? * Is it due to poverty? Difference between INFECTIOUS and NON INFECTIOUS diseases1 2 INFECTIOUS DISEASES Can be spread from diseased person to healthy person by means of air, water, food, contact and insects Caused by infectious agents like bacteria, viruses protozoans etc. e.g. cold, chicken pox, malaria, tuberculosis, cholera etc. NON INFECTIOUS DISEASES Cannot be spread from diseased person to healthy person by means of air, water, food, contact and insects Caused by malnutrition, malfunctioning of body organ, allergies,etc. e.g. high/ low blood pressure, anaemia, cancer, night blindness, rickets, cancer, diabetes etc.

Diseases and infectious agentsInfectious agents Viruses Bacteria Fungi Protozoans Worms Diseases Common cold, chicken pox, influenza, dengue fever, AIDS Typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, anthrax,acne Skin infections Malaria, kala azar, sleeping sickness Elephantiasis, Ascariasis

IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT INFECTIOUS AGENTSi)All viruses live inside host cells, whereas bacteria very rarely do. ii) Viruses, bacteria, fungi multiply very quickly, while worms multiply very slowly. iii)All bacteria are closely related to each other but not to viruses. iv)Many important life processes are similar in the bacteria group but are not shared with the virus group. What are antibiotics?- They are the substances, primarily produced by certain microorganisms in low concentrations and are antagonistic to the growth of harmful microorganisms. How do antibiotics function?- They commonly block biochemical pathways important for bacteria. E.g. Penicillin blocks the bacterial process that makes the cell wall. As a result, the growing bacteria become unable to make cell walls, and die easily. Why do antibiotics not work against viral infection?- Viruses do not have their own biochemical pathways and so antibiotics do not work against viral infections. ORGAN SPECIFIC and TISSUE SPECIFIC MANIFESTATIONTARGET ORGAN 1. Lungs 2. Liver 3. Intestine 4. Nasal chambers 5. Brain SPECIFIC MANIFESTATION cough, breathlessness, chest pain, bloody sputum yellowness of skin and eyes, vomiting loose motions, stomachache sneezing, coughing, fever, bronchitis headache, vomiting, fits, unconsciousness

AIDS- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is caused by Human Immuno Deficiency virus (HIV) Symptoms of AIDS- Lung disease, skin cancer, brain damage, decrease in number of platelets, caner or swelling of lymph nodes, fever, night sweats, loss of weight, loss of thinking power etc. RABIES or HYDROPHOBIA- It is caused by bite of rabid or mad dog and other rabid animals. Causative agent- Rabies virus present in saliva of dog. Symptoms of Rabies- 1.High fever 2.Severe headache 3.Painful contraction of muscles of throat and chest 4.Fear of water IMMUNISATION- Process or procedure of making a person immune to a disease by artificial method. Available immunization programmes- The vaccines against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, polio are available at primary health centre. These form public health programme of childhood immunization. Diphtheria and whooping cough are major health problems.

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