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Drug Generic Name: Cefuroxime Drug Classification: Belongs to the class of secondgeneration cephalosporins

Indication and Contraindication Indication: Surgical Prophylaxis Used in the systemic treatment of infections. Contraindication: hypersensitivity to cephalosporins and penicillins.

Action Cefuroxime binds to one or more of the penicillinbinding proteins (PBPs) which inhibits the final transpeptidation step of peptidoglycan synthesis in bacterial cell wall, thus inhibiting biosynthesis and arresting cell wall assembly resulting in bacterial cell death.

Nursing Responsibility Ask patient if he has history of allergic reactions to antibiotics Take Cefuroxime together with food or immediately after a meal. Monitor kidney and liver function Monitor temperature, watch out for symptoms of super infection Advise patient to report rash and bleeding. Advise patient to take Cefuroxime exactly as directed by the doctor. Advise to not take more or less than instructed by the doctor. Advise patient to take Cefuroxime at regular intervals as ordered. He must not skip any doses. Continue to take it even if he feels better. The patient must complete the entire course of antibiotic, to

prevent bacteria drug resistance and superinfection.

Generic Name: Omeprazole Drug Classification: Belongs to the class of proton pump inhibitors

Indication: Used in the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastrooesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Prevent stressrelated ulcer Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to drug or its components Hepatic disease Children Indication : Used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain.

Omeprazole suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the enzyme system hydrogen/potassiu m adenosine triphosphatase (H+/K+ ATPase) present on the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cell.

Check abdominal pain, emesis, diarrhea or constipation Evaluate fluid intake and output Tell patient to take medication 30 minutes before a meal

Generic Name: Tramadol Hydrochloride Drug Classification: Belongs to the class of other opioids

Contraindication : For patients with history of opioid dependence Suicidal patients Acute alcoholism Head injuries Raised intracranial

Tramadol inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine, serotonin and enhances serotonin release. It alters perception and response to pain by binding to muopiate receptors in the CNS.

Assess patient 30 minutes after administration Monitor respiratory status Tell patient, Tramadol works best when taken before the pain becomes severe. Instruct patient and relative to report immediately seizure and difficulty of breathing.

pressure Severe renal impairment Lactation

Instruct patient to not take part in any activity in which you need to be alert. The level of alertness and reaction time may be affected by Tramadol. Advise patient to avoid drinking alcoholic drinks.

Generic Name: Ketorolac Tromethamine Drug Classification: Belongs to the class of acetic acid derivatives and related substances of non-steroidal antiinflammatory and antirheumatic products.

Indication : Used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Contraindication : Hypersensitivity to aspirin or other NSAIDs Asthma Hypovolaemia or dehydration History of peptic ulcer or coagulation disorders Moderate to severe renal impairment GI bleeding, cerebrovascular bleeding Pregnancy, lactation Indication : Used in the systemic treatment of infections. They

Ketorolac inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by decreasing the activity of the cyclooxygenase enzyme.

Monitor fluid intake and output Inform patient that drug are for short-term use only Inform patient to avoid aspirin intake. Advise patient to avoid drinking alcoholic drinks.

Generic Name: Ofloxacin Drug Classification:

Ofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone which inhibits bacterial topoisomerase IV

Ask patient if he has history of allergic reactions to antibiotics

Belongs to the class of fluoroquinolones. An antiinfective.

are effective in treating genitourinary infections. Contraindication : Hypersensitivity to quinolones Pregnancy and lactation Prolongation of the QT interval in ECG. Uncorrected Hypokalemia

and DNA gyrase enzymes required for DNA replication, transcription, repair and recombination. It has activity against a wide range of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.

Advice patient to take Ofloxacin on an empty stomach at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. Always take it with a full glass of water, unless your doctor has specifically told you not to do so. Tell patient to avoid antacids or supplements containing Fe or Zn w/in 2 hr before or after ofloxacin and ensure adequate fluid intake. Use drug with caution in client with CNS disorders Report evidence of allergic reactions, such as rash or itching Avoid rapid IV infusion to prevent peripheral IV sire irritation. Ask patient if he has history of allergic reactions to antibiotics Levofloxacin may be taken with or without food. The

Generic Name: Levofloxacin Drug Classification: Belongs to the class of fluoroquinolones. An antiinfective.

Indication : Used in the systemic treatment of infections. They are effective in treating genitourinary infections.

Levofloxacin exerts antibacterial action by inhibiting bacterial topoisomerase IV and DNA gyrase, the enzymes required for DNA replication, transcription repair

Contraindication : Hypersensitivity to quinolones Pregnancy and lactation Prolongation of the QT interval in ECG. Uncorrected Hypokalemia

and recombination. It has in vitro activity against a wide range of gramnegative and grampositive microorganisms.

Generic Name: Etoricoxib Drug Classification: Belongs to the class of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory and antirheumatic products, coxibs.

Indication : Used to relieve pain and inflammation. It may also be used to provide relief in gout, Osteoarthritis (OA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and other

Etoricoxib selectively inhibits cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2).

patient may take it after meals if it gives the patient stomach discomfort. Always take it with a full glass of water, unless your doctor has specifically told you not to do so. Tell patient to avoid antacids or supplements containing Fe or Zn w/in 2 hr before or after ofloxacin and ensure adequate fluid intake. Use drug with caution in client with CNS disorders Report evidence of allergic reactions, such as rash or itching Avoid rapid IV infusion to prevent peripheral IV sire irritation. Ask patient if he has history of allergic reactions to similar medicines such as aspirin, celecoxib, diclofenac, mefenamic acid and ibuprofen. Use drug with

similar conditions. Contraindication : Hypersensitivity to antiinflammatory drugs. Inflammatory bowel disease. Severe congestive heart failure Active peptic ulceration Cerebrovascular disease Lactation Children and adolescent < 16 yr.

caution in client with CNS/renal/liver disorders Monitor vital signs. Administer with foods to prevent GI upset Observe client for bleeding gums, petechiae, ecchymoses or black stools. Inform client that it may take several weeks to experience the desired drug effect. Educate the client of the common side effects and instruct patient to report any occurences of these side effects.

Generic Name: Paracetamol Drug Classification: Belongs to the

Indication : Used to relieve pain and fever. Contraindication

Paracetamol exhibits analgesic action by peripheral blockage of pain impulse

Ask patient if he has history of allergic reactions to Paracetamol.

class of anilide preparations. Analgesics (Nonopioid) and Antipyretic.

Hypersensitivity to analgesics. Use cautiously in patients with history of chronic alcohol abuse.

generation. It produces antipyresis by inhibiting the hypothalamic heatregulating centre. Its weak antiinflammatory activity is related to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the CNS.

Advice to take medicine exactly as directed and not to take more than recommended Do not take other medicine containing acetaminophen without medical advice. Monitor for signs and symptoms of hepatoxicity Increase oral fluid intake Avoid alcohol intake Advise patient to take drugs with food if GI upset occurs

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