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Shape Reconstruction by Producing New Points


International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

Ali Nourollah, 2Samira Hosseini Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering of Islamic Azad University, 1 Qazvin & Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University line, Qazvin, Iran 2 Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran email:

Abstract In this paper we have presented a new, simple and exible algorithm for shape reconstruction. This new presented algorithm is based on computational geometry methods the main purpose of which is to provide a new approach to shape reconstruction. The input of this algorithm is a set of boundary samples in which a part of initial shape has been removed. By calculating the Euclidean distance between points and by using of voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation of initial points, the proposed algorithm produces a set of new points. By adding produced points to the initial points and implementation of crust algorithm on a set of final point, the algorithm performs the shape reconstruction process. The output of this algorithm is a graph. The proposed algorithm in this paper reduces reconstruction error compared to the initial shape and improves the process of shape reconstruction. Keywords- shape reconstruction; voronoi vertex; Delaunay triangulation; Euclidean distance; computational geometry

physical objects especially astronomy, digital images, spatial data processing, computer graphic and geographical information systems [1, 2, 3]. This paper has presented an algorithm for shape reconstruction in twodimensional space, improving reconstruction process by adding several new points to set of output points. This algorithm tries to reduce shape reconstruction error more than initial shape. PREVIOUS WORK -shape algorithm is one of the first and basic attempts to the shape reconstruction introduced in 1983 and it drew attention to many researchers in this field. The shape algorithm recognizes all neighboring points and connects them to each other by using Voronoi diagram and its dual, Delaunay triangulation. In this algorithm, two points are neighbors if and only if there is an empty disk with radius equal or smaller than 1/ which passes through from that two points. If is equal to zero, the output will be the convex hull of input points. Also the parameter is an important factor for efficiency of algorithm and depends heavily on the density of points. The output of this algorithm is a graph and it receives dot pattern as input [2, 4] . The other algorithm for shape reconstruction problem is A shape algorithm. This algorithm introduced in 1999 to fix some of -shape weaknesses. The output of A shape algorithm is a graph which like to previous algorithm receives dot pattern as input too. Let S be a set of input points. Auxiliary finite set of points A, said is assumed and then Delaunay triangulation of set SU A is constructed. Finally two points of S are neighbors if and only if they are two endpoints of an edge in Delaunay graph. The problem is how choosing a proper set A while it depends on some factors of S, such as size, density, distribution and points distance [5- 8]. The shape algorithm is one of famous algorithms in this field presented in 2008. The output of this algorithm is a polygon and it receives dot pattern as input.. shape algorithm is based on the Delaunay triangulation. In general, the algorithm starts by deleting the external longest edge in triangulation and repeats this process until the largest edge on the boundary is less

INTRODUCTION The shape reconstruction problem is one of important and most applied problems in many branches of computer science. In this paper the new algorithm has been presented, using computational geometry methods for shape reconstruction which its major purpose is presentation of a new approach for process of reconstruction. The general purpose of shape reconstruction problem is production and reconstruction of a well-defined structure such as graphs, polygons, parametric curves which it can be raised at each dimension. In fact the purpose of expressing of this problem is presentation of a geometric shape that has the most likeness to the unknown initial shape. Many algorithms have been presented in this field. Generally all studies in this field for twodimensional samples can be classified based on inputoutput type. There are two types of inputs: dot pattern and boundary sample. A Set of input is a dot pattern if it is a planar point set whose elements are clearly visible as well as fairly densely and more or less evenly distributed. Set of input is a boundary sample if it contains only some sample points of the boundary of original shape which fairly represent the perimeter of shape. Also there are two possibilities for algorithms output, a graph or a simple polygon. This problem can be discussed in any dimension, but due to its applications, it is discussed in two and three dimensions. This problem is mainly applied in study of

Volume 2, Issue ICAEM12, February 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICAEM12|Jan20,2012|Hyderabad|India




International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

than a threshold value of L. This threshold value affects the algorithms termination condition and determines the efficiency of algorithm [9, 10]. The Crust algorithm is discussed in both two and three dimensions using medial axis and Delaunay triangulation of set of points for shape reconstruction. The output of this algorithm is a graph which receives boundary points as input. Let S be a finite set of points in the plane, and let be the vertices of the voronoi diagram of S. Let S be the union SU V and consider the Delaunay triangulation of S. An edge of the Delaunay triangulation of S belongs to the crust of S if both of its endpoints belong to S [11, 12]. The skeleton algorithm attempts to find the neighboring points. In this algorithm, two points are connected to each other if there are two disks with radius d(p,q)/2 passing through them and is empty of other points of initial points set. The output of this algorithm is a graph similar to previous algorithm and it receives boundary points as input [11, 13, 14]. The other algorithm is neighbourhood algorithm that is a generalization of skeleton there is no restriction on the radius of disks [15]. BASIC CONCEPT In this section several base definition, in computational geometry are described.

points in F. The medial axis of an object is the set of all points having more than one closest point on the object's boundary. In two-dimensional, the medial axis of a plane curve S is the locus of the centers of circles that are tangent to curve S in two or more points, where all such circles are contained in S.

Figure 1. The external and internal voronoi vertices.

The local feature size, lfs(p) of a point p P is the Euclidean distance from p to the closest point m on the medial axis (figure 2). F is r-sampled by a set of sample points S if every pF is within distance rLFS(p) of a sample sS i.e. points S are too close together [11].

In this paper, parameter ngr is Euclidean distance of a point to its nearest neighboring point. It is supposed that value of parameter R is calculated by R=ngr/lfs(c)and parameter t is defined as a threshold,t>1.The produced shapes in this paper are 1-sample

One of the most practical geometric structures is the Voronoi Diagram (VD). This geometric object is defined on the set of points in any d-dimensional space (d>1) [16]. For a set p of points p1,p2,p3, in the Euclidean plane, the partition VD(p) of the plane into regions R(p1), R(p2),.R(pn) associated with each member of p, such that each point in a region R(pi), 1in is closer to than any other point in p. A region that corresponds to a generator P is called its voronoi region and is denoted as R(pi) Delaunay triangulation of the set p, DTp is one that satisfies the empty circle property, where no point lies inside the circumcircle of any triangle in DTp . A point at which the boundaries of three or more voronoi regions meet is called a voronoi vertex. External voronoi vertices are vertices that are in external faces i.e. they are located in unlimited areas. Internal voronoi vertices are vertices that are in internal faces i.e. they are located in limited areas (figure 1). Medial axis of a curve F is closure of the set of points in the plane which have two or more closest
Figure 2. lfs(c) is the distance d(p,m) not the perpendicular distance d(p,m) to the center of the largest empty tangent ball at P.

THE PROPOSED ALGORITHM In this section, a new proposed algorithm is described for shape reconstruction. Let recognized initial shape, S has been given in two-dimensional space. A set of boundary points in which a part of initial shape has been removed, is received as algorithm input. This algorithm by calculating the Euclidean distance of points and drawing voronoi vertices of input points produces several new points. By adding these new points to initial points and implementation of crust algorithm on set of all points, a sequence of line segments is produced that presents the best inspired image of initial shape. Details of Proposed Algorithm In this section more details of the proposed algo22

Volume 2, Issue ICAEM12, February 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICAEM12|Jan20,2012|Hyderabad|India



International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

rithm is indicated. Step 1) A set of sampled points form initial points, called has been received as input points of the algorithm. Step 2) A point which has the minimum coordinate is selected as a starting point. this point is connected to its nearest neighboring point via an edge. For the remained points is done in the same way. Thus all points are connected to each other. Step 3) The obtained edges length is calculated, then value of R is calculated for each edge. If Value of R is larger than threshold, this edge should be broken and replaced by two new edges. Step 4) The center of selected edge, called c is calculated then the voronoi vertices of the points set is drawn, the set of this points is called 1 Step 4-1) If two points belong to selected edge, includes external voronoi vertex. The process is continued as follows: Step 4-1-1) The nearest voronoi vertex into point c, called lfs(c) , is found then this distance is compared whit selected edge length. If number of steps is considered i , new point is plotted in an appropriate place and the following process is repeated: If 1/4 ngr < lfs(c) <1/2 ngr then by moving 1/2 lfs(c) from point c into the shape a new point should be added. If 1/4 ngr < lfs(c) then by moving 1/4 lfs(c) from point c into the shape a new point should be added. If lfs(c) <1/4 ngr then by moving lfs(c) from point c into the shape a new point should be added. Step 4-2) If two points belong to selected edge dont include external voronoi vertex, step 4-1-1 is repeated. However, after the conditions at this stage are reviewed the movement should be toward the outside of the shape and add a new point. Step 5) The added new points are stored in a set called d. If U d set is shown with N, after adding new points to the set of previous points, voronoi vertices of N set is drawn again and step 3 is repeated. This process continues until the length of any edge isnt larger than the threshold. Step 6) In the end, crust algorithm is implemented on the final obtained N set and the desired final shape is reconstructed (figure 3). EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this section, the proposed algorithm is tested on a set of boundary samples of input. The set of boundary samples in which a part of initial shape has been removed is received. Then this algorithm produces a set of new points for shape reconstruction that presents the best approximates form the initial shape (table 1).

Figure 3. a) The initial recognized shape b) A set of input points c) Drawing edges and finding the edge with a size larger than threshold d) Point c and finding the voronoi vertices of the input points e) Finding closest voronoi vertex to point c f) production of the new point g) The final reconstructed shape.

Table 1. Results of the proposed algorithm.

Volume 2, Issue ICAEM12, February 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICAEM12|Jan20,2012|Hyderabad|India




International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

CONCLUSION In this paper a new, simple algorithm for shape reconstruction of a set of points was presented, which is considered as a new approach in this field. Given the fact that no algorithm exists to produce new points in this context, the proposed algorithm gets boundary samples as input, then produces a set of new points. By adding a set of new points as output, it reconstructs surface of the shape. Output of this algorithm is a graph. In the previous methods, the number of points was fixed but the new presented method produces a new set of points. One of the dominant features of this algorithm compared to existing algorithms is production of new points that increases accuracy of the reconstruction process. Another feature is that the input points of this algorithm are a set of boundary samples in which a part of the initial shape has been removed, while all boundary points on the shape were existed in the former algorithms. The purpose of the represented algorithm is reduction of shape reconstruction error. REFERENCES
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Volume 2, Issue ICAEM12, February 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICAEM12|Jan20,2012|Hyderabad|India


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