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Valentines Day is here again. The dreaded statement echoed in the room.

The four boys winced, though two didnt seem as upset about it. We can do this, guys, Takenaga said, trying to be optimistic. Kyohei snorted. Yeah, sure we will. Just then, a box of chocolates flew through the window, punctuating his statement. (insert line break) Valentines Day is here, again! The same statement was said with much more enthusiasm upstairs, in Sunakos room. The thought of all the chocolate that she or rather, the boys, would get, made her drool. They would never be able to finish it all, so she might as well take some. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! she sang, dancing around the room with Hiroshi-kun. Kyohei slammed the door open, causing her to squeak in surprise and jump, almost dropping Hiroshi. She then fell to her knees. So radiant she whispered, blood dripping from her nose. He rolled his eyes. Come on, he said, crossing his arms impatiently. Were going to try and beat the crowd today, he told her, before leaving to let her change into her school uniform. She quickly changed and ran to the dining room, where they were waiting. Come on, lets go! she said. She remembered what had happened last year, and she was definitely not eager to repeat that experience. The mountains upon mountains of chocolate set before her, and yet she was unable to eat it Those selfish little bitches, she thought evilly as she remembered how they had just dumped the chocolate at her feet, not even offering her a piece. They crept out the back door the flying chocolate had alerted them to the fact that there was already a crowd of girls at the front door. Tamao was waiting in her limousine, and she simply smiled and said Good morning, in her usual calm manner when the four boys started thanking her profusely for offering her limousine to give them a ride to school. She was holding a small box of chocolate, wrapped in red paper and decorated with a pretty pink ribbon. Ranmaru caught sight of it and was about to ask her, but the slightest blush on her cheeks as her fingers tightened slightly on the box was too adorable. Besides, what if it wasnt for him? He couldnt remember the last time he had ever felt uncertainty about a woman probably never. Still, Tamao was different to him. Precious. And that fact, that he really cared about her, made him scared of her rejection. Well, that and the fact that she somehow still thought he was some sort of womanizer, although he had all but stopped as soon as he had acknowledged to himself that he really did love her. Was it his fault that women were naturally drawn to him? That he exuded such natural charm? That it was in his genetic makeup to try and charm the pants of any lady okay, maybe that was his fault. He sighed and thought of the box of chocolates in his bag. It had taken him almost the whole night and many, many

botched attempts before he had managed to make a batch of chocolates that actually tasted decent, and he really hoped Tamao enjoyed them. Tamao was caught in an internal conflict. He can already see the stupid chocolates, you ninny, she scolded herself furiously as she tried to make herself just give him the box already. She caught Sunakos eye and the amethyst-eyed girl gave her a thumbs-up and a wink. Her fingers tightened on the box and she tried again to gear up the courage to give him the box, but she just couldnt. What if he rejected her? She could just imagine him saying, in his beautiful voice, Sorry, but I belong to all the ladies. Just the thought scared her. Before she knew it, the driver had pulled up to their school. Thanks for the lift, Sunako said as she got out of the car. Thank you for your help, Takenaga said. Yeah, thanks, Kyohei said gruffly, not the best at expressing gratitude. Yuki flashed her a cute smile. Thanks so much, Tamao! he exclaimed. Have a nice day, Tamao, and thanks for the ride, Ranmaru told her. She smiled. Its nothing. Have a nice day, everyone! she said gently. Ranmaru was waiting anxiously for her to give him the chocolates, before he gave her his. He could have just taken the initiative, but he was turning out to be somewhat a coward when it came to Tamao. This is your last chance, she thought to herself. Go for it! She took a deep breath for fortitude. Ranmaru, she started, holding the chocolates up. He smiled at her hopefully. Yes? he said, trying to encourage her with his tone, trying to tell her that It was all right. Just at that moment Kyaaaa! Look theyre here! A horde of girls swarmed around the four boys, nudging Sunako away rudely. She was knocked back into the limo, and Tamao gasped. Oh, my! Sunako, are you all right? she asked, concerned for her friend. Sunako just shrugged. Yeah, Im fine. Then she went on to ask, Why didnt you give him the chocolates? Tamao blushed. Im really scared hell reject them or something, she confided in Sunako. She had asked Sunako for a recipe for making chocolate that she, a total novice in the kitchen, could handle. It had taken her a few hours, but she had finally gotten it. Well, you better find the guts, Sunako told her, right before she was yanked back up. Sunako, dear, will you give these chocolates to Kyohei? a fan girl asked. Without even waiting for a response, the girl, who usually ignored and gossiped about Sunako, ran off. She sighed. It was happening again. She could smell the mouth-watering scent of the chocolate, and it was a horrible temptation. However, this year, instead of feeling just resentment at the fact that she had to carry so much chocolate home, but none of it was for her, she felt a new emotion, and she didnt know what it was, but she knew it didnt feel good. She looked at the box of chocolates in her hand and wondered if she should make Kyohei some chocolates. He certainly seemed to like it when she

cooked for him, and he had eaten almost a quarter of the giant tiered weddingcake shaped chocolate that she had made for herself and her companions, Hiroshi-kun, Josephine, George and Akira. She watched on the sidelines as the boys fought their way into the school. It was normal for her to be here, just watching from the outside, but suddenly she felt lonely, like she was missing something. She looked around for Kyohei, who was drowning in a flood of girls. There it was, that feeling again, making her want to scare all the girls off. She sighed and made her way into the school, skirting past the groups of insane girls who were squealing over the boys. When will they realise that its useless, and theyre only an annoyance? Sunako wondered as she gingerly picked her way through the crowd so that she wouldnt get injured. (insert line break) Goth, goth, loli, loli! The four crazy sisters barrelled through the crowd, their arms waving in unison. Our chocolate is the best of all! they said together. The unique ingredients make it delicious and special! The chilli flakes represent the heat and strength of our love! The sea salt represents how much we adore them; they are the salt of the Earth to us! The gold represents how precious they are! The lead represents that they lead us with their brilliance! Goth, goth, loli, loli! The finished, moving forward with that weird walk they had, only to be knocked away by the throngs of screaming girls. (insert line break) Good morning Sunako! Noi said cheerfully. Morning, Noi, Sunako grumbled as she continued into her class. Noi was surprised at Sunakos grumpy attitude; she really had become a lot better as compared to when shed first moved here. Noi laughed at her. Is Valentines Day getting to you too? Sunako sighed and rested her head on her desk. It feels different this year, she confessed quietly. Whenever I see one of those girls crowding around Kyohei, it feels I dont know. I feel angry, and I want to punch that girl and tell her to go away, but I don't know why! By the time she finished, she was panting. She didnt know what the hell she was saying or feeling. Was she going crazy? To her surprise, Noi squealed and hugged her tightly. Thats jealousy, my dear! she exclaimed. You are in love with Kyohei! she declared, excited. Sunako blanched. No, no Im not, she said, smiling awkwardly, trying to look casual and bored to convince Noi how not in love with Kyohei she was. Because she totally wasnt. She absolutely wasnt. How could she be in love with

that loathsome radiant creature who somehow managed to understand her and relate to her and he was radiant, but amazingly it was in a good way, and she really enjoyed his company, although he infuriated her, and Okay, maybe I am. But just a little, she said, her bangs covering her face as she sat up straight in her chair, looking down at her hands entwined on her lap. Noi giggled and pulled the chair from the adjacent table over to Sunakos table. Its really okay, Sunako! she said, patting her back comfortingly. Im in love with Takenaga too, and it doesnt hurt a bit. Sunako looked at her expressionlessly. Thats because youre a radiant creature, she told her monotonously, as if it was a duh thing, which to her, it probably was. Noi rolled her eyes. Well, does it hurt to know youre in love with Kyohei? And dont think about all the other girls, because honestly, I cant think about Takenagas weird fan girls either, she said with a shudder. And it must be so much worse for Kyohei because he has so many more, its just insane. Sunako thought about it for a moment, and realised that it didnt hurt one bit. In fact, it actually felt pretty good. But you know that Takenaga likes you back, and I dont know if Kyohei likes me at all, she added, thinking of all the times they had argued and all the mean things they had said to each other. Well, Im sure he does, or at least he will. Soon enough, Noi said dismissively. Oh, by the way, do you need help with Math again? Midterms are coming up, Noi reminded her. She didnt know why Sunako was so against Math, but it was pulling her GPA down from one that could easily rival Takenagas to one that was more of Kyoheis calibre. Sunako shrugged. Takenaga can help me, she said. Well, I need help in English, so will you please please please help me later today? she asked, giving Sunako her best puppy dog pout. Sunako sighed. Fine, come over later. Actually, youll have problems fighting through the crowd and if you ever get to the front door, youll drown under the pile of chocolates and all that stuff, so you might as well just come home with us, she told her. Oh, yes! Thank you so much, Sunako! Noi cried, hugging her exuberantly, before running off to her own class. (insert line break) Ugh Takenaga grunted as he collapsed, finally having found a decent hiding spot. Even the scary science lab was out; they had hidden there last year and when hed tried it, they had just knocked down the door and ambushed him, a truly scarring experience. He was hiding under the table in the computer lab, having found a space clear of wires. It was dusty, but it was better than the screaming masses of girls. He winced as he thought about them, and sighed as he realised that he had not seen Noi at all the whole of today. He couldn't have a repeat of last year; he definitely had to find her today to accept her chocolate. Just then, a blinding realisation struck him what if she had not come because she had not gotten him any chocolate? He remembered how upset she

had been last year when hed forgotten all about her chocolates and cringed. Please please please let her have gotten me chocolates. After all, he had made her a box. It had taken him forever, but hed finally done it. He remembered last night how Ranmaru and him had been going nuts in the kitchen, trying to clean up their messes and figure out what had gone wrong. He really hoped he managed to give Noi his chocolates. Yuki and Kyohei stumbled in and collapsed on the ground next to him. So many girls Yuki whispered, traumatised. It was so scary! Kyohei crawled under the table where Takenaga was crouching. So youre here too, huh, he said. He wondered why he felt so weird inside. He always felt horrible on Valentines Day, but this was different somehow. Almost as though some expectations had been crushed. He wondered at that for a moment, but had to halt his train of thought when Ranmaru stumbled in. As much as I love girls, they can be rather scary, he whimpered as he collapsed on the ground next to Yuki. They all knew that the respite would be brief, but any moment of rest was welcome. While Kyohei pondered his feelings and Takenaga thought about Noi, Ranmarus train of thought immediately started speeding towards Tamao. How was he going to get his chocolate to her? And was she going to give him the chocolate that she had been holding earlier today? If he was so presumptuous as to give her chocolates when she didnt feel the same way, he might make her like him even less. He wondered if he would be like those girls, always pestering him, and being nothing but an annoyance. He really hoped not. He liked Tamao, he really did, and he wanted her to like him, not see him as a pest. Still, there was only one way to solve this issue, and he resolved to give her his chocolates, and if she would reject them, then she would, and at least he would know. How bad could it be? After all, he had rejected so many girls, and they had never been that upset. He looked at Kyohei, who seemed to be deep in thought, and smirked. He wondered if the occasion was finally bringing something that all of them had been aware of for so long to light. Everyone knew that Kyohei and Sunako were in love with each other except the parties involved. It was so funny and yet so annoying watching the two of them snap at each other, feeling so disconcerted and blushing all the time. On one hand it was so funny watching the two clueless people try to muddle their way through, but on the other hand, it just made him want to yell at them to get their act together already. Still, it seemed as though Kyohei had finally come to the realisation without any help, and he smiled. So I see youve finally figured it out, he told Kyohei happily. Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Kyohei asked Ranmaru. Well, you know, obviously that youve finally come to your senses and realised

that you and Sunako like each other! he said, flicking his hair out of his eyes with a laugh. What the hell are you talking about?! Kyohei exclaimed so loudly that the fan girls, who had been looking for them, realised that they were in the computer lab and stormed through the doors, breaking them down and even ruining the expensive computers. In the rush for safety, Kyohei forgot all about what Ranmaru had said. Hello! (: I hope you liked the story so far. The first chapter was kind of a hard one to write, because I had some trouble transitioning between all the relationships, but the subsequent chapters should be easier because Ill only be focusing on one pairing for each chapter, so thats three more chapters, bringing it to four in total. Im sorry there wont be anything on Yuki, because Ive only watched the anime series so far, so I dont know if he has a girlfriend, and this story isnt long enough for me to create my own character. I hope youve enjoyed it so far! Please review, because I really love them! (: Love, Peachy Hikaru

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