Kayaking Log Book

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Kayaking Log Book Session One Parts of the kayak Bow This is the front end of the boat.

Hatches (front and rear) These are watertight compartments on the foredeck and rear deck. Footrests / Foot braces For better control and maneuverability, a Kayak has adjustable features or bracing system in which you can put the balls of your feet. Deck lines / Shock cords / Grab lines These are the lines you see in X pattern at the deck. Deck lines can be used in rescue operations and in stowing several essential items. Cockpit Rim / Coaming This is the edge of the cockpit which is elevated to stop water from swamping the Cockpit. This is also the part where the sprayskirt is fastened. Cockpit The Cockpit is the opening in the middle of the boat. This is where the kayaker or paddler sits in. Stern This refers to the back end of the boat. Hull This is the underside of the boat. Emptying the kayak There is a cap you could unscrew and let the water out, but if you get a partner, to hold one side and you on the other side, both of you lift it, and one of you lowers the kayak than switch places with your partner.

Getting into the kayak 1.Place the Kayak in the water near the bank or shore. The water should be deep enough that the boat stays afloat after you get in. Hold the Cockpit to keep it from drifting away from the bank. 2.A Kayak is unstable, especially if you are not in it. Keep it steady as you get in by placing one end of the Kayaking Paddle across the boat, just behind the Cockpit, while the other blade rests on the bank or shore. Do not to let go of the Cockpit as you do this. 3.While holding the back of the Cockpit Coaming and the Paddle, put your leg (the one near the boat) into the Cockpit. Maintain your balance and keep your weight low. Move forward and tuck the other leg beside the first. 4.Straighten your legs and sit comfortably. Release your hold of the Cockpit Coaming and move the Kayak Paddle in front of you. Pull on your Spray Skirt and you are good to go. Session Two Moving the kayak with hands Is quite easy using hand but you dont get enough speed, you basicly sitting but swimming in a kayak, but if you wanted to turn, left hand is for turning right and right for turning left. Capsizing (No spraydeck- include information on capsize procedures) When you capsizing you hit the kayak three times and rub the side, when a team mate coming to rescue you, he will hit the kayak on your own capsized kayak and you would able to grab and pull your self back up. Session Three Parts of the paddle The Blake: the blake is for turning side way , all you need to do is put your paddle in the water side way and twist it right or left , depend on what way you are turning.

Concave: Their concave surfaces offer more grip on the water, though beginners may find these blades difficult to control. Dihedral blades enhance the Paddles performance by directing the water to flow smoothly off the blades, thus minimizing the flutter. Moving forwards 1.Hold your Kayaking Paddle with one hand (top hand) about the same level as your ear. 2.Lean slightly forward. With your other hand (lower hand), submerge the Paddle blade completely in the water as far forward as possible. The stroke will not be efficient if the blade is submerged too deep or too shallow. 3.Using your shoulders and torso, push your top hand forward, at the same time pulling the lower blade back. 4.When the back of the Cockpit is almost at level with the lower blade, the top blade should be moving in front of you. 5.At this point, the top blade should be moving lower and closer to the water, in line with the gunwale or the upper edge of the boat. 6.When your lower arm bends at the elbow, get the lower blade out of the water. 7.Rotate your body on the other side to make another stroke. Moving backwards 1.Rotate your shoulders as far as you comfortably can to one side. Submerge the Kayaking Paddle blade in the water as far back as possible. 2.Look over your shoulder and check if the coast is clear when you move backward. 3.Push the lower Kayak Paddle blade forward, extending your lower hand and bending your top hand.

4.The stroke ends when the lower blade reaches your feet. Your lower arm should be straight at this point. 5.Take the blade out of the water. Rotate your body and do the stroke on the other side. Session Four Capsizing (Using a spraydeck) When you capsize you could pull the grab handle on the spraydeck and release you self in the kayak Methods of turning (Sweep stroke and low brace turn) 1.Lean forward. With the front side pointed away from the bow, place the Kayaking Paddle blade in the water. Put it as close to the bow as you comfortably can. 2.Rotate your body. With your lower arm straight and your other arm not higher than shoulder level, pull the Paddle blade and sweep it out in the widest arc that you can make, simultaneously pushing forward with your foot on that side. A bigger arc means a more effective turning technique. Make sure that the blade is completely submerged as you swing the blade away from the bow. 3.Straighten your body up as you sweep past the middle of the arc. 4.When the blade is about 45 degrees to the stern, take it out of the water. Do not let it catch your boat, otherwise, it may capsize. Methods of stopping 1.Thrust the Kayaking Paddle blade vertically in the water, at level with your body and with the back side of the blade facing forward. 2.You will feel the pressure on the blade. As soon as it happens, push the blade forward and take it out of the water abruptly. 3.Jab the other blade on the opposite side. When you feel the pressure at the back of the blade, quickly pull the Paddle out of the water again and repeat the stroke on the other side.

4.By doing each jab quickly and aggressively, you should be able to make your boat stop in three or four strokes. Session Five 1. Flip Over and Wet-Exit the Kayak Of course, this is the cause of needing to do the T-Rescue in the first place. For the sake of practicing this maneuver, go ahead and safely flip over in your kayak. Knowing how to get out of the kayak while upside down is a prerequisite to practicing this technique. Be sure to safely wet-exit your kayak.

2. Flip the Kayak Back Over Depending on the type of kayak, this could be difficult or it could be easy. Kayaks with secure bulkhead compartments will generally be easier to flip back over. Go to the bow of the kayak and spin the kayak to flip it right-side up. If you need help, ask the spotter, still in his or her own kayak, to aid in flipping the kayak back over. Once the kayak is right-side up it will be full of a lot of water. 3. Pass the Kayak Over to the Spotter If you are not near the person who is going to help you with this rescue begin swimming with your boat to that person. The kayaker who is upright should already be paddling over to you also. Once the kayak is being in the control of the upright kayaker, the person in the water should grab onto the bow loop of the upright kayak and stay out of the way. 4. The Kayak T-Rescue: Pull the Kayak Up Onto the Deck The rescuer at this point should pull the submerged kayak up onto their kayak deck by the bow. This might be difficult, but the idea is to get the kayak across your lap and the deck of your boat as high up as you can. This is where the name of this maneuver comes from, as the two kayaks will form a T. 5. Tip the Kayak Over With the submerged kayak as high up on the rescuer kayaks deck as it can be, the rescuer should then begin to tip the kayak over. If there is a lot of water still in the kayak it will be difficult to tip it completely over at first. Just begin to let the water drain out and flip it all the way over as it becomes lighter. 6. Flip the Kayak Back Upright Rock the kayak back and forth, attempting to get as much water out as you can. Then flip the kayak back upright. 7. Position the Kayak Finally, you want to position the kayak in the easiest position for the person to reenter the boat. Bring the kayak parallel to your own kayak with the stern of the empty kayak next to the

bow of your own kayak. Basically, the kayak will be facing the opposite direction from the kayak that the person helping is in. Sculling Draw - The Sculling Draw Stroke is another technique that you can do if you want to move sideways. This is similar to the Draw Stroke, only this time, you need to place your Kayaking Paddle blade closer to the Kayak, and push and pull the blade to move the boat sideways. It is especially useful when moving laterally in limited spaces. In this section, learn how to do the Sculling Draw Stroke: 1. With the drive face (front side) towards the Kayak, place the Paddle blade in the water, less than one foot from the boat. Make sure that the shaft is vertical and the blade is completely submerged in the water. 2. Rotate your wrists so the drive face points slightly towards the bow. 3. More your blade as far forward as you can. Keep your body in an upright position and the shaft vertical. Make sure to keep the Paddle at the same distance from the side of the Kayak. 4. Rotate your wrists in such a way that the blade is slightly facing the stern. Quickly pull the blade as far back as you comfortably can without leaning back. 5. When the blade is behind you, rotate your wrists so the drive face points slightly towards the bow. 6. Move the blade forward. You should have moved sideways at this point. Sculling for support - Sculling for support will keep you upright if your kayak is at rest. Even though you will probably learn several other strokes and kayaking moves that will help you to maintain your upright posture in your kayak, the more support strokes you know, the better. Another method that you can use to support your kayak is called sculling for support. Essentially what this entails is using paddle movements on the surface of the water in order to prevent your kayak from capsizing. First, you should make sure that you are using the front side of the paddle. While this might not seem too important at first, keep in mind that the reason you want to use this side of the paddle is that it will definitely give you more support while you are sculling. You should also keep in mind that sculling for support is really only effective if the kayak is not in motion - if you are having trouble with support while your kayak is moving, then there are several other moves that you should learn as well.

Put the paddle flat on the surface of the water, and then try sculling for support by moving it back and forth. This will give your kayak some support and is very useful if you're in a situation with a lot of wind or high waves. You should make sure that you are holding the paddle shaft as close to the water as possible so that you don't end up slicing into the water. One thing to keep in mind is that even though it might seem like you need to scull quickly to make sure that you don't capsize, sculling for support does not require fast, uncontrolled movements. In fact, sculling for support is much more successful when it is done with slow sweeping strokes.

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