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Dear Kevin Johnson, Mayor, Angelique Ashby, City Councilwoman, Sandy Sheedy, City Coucilwoman, Steve Cohn, City

Councilmember, Robert Fong, City Coucilmember, Jay Schenirer, City Councilmember, Kevin McCarty, City Councilmember, Darrell Fong, City Councilmember, Bonnie Pannell, City Councilmember, and John Shirey, City Manager, We are pleased to present you with this petition affirming one simple statement: "We, the concerned citizens of Sacramento, California, demand that our elected leaders not commit scarce public resources towards the construction of a Downtown arena, in accordance with our previous wishes as proven with the resounding defeat of Measures Q & R in 2006. At this time in our city's history, we know that we can ill-afford the leveraging of public property for up to 50 years just to build an arena for an elite few. As we face a multi-year budget crisis, as we lay off police officers and firefighters, as we shrink further our parks staff and close city pools, we would rather see any use of public resources go to the restoration of those services before they go to help millionaires that lost their family fortune in Las Vegas. We are not the "nay-sayers"; we are the stewards of our home city, and we know that the road out of the current mess our community is facing is not the further use of exotic lending schemes nor the rosy promises of out-of-town developers. Fix the pipes that deliver our water, fix the roads we need to drive every day to get to work and home again, focus on the schools where our children go to learn and dream of a better future. Quit spending all of your time pandering to the disillusions you spew in the media and get back to doing the people's work." Attached is a list of individuals who have added their names to this petition, as well as additional comments written by the petition signers themselves. Sincerely, Sacramento Citizen

NO Arena on Sacramento dollars! julia beckner Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Josette Weaver Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Daniel Schmidt Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 No publicly-financed arena!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Debbie Jolly Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 John K Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Chris Jensen Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 I apose this waiste of our limited resorses and want you to find an alternative solution to fit ALL of Sacramento. Steven Millington North Highlands, CA Mar 6, 2012 Hey Mayor Where is the tent city YOU promised?? Liar!!!!Tell the (Queens)owners to pay for those losers to leave Sacramento!!!And you go with them!! Judith Cordill Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012

We should be funding public pools and parks not an arena. Privatizing parking is a horrible idea, too. We should support the real heros of Sacramento: teachers, firefighters, police officers and park staff. Let the millionaires fund their own projects. Public funds should benefit the public, not the sports team owners. Marie Galgani Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Melissa Lienau Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 It would be a crime to fund a huge venture like the arena, when vital services to the public are being cut because of the cities budget shortfall. Tony Lopez Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Laura Virginia Bellini Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Cameron Harris Bend, OR Mar 6, 2012 JOHN F. BOWMAN Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 1) Arnold Schwarzeneger finally agreed to budget negotiations after adding a no-environmental check clause for the railyard. The railyard is toxic!! 2) We voted to not use public money for the arena. Who and What will miss the money removed from the parking profits to pay for the arena? Police, Fire perhaps? 3) Speaking of parking downtown, where will the crowds park? 4) Construction is a temporary economic fix - is the Council both blind and stupid? 5) Increase property values? Really? Provide prove of an area where this really happened. Residential housing downtown is screwed! Francene Phillips Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Alexandria Lokteff Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Michael Edwards Sacramento, CA 3

Mar 6, 2012 While keeping a major sports team in the area would be a boost for the city itself, the idea of an arena who's construction funds would come from the people without the peoples say is a travesty. What gives the Mayor the right to hand over our taxes that could be used for the community to those who can afford a Casino and a basketball franchise? Also the outrageous prices on seating , food and parking has stopped me from seeing events at ARCO. I have been to a few Kings game myself and while I was entertained the cost to my pocket wasn't worth the lines, parking and rude people that these events bring. Will this project bring jobs, yes but only to those who are skilled in constructing Arenas. After the building phase is over the increase to jobs in the area my be minimal at best in my opinion. Also this isn't going to be a boost on the downtown economy, it will be a drain to small businesses. The damage that will be caused after basketball games by intoxicated fans and the mayhem that alcohol already fuels in our downtown area is going to be a major problem for local businesses and I won't be surprised that many will close after a few incidents. Look what's happened to 2 nd Saturday, you think that this type of violence won't be increasing if a Major Sports Arena is allowed in downtown Sacramento. I hate to say it but todays basketball culture will turn downtown Sacramento into a place of Violence and predatory behavior on game nites. Efrain Fernandez Carmichael, CA Mar 6, 2012 Elmer Hill Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 We _have_ an arena. The public funds that are proposed to be directed at a new arena should be going towards revitalizing our transit system and finish the extension of RT towards the current arena and the airport. This will enable more commerce, lower traffic congestion (especially during games) and provide more flexible schedules for those of us who rely on public transportation. Also, there's nothing wrong with the current arena. Why aren't there plans to make it more easily accessible and to actually attract more business to it? Erik Schorr Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Arlene Trompczynski Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Please use public monies that will bring services to the public. Shari Beck Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012

You can come up with the $250 million by taking a relatively small percentage from the team's players and management, as well as the billionaire owners. Why is the city paying for most of the new arena? Don't these funds NEED to go elsewhere? Tim K Citrus Heights, CA Mar 6, 2012 Molly Messner Carmichael, CA Mar 6, 2012 Taija Douglas Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Jessi Knobelock Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Allison Davis, CA Mar 6, 2012 Chester Rich Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Jim Williams Fair Oaks, CA Mar 6, 2012 Kelly Ortiz Carmichael, CA Mar 6, 2012

DO NOT let Kevin Johnson deceive us (and Kevin, I know you can read this)! Most of the city may not be aware, but those who were involved with Sacramento High School before it became the St. Hope Academy know that the school was run into the ground so that the experimental charter could be established. Those who were involved with the school both before and after know that it was THE WORST THING TO HAPPEN to that poor school. Kevin then promptly dissolved ties with the school and claimed to have helped when he, in fact, did the opposite. PUBLIC funds should be used for PUBLIC things such as our PUBLIC parks, libraries, museums, etc. Unless the new stadium is part of the PUBLIC and we get to use it as such, I see no reason for us to use the tax dollars that come from our own pockets to fund a stadium that will earn money for TWO greedy brothers. Gavin Rieser Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Tamara Geary Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 ed sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Ellen Broms Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Sondra Dillon Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Public monies should not be committed for a sports arena which has already been proven not to be sustainable. Minneapolis is used as an example of a city similar in size to Sacramento that has a professional sportsteam. However, it is referred to as Minneapolis-St Paul because it has nearby large cities that help to sport the team with attendance. Sacramento has no such large cities nearby and our income level and populace cannot support such indebtedness. It only takes one City Council and one Mayor to lead a city into bankruptcy, please, don't leave that as your legacy to public service. Anne Rhodes Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Lori L Ruch Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Gary Lotspeich Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 6

Ana Jaime El Macero, CA Mar 6, 2012 Absolutely--let the 1% finance their own arena--and thus, hopefully, give back to a community which has given them so much. Stephanie Tucker Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Union Civica Primero de Mayo believes that is unfair to take public resources for private enterprises, whether is privatizing schools, parks or parking systems, the affected are the working people and those that benefit the most are the wealthy. Pramo Hernndez Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Wendy Hermes Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 This is corporate welfare. We are bailing out the Magoofs who are broke. As a result services like park and rec and public safety will be starved. This is another transfer of wealth from the 99 percent to the one percent Bruce Pomer Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Clark Paramo Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 William Powers Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Seth Sandronsky Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Tom kurth Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012

Do not give away scant city resources! The masses that can not afford the luxury of sports tickets need to be served and not serve the wealthy that can. Subsidizing the sports arena and Maloofs is corporate welfare. They still owe the city millions which no one seems to have the courage to collect. Linda Tuttle Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Molly Wright Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Mike Davis Meridian, ID Mar 6, 2012 Anna Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Ann Lang Boise, ID Mar 6, 2012 Andrea Havelaar Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Mike Avina Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Dalia Navarro Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Frederic Vincent Davis, CA Mar 6, 2012 Olin Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012

The Kings, even if they were winners instead of losers, will not add prestige to the region. Watching them is fun. Those who enjoy that-- across the entire region-- are the ones who should pony up if they think it is worth it. Richard Seyman Davis, CA Mar 6, 2012 cynthia gatlin sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 There are homeless starving people, and you want Basketball?!?!?!?!? Edward Roselle Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 When will elected officials realize that EDUCATION is the most important gift we can give our children? why cut public funds to schools if the next generation can't even read or do math so they can purchase tickets and earn income at jobs to pay for those tickets? Extremely shortsighted of our elected officials. Elaine Wlton, CA Mar 6, 2012 Diana Martinez Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Crystal spencer Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Potholes in the streets, police service limited, streets are dirty, health clinics closing, poor public services and we are going to build an arena for the few who would attend with our precious funds? Please reconsider and place your focus on the true needs of our beloved Sacramento. Julie Theriault Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Christine Thomas Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Joseph Lawlor Davis, CA 9

Mar 6, 2012 Tennille Finnegan elk grove, CA Mar 6, 2012 It would be easier if you vote NO. At a minimum this must go to a public vote! Mark Whisler Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 BrittanY Finnegan Citrus Hts, CA Mar 6, 2012 Valerie Barclay Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Brett G. Lemke Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Robert Barclay Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Carol Gale Elverta, CA Mar 6, 2012 Marty Masek Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 paul nasca Walsh Station, CA Mar 6, 2012 I would like to see a more fiscal way of doing this and to make sure the building is not obsolete in 20 years. Margaret Piner Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Fix our school budgets first. Thanks.


Roland VonSchoech Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Nicole Magee Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 I don't live in the city but I work in the city and I believe my opinion is important! Nadell Gayou Orangevale, CA Mar 6, 2012 Caitlin Garner Carmichael, CA Mar 6, 2012 I oppose a municipally funded sports complex. I further oppose a mayor and city council that are pushing this plan in direct conflict with voters. Do not sell off City assets and raid the general fund for an arena. If KJ ever accepts a position w the NBA it will be a clear conflict of interest. Ms Hoff Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Nickolas Saldivar III Elk Grove, CA Mar 6, 2012 adrienne nolan rancho cordova, CA Mar 6, 2012 Marta Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 In this time of economic instability and lay offs, the city needs to rethink their priorities and focus on helping the citizens that everyone benefits like our teachers and firefighters and health workers. Emily Alejandrino Carmichael, CA Mar 6, 2012 Kathy ONeil Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012


Arielle Guest Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Thomas Roche Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 The text of the petition says it all. Please do the right thing. Tomiko Ibser Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012


City of Sacramento Councilmemers and County of Sacramento Board of Supervisors my conjecture is that your fiduciary responsibilities do not include the dictatorship of approving 390 million dollars on an 2012 AD Sacramento Kings Arena i.e., 264 BC Roman Empire Gladiators Arena, "gaming kings" in anamphitheater at not only the human sacrifices of our children, adolescences, young and older adults, early and late elders and honorable centerians tax dollars being squandered for the mere minority of screaming elites to tickle their fantasies as our children sacrifice not having art, music appreciation and physical education classes suspended; where adolesences sacrifice the fate of seeing their young and adult parents and early and late elder grandparents face the 21st Century Dream of USA homeownership turn in to thy Nightmare of Homelessness; where our centerians die on the streets, alleys and store fronts, because their social security benefits do not afford adequate housing for homeless is NOT democracy ~ it is abuse of power, abuse of fiduciary responsibility ~ and abuse against the more-than-human community too for pouring money in to building an elaborate concrete structure with plush seats that contains a special room for city executives to invite their favorite politicos' to a festive game at no cost at the sacrifice of CA 289 threatened and endangered animal and plant species is not wholly cultivating ECOZOIC ERA 2012AD ~ does not compute to Sacramento leaders counsels' abiding equal constitutional status to the Sacramento community ~ because your duties do not include being "Rulers" and we the majority are not living to boast a new "Golden Age" as Commodus declared "new Romulus" i.e., "new Sacramento." Moreover, our Wholly Sacramento land, the formerly named, Holy Sacramento River, her people, plants and animals are deserving are fitting authentic living plebeians protesting the City of Sacramento and County of Sacramento establishment of plebeian tribunate against the recasting of the 509BC rape of of Tarquin upon Lucretia ~ I.e., being ravished by the hands of those who claim Ego-centric liberty to the state devouring Eco-soul centric nourishment too their constituents beings' including animals and plant species. And do not get me started on privatizing sole source parking Gestapo / Mafia money laundering all for the sake of pandering elites need to fill their empty abyss via negativa screaming as their eyes revel in jousting as others lay outside the arena being arrested for camping, which was how Sacramento pioneers came to establish the City and County of Sacramento. Deborah Jane Rafter Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 The Maloofs are taking us for a ride. I don't care about basketball especially a last place team whose owners resort to blackmail to make money. We need places to play sports not to sit and watch 'professionals' do it on TV. Michael Dangermond Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 This is one of the most significant decisions in some years. A wrong turn can mean even more cuts in services, and bankruptcy a la Stockton and Vallejo is not as remote as it might seem. Please do not squander our assets for speculative sport developers. I am 72 mortgage free and am worried about increases in my water and sewer charges for the next decade. Will I be able to keep my mortgage free home? I just don't know. james cathcart SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 6, 2012


How bout some help for addicts,homelessnes or the eldery michael cano sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 myrna seto sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Patti Sanderson Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 No to arean at present and until citizen vote david Roberts Sacramentto, CA Mar 6, 2012 Marie Reed Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Carolyn Langenkamp Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Mary Davis Meridian, ID Mar 6, 2012 Kelly Young Sacramento, United States Mar 6, 2012 Using public resources to build an arena will be financial suicide for Sacramento! Don't allow public money to be spent on what is not necessary; use those resources to hire firefighters, police officers, etc., and the restoration of our parks. Duane Underwood Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012


Using public resources to build an arena will be financial suicide for Sacramento! Don't allow public money to be spent on what is not necessary; use those resources to hire firefighters, police officers, etc., and the restoration of our parks. Phyllis Campanello Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 myna seto sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Ryan Rustong Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Please, please pay attention to this message. leilani fay sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Don't give away one of the city's biggest assets. Parking . Enforcement, lots, meters, revenue..... Kit Ruggles Carmichael, CA Mar 6, 2012 Listen to the people or get voted out David Ferland Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Don't waste tax dollars to build a Billionaires Boys' Club. Gordon C. Roadcap Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Arlene Edwards Yuba City, CA Mar 6, 2012 I do not wish to subsidize a facility that I will never, ever use. I am not a sports fan and I do not attend large concerts. Thus, I do not want to pay one cent for this arena. Brian Lopaz 15

Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 You have no right to commit parking revenue (and City taxpayers) to an enterprise which the taxpayers have not expressly approved. Gloria B. Reynolds Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Doug Tatara Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Marck Korbin Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 More cultutre and less concern for sports carolyn parker placerville, CA Mar 6, 2012 Let the public vote!!! Do not get into a 50year parking deal with Wall Street Banks!!! Don't bankruptcy Sacto! Leon Corcos Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 C Conner Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 K Dunaway Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 chuck dotson Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Murray S. Work Carmichael, CA Mar 6, 2012


Kenya Spearman Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Elected city officials who support and vote for this arena deal should not be re-elected. Matter of fact, there should be an organized effort to make sure they are not re-elected because they are betraying the trust of the taxpayers and the people who elected them. Even a Basketball fan such as myself who is not against the idea of the Kings playing in a new arena, must admit, that the procurement of an arena and the tethering of the Kings to Sacramento is not what we elect a mayor or city council to do. Nor is the arena/Kings issue an urgent priority that is reflective of the needs of most people in the city and Sacramento County. Elected city officials who support taking taxpayer money, public monies to build this sports arena are in this case, artfully twisting and shifting the focus of their sworn governmental duties to that of oversight of the privately held Sacramento Kings NBA Franchise. Are Sacramento taxpayers willing to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars to build a sports arena that will be of financial benefit to just a few private wealthy interests? Will tax payers do this when quite possibly their own family members and/or neighbors, Sacramento county's poor and working people who need and receive government taxpayer funded "grants" or financial assistance must pay back every penny from their minimum wages? Will tax payers allow this when they are told that vital public services must be cut or suspended due to lack of money? Given these tough economic times of sufferings and sacrifices, school closures and job furloughs, will taxpayers allow their elected city officials to "gift" hundreds of millions of their tax dollars to private wealthy interests to build a sports complex? Is this what these city officials who are paid with taxpayer monies elected to do? If your answer is no, then come election time, don't vote for the city officials who vote for this arena deal. Start now considering other candidates to take their elected office. Ama Hetepunuta Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 We do not need to bankrupt our city with unneeded infrastructure. Steven Bourasa Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012


It's a lie that this arena would bring much needed jobs to the area. The truth is that all the good jobs that have been taken away by the government deciding that human services aren't important and that the arts aren't important and state jobs aren't important. What we need is to shift our priorities to what counts: people in need, education, rehabilitation of what we already have downtown- awesome buildings that stand in near ruin taking up space when we could spend next to nothing to fix it up and make a shelter out of it. It should be a crime to allow blocks of unused buildings lie stagnant while there are no emergency winter shelters and now an arena? Yeah, I'd feel real good about myself eating a $15 hotdog at a "maybe Kings" game while a stepped over 3 homeless people on my way back to the parking garager before I drive back to Rocklin. Trickle-down economics are a farse! Erin Domingo Sacramento, CA Mar 6, 2012 Brady and Tony Torres SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 5, 2012 Aaron Holms Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 These funds would be better spent meeting urgent city needs! Richard Perry Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Kevin Corcoran Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Jeff Kapellas Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Kelly Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Sports millionaires from other cities should not get public funds that should be invested in education, public safety infrastructure and utilities to foster quality of life for all Sacramentans Don Feliz Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Robert Herrmann 18

Walsh Station, CA Mar 5, 2012 Robert Smith Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Jesse Talbert Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Use the arena we already have. Connie Stoneking Antelope, CA Mar 5, 2012 Tim Smith Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 HAROLD RICHARD sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Maslow's Hierarchy of NEEDS. Think smarter, Therefor be smarter and then maybe your arena games can play smarter.... there is a priority list here and it's not building another real building, its making the ones that we have WORK and the people under the roof smarter and happier WORKING together! GET It and slam dunk whats right for history's sake. Organize your players to save the priority list and build better tomorrows... it is a Team of our CITY, our children and our dreams of tomorrow that deserve the better, we can, PUBLIC resources to flow and achieve that of which we can produce today.... Don't use public resources to build an arena. Use the idea of an arena to transform the idea that YOU know is the true, successful, slam dunk. Live, Love Laugh, Play Think, Grow. Please and Thank You :) Alison Wells Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Mary Lahr sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Bonnie Jacobson Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Jay Rudin Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 19

If you understand why Sacramento is different from other major cities you know we work hard to get along with each other. This issue has been the most divisive I have ever seen. Most upsetting is that leaders who claim to have the best interests of our City at heart are apparently the most clueless to this intangible but unique shared value. It takes creativity and leadership to hold us together. What we have here is misguided, desperate, and in service to the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. The richest have resources and are better able to undertake "risk". Here we have the rich avoiding risk and manipulating public opinion to risk "other peoples money" -- taxpayer's money. The City will never be the same and I am not angry but sad. Whatever the outcome, the taxpayers of Sacramento are on the hook and that sound you hear is a huge rip in heart of our common wealth. ron cooper sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Alice Bauman Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Adriane Sahmaunt Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 jim hensley sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Rob Fong--you are my councilman---please vote NO on this proposal. Sorry you decided not to seek re-election. You had my vote. Richard Lew Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 First get the millions the Maloofs owe Sacramento back. This is NOT a priority to the majority of Sacramento citizens. Public safety, good schools - the list is endless - are the priority. Jeanne Griffin Smith Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Monica Harvey Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 David Bowles Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012


Amy Winter Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Marsha Hartberg Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Clint Quillin Walsh Station, CA Mar 5, 2012 Christine Hansen Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Pamela Griffey Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Building this arena is insane. Michael Gettemy Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Elisabeth Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 veronica lerma sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Debbie Massello Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Josh Fernandez Elk Grove, CA Mar 5, 2012 Barbara Woods Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012


Please don't do what you're planning to do. Scot Rogers Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Anthony Davis, CA Mar 5, 2012 Jed Brewer sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 kathleen perez Hood, CA Mar 5, 2012 Brooke Walker-Knoblich Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 John Bell SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 5, 2012 Chris Bender Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Louis Warfield Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 RustyRogers Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Rose Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Mark Herzig Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Elisa Hough Sacramento, CA 22

Mar 5, 2012 James Jonh Stevens Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Get your priorities straight. Richard Jaffee Cohen Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Wm L Chisholm Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 I agree with this statement. If you want a world-class, livable city, make sure the basics are there first: streets, sewers, police and fire coverage. J. Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Why can't we move heaven and earth for the schools instead of a sports team? Felicia Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 We need a lot of things in Sacramento that will benefit a lot more people than a sports arena. Let's be reasonable; you take care of the necessities before the luxuries. pamela johnson citrus heights, CA Mar 5, 2012 STELLA CONNELL LEVY Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 David Lockwood Elk Grove, CA Mar 5, 2012 This is irresponsible and bad government. Do not waste any more money on this arena. We don't want it nor need it. cindy cano sacramento, CA 23

Mar 5, 2012 Outrageous waste of taxpayer money. 50 years of debt for a 30-year project life. Why are all the budget cutters and no government spending proponents hiding on this? James Openshaw Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 mark noyes Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Marie Kiene Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 We need so much more than a "nice new arena" right now. amanda sokol rancho cordova, CA Mar 5, 2012 John Kiene Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Jay Cottor Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 WENDIE LABELLA Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Though a resident of the county, do not see this move as anything other than a money/power grab by what passes for the 1% in Sac. Vote against it, please!! JAMES FULTON Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Mary Morant Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Marti Walker Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 24

Rebecca Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Please stop this arena. we are loosing teachers police officers and you want to waste more money that we Do not have on an arena.." What a joke " OSCAR MUNOZ ELK GROVE, CA Mar 5, 2012 The public resources being dedicated to the arena are even greater than the $250 million that has been acknowledged. The City purchased the land on which the arena is being located for $52 million and are conisidering purchasing as additionl parcel lot 40. The city is also considering selling other City land during this period of depressed values to fund to arena.This is an appparently desparate effort to same a team owned by a family with failing assests and an uncertain future. Tbhe city is also attempting to abtrogate a landmark court decsion that protects the flows and environment in the American River so they can sell water to outside interests in another attempt to gain funding to repair degraded and failing City water system infrastructure. Rick Bettis Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 STOP the insanity. Let the private sector fund themselves. Let billionaires finance their own venues. douglas desalles Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 My concern is for an over-leveraged city that can't pay its future bills, like Stockton. And a County that has gone into debt for an expensive airport. Chicagoans are experiencing increased parking fees, with no say, due to their 70 year lease of parking spaces. Ann Kanter Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Don't build the arena. We do not have enough money to teach or feed our chioldren and the traffic would be terrible, Don't fool me that the tax payers won't still be left holding the bag! The Maloff's still haven't repaid their loan to the city as it is! lisa ashley sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Wayne Hart Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012


Carlos Rico Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Why spend more money, how many times does Arco need to be re-done... I could go on .... Roberta L. MEdiati Grass Valley, CA Mar 5, 2012 Dolores Ross Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Please do not squander valuable and desperately needed public resources on a stadium that we don't need and which will likely be torn down or abandoned(see Arco Arena) before it's even paid off. Kristin Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 we can not afford it. eugene henry sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Denise Evangelista Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 WTF? WE VOTED THIS DOWN , and now it's back, with no vote??! With studies up the wazoo about the economic idiocy of sports stadia public funding? With schools and fire stations closing? I will work to defeat in the next election every Council member who votes for this stupidity. Oscar Balaguer Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 why can't the kings/maloofs just go away... it's all about money & greed phil danner Fair Oaks, CA Mar 5, 2012 Jan Fleming Carmichael, CA Mar 5, 2012 26

No thank you! Let the Maloof's foot the bill. Sabrina LeVene Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Mayor Johnson needs to pay attention to the real issues in Sacramento that require funds more than a new arena during our current budget crisis. No new arena until our social and civil problems are solved. Denise Ross Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Laura Mullen Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Laying off teachers and demonizing public schools while paying lackluster athletes 10 million dollars a year to play a game poorly is already a disaster in motion. Building a billion dollar homage to this sad state of affairs could ruin the city of Sacramento forever. Skye D Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Christina Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 In light of the current budget crisis, hungry & homeless children, poverty, cut backs in our public servants, police and firefighters, the City has more critical challenges than funding a new arena. Let's readjust our moral compass, why don't we? rebecca stone sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Laura Hendricks Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 valerie Smith Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Zara Hayes Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 27

Elizabeth Campbell Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Heather Graham Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 When they pay off the last loan, then MAYBE taxpayers dollars could assist, but it is ridiculous to keep chasing the dollars that aren't even there Joey Cline Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 The top 20 percent doesn't worry about the bottom 20 percent. Kenneth Lum Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Sarah Weaver Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Fiona Renton Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Please don't use public funds for a Downtown arena. I am outraged that my City Council would sign away parking revenues to fund such a scam. Scam! Scam! Don't do it. Heidi McLean SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 5, 2012 Sacramento can continue to grow stronger, more vibrant, diverse and interesting without handing over public resources for this arena investment scam. Carol Greenwood Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Art Ecology 50.5 Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012


Elaine Novak Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 I feel strongly that PUBLIC resources should NOT be used for a downtown arena!! Funds are needed in other areas that have been neglected due to lack of funding. Catherine Bowen Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Get your head out of the net and look and the real needs of our community! As a Public Health Nurse, I am concerned that healthcare has been cut and put on the back burner for too long. don't use public funds for such silliness! Juanita Lyons Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 We need to prioritize our spending. Saving our parks and recreation areas is far more important and will serve more people more of the time. Vivian Counts Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Zach Wilson Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Amanda Stennick Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 do not use my email! Peter Thompson Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 patricia imel sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 We have SO MANY public safety, infrastructure and neighborhood issues that need our PUBLIC MONEY. Please do not spend public resources on the arena. Conny (Constance) Anderson 29

Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 joan Cochrane Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Public money should benefit public purposes - education, arts, parks, social services, libraries, sports programs, even basics like sewage. The Bee argues that we should "commit significant public resources with the hope it becomes a catalyst for rail yard development. If it doesn't, it will stir considerable disappointment." How weak! If we want rail yard development, invest in that rather than turning our public treasury over to billionaires and wannabe politicians in hopes that some of that might trickle back to us. Craig Rieser Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Evan Drath Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 A world class city isn't based on whether or not it has a professional ball club. It's based on schools, infrastructure, libraries, etc. The Maloofs will probably be filing bankruptcy. What happens to the millions they owe the City of Sacramento at that time? This is a no-win situation for Sacramento and it's citizens. How about concentrating on what the city REALLY needs? Eleanor H. McPherson Roseville, CA Mar 5, 2012 Christine Luman Elk Grove, CA Mar 5, 2012 The Kings is the Maloff's toy, let them build their own arena !! The City reduced the Police, Fire fighters and now there is more crime than ever before, and now you want to throw the Parking employees under the bus for some arena, you should be ashamed of yourselves !! This money needs to stay inside the City, apply it to the City needs, and not be handed to the Maloff's, they have not repaid the City back for the existing arena, and now you want to give them more !! This is not the way City officials are supposed to manage a great City, this is not how your supposed to treat it's employees who have worked for years, believing that they will have security and look forward to retirement, this is what they get for working hard ! Shame on you, you don't see any other City doing this and why, because it's not good business !! Cynthia Nabors Lincoln, CA Mar 5, 2012 paul malelu Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 30

If it were a good deal, private money would flood in. Just like the Natomas deal, its a land grab by private developers funded by public money. Michael Bush sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 NO CITY FUNDS SHOULD BE SPENT ON THE ARENA - NO IF ANDS OR BUTTS Clark Woy Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Steve White Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 patrick minor sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Dean Reynolds Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Staci Hovermale Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 I am a former long-term resident and still work in downtown Sacramento for over 25 years. This money can to to so many other things that benefit the residents as a whole -- not just a segment of basketball fans and interested restaurant chains. Please don't so this. Yvette Ernst West Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Dane Henas Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Please donnot sell away city sevices to finance a Millionaires toy. Let the Maloofs step up to the plate and take care of the Kings themselves. The City of Sacramento was fine before the Kings got here, and will be fine when they leave. Jack Nabors Lincoln, CA Mar 5, 2012 31

Nancy Yamada Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 I'm a Sac native and plan to return. Arco Arena is perfect, easy to get in and out of. A downtown stadium is madness. John Pride Atlanta, GA Mar 5, 2012 allen denault placerville, CA Mar 5, 2012 sharon marie barron sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 James Wakefield Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Richard Rawson Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Rose Luce Napa, CA Mar 5, 2012 eric vega sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Julia mason sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 I have watched the city I grew up in, become a war zone. Please know that basketball will not change that. We Need police and firefighters, before a new arena. The Maloofs didn't pay us or the first one. Patricia Trimble Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012


We are loosing too many teachers, police officers and sacramento's infrastructure needs more help than to build something we cant afford! Come on SACRAMENTO WAKE UP!!!! Kimberly webb Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Richard Maw Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 ann fox morgan Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 gary taylor sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 michael stocke sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 If the Maloofs want a new arena, let THEM pay for it! Sarah Proteau Fair Oaks, CA Mar 5, 2012 Jennifer Applegate Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Janet Dawson Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Mary Ann Karrer SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 5, 2012 We need to work on keeping our downtown worth shopping in and working in not spending money on a area. DeeAnn Bradshaw Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012


Stacie Robertson Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Darlene Griffin Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Kathryn Mogavero Sacramento, CA, CA Mar 5, 2012 You should not do with our money as you wish! It is OUR money, OUR city, OUR CHOICE!!! Patricia Kuhn Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Eric Perryman Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 I simply cannot accept the fact that you have forgotten the people who gave you this job and you are not looking out for their best interest, I think Arco Arena is adequate. Wanda Daniels Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 I would suppont an arena if an independent assessment could be made that guaranteed that the arena would pay for itself and provide a revenue stream that would support parks and libraries without placing a burden on other resources - traffic flows, etc. in addition, it would need to provide a freeway bypass between Cal Expo and I 5 to relieve and handle the excess traffic. Michael Welsch Sacramento, CA Mar 5, 2012 Please do not waste our precious funds on this arena project at this time! We do not have the resources to build this project let alone all the additional resources ($$$$$$$) to support the infrastructure that is required to get this land ready to build an arena, ie, sewer, roads, rail, to name a few! Heidi Goodman Carmichael, CA Mar 5, 2012 Karen Bernal Sacramento, CA 34

Mar 4, 2012 If we want residential parking in our neighborhoods, we first petition our neighbors about support and then we need vote. If we want traffic calming in our neighborhoods, again, petition our affected neighbors and then we vote. But propose spending a half billion dollars, mostly supplied by city coffers and the sale & leasing of public assets. No Vote? Many things are wrong with this process, very wrong! Bruce Holmes Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 All the voters living in Sacramento County should be able to vote for this. When anything comes up about the arena, only the voters in the city limits can vote! Jason Bowman Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Pat Sigler Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Carmela Ruby Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 For the entertainment & a few jobs you would commit public resources for a downtown arena. People and infrastructure are way more important. totally selfish and appalling. Cecily Bailey Davis, CA Mar 4, 2012 Debra Kjoller Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Vivian Levine Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Marilyn McCants Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Joan Kelly Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012


Gayatri Schilberg Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 No No No to a publicly funded arena. Use our tax dollars for worthy resources such as education, recreation and roads. Millionaire players and owners do not need a subsidy from taxpayers. Joy Baird Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Heidi Lawson Dorrington, CA Mar 4, 2012 David R Noble Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Signing away parking revenue for 50 yrs? Squeezing into a overworked, contaminated triangle? No arena next to the river. Upgrade the current Kings venue. K. Kane Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 I obviously don't have all of the facts and figures but I don't believe building a new stadium is the best way to bring Sacramento back to it's former self. Lonnie Jones Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Christine Weinstein Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Dominic Hernandez Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012


There is no way that the supposed sources for general fund back fill can in reality back fill the general fund loss of the 9.5 million the city now gets annually from parking revenues. Most of the back fill comes from very uncertain and speculative revenues from the arena itself and surrounding parking which may never materialize in sufficient amounts to provide a reliable backfill, especially considering that the Kings will have to borrow even more. If the Kings borrow their contribution, they will be even less able than they are now to field a competitive team that can inspire attendance. Most folks --faced with ticket surcharges and parking surcharges--will just decide their families are better off sta ying home in front of the big TV screen. No need to pay for parking and the home made appetizers are better and cheaper. Opponents of the arena are not naysayers. They just have a more creative and more reality based vision for a vibrant downtown.There are so many less expensive, less risky and more imaginative projects that could be put in the railroads and along the riverfront that would do a better job of bringing recreation and entertainment and, yes, economic renewal, night and day than a hulk of an arena typically used only at night and only by those who can afford basketball tickets which--with all those surcharges etc. will become unaffordable for most residents. Jan Rein Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Please stop! Do not use public resources to build an arena for the Kings. I would support legal action to challenge and reverse any contract involving a parking deal. Mary Fernandez Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Tiffany Tamaribuchi Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Hope Richards Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 why destroy the downtown mall we have already paid for? DONALD M BOYD SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 4, 2012 Don't use public funds. We're tired of being fleeced for politicains pet projects & profits! roddie mcelhaney sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012


We don't need a new bill right now. We don't need to sign away our parking and public lands. We need good schools and parks. An area would be nice but give me good bathrooms in parks first. julia stagg sac, CA Mar 4, 2012 Julia Russell Meridian, ID Mar 4, 2012 If the NBA and the Kings love Sacramento so much they will stay with us at the existing arena until we can afford to build the new arena. John Taylor Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 C Emerson Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 margaret a. rodda Nevada City, CA Mar 4, 2012 Mike Prentiss Walsh Station, CA Mar 4, 2012 A ridiculous use of funds greatly needed elsewhere. Rachel Edelson Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Sacramento needs to focus on its unique features (the rivers, pony express, old sacamento, gold rush, etc.) rather than making another arena for a team that can move anytime it wants. Annette Emery Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 An arena is bogus. Not wanted or needed. There are tons of other priorities. Let the private interests BUY their own properties. Our tax money has no place in the pockets of private interests. Raymond V. Rothermel Sacramento, CA 38

Mar 4, 2012 We will be paying for this boondoggle long after our elected officals have left office. If they are willing to risk their private assets on this venture then maybe. Bill Perry Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Laura Lee Riley Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 I live outside the city but, worked for the city for over twenty five years. Please don't do this, there just isn't enough proof that it will work. There many more examples of where it fails! Theresa Sutton Elk Grove, CA Mar 4, 2012 There are too many unknowns about the financing of the arena. Based on the experience of other cities, it is much more likely that, instead of increasing the general fund, the arena costs will be a continuing drain, causing even deeper cuts in public services in order to maintain a facility that benefits wealthy corporations and individuals. Stop this madness now. janet vining sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 ron hottinger newark, OH Mar 4, 2012 The majority voted against using Public Funds in 2006. I don't want this Arena built by using any form of Public money............Period! Einar Reitz Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 RM Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Jamie Lee Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012


Kevin Johnson's leadership is disappointing. There are many significant gains Sacramento could have made had he not been mayor. Our schools suffer too. He is unconcerned with issues that are important to city citizens and unabashedly imposes his moraless value system despite the will of the people. He is the first politician I have ever encountered that publically protested animal abuse protection measures. If Sacramento citizens by majority want to fund this, then we should do it without the influence of Johnson to keep it fair. But this issue will not be put to a vote and it should be. That is the main issue Sacramentans are upset with. We have no voice in mortgaging our future. Hopefully with this petition the city counsel will consider such an option. Carrie Camarena Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Hey Mayor, I am one of those who will be paying for this. If you sell off my right to park in my own neighborhood I will actively oppose you and everything you try to do to the best of my abilities John Finnegan Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Laurie Heller Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Sheila Boltz Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Meridy T. Migchelbrink Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Sarah Hafer Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Angela Barlow Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 I agree. Ken Sanderson Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Robert Sacramento, CA 40

Mar 4, 2012 kathleen carroll Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 MARK SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 4, 2012 Rev. J. Patrick Kelly Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 They need to keep the arena in Natomas. Brenda Borge Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Ramesh Ganeriwal Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Robert Triboli Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 This city is pathetic. GREG G JUSTICE SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 4, 2012 Teresa Seymour Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Develop a Safe Ground for the homeless. Stop criminalizing the homeless. Patricia G. Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 If Big Sports and the Maloofs want a new arena, they should pay for it themselves. We need to pay teachers and firemen and not millionaire ball players. Geraldine Clarke Sacramento, CA 41

Mar 4, 2012 Paying 50 years for a building that will last only 30 years is stupid. Jerry Beelar Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 The downtown arena proposal will lead to massive traffic issues. Imagine it taking an hour and a half to get home from a game. Arco Arena has been neglected since the Maloofs took over. It has a well developed existing infrastructure. A new arena could easily be built on the existing property. Brad Clark Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Larry Ottman Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Dean Sinander Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Yvonne Berdan Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Virginia Wenslaff Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 My sentiments exactly! We need better jobs, not a bunch of minimum wage jobs that will just keep people underemployed and struggling, while people who aren't paying their fair share enjoy an arena that the 99% are paying for. It's ridiculous. Who rewards a losing team anyway with a new anything? Tarla Sacramenti, CA Mar 4, 2012 Patrick Terrill Los Angeles, CA Mar 4, 2012 Peggy Manfredi Davis, CA Mar 4, 2012


Jerry Davison Antelope, CA Mar 4, 2012 Lynne Fairchild Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Please use these funds to protect our community and provide more resources for our children and seniors. What about securing the levies on the river? Kathleen Haas Eureka, CA Mar 4, 2012 I love the idea of a downtown arena, but not if it's taking funds from basic services and education. Find a way to get it to pay for itself, and lots more of us will support it. Mary Rodgers Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Sports Arenas are not the best way to invest in Sacramento. Please do not use any public funds or public resources to building what while inevitably be a money pit used by a few out of towners. This is the wrong direction for Sacramento. Bridgitte Rivers Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Kate Woolley Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Elizabeth Heart Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Susan Scott Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Total disaster lies ahead for this poorly researched, badly planned, covertly figured project that will NEVER be able to pay back the citizens for what they've "invested." Jeanie Keltner sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 43

Marjorie Lev Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Pauline Caple Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 There are so many serious problems in Sacramento that need public resources. Sports are entertainment and should rank at the bottom for receiving public resources. Victor de Vlaming Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Samantha Munroe Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 earl lagomarsino sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Katherine McNeill Fuoco Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 sal camarillo Rialto, CA Mar 4, 2012 We already have an arena and it did not change the world. We do not need a new one. Bluewater Avery Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Kelcey Ham Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Public revenues have never been recovered in these sports venue plans. L R Roberts Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012


Not one red cent of public money should be spent on an arena for the Wall Street 1 percent! Dan Bacher Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Cynthia Neuman Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 I want the details of the plan fully vetted by the public. Are we going to lose cops and firefighters to build this arena? I don't want to lose jobs but I really don't want to waste millions because spoiled millionaires couldn't handle their finances. Mary C Cage Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Natasha Collier Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 It is ironic that while Stockton considers Bankruptcy after building an Arena, Sacramento wants to follow! Ray Perryman Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Mirna Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Tax payer dollars should be used to provide public services, create jobs, and help our schools, not on basketball. Carole W Harper SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 4, 2012 Rebekka Kirkpatrick Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Reuben Graham Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012


Mark Bowers Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 And the team sucks! Todd D. Bloom Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 andrew rippert sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Alann Ferreira SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 4, 2012 Nora Kniveton sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Ann Wehrman Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Jason Bowman Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 I already posted something very similar on Facebook last week . I feel that Kevin Johnson is making a huge mistake and is jeopardizing Sacramento' financial stability. Ronit Rieser Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012


I hope you had a chance to review the official accounting of expenses and revenues since 2007. I can understand if have been too busy to review these reports. My understanding of these reports is that in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, the City of Sacramento reported $923,652,000 in revenue and $767,407,00 in expenses. In contrast, the unaudited report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 shows $785,182,00 in revenues and $801,018,000 in expenses. Over this four-year period, the City of Sacramento saw at 15% decrease in revenues and a 4% increase in expenses. For more detail, visit . The City of Sacramento and its government can be justly proud of its efforts to control expenses during this period of declining revenues. As you know, this was a period of poor economic performance due to factors above and beyond the control of local and state governments. Although I wish I could state that the period of economic weakness is behind us, in fact any attempt to predict the future must include a statement of the considerable uncertainty about the economy of the U.S. With this in mind, the future revenues of the City of Sacramento are also considerably uncertain. Because of the uncertainty of future revenues of the City of Sacramento, I must urge caution when considering construction of new entertainment complexes. In my opinion, residents primarily want good police and fire services from their city government and after that they want good libraries and parks. Undertaking new expenses could threaten good police and fire services if the general economy fails to improve. For these reasons, I urge you to oppose construction of new entertainment complexes. steve lerman sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Jillynn molina Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 We can never make in sales taxes what this project will cost us. Meanwhile, we need sustainable small business opportunities, and more affordable downtown residences. Edwina White Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 no from my wallet in any way shape or form tony barros sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 I agree with Councilman Fong's assessment that the general fund and future liability of the city has to be protected. A new arena paid for with public money is ot acceptable. W. Louise Einspahr Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 janice wang sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 47

California and the United States needs to get back to making sound financial investments. The financing for this arena is no better than a subprime liar loan which the Maloofs and the city can not afford much less qualify for. Lisa Morgan-Wade Drouin, Australia Mar 4, 2012 The city council is saying "nay" to public participation on this issue. Kenneth Wilcox Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 This is in need of a vote by the people. Patrick Kalbus Carmichael, CA Mar 4, 2012 No more corporate welfare. If its such a money maker where are all the billionairs that have been sitting on record amounts of cash for the past four years. This is insanity. Mary Beth Kalbus Carmichael, CA Mar 4, 2012 A huge 50 yr committment on a non-essential NBA arena deserves input from the 99ers. John Irish Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 David L. Mandel Sacramento, CA Mar 4, 2012 Although the petition states the problem eloquently, it also concerns me that our mayor, elected to serve the citizens of Sacramento, has so blatently ignored the desires of the majority of citizens in this city. Christie D Wise Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 David Frankel Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012


Thais Thomas Walsh Station, CA Mar 3, 2012 Alexander Medeiros Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 David Oshige Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 We need money for schools, infrastructure, and dozens of other things -- just feeding hungry people -- would be better than dumping more money into the Sacramento Kings and the Maloofs' pockets. Please do what is right and vote it down. Jeanne Allyn Gabert Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Kandace Eaton Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Paul Cleve Henderson Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Joaquin Ngarangad Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Liane Bruckstein Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Gail Sanabria Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012


the City of Sacramento should be without a debt, and the Kings' owners should pay the load they have from the City of Sacramento before any more is done to build an arena. Also, citizens/taxpayers of Sacramento should vote on whether an arena should be built because there are more vital needs the city has than an arena. charlotte donovan sacto, CA Mar 3, 2012 Don't give away the revenue from city parking to support a multimillionaire team owner who still owes the city $75 million for the PRESENT area. Thomas Harrison Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 John Isham Seattle, CA Mar 3, 2012 Scott Wong Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Linda Jahn Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Jon Marshack Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Isabel Ashkar Sacramento, CA, CA Mar 3, 2012 While the wording of this petition isn't exactly what I would choose, its basic position is. Use _public_ resources to meet _public_ needs, and support libraries, parks, and public transit! Patricia Byers Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 ashley kleinau Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012


I STRONGLY support this petition. It gives me an outlet for my distress at the plan to spend public funds. Fine, build an arena, but do it with private funds. Mynga Futrell Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Ron Arzaga Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Philip Simpson Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Perhaps we should offer the City Council large bottles of aspirin, toi keep between their knees when negotiating with the Maloofs. William Steven Caple Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Transportation is more important than subsidizing developers! Do not move the Amtrak station and gamble with our tax dollars! Benjamin Etgen Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Hillary Wilson Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Craig Corbett Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Carol Lawson Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 John Liberty Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012


I am sick of the Maloofs pushing this issue and I'm sick of our elected officials (now Mayor Kevin Johnson) being in bed with them. Don't they still owe Sacramento $70 Million? Will we ever make them pay that back before moving ahead with yet another venture to fill their coffers? I'm sick of this preferential treatment of the 1% at the expense of the 99% majority. The Maloofs need to pony up and repay their bill to Sacramento before we even consider moving forward with this issue. We cannot afford this luxury with the current budget crisis! WAKE UP MAYOR KEVIN JOHNSON. Gene Clapper Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Agree totally. Plus imagine going to work/home in 5 miles of bumper to bumper IF enough people WOULD come Don't think so. Sacto will be buried in the toxic train center of a money pit. Kathryn Carter Citrus Heights, CA Mar 3, 2012 JoAnne Craig-Ferraz Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 I totally AGREE with the attached letter/comments. Kathleen Green Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 The NBA "Business Model" for coercing cities to build Arenas is "EXTORTION" . . . and has been correctly called this in two recent Op-Ed columns (written by the same person) in the Sacramento BEE. Because the outcomes of such financings almost always end up having the city left "holding the bag," (the Maloofs still owe approx. $70 million on the public financing for the existing Arena) this EXTORTION business model must cease NOW!!! Keith Seegmiller Sacramento,, CA Mar 3, 2012 Melissa Hatfield Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Jason MacCannell Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012


Use the money to keep parks and recreation open not build an arena Brandon Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Eleanor Taniguchi Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 If this were a sound business venture, there would be ample private investors. It is a scam to Sacramento taxpayers that we will apparently have NO choice about. Sam Senteney Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Janet Kurnick Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 If things do not pan-out the way you expect, you will cause our city to go into bankruptcy or this will fall on the tax payers. The wealthy elite will step aside and let us take the hit. People in Sacramento do NOT have that kind of money to pay for expensive show tickets. Renovate the current Arena, it's cheaper. Carmen Lugo Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 I have already signed this and think it needs to be put out there. since we the people are not allowed to vote on this, the least we can do is have a petition. Matthew Piner Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 I am in complete agreement with this statement. Patricia I Johnson ElkGrove, CA Mar 3, 2012


I believe that the arena could be an asset to Sacramento and the downtown, but if it will produce the returns that promoters claim, then private investors and businesses should invest their dollars in it and claim the monetary rewards as they do in other investments. No public dollars should be used because there are too few dollars available and too many other existing and looming needs. Dale Kooyman Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 The specter of Stockton's possible bankruptcy is haunting and should serve as a warning to Sacramento's leaders Don Knutson Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Simon Dell Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 We've already voted on this! What is the vote of the people for? Susan McMillan Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 we have more important things to spend $$$ on. richard levitt sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Lets see all at Tuesday's Council meeting. Susan Bush Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Should city ever decide to leverage assets to raise funds, there are far better places to invest the funds; like completions of of Science Center in PG&Em building on the riuver front. Brooks Truitt Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Mark Salomon Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 54

Daryle Louie Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 As a 25 year business in Sacramento, I'm still amazed at the council's ability to prioritize this project (with our money) all the while, seeing the violent events that predominate the news at the same time law enforcement is being cut. Just once, placate us with a resounding "It's time to live within our means!" even if you all personally don't believe in it. tom head Grass Valley, CA Mar 3, 2012 Tony Russell Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 DONNA ROSE MADRID SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 3, 2012 The City Council vote is March 6, 6pm. Everyone please also oppose with an eComment here: Sam S Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Steve Vincent Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 Sharon Nicodemus Sacramento, CA Mar 3, 2012 No to privatization of parking. Do we really need a monster truck venue in order to be world class? No arena in these economic times! Travis Silcox Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012


This could fail in a big way. Remember Aura and Saca's hole? This could be much worse. What is your plan to replace all that parking garage money for the next 30 years? You are going to carry 65 percent of the load with tax payers' money, and give most of the profit, if there is any, to private corporations. That's just plain dumb. David Harpe Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Build an Arena... We have an arena. Build a rail system to the Arena we already have and then keep it going to the Airport. There are 100's of other ways to mindfully spend this money than on another arena. Joyce Rietz Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Kirsten Salomon Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Barbara Franklin Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Carlos romero Rancho cordova, CA Mar 2, 2012 Jeanette Okazaki Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 in these difficult times any funds should be invested in infrastructure, medical, schools, and other basic human needs NOT luxuries! Clara Smith Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 We ALREADY voted this down! I could care less if the Kings stay here and I certainly don't think we should finance the "arena to nowhere" Connie Taylor Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012


Stop the arena noise and get down to solving the problems at hand in Sacramento. If you want to be a strong mayor, then fix the problems now, not create longer term problems. Will Green Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Yes I am a concerned citizen and I do not want public funds used on an arena when we need parks and open space. pamela avery Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 I do not suuport privatizing city services, certainly to support the NBA. The city of Sacramento deserves better than to be stripped of services. Our community and emergency services are certainly more important than professional sports don't you think? Pete Bramson Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 The first consideration of the railyard should be the rail users, commuters, tourists and the internodal facility: ;future rail. Green up! Get smart. Not back to the 50;s. Look at Portland and Seattle. No tax money for the stated reasons. This should be citizen decisions, not developers. 50 yr.? Insane. put thousands of people in cars right off I 5. More insanity. . If they just have to have an arena rebuild it on the property they own and many problems would be solved. This totally sticks: the Moloofs already owe 67 million to the city. I agree with the statement of this con side of petition. We need to unite to stop this. Jerry Ann Campbell Shingle Springs, CA Mar 2, 2012 Very opposed to the City using our resources to fund the arena without our say. Robert Sinclair Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 It will bankrupt our city. We have no money for firefighters or even to trim the trees. James Rubie Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 M Evans Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012


Charles Purcell Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 I agree completely with the statement. Marilyn barudoni Rancho Cordova, CA Mar 2, 2012 I would prefer that the money be used to upgrade the railyard area as well as the downtown area...that's a lot of money---we could have another San Antonio river walk--something EVERYONE could enjoy which would bring employment and tourism to our wonderful city. Linda Purcell Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Jenny Nordyke Citrus Hts, CA Mar 2, 2012 Joan Harvey Sacramento,, CA Mar 2, 2012 I know its futile. Democrat Republican it makes no difference. You are all whores. doren garcia san diego, CA Mar 2, 2012 Nate Feldman Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Yes! I do want to sign this petition and I would like many more people to have the same opportunity to sign also. Wrong economy, wrong venture, and wrong priorities. Paul Sanchez Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Let's vote on it! blythe blue sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 58

While I realize that during the construction there will be some added jobs and maybe some sales tax revenue increase. I feel this is just another 'good ole boy' project to benefit a few. Della Armstrong Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Brandon McElhaney Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Jan Kristie Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Brenda Morrissey Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Mark Burelle Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 $608 from every citizen of Sacramento to build an arena without even a vote from the public? At the same time schools and public safety services are being cut? That's not right! Thomas Wendel Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Robert Cassinelli Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 brian lambert Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Ed Lowry Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Carol Clark-Russell Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012


living here in Sacramento, I know how scarce things are here, and our Mayor needs to pay attention to more things, like the homeless, rather than trying to relive his good life in getting more basketball in Sacramento. Edward Roselle Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 John Milne Sacto, CA Mar 2, 2012 An arena downtown is NOT the best use of public funds in times of great need for public well-being! Jane Thomson Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 We already voted this down. This is an outrage. This money can be used for far more beneficial purposes. Dominique Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 maloofs pay for your own areana Justin Isaac Buell Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 I already spoke out against public money for the Arena when the City Council tried to push a sales tax increase. Then we, the voters, voted it down. Please respect your voters. No public money for an arena! Lisa Salaices Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Jennifer Chapin Carmichael, CA Mar 2, 2012 Dont use our public resources for a private venture. Richard Beach Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Becky Cale Sacramento, CA 60

Mar 2, 2012 Don't use public resources to build a downtown arena please Brooke Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 I think turning over public parking fees to a private arena is a crime. Ivy Glasgow Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 This is not the time to use much needed money for something related to serving a limited portion of the community. Few citizens have excess funds to attend games or other events. Schools are deplorable and cuts to law enforcement very stressful. Joan Beach Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Sports arena math does not add up. Most communities that do this do not experience the economic gains touted by Arena proponents. We need Education, Fire protection and Police Officers on the street before we need this kind of Boondoggle. Thanks for Listening, Valle Valle Tiberti Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Joshua Simmons Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 Nicholas Roberts Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 For a professional team who, never sell's out their game day tickets in the first place, this, is a horrible idea! The new arena will prove too costly to operate fully! Kevin Johnson just want's this done so, he look's good come, election time! He does not care about, the financial fallout that, will occur eventally! It's time to, fund the right programs for, the teachers and the men/women in uniform! Jason Myers Modesto, CA Mar 2, 2012


That money could be use toward education instead of building an "entertainment center" that purportedly will provide a few low paying jobs for people who can't afford an education so they can find a real career. People potential like me. Kae Saeteurn Sacramento, CA Mar 2, 2012 gabrielle Carlson Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 jessica t Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Sasha Prawalsky Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 dave phillips Stockton, CA Mar 1, 2012 Just No... Kelly Garner Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 paul nasca Walsh Station, CA Mar 1, 2012 Alexander Adan Carmichael, CA Mar 1, 2012 Michelle Guerra Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 S Tobin Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Natalie Browne Sacramento, CA 62

Mar 1, 2012 M. Parfitt Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Lisa Bourassa Fair Oaks, CA Mar 1, 2012 This is a scam. The public is not stupid. Marion Millin Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Sharon Kelley Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 I will make it a point to vote my council members out if they stay on this track to spend $$ I want spent in a more blended way. carlton ashley Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 We have so many more important needs than big-bucks for sports arena, benefitting so few. Please be wise and compassionate for our whole city. Helen Hobart Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Connie Georgiu Elk Grove, CA Mar 1, 2012 The address is temporary. I will be returning to Sacramento soon. Janis Edwards Tuscaloosa, AL Mar 1, 2012 Why spend valuable resources on a new arena when one already exists! Eva Zunkeler Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 63

Ian Merker Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Alicia Vierra Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 S. Moll Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Lisa Travers Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Guess what? An arena will NOT make plodding Sacramento a "world class" city. Betty Travis Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 I'm never paying tax in California again if this passes. Sherman Overman Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 SHAWNDA WESTLY Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 C. A. Kennedy Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Donna Zick Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 This is ridiculous. I am sick of the attention this is getting, at the expense of everything else. there are plenty of world class cities without a sports franchise. Sunni Burns Sacramento, United States Mar 1, 2012


I don't care about basketball. Work on the homeless problem. Joseph Bulum Ca, CA Mar 1, 2012 jennifer emmons elk grove, CA Mar 1, 2012 Patrick Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 let the maloofs buy their own dam arena james m. ensslin Locke, CA Mar 1, 2012 Ally Driver Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Thank you councilwoman Sheedy and Councilman Darrell Fong, for taking your roles as public servants seriously. I hope that your fellow officials will see the light and oppose this obscene waste of public resources. ed Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 mary rabasa sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 AEG and The Maloofs will split all the profits, while Sacramento will get just $1 million annually. Bad idea, bad timing. BRIAN LEVENE Sacramento, United States Mar 1, 2012 I support a downtown entertainment complex but not on the backs of City of Sacramento residents. As the regional hub, the region needs to step up. It is unrealistic to expect Sacramento to carry the entire financial burden. We give up so much for so little return. This is absurd. Vivian Gerlach Sacramento, CA 65

Mar 1, 2012 Vanessa Cameron-Otto Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Make the Maloofs pay for it David Kulczyk Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Over 9 million dollars a year loss to the city! Oh just add a surcharge on to the venue tickets to make up for the loss. Write your council members too. I did. Steve Cohn, it's time for you to go! Steve McClurg Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 This is the worst possible time to think about building a sports arena. It is bad enough we have to cut back on education on artistic an intellectual subjects, subjects which deserve much more attention than sports. Just to make ends meet, we have to cut emergency services, e.g. fire department, police/sheriff and the like. Besides, I am a bigger fan of the arts and intellectual exercises. I watched our music and arts programs suffer during the past decade both here in my home town of North Highlands as well as in Fresno, the other place I called home for nine years. While sports does offer a source of revenue, it does not enrich our children in an intellectual or creative way. Not to mention, we now live at a time when crime is going up partly because we cannot afford police to deal with the crime, but also the times themselves foment same. At the very least, make sure we have working fire and police departments. And while we are at it, we need to intellectually and artistically enrich our children. Professional sports has taught little more than about greed and cheating through drugs. --Ian. Ian Justman North Highlands, CA Mar 1, 2012 Mariana Elk Grove, CA Mar 1, 2012 Verlin Hamby Jr Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Ryan Garcia Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 We pay to make the Maloof's money? Really!


michael troiano folsom, CA Mar 1, 2012 Erin Mullin Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Jennifer Elliot Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Honestly, folks... Sacramento city and county are hemorrhaging money right and left, and our public services have been cut to the very bone. Wasting public resources in a futile attempt to sweet talk one of the worst teams in the NBA (who even a blind man can see have absolutely no intention of sticking around) is not only pointless... it's *offensive* that you'd even consider such an option when we're in the middle of such an obvious budget crisis. Troy Wood Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Fraud! Erik Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Let the Kings and NBA pay for it. Jason Orta Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Gavin McCreary Citrus Heights, CA Mar 1, 2012 the Maloofs and the NBA have enough moiney..if they want a new arena let them pay for it. if we spent our tax dollars on ateam that willl never win the nba title nor does it ever fill the arena completely...the malloffs want most of the profits to themselves and the return to the tax payers is not worth ..why should we spent more then from what we would be getting back...NO tax money for the arena...we have bigger issues in sacramento..spent money on public transportation or keep our schools open or help the homeless... serpil United States Mar 1, 2012


Build it in Natomas next to Arco, then tear Arco down. A real no brainer!! conrad lawrence west sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Jeanna Gonzalez Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Nita Davidson Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Leasing out city property for 50 years for a new arena makes no sense when ARCO Arena is not yet 30 years old. Also, what if projected new revenues fall short? It's too bad that we might lose the Kings, but if this lousy deal is the best you could come up with in the past nine or ten months, then you should have come up with a more thoughtful plan. James May Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Jeremiah Pfeffer Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 megan garrett sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Aambr Newsome sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Austin barsch Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Denise Chelini Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Stand up for what's really important in the community! Nicole Fossum Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 68

Jana Coyle Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 j. Newcom Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Michel Feliciano Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 cecile downs Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Erin Reynoso Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Michelle Wyatt Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 There are so many better things that could be built downtown! Alyssa Ghirardelli Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Elizabeth Sivell Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 This arena proposal will be a burden of debt for decades to come. The citizens of Sacramento have voted down proposals with regard to this arena more than once. It infuriates me the decision has been taken out of the voters hands. Kevin Johnson is NOT the Emperor of Sacramento. He should not be allowed to force this upon a community that is in need of so many other fixes... Kim Richerson Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Stacy McConnen Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012


Jon Hartley Fox SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 1, 2012 suntino soldano Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 I enjoy lots of recreational time in the Sacramento midtown area. This arena is not the desire of the business or the residents there. Carla Conrad Folsom, CA Mar 1, 2012 Andrew Winfrey Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 there are many more deserving projects to spend city money on. Do not privatize public resources to pay for something we already have. john downs sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 laura edmisten Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 John Madsen Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Matias Bombal Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Georgia Ashley Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Monica Stark Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 mark miller sacramento, CA 70

Mar 1, 2012 Theres already an arco arena, fix it up , have the kings players & investors clean up their mess at the arco arena. $255 million for the people of Sacrmento, not the maloofs new office!! dominick porras Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Trent G Liddicoat SACRAMENTO, CA Mar 1, 2012 This is a terrible, terrible idea. Please keep the parking funds going into the General Fund where we need them! Tim Foster Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 I live in the burbs, but my company's tax revenue is in Sac, as well as my sales tax. Daniel Laskowski Rncho Cordova, CA Mar 1, 2012 Laura Sanchez Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Ray Terlesky Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Jason Honig Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Steve & Jan Jones Citrus Heights, CA Mar 1, 2012 Ski Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Darin Keatley Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 71

Raymond J Sanchez Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Is this where our values are? I say no, the cost of this is too dear. Daniel Derick Printz sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Why should we get a new arena when I cant even afford to go? Larry Rodriguez sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Give the Money to our Schools, Police and Fire Dept. monte Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 I don't think you should allow an arena downtown even if the Maloofs fund the whole thing. Downtown is for people to live in, I don't want it turned into an amusement park for suburbanites. I don't want to walk through discarded hamburger wrappers to get to the Amtrak station. Let's choose the classy option for a change. Owen Howlett Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 roberta Alvarado Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Emily Balestrini Roseville, CA Mar 1, 2012 right..... GO KINGS GO!!!!!! AWAY!!!! Steven Vanoni sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Mark Urquhart-Webb Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012


Annie Rose Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Maria A. Viteri Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 paloma Begin sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 We can't afford teachers, police, or firefighters? NO arena funding!!! It will not pay for itself. Rori Alves Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 brandon valdez Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Ralph Cota Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 And stop wasting our money trying to get around a public vote. Be already voted it down once!!! Paul imagine Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Allen Mason Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 I'm very concerned about the potential impact to the General Fund and beyond. In an economic climate where we are laying off our teachers, state workers, and community members, this is the wrong approach. Dana Gumbiner Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Use the funds for other public projects that will benefit more of our citizens! rebecca grunewald sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 73

It's disgusting that you are doing this! anna skacel sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Dave Smith Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 let the sport teams build there own arena with the help of the NBA and not the taxs payers of Sacramento bill coffman citrus heights, CA Mar 1, 2012 Catherine Schmiedt Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Please, don't go through with this project they way you currently have planned. We cannot afford to give up parking to private companies and now is not the time to "splurge" on entertainment when other sources need funding. Please, you will all lose my vote, my confidence, and my respect if the Arena happens as planned. Doug Vincent Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Please do not use public funds for the arena, our schools need funding far more! Deano Thompson Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 I like the Kings, but I like parks, libraries, infrastructure, garbage services, and public safety a whole lot more. Susan Shields Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Christopher Harvey Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012


The current construction estimates need to be reviewed very carefully by a third party Peer. The idea of a 50-year giveaway of our public parking facilities for at best a 20-year commitment from the Kings is inconceivable on any business level. If I tried to take out a 50-year mortgage on my home, no lender would ever approve that. If there is a real need/desire/benefit to having a new arena, then the private market will support the construction of one. Lisa Ouellette Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 We need money for schools and libraries!!!!! Christina Edmondson Saramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Keri Botleho Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Chad E. Williams Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Please don't drain the city coffers to subsidize pro sports. The pro-arena crowd in city government has not done enough to ensure that lost parking revenues will be recouped. This will lead to deep cuts in an already cannibalized city budget. James Williams Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Jesse Salas Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 No lease out of parking. And county needs every dime for itself. Needs public vote. JF Orangevale, CA Mar 1, 2012 That is way tool.much money to commit and benefit toof few.... We put more in thanks the malloofs and still have to byy, a icket Linda Hardy Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 75

William Burg Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Just look south to Stockton. I'd really prefer our tax dollars go to safety and infrastructure. Not everyone is a basketball fan. Paula Woodward Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 I live right across the river from Sacramento (recently moved here from out of state). I can't believe the Sacramento City Council and Mayor actually want to pursue this ill-conceived venture. Antoine J. Bastien van der Meer West Sacramento, CA Mar 1, 2012 Del Surette Citrus Hts, CA Mar 1, 2012 I am "just another concerned citizen." Linda Gibson Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 We are in a very bad economy and there are just too many questions and unknowns about this proposal. Studies show that large sports facilities seldom provide the financial benefits that they promise. That was true when the economy was good. It is even more true in this economy. Please do not take this kind of gamble with public money and public property. Please vote no. Karen Jacques Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012


The city is tapped out. Broke. All the "investors" know this. That is why they can demand a 50 year deal. The current arena didnt last 50 years; what happens when the maloofs decide this arena doesnt meet their high standards anymore? If the arena is such a good deal, why aren't the investors just putting their money there? Parking money is a sure thingarena profits are not. Who will be accountable when the city goes bankrupt? No one. This scam was voted down by the public, and Mayor N.B.A. Swindle is simply shifting public assets into private hands over the wishes of the voters. Michael Small Citrus Hts, CA Feb 29, 2012 The arena issue should go to a public vote! Randall Hartley Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Mark Farouk Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 There are far more pressing problems needing financing than the game of basketball Kathryn Gerwig Citrus Heights, CA Feb 29, 2012 My personal stance is a little more nuanced: I think we Should use public funds to revitalize downtown but spending $255 Million for a basketball arena when we are having brown-outs, laid off 25% of our police force, and are closing our pools and libraries is frivolous. Inna Tysoe Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 victoria sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Jeremy Perdue Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Hi City Council, remember me? I voted no in vote, no arena. KG Citrus Hts, CA Feb 29, 2012


RICK TODD FERNDALE, WA Feb 29, 2012 Build the same arena in Natomas at a fraction of the cost. The city and county can't afford this house of cards when there is a good chance of a global double dip recession in the not too distant future. Adrian Tysoe Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Joy Smathers Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Kevin Schultz Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 No Arena without a vote! David McPeek Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Ann Tindall Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Kurt Gatejen Elk Grove, CA Feb 29, 2012 I can't support leasing public parking and losing those resources if the general fund is not made whole. It cna't be pie in teh sky sources of funding it has to be a guaranteed revenue stream. We need parks.libraries, community centers and our police and fire departments to be fully funded more than we need a new arena. Kate Lenox Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Lori Gustafson Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Richard Wake Carmichael, CA Feb 29, 2012 78

Alex Berg Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Isaac Gonzalez Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Kevin Smith Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012 Sacramento Citizen Sacramento, CA Feb 29, 2012


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