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Issue 1, Spring 2011

The Sign Post

Set up road markers for yourself, make yourself signposts; consider well the highway the road by which you went (Jeremiah-31:21) The Sign-Post is an expository news medium designed to explain, inform, describe and define topical issues and truths that are relevant to the community of believers we serve who share a common interest in using the Scriptures to unlock personal, social and global phenomena. We do not adhere to practices and modern protocol of main-stream media; neither do we limit ourselves by denominational coverings. Our hunger is for the living and active truth that set souls free. Having discovered that a relationship with God bears no resemblance with the religion built by men, we are compelled to live and love Him freely.

Reviewing the prophetic highlights from 2010 with insights into 2011 (p 1) Carnal Migration
The lessons to learn and trends to watch when a church leader suffers from a wound in the flesh

The Sign Post

Rightly Dividing Matthew 24 (Part 1)

Mapping the signposts in Matthew

How recent events like the earthquake in New Zealand, secession in Sudan and the Tsunami in Japan features in Jesuss break down of the signs of the times

Soul Times
Passing over from wounds to wonder with a touch from God

Character Change is Social Change

A peek into the next industry that will be the most profound in human history

The Hebrew Mind-Set

The brewing of the mind in the secret place of God

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

The Verdict against Complacency

The Sign Post (aka TSP) is designed to

progress alongside prophetic revelation, and so we will not try to keep up with world events more than keeping up with the prophetic unfolding of Scripture as the Holy Spirit guides us to what He says is relevant in world events. You are receiving TSP in April because what we do not want to do is rush the content and events that are building up with little snippets of accounts but rather extend the Scriptural relevance of key events happening in diverse places. Wherever the prophetic voice is for the UK and Europe, we have diligently sought for and have found little in comparison to the many voices in the States. This does not mean that they are not present, but Gods timing is perfect and we believe that TSP comes not with a mandate to compete, but to guide intelligently with the grace given to us by the Lord. This first issue, is one that has focused the scriptural lens on events such as the exposure of church leaders whose alternate lifestyles to the one they project in their churches are coming to the surface; hence the article The weapons of our warfare are not carnal We encourage our readers not to go fishing where the Lord did not tell you to cast your net. By this we mean; that should you seek more information on these people for any other reason than reflecting on similar issues taking place in your life now, be it sexual indiscretion, greed or other fruits of the flesh you will be in error. These are not the days to point our fingers but rather time to bend the knees of our heart before the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to rend what displeases Him that lives in our being. It is easy to get distracted with all the crisis taking place all over the world and to track them all is impossible. The UK is not feeling the pang of war crimes like countries in the Middle East or the aftermath of the effect of a tsunami and earthquake in Japan that is grappling with a rising death toll, the displacement of over 50, 000 people, a nuclear spill and other things not reported in mainstream media.

However, we must ask for wisdom, in order to pray effectively for these countries on the Pacific Rim whilst not losing focus that Britain is on the brink of a spiritual and financial tsunami. Already the symptoms that the beast is let lose in the UK and Europe are evident through the Comprehensive Spending Review [aka Austerity Measures] that was announced on October 20th 2010. The cuts are deep and many in the UK are going to bleed in debt to their deaths in months to come. The Hung Parliament, Big Society, New Universal Credit, New Green Bank, and the welfare reform announced in October all come with a rope attached for everyone on benefits. The church is not prepared (for the most part) for instance, the easy acceptance of Gift Aid is a gift not from God but from the devil and when it finally starts to reveal its poison the outcry in the church will be hushed by the laws that are being passed without the majority of the public or churches knowing anything about them. It begs to ask the question where are the watchmen? who have mounted up on their walls to sound the alarm of the danger approaching. As we endeavour to shed light on each of these scenarios it is still up to you to make up your mind and assess these insights by first accessing the throne of God. We hope to remain faithful in bringing you the issues of the times we are in but we cannot guarantee that you are safe, saved or set apart to be raptured from the judgement about to hit this nation and the nations surrounding it.

Hanging in the balance

In a two-party parliamentary system of government, a hung parliament occurs when neither major political party (or bloc of allied parties) has an absolute majority of seats in the parliament (legislature). It is also less commonly known as a balanced parliament or a legislature under no overall control Scripture tells us that a house divided cannot stand. The 2010 May elections which resulted in a Hung Parliament which later gave birth to the Coalition Government is a prophetic statement which is a sign post to let us know that the future of the UK is critically hanging in the balance. The Comprehensive Spending Review released on October, 20nd 2010 and the second budget report released on the 23rd, March, 2011 when compared shows how deceptive the government is being with the British populace. A budget is simple a plan for income and expenditure over a future period which is intended to achieve stated objectives. It therefore does not guarantee that what is intended is what will happen but rather that the people behind the planning are merely speculating. Below is our Sign Post summary. Please be vigilant, watch, mobilise and pray. God Bless

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

From the Editor

The year to run with horses or be trampled by them Before coming into the year 2010, we sought
the Lord around the time of the Day of Atonement and it was revealed that 2010 was the book of Haggai. Further seeking led us to the understanding that the twelve books often referred to as the minor prophets (Hosea Malachi) represented a 12 year period which started from 2001 to 2012. The chart you see on your right represents a part of the instruction received. By using the number of chapters in each book to chart the prophetic patterns of years past, present and future we have managed to obtain a sure word of prophesy from what is written in these books and have only to continue following the leading of the Lord for greater depth of understanding into the nature of unfolding events in these books and events in the world. 2001-2012

In brief wed like to introduce you to the books of Haggai to Zachariah which warrant further investigation on your part if you are to personally reap from their rich deposits of truths. By looking at the pattern of the chart above( top left) you are able to see the highs and lows of the 12 year block we are in. Hosea, the first in the books, started with 14 chapters and for those aware of the 9/11 attacks in the United States, that book tells you what no newspaper on earth ever could. Haggai (2010) was a very swift year with nine significant effects I have come to label The Haggai Effect (see above) and the reasons why the Lord is sending a drought on the church and in the world.

Because His house lies in ruins spiritually and naturally what we sow will yield little, when we eat we will still be hungry, when we drink we will not be full, when we cloth ourselves we will not be warm. The wages we earn will be consumed by purses with holes in it, our expectation for a great year will turn out to be little or nothing and what we consider an increase will be blown away. Now depending on your knowledge of prophetic symbolism this may or may not alarm you but I have come to realise that ignorance is not only in reference to a lack of knowledge it also points to what we choose to ignore. The book of Haggai overlaps with the book of Zachariah which tells me that the trends we have seen in

2010, will continue and gain momentum in 2011 if the charge lay against us by the Lord [His ruined house] is not addressed and adjusted through sincere repentance. The earthquake in New Zealand was a statement in itself having ruined Christchurch and we are told in 1 Peter 4:17 that judgement begins with the house of the Lord It is easy to make comments about the global atrocities happening and get distracted from the evidence that the Lord says it is because of YOU, the heavens have withheld their dew and the earth its crops. The you is simply you [the spiritual temple] of God. (Our full report Prophetic Forecast is available upon request)

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

Britains Budget, Balance and Bailout.

October 2010 to March 2011
As the United Kingdom, and the world learnt of the details of the long awaited Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) executed by George Osborne with the backing of the Coalition Government, other parliamentary elite and the banking barons within the UK; the reality of what these cuts truly mean for many in the British state is yet to sink in. Percentages, consumer prices index (CPI), and the modern jargons of the economic system means nothing to those who are currently low-paid, depending on housing benefits or those reliant on specific social services to help care for the sick and destitute among them who will be severely affected. Neither will the youths who are about to lose the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) to help them stay in school will understand why balancing the budget will now alter their future hope of achieving beyond the generational economic deficiency faced by their parents. For the parliamentary elite, life for themselves and family will continue, their children will still be chauffeured to school, their pensions will be secured, their pay will not be frozen and they will ride the waves that so many will now drown beneath. The review has been published and depending on which newspaper you are reading, one will quickly conclude that even in the different reports there is a problem with not only balancing the budget but balancing the truth. The etymology of the word chancellor takes us back to the late Latin cancellarius meaning doorkeeper. As chancellor, George Osborne is doing his job which includes barring the door on the mere men among us, but leaving it open for the gods of the economic mayhem whose concern is rooted in the creation of the new man made to serve in a new world and steward the new order. This new world will have a new global bank, new universal credit, new school, new big society, new laws new energy and much more new things to dazzle those who embrace all things new age and devastate those who object. Church and Charity The Church, whatever the denomination have been scrupulously targeted especially those who are recipients of Gift Aid. Behind the iron curtain plans are being crafted to put a levy on the free-will offerings of those who are affiliated with a particular church. The denominations that have become colossus organizations planting themselves in every place while using the same charity number will be rudely awaken with an onslaught of new rules that will severely cut into the wealth they have accumulated from many a wary saint. That most of the leaders of today churches are not in the debt most of their congregants are in, will see a reckoning not by Jesus, but by those many congregants who are currently on housing benefits who will not qualify for any more aid next year by private or public sector bodies. Neither will the more worldly church leaders be able to employ tactics to escape the axe in their finances. Again the arrogance of the pulpit have maintained the ignorance in the pew and now grace will turn into dis-grace when the leaders are confronted with a church full of believers who have been on benefits and worst still are also a part of the huge numbers of those who have also been cheating the system. The mass marketing employed by churches with the same tactics of world markets with spiritual manipulations and the psychological spin doctors of our time will crumble. This is not all bad news, as churches that have genuinely been serving their congregants and in their communities will continue and even be strengthened as many are added to their numbers with a great desire to help with even the little they have. Honesty does not guarantee riches but it gets you support when you truly need it.

The spending review prioritized its goal into three main areas: Growth Fairness Reform

The battle is not about budgets it is a battle of mind-sets. Whosoever controls our mind controls our lives in all areas that sustain living. One must understand that the mind of these men and women are set on a value system not based on conscience but on the continuation of a community of men who believe that those not like them are not worthy of a place in the new world they are building. Therefore growth, fairness and reform, does not yield the same meaning when assessed by those who attended Eton and those who attended Hackney primary. It is written that a fool deserves a beating for to think that the illumination of those trained at Eton is the same light of those trained at Hackney primary, is an insult that warrants austerity measures so that mere men will know that they have no place among the gods. At present while the people who these cuts will affect the most assess their problem, the superrich are looking at the potential to make even more wealth. For with fewer mouths to feed and fewer sick to look after there is more money to go around for those whose idea of growth, fairness and reform allows them to focus as usual on themselves. The papers have called winners those who have survived the cuts. Yes education funding will get a boost but not for the good of the poor being educated but for the new man being created.

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

Introducing Huh? Economics - The 2011 Budget

The mathematics used to come out with a fuel duty cut of 1pence per litre is simply not of this world. With the predicted excitement of the 2012 Olympics, it is the hope of parliament to take back their 1p and add a few surprises in the mix while everyone is consumed with the games. The delay is deliberate and the plan is to get a lot of motorist off the road and get everyone on oyster cards (which track your every move). In his speech on 24th March 2011, George Osborne noted I know that by itself this will not end the pressure on family budgets, but we have done what we can to help.

FUEL: Fuel duty cut by 1p per litre this year. Inflation rise in fuel duty delayed until 2012. Fuel duty escalator, which adds 1p to fuel duty on top of inflation each year to be cancelled for the rest of Parliament. Plans to switch air passenger duty (APD) from passengers to planes dropped. This year's APD rise postponed for one year. Government will seek to impose the tax on private jets , Vehicle Excise Duty increases in line with RPI (5.5pc), and frozen for heavy goods vehicles

SIN TAXES No new increase on alcohol or tobacco. Pint of beer up 4p, bottle of wine up 15p, bottle of spirits up 54p. 25p on can of "superstrength" lager. Pint of lower strength 2.8pc abv beer to fall by 18p. Tobacco duty increases by 2pc above inflation. Hand-rolling tobacco up by 67p. Pack of economy cigarettes up 50p, premium cigarettes up 33p. 10p on pack of five small cigars, 17p on pack of pipe tobacco. Tobacco duty regime reformed

Dont you just love the name sin taxes and notice too that the prices of sin doesnt rise in the world as it does in the kingdom of God. However, they do rise and drastically so in your local convenience store much more than what the budget intends. The companies that deal in spirits have the most to gain in this economic depression because many people seek stress comfort from the bottom of a bottle, sex, crime, East-enders, and other pain-killers. Watch the prices climb higher as the pressure increases not only on the liver and lungs but on every area of life. The new wine in the church will not be poured in old wine skins, so conference junkies will also pay a higher price. What you need to note here is that: only owing to your agreement to share equity most likely with the mortgage company will you get this support. Do you know that the root meaning of the word mortgage is dead pledge in other words you make a pledge with debt that can send you to an early grave. A mortgage is designed to get you into arrears not out of it!

PERSONAL TAX Personal tax allowance rises by 630 to 8,105 in April 2012 - a real increase of 48 a year or 126 in cash terms. Consultation on merging National Insurance and Income Tax not proposing to increase taxes for pensioners 50p tax rate will be temporary measure - Income Tax relief on Enterprise Investment Scheme increases from 20pc to 30pc next month charge on non-domiciled taxpayers increases from 30,000 for those here for seven years to 50,000 for those in the country for 12 years, raising more than 200m Council tax frozen or reduced this year in every English council

The budget is riddled with terms such as winners and losers however for those who believe that they have been spared from a tax increase, you are under a spirit of stupor. If one loses and another wins it is imperative to understand the rules of the game that makes you a winner or a loser. Remember that the government is making a budget out of a deficit in order to balance the budget. Therefore they are spending what they dont have and cutting what you dont have. When you think they have what they dont have then they will take what you think you have but dont really have. This is the economics of Babylon in Britain or Huh economics

GROWTH As expected, the Chancellor outlined a revised growth forecast amid a grim backdrop of high inflation and public sector borrowing. The Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts growth of: 2011 2.1pc to 1.7pc rise, 2012 2.6pc to 2.5pc rise,2013 2.9pc rise, 2014 2.9pc rise,2015 2.8pc rise. Inflation expected to remain between 4pc and 5pc this year, before dropping to 2.5pc next year

Growth is dependent on where you sow and what soil you sow into. The inflation in Britain is not conducive for any growth outside of the Kingdom of God. Read Haggai and you will see that the Lord is blowing on everything not sown according to His will. While we are speaking on budget, I hasten to add that the sowing of tithes where the Lord has not instructed you to sow will also face the grim backdrop of the growth for the nation. The wages of sin is death and sowing in debt is sin. Watch were you are sowing and why you are sowing.

HOMEOWNERS : 250m fund for first-time buyers under shared equity scheme support for Mortgage Interest scheme extended to January 2013, reducing mortgage arrears.

YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT 100,000 work experience placements over two years, up from 20,000. Funding for up to 50,000 additional apprentices over next four years

Homework, get the total number of universities in Britain and their graduate numbers each year then look at the provision of 100, 000 jobs spread over two years and you will see that the government of Britain is doing a very poor job at being comedians. This is an unfunny joke that causes riots. The youths are in trouble and debt.

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

DEBT: National debt forecast to be 60pc of national income this year before peaking at 71pc and falling to 69pc by the end of the spending review period. Borrowing expected to be 146bn this year, 3bn under target. Borrowing to fall to 122bn next year, then 101bn in 2012/13, 70bn in 2013/14, 46bn in 2014/15 and 29bn in 2015/16

(Huh economics pt2) Britain borrows from banks, banks borrow from other banks and when the banks Britain borrow from cannot lend them anymore money they create money out of thin air and call it quantitative easing, which means for the common person: state the quantity you want to borrow and we will easily write it on a screen that proves you have it FACT: this is the chancellors second budget in less than year. The first was an emergency budget geared at stabilizing the public financial crisis, this one is just to let you know that they dont know what they are doing and where Britain is going. In the Chancellors 56 minute speech business was mentioned 37 times. You have to understand that the cut in corporation tax shows that Britain is cooperating with- The federation of Small Businesses whose members aggressively supported the reform and urged the Coalition Government to stick to its tough deficit reduction plans [The Independent 19th Oct. 2010]. The cut in corporation tax is for the few and wealthy private sector business owners who want cheap labour and maximum profit. Dont be fooled by the name Federation of Small Businesses for there is nothing small in size about these global corporations they are only small in regards to the few men who own and operate them. For every benefit there is a hidden requirement when the fine print is read. All anointed and appointed for business remain vigilant. What is given is only for a time before it is taken away. Go and read the fuel budget again and you will see the same scenario playing out here in regards to the public sector. It would also be helpful to go back to the Comprehensive Spending Review for the dwindling public sector.

EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS 21 new Enteprise Zones to be set up, with up to 100pc tax discount rates. Funding for new university technical colleges for vocational training: 24 colleges instead of 12 expected. New export credits for manufacturers, a technology and innovation centre and nine new university centres 100m for new science facilities in Cambridge, Norwich, Harwell and Daresbury, funded from Bank Levy

What exactly is a bank levy? It is a tax on investment banks and institutions that pose a systematic danger to the economy! The UK coalition Government introduce an annual levy based on bank balance sheets from 1 January 2011. The banks would not agree to such a levy without getting something from the economy of Britain that keeps them in the position of too big to fail. Depending on what is deemed as a systematic danger to the British economy to improve employment and skills is the chief ingredient creates instability. The location of these New Enterprise Zones and their target market are also questionable to say the least. Insurance is not Gods idea because He gave us a solid life assurance in His blood. Pensions, taxes and everything attached to them will not stand against the tenets posited in Scriptures. At the same time what the devil is planning for harm the Lord is going to work out for the good of those that love Him. Those who love God will see God rise on their behalf and age doesnt matter.

BUSINESSES Corporation Tax cut by 2pc from April - rather than 1pc as previously announced - and will fall by 1pc in each of the next three years to reach 23pc. Bank Levy rate to be adjusted next year to offset the effect of Corporation Tax reduction on banks Small business rate relief holiday extended by one year to October 2012, at a cost of 370m Entrepreneurs Relief scheme doubles to 10m from April 6 Direct tax indexed by Consumer Prices Index (CPI), which excludes mortgage costs, from April 2012. Small companies' research and development tax credit rises to 200pc in April and 225pc in 2012 . New 5.75pc rate on overseas financing income coming into the UK

STATE PENSION AGE State Pension Age to rise to 66 by 2020

GREEN MEASURES Green Investment Bank created with an additional 2bn, to start operation in 2012 UK becomes the first country to introduce a carbon price floor for the power sector Climate change levy discount on electricity for those signing up to climate change agreements will rise Public money will cut unusually high water bills in South West England

On the treasury site while following what mainstream media wasnt telling the public they reported that this UKwide Green Investment Bank would have a spending allocation of 1 billion, now in this budget report it has gotten 1billion more. Now how and why did that happen? Well when I dug deeper I found that the Green Bank is owned by those who own and run the United Nations who have made it a business to experiment with the lives of people all over the world. To think that we can again make green what we have destroyed incurs the wrath of God. When you think green think God.

PUBLIC SECTOR: Pay rise of 250 for armed forces, prison, NHS, teachers and civil servants earning less than 21,000

The Sign Post will keep you posted on the craft of these unfolding schemes. You may want to think that this is too negative but the moment you do is the moment you too will fail to withstand the truth when it finally comes into play. The church needs to prepare or be caught in the snare of the antics of the devil. Prepare yourself!

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

Your Regular Time-Peace

The search for truth is an internal and individual quest; looking to others to find it for you guarantees that they never will.

The Rise of the Hebrew Mind-Set

The mind of Christ must be realized in the life and times of the Christian community if we are to have a part in the harvest that is about to sweep the nations. The secret place of training for reigning has often been exaggerated by those who have captured some revelation about the Bride of Christ and underestimated by those who think that this so called bride is the whole church regardless of doctrine. This report does not take sides but turns attention to the Scripture that speaks of a remnant group of believers who believe in His name and have obtained the right to become children of Godchildren born not of natural descent, not of human decision or a husbands will, but born of God [John 1:1013]. Far from being the physical ethnicity of the natural descent of the commonwealth of Israel; the Hebrew Mind-set speaks of the mind brewed and often bruised by the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the one called by God. Having been chaste sincere with much affliction The gifts so freely given to the Church by the Holy Spirit are not what determines the final grade of a believer but rather the development and nurturing of the fruits of the Spirit. We understand from Scripture that the gifts and the call or irrevocable and whether a believer (or not) every man, woman and child are called by their names and they have gifts to show. Ones prophetic or teaching gift in the church does not stand separate -from painting or singing in the secular world. It is the fruits of our character that determines entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. Those with the Hebrew Mind-set are those who the Lord will set in positions of influence and use to bring in the harverst. The church will awaken from slumber when the Lord releases these ones who have been sanctified by the Word, know who the Word is and not just what the Word says. In essense the ones with the mind He brewed are the ones with the presence of His face known for doing His will and honoured in serving His Kingdom.

Hope in Uncertainty

in order to be free of the free-dumb imposed by a self -promoting global church identity, these are the hidden sons of the kingdom that earth is in travail for. The events taking place in the world are not for the faint hearted for there is nothing that tells us in Scripture that the judgements of the Lord will be delayed. For believers to stand and see the hand of God stretched in judgement across the nations they will have to be sure that they have been called, disciplined and commissioned by Him or else their hope and trust will give way and they will fall into the abyss of His wrath with those who are perishing.

Today if you hear His voice do not hardened your heart; do not say later God right now Im too busy, angry or hurt. He never speaks if what He will say is not potent enough to transform your situation. When you hope in your uncertainty you are bound to failure but when you use hope against uncertainty you give faith a chance to make possible your impossibilities. Todays grace is given to you to go boldly to His throne and lay your burdens down and take up His burden of light and dispel the darkness that seeks to kill the joy of your soul. Selah

The Masters Genius The brain is the visible signature of the genius of God in the Genesis of man and unveiling its mystery is a task undertaken by the brave. Yet while the brain provides useful work on earth for man to be occupied with, undertaking the work of the mind is reserved for the sons of the kingdom whose exploration takes place in the Spirit of God. The brain is flesh and the mind is spirit and when a man begins to be led by the Spirit; his brain yields its mysteries that many have spent their lives trying to discover and others died not having scratched the surface of that which have captivated them for all their lives on earth. What is man that God is so mind-full of Him? Vessels made to carry the mind He brews.

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

The Weapons of our Warfare are not Carnal





Homosexuality Ted Haggard

Adultery/ Divorce Zacary Tims

Divorce Paula White

Adultery/ Domestic abuse Divorce /divorce Todd Bentley Jaunita Bynum

Adultery/ Divorce Jamal Bryant

Child abuse/ Paul Lewis

Carnal Migration
While the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, we have to admit that carnal weapons are mighty to the pulling down of men and women in service to the Christian community worldwide. The recent exposure to Glory House Pastor Dr Albert Adulele arrested for indecent assault committed against a boy under sixteen and one slightly over, if nothing else, serves as a reminder that the life of a believer is in no way a simple one that is free from the consistent torment of the flesh. While these sorts of fall are exploited by the media to further discredit the Church and usher in the more liberal views of the one world belief system; there is something taking place beneath the surface of these uncomfortable occurrences that will work for the good of those who believe. When such news breaks about a leaders indiscretion, be it for overt acts of the devil, the love of money, abuse of power or sexual immorality there comes a notable split in the church sending many away to look for another pasture to feed their righteousness. This mass migration is a part of the process the Lord has allowed to sift the wheat from the tares, putting a picture to the revelation of 1 John 2:19 when it says they went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belong to us the next verse down (20) reads but you have an anointing from the Holy Spirit, and all of you know the truth



Divorce Benny Hinn Allegation/Child Abuse Sexual Assault Eddie Long Why do people take off when they are not the ones who are exposed? What exactly are they running away from? For if they had the anointing of the Holy Spirit, knowing the truth for which they are associated with a particular ministry would they run so quickly or stand firm on the truth that they came to serve God and not the man God put in place to serve them. If the believers are running from another believers fall then eventually they will not have enough church alternatives to run to for whatsoever a man fears have a ruthless tendency of overtaking him in the very place he thinks he has found rest. These men and women presented here in this report are what we define as lessons from the top. Judging them is easy learning from their mistakes is what is most difficult for we often learn best when we make similar mistakes and not when we are not found in the same error. Child abuse Albert Adulele It is even harder to pray for them when we rarely pray for our own sins to be dealt with by the Lord allowing the fruits of our flesh to mature in a decaying stench that neither ourselves, or our gifts can cover up when the light of truth hits the hidden life of darkness. You may not be in the spotlight now or ever but you will always be under the light of God and that should be enough to make you tremble. Lastly, as most of these exposures repeatedly highlights sexual indiscretions, if we would just stop to think we would notice that sex and that which drives the sexual nature are topics that God obviously wants to address and help us to heal in. Why this topic is not being dealt with serves as ample proof that the church is struggling from the pulpit to the pew to touch the tender spots of the intimate desires of the human heart and flesh.

but all of you have an anointing from the Holy Spirit, and all of you know the truth

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

From Spiritual Deception to Global Persecution: It is written

Global Martyrdom

Recent events in Egypt, Libya

the secession in Sudan, earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand and the Tsunami in Japan not to mention the domino effect of the global financial crisis that is about to leave millions out of pocket and out of home can all neatly be slotted into the first nine verses of Matthew 24. However, while spiritual deception to global martyrdom have always been open knowledge; us being the last minute generation are going to face the maturity of all these five categories outlined by the Lord. What I found most compelling as I observe the pattern of this passage of Scripture is how the Lord begins from verse 4 with the spiritual deception. It then came to mind that spiritual deception is the foundation upon which all the other four categories are built upon. I have also noted that if spiritual deception is the head of these categories then the fifth category which points to the persecution, death and hatred of believers is the feet. I became more disturb the more I pondered upon the idea that the churchs complacency in preaching the gospel of the kingdom could be one of the factors why persecution death and hatred will be our lot. I am also aware that these will come upon the people of God simple because as it is written in Isaiah 60:2- that while darkness will cover the earth and thick darkness the peoples, the light of the Lord will rise upon His people and His glory will appear over them. Yes reading on in Isaiah paints a beautiful picture of the people of God prospering in a time of spiritual darkness, yet if one is not careful in how we read these passages we will fall into the belief that this points to the near future and not to this very moment. The wealth of the church as it stands today rivals any other time in church history so the preaching of

Spiritual Deception Watch out that no one deceives you; for many will come in My name claiming I am the Christ, and will deceive many.

Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you be hated by all nations because of Me.

Wars and propaganda You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happened, but the end is still to come

the prosperity message has gone far beyond its sell by date. In saying this I do hasten to add that wealth transfer comes in degrees of stewardship and there is still yet a remnant hidden at present by God who are destined to harvest hidden gold stored in the treasuries of darkness. However, these ones will not be seen with private jets, or specially made ministerial apparel but will be the most unassuming wealth benefactors by whose appearance will not do justice to the wealth they steward. Before venturing in verses 10 and beyond it would be good to mark off where the Lord uses the phrase at that time which is posited in verses (10, 23, 30 & rolls over into chapter 25:1). The sign posts in Matthew 24:1-14 alone can lead you to explore other prophetic signs dispersed throughout the entire Bible.

Geo-political unrest Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom

The Hebrew scribes of the

Scripture did not write in chapters as we see in our Bibles today but rather wrote on scrolls that flowed from topic to topic. For the Hebrews, the Scripture was like a large house with many chambers and within those chambers hidden rooms deck with all sorts intelligent designs that heightened ones spiritual senses opening the appetite to the richness of the Word of God. For this report we are going to mark off some important sign-posts in Matthew 24:1-14 to help better understand the prophetic nature of what the Lord was saying then for our current generation.

Geo-physical distress There will be famines &earthquakes in various places

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

The Sign-posts in Matthew 24:1-14 (part 1)

The Stones Judgement Verse 2

3 questions

Birth pangs

The handing over

Verse 3

Verses 4-8
Spiritual deception War & propaganda Geo-political unrest

Verse 9
Persecution Death Universal hatred

Ruined stones When will this happen And of the end of the age

Geo-physical distress What will be the sign of your coming

At that time

Verses 10-14
The great falling away Secession by betrayal & hatred Rise & deception of the false prophets The increase of wickedness

The caption that is on top of the verse boxes will be used as our prophetic themes, the first of which is The Stones Judgement then culminates with at that time. The church is at a very pivotal junction in all of human history and we have been given this grace by God to play our part by freely giving what we have been given by the Lord to help those He has placed in our path of influence for such a time as this. You hold a piece of history in your hands and knowing your assignment is crucial in-order to stand in light of what the Lord is about to do in the earth.

Love of many will go cold Stand in faith & be saved

The global testimony of the gospel of the Kingdom

If you make and altar of stone for Me, you shall not build it with cut stones, for if you wield your tool on it, you will profane it. And you shall not go up by steps to My altar, so that your nakedness will not be exposed on it. Exodus 20:25-26 You, also as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For this is contained in Scripture: behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, and he who believes in Him will not be disappointed. 1 Peter 2:5-6

The Stones Judgement

Scripture References & task

Symbolism of stones Deuteronomy 27:5-8 & Joshua 8:31, Matthew 3:9. Take some times and look with fresh insight into the nature of stones and ask yourself if you are a living stone or a dead weight in in the body of Christ & the world Judgement in the church of God Ezekiel 9, Revelation 2 &3 Jeremiah 25:15-38 & Zachariah 5:1-4.

Matthew 24 opens with the disciples drawing Jesuss attention to the architectural grandeur of the buildings in Jerusalem and no doubt history records that they were extremely impressive. However, as it is the nature of God not to judge after appearances He drew their attention away from the man-made physical structures back to the spiritual hierarchy that these buildings represented and will be destroyed for. In Exodus 20:25 the Lord made it clear then that He would build His church free from the craft of men. In Matthew 24:2, the Lord pointed out for His disciples that the physical destruction of the buildings will be a prophetic sign of the spiritual dismantling of those living stones that have establish themselves upon another. The church has adopted the organizational pyramid structures like that of corporate industries of the world at the monetary and spiritual expense of the organisms that flock to these places for worship. It was never the intention of God for His people to stand on top of each other [vertically] but rather that we stood beside each other [Horizontally]. Grace turns swiftly into dis-grace when servants demand to be served rather than serving. This brings us to understand why Peter said it is time for judgement to begin with the family of God, and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17. This is a soft reference of the judgement for the church in comparison with Ezekiel 9:5-6 who saw in a vision the angel of death who received the command to: Follow him [the angel who seals] through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. Slaughter old men, young men and maidens, women and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary. So they began with the elders who were in front of the temple.

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

The 3 Questions
It is apparent that when the disciples brought Jesuss attention to the buildings associated with the temple, He in turn brought their attention to all these things denoting that He made reference to things that extended beyond the temple and its building and it got the attention of His disciples who later came to him privately and asked three relevant questions. These three questions are then unbrokenly dealt with by the Lord from verse 4 of Matthew 24 and ends at the 46th verse of Matthew 25. We cannot delve into all of it in one issue but as the Lord leads we will unfold what He has shown us. We encourage everyone reading this report to take all things to prayer be it that which you do understand and that which may not be so easy to comprehend. Man is susceptible to making mistakes but with the Spirit of God there are no mistakes made.


And What will be the sign of your coming

AND: conjunction (used to connect grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses) along or together with; as well as; in addition to; besides; also; moreover: pens and pencils.

Spiritual Deception: From pew, pulpit and politics

Shall I bring to the point of birth and not cause delivery?
God is Spirit, and man was made in the image of the Spirit of God before a body was made and a soul was given. So everything that man encounters in life is first spiritual and manifest lastly in his flesh/body after things of the spiritual realm passes through his soul [seat of intellectual will]. One cannot be deceived in the natural realm unless there is first a deception in his spirit. When a person does not know who the real God is he becomes a god unto himself and lives life struggling to rule in whatever sphere of influence he has, justifying acts of tyranny for the purpose of the cause. Spiritual deception is not relegated to the church only, for as long as a man or woman believes in a cause; that cause becomes their faith and their lifes work displayed in every area of their lives. Terry Jones burn the Quran day in his Florida church for the a cause of the 9/11 bombing on US soil, which esteems as a nation united under God regardless of evidence which suggests otherwise. His actions gain America and the church another curse from the Middle East and the god of Islam. Jones believes and preaches that Jesus is indeed the Christ but his actions

In September 2010, Terry Jones a pastor in Florida took it upon himself to judge Islam by officiating a burn the Quran day to commemorate 9/11 attacks on US soil. It ignited days of protest in Afghanistan who sent death to America [a curse]

are serious enough to deceive people into thinking that because he holds a truth; his actions are righteous displays of his confession of Christ. By focusing the Scriptural lens on the increasing contractions now in the Middle East starting with the dramatic end of 30-year-long reign of Egypts president, Hosni Mubarak, we can connect the dots and decipher the pattern on how the Lord is dealing with all self-made gods. It is important to note that political leadership in the Middle East shares its place with the spiritual convictions of those in power and their actions often reflects their faith, be it in Allah, Yahweh or themselves. The rise of the Egyptian people against the tyranny and oppression of their dictators on these historic pieces of spiritual real estate does not mark an era of political freedom for the people but rather a freedom that comes under the tenets of the Kingdom of God; therefore more blood will flow and even as we see those that our fleshly nature would deem innocent, Gods system of judgement does not out rule those conscious of Him but refuse to turn to him innocent. His wrath is against all things of the flesh be they in high or low places. Our efforts in prayer, as we witness these things, is to first seek wisdom; according to the will of the Lord in order that our prayers for these nations are effective.

Beginning from January 25th, 2011 after 30 years as Egypts president, Hosni Mubarak was forced to leave office after millions took to the streets to demonstrate that the voice of the masses is stronger than the rule of a man. He now lives in internal exile in his villa at the Red Sea resort of Sharm elSheikh which means leader of the bay.

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

Dont get distracted: All roads lead to Israel and the Church

6 days after Egypts dramatic denunciation of Mubarak, on the 17 of February, 2011, media turned its lens to Libyas where Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (aka Colonel Gaddafi) hails as king of kings. Responsible for the 1969 overthrow of the king Idris of Libya and setting up the Libyan Arab Republic and reigning for the past 42 years by all means possible, now comes his moment of judgment as the natives takes to the streets in bloody protests and the UN takes to the skies with missiles to end his rule be it in death or exile.

If Tehran continues with its nuclear program, other nations should threaten it with military action, Benjamin Netanyahu has said. The sanctions imposed on Iran by the United Nations Security Council are not enough, the Israeli prime minister told CNN. He expressed concern that Iran may gain additional influence during the recent upheaval across the Middle East. Iran should know that if it fails to cooperate, there will be credible military actions, Netanyahu said. He believes it is the only thing that could stop Tehrans nuclear program.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated that no United Nations Security Council resolutions can curb the Islamic Republics nuclear ambitions. Even if they issue 100,000 of such documents, we wont care and Iran will keep developing its peaceful nuclear program, Ahmadinejad told Fars news agency on Tuesday, reports Itar-Tass. The statement was made just several days ahead of yet another round of talks between Tehran and the group of international mediators comprised of Russia, China, France, Germany, Britain and the United States.

Indicted for war crimes and genocide Omar Hassan AlBashir, president of Sudan has agreed in a January 2011 referendum in which south Sudan will be a new country by summer 2011. Sudans journey have been under the spotlight for years but now the Lord is doing a work that will change the face of Africa as a continent and not just Sudan as a nation.

As part of the 20102011 Middle East and North Africa protests, the Bahraini protests were initially aimed at achieving greater political freedom and equality for the majority Shia population, and expanded to a call to end the monarchy[3] following a deadly night raid on 17 February against protesters at Pearl Roundabout in Manama. After a month, the government requested troops and police from the Gulf Cooperation Council, which arrived on 14 March, and a day later, the king of Bahrain declared martial law and a three-month state of emergency.

While the spotlights of the media have been turned on to places like Libya and Bahrain a smoke screen has been created for Iran whose president is zealous for the destruction of Israel. It was reported on March 14th, 2011 that Iran is now ready to export peaceful nuclear technology Now the problem with this news title is the combination of peaceful and nuclear. There is nothing peaceful about nuclear weapons and that it is being exported out of Iran whose leadership are bent on the submission of the world to Allah and his prophet Mohammad. Needless to say, this technology is predominantly built by Russia, another country zealous for its faith in atheism. Alongside the underground black market trade routes helped by the passionate push for globalization rebels are already in line to get their hands on some of these peaceful nuclear products for their enemies to rest in pieces. 2011 indeed will be a long year for the church and Israel. The book of Zechariah tells us Israel will be besieged and all the nations of the earth gathered against her [see Zechariah 12]. The church that hasnt been engrafted in the commonwealth of Israel will also be tested through persecution, death and hatred. In that moment another carnal migration will take place in the church sending those who are lovers of themselves into pacts with the devil and betraying churches who have not denied Israel as a chosen people under God.

Ali Abdullah Saleh, president of Yemen who has been ruling Yemen since 1978 announced on February 2nd, 2011, that he would step down in 20111. In late 2010 and early 2011, protesters demanded Saleh end his three-decade long rule because of his lack of democratic reform, widespread corruption and human rights abuses carried out by Saleh, his family members and close allies

Rumour: Information; often a truth and an untruth passed around verbally. Propaganda Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause.

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

The Handing Over of the Number Marked for Death

Are they going to kill us now? asked Wolde, (left) and the answer is yes and if Wolde had asked why? there would be no need for any unnecessary debate because it is written Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. Now there are two things you need to notice here, first the fact that it is the Lord that is doing the handing over and secondly that persecution, death and hatred are three distinct categories; and that some of us will face, one of three, two of three or all three depending on where we are spiritually with the Lord and in terms of geographic location. The message to the seven churches in Revelation should tell us that all the churches were first admonished in regards to their spiritual posture and physical local. Likewise churches in the Middle East and predominantly Muslim areas will most likely face all three categories while the churches in the west will be varied according to the spiritual stronghold. In regard to the fact that the Lord is the one doing the handing over, we need to remind ourselves of Revelation 6:9-11 When he opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they maintained. They called out in a loud voice, how long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood? Then each was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed The convenient rapturous sensationalism that has permeated the western church is going to prove many prophets false and many teachers ignorant when the media can no longer hide the escalating death toll of Christians. Jesus tasted death for us and those who truly understand the cross will not hesitate to taste death for the glory of His name. In Hebrews 2:14-15, we read since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death, He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is the devil and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives. The power of death is on the side of Islam and those who are going to fall away at the time when death knocks upon the doors of their flesh then let the reader know that it is also written in Hebrews 6:4-8 that in the case of those who have: Once been enlightened Tasted the heavenly gift Been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, Tasted the good word of God And the powers of the age to come And then have fallen away

It is a miracle that we are standing here talking, says Wolde Giorgis, a primary school teacher and devout Christian. I will leave this place as soon as possible, like so many Christians already did. I dont know what will be next: first they burn our churches and houses. Are they going to kill us now? More than 46 churches belonging to the Pentecostal Kale Hiwot (Word of Life) Church and 23 belonging to other Christian groups have been burnt down

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO RENEW THEM AGAIN TO REPRENTANCE, SINCE THEY AGAIN CRUCIFY TO THEMSELVES THE SON OF GOD AND PUT HIM TO OPEN SHAME. What is the difference between a Christian, a believer and a disciple? A Christian is called by His name, a believer simple believes in His name while a disciple is disciplined in the use of His name because He so believes Him. We have a lot of Christians, a lot of believers, but we dont have a lot of disciples and only those who are disciplined are referred to the Lord as sons for He disciplines the son whom He loves. These are not opinions but Scriptural truths. The falling away of many will be Christians and believers but the disciples trained by the Spirit of Holiness, gone through the furnace of affliction and tempered in the wilderness will be those who will stand and be save defying death, the doctrines of demons and the of hell to overcome with the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. The sons of the kingdom will never retreat in their advance with the message of the Kingdom because they know it is mighty to the pulling down of strongholds, nothing will bend their knees apart from the God whom they call Abba, Father.

Ethiopian Christians flee after church burnings Published on: 20 March 2011 By Luc van Kemenade Evangelical churches and homes have been burnt down by mobs of Muslims in the South-western Jimma region of Ethiopia. The attacks have left at least one person dead and 7,000 displaced. This is a strategically planned attack by an extremist Islamic group. 69 churches burnt down Evangelical churches and homes of Christians in Asendabo, about 300 kilometres southwest of capital Addis Ababa, and other towns in the Jimma region were torched earlier this month. Thousands of them have fled their hometowns to safer areas.

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

Opinions, Conflict and Persecution

Where free speech is no longer freeif you are a Christian

On the 21st of March when Australias first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard revealed that her stance against gay marriages was due to her upbringing [Christian] stating that there are some important things from our past that need to continue to be part of our present and part of our future," [and]"If I was in a different walk of life, if I'd continued in the law and was partner of a law firm now, I would express the same view, that I think for our culture, for our heritage, the Marriage Act and marriage being between a man and a woman has a special status Her stance immediately amassed over 31 comments with only one saying that they were glad she stood up for her values. When a Christian cannot even express their views when asked about their views then you know that the intolerance for anything Christian is running out quickly. The laws of the land are changing rapidly and those who are behind such changes Have no fear or regards for anything but the religion of self. Measures are being put in place to snuff out the voice of the church. Islam is feared because Islams God does not say vengeance is mine, I will repay so the west has to be very tactful in the way they treat Muslims. On the other however, Christianity is given charge to be non-violent in the face of fatal threats. To the church in Smyrna the Lord told them that the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. Furthermore He promised that he who over comes will not be hurt at all by the second death These seven churches are rich with prophetic symbolism that we will not delve into in this issue but suffice to say, these seven churches represents seven different types of believers whose response to the Lord yields life or death.

James Peron of US Posted at 7:36 AM March 21, 2011 You can't fault the logic, marriage equality is not traditional. Neither are women prime ministers, so I expect her resignation post haste Billy Bateman of Sydney Posted at 7:40 AM March 21, 2011: At first I laughed (I thought you were joking). Now I realise you're not. I will never vote for you again. My vote (whereever possible) is going to the Sex Party. Andrew of Melb Posted at 8:00 AM March 21, 2011 :Whatever Julia! What a load of crap! What a fat hypocrite! Julia ! I suggest you marry your partner if you want to go around preaching parts of the bible! You make me sick! Tony N of USA Posted at 8:24 AM March 21, 2011: So basically she's just a straight up bigot? She can't even use religion to justify it. Don't any of these people realize that eventually gay marriage will be legal everywhere? It may take a long time, but when we look back at Australia's first woman Prime Minister, we're going to see a homophobe bigot. Luke of Kings Cross Posted at 9:06 AM March 21, 2011 How conservative is it to live presumably in a sexual relationship with someone you're not married to. If the United Kingdom, where we are culturally and historically from can leagalise gay unions, then why can't we? If New Zealand, our closest neighbour and fellow Commonwealth Nations of South Africa and Canada can legalise it, and they also share cultural and historic connections then why can't we? Julia, the Unions do support it, the union movement is meant to remove inequality. I don't think you're prounion or actually stand for much Shane of Newcastle Posted at 1:56 PM March 21, 2011 Wow !... again... WOW ! it seems that religion will always dictate politics in this country. Same-sex marriage rights has nothing to do with the bible or the Church. The act to be legally recognised as someones partner is a piece of legislation.

What does persecution in Britain look like?

Britain is burning O can you smell the smoke Britain is burning, woe to those without hope Britain is burning the fire at her roots Britain is burning, Britain is burning because she hasnt embrace Truth Britain is burning believers you will choke Britain is burning dont say that you will cope Britain is burning the Kingdom must be preached Britain is burning, Britain is burning the covenant has been breeched This song was received in early January, this year and its message is clear- Britain is burning. The volcanic eruption in Iceland that grounded the flights across UK and Europe was the sign of the smoke. The ways in which humanism and the promotion of self and intellect have infiltrated the social, educational, political and spiritual landscape of the Island have attracted the wrath of God. As in all cases, to whom much is given much is in equal measures required. The great fall of Britain into intellectual decadence and spiritual decay is a sign in itself that another great revival is going to sweep this nation that will dwarf the others before it. Britains spiritual heritage is known and felt the world over. Where liberty, democracy and freedom of speech are professed by the politicians of this land, the silent changes of law and the marginalisation and exclusion of Christians is well under way. In a landmark judgment, which will have a serious impact on the future of fostering and adoption in the UK, the High Court has suggested that Christians with traditional views on sexual ethics are unsuitable as foster carers, and that homosexual rights trump freedom of conscience in the UK. The Judges stated that Christian beliefs on sexual ethics may be inimical to children, and they implicitly upheld an Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) submission that children risk being infected by Christian moral beliefs. For more information please visit: w.php?id=1248 Under the weight of depressions, inflations, oppressions and suppressions the light of truth and the voice of virtue will rise in this Island. The Lord will set the sons of Zion with the Hebrew mind-set against the sons of Greece and the bride will become an arrow in the bow of God and hit the target.

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

The quest for the Ideal Religion

In the New Scientist (weekly) 26,
March 2011, titled Start From Scratch (What if we built the fundamentals of modern life afresh) written by Bob Holmes who frequently covers topics such as evolutionary biology, genetics and ecology opens the article with this question: Suppose we could try again. Imagine that civilization 1.0 evaporated tomorrow, leaving us with unlimited man power a willing populace and most important- all the knowledge weve accumulated about what works, what doesnt, and how we might avoid errors we got locked into the last time. If you had the chance to build civilization 2.0 from scratch, what would you do differently? ... The result is a recipe for overhauling how we live, get around and organize our societies- as well as reconsidering our approach to concepts such as religion, democracy and even time. DREAMING OF THE A NEW CIVILIZATION IS MORE THAN A THOUGHT EXPERIMENT: the answers highlight what is most in need of a rethink, and hint at bold repairs that might be possible today. Facts from this opening: [A]Civilization (1.0) is marked by a global ideal that seeks the evolutionary extinction of this world in favour of the rise of the new world order with a new man [B]This new man forms the perfect resident for the new world Order (i.e. civilization 2.0) that have been in a perpetual cycle of development since the days of Lucifers rebellion. [C] For this new world to work they are three key things that must be put in place: I. II. III. Unlimited man power A willing populace All the knowledge weve accumulated [from civilization 1.0] failed while the sun kept its course. In Daniel 7:25 we learn that the 4th beast shall attempt to change times and law. The key word to note in this verse is that the beast will attempt that means he will try to do the impossible and fail miserably. The western calendar system we currently use is an illustration of such an attempt with a fleeting degree of success. In Exodus 12:1-2 the Lord made it clear that the first of the month to begin the year should be March which the Jews refer to as Nisan on the Hebraic calendar. Spring doesnt arrive in January because January [named after the god of gates and doors Janus] is a winter month. However, as the saying goes when in Rome do as the Romans do Now the Romans have a problem with monotheism for it restricts that which they deem as freedom of expression. For Rome, life is not about a singular God but many gods. The spiritual deception hidden in the dynamics of the romantic overtones shows how old Rome still plagues the mind-set of the NC2.0 converts to pursue the fatal attraction of deifying man as God above God in order to rebuild the ruin city with a new breed of Romans. The world is now witnessing the last and final remnants of the 4th beast forming a global alliance in honour of their fallen prince. The difference between Satan and his followers is that he knows where his end will be while his followers assume where their end will be. The only thing that NC2.O is certain of in regards to time is that it waits for no man. At the very time that Nebuchadnezzar considered equality with God, while the words were still in the kings mouth, a voice came from heaven Daniel 4:28-37. This tells us that the very moment men begin to reason like animals the Lord treats them as animals. Lucifer reasoned like an animal and became a serpent and his lofty hopes of self-exaltation fell to dust. The same voice is watch over His word to perform it when the new Rome thinks its plans are perfected.

It is apparent from Mr Holmes research that there are also three concepts which I call obstacles that he says needs reconsidering which includes: I. II. III. Religion Democracy Time

And the final point to note is that this is not a dream state cover story, for Mr Holmes clearly states that the recipe for overhauling how we live and dreaming of a new civilization is more than a thought experiment. Now there are many colourful ways we could pry apart these words of Mr Holmes but the objective is to get at the root of this new civilization 2.0 hereafter referred to as (NC 2.0). Notice the first in the series of concepts that needs to be tackled is religion. Why? Because with the three monotheistic faiths (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam) around, NC2.0 will not be able to run as smoothly as planned as the Gods that govern these faiths are intolerant of any other getting the worship they prize as their own. Secondly, the common understanding of democracy is that it is govern by the peoples choice of who they want to lead them. Unless the NC2.0 advocates totally eradicate our choice, this too troubles the dream. Then lastly there is the major issue of time because while democracy and religion can be manipulated infiltrated and even overthrown there is a set time for everything that is under the sun. Many generations have passed trying to established a NC2.0 and all have

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

What form would the ideal religion take?

After Holmes, introduced his take on

NC2.0, there were others who were speaking on the new grand design of the NC2.0 infrastructure. Eventually we arrived to Kate Douglass contribution titled Choosing My Religion where she too opened with a question what form would the ideal religion take? Her stance is that religion cannot be eradicated but it can be redesigned. According to Kate the reasons given why religion cannot be gotten rid of easily is owing to the fact that: I. II. III. IV. Religious people are happier and healthier Religion offers community Secularism has passed its zenith Religion stabilizes fear in times of migrations, economic instability and when people feel their values are under threat

noticed that there is a therapeutic effect upon the once demon possessed being delivered from such anomalies in our world. The good news is that the NC2.0, have considered that their might still be those demon possessed in the new world and they have carved out a spot for those evangelical Christians that specializes in deliverance and healing. The bad news is that these particular deliverance ministries have to use the name Jesus and they also may hold to a principle that sees Catholics, Buddhist, and Muslims and even certain Jews fit for deliverance in that named, and who is to stop them from binding, rebuking and casting what they believe to be of the devil in the name of Jesus? It is the hope of Kate and other advocated behind NC2.0 that a new world religion would have a harmonious blend of them all: euphoric and sensual trappings of a sacred party, the sympathy and soothing balms of therapy, the mysteries and revelations of an eternal journey and the nurturing didactic atmosphere if a school Whosoever thinks that the devil is not poetic is deluded to his euphoric and sensual trappings that paints a beautiful picture of chaos and hell using the soft therapeutic tones of sacred, party, sympathy, soothing, balms of therapy, mysteries revelations, eternal journey, nurturing, didactic atmosphere and school. These are positive words with a devilish outcome but then the truth is always hidden in the same proximity of a lie. The use of the word trappings is in every detail of NC2.0 and many have already knelt before the altar of this new religion. There is also a place provided for those into body mutilations because the globalist have notice that blood rituals binds people together very intensely and has a highly rousing traumatic effect because people tend to be more committed to a religion and tolerant of its failings after paying a high price for entry. On an everyday basis living in this new world order of religion these

everyday rituals will focus on rhythmic dancing and chanting to stimulate the release of endorphins, which Robin Dunbar, also at Oxford, says are keys to social cohesion. To keep people coming back, he also prescribes some myths that break the laws of physics, but not too much, and no extreme mysticism as it tends to lead to schisms Final note from Kate Douglas highlights the main thrusts of this new religion which are as follows in her own words: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Many gods Great tolerance of idiosyncratic practices Emphasis on worldly affairs Promote the use of contraceptives Small families Be big on environmental issues Philanthropy pacifism & cooperation.

By Delving into some of the findings of Harvey Whitehouse, from Oxford University and another advocate for evolution theory, she adds his finding that revealed that religion comes in four flavours: [A] The Sacred Partyincense burning, bell ringing and celestial carol music of Catholicism [B] Therapy--- the practices of healing and casting out devils among some evangelical Christians [C] Mystical Quest--- Buddhist quest for Nirvana [D] School---detailed study of the Quran in Islam or reading the Torah in Judaism They may be four flavours but they are five different bodies recognized that will be taken from to form a unique ingredient for the NC2.0 Religion. Notice the name change given to evangelicals who cast out demons therapy. The other thing to note here is the fact that study by Whitehouse does not undermine the fact that there are demons to be cast out but he would no doubt have

Remember that the number (7) is one that Scripturally, points to spiritual perfection. Now the recipe for the NC2.0 religion so happens to have seven chief ingredients which makes it complete in the eyes of God for His wrath. The first one many gods just so happen to violate the first commandment of God as it purports having many other gods besides Him. Oh and by the way contraceptives in this religion also includes abortion. Look for the trappings. These seven categories are models that are being developed for simulating future courses and designs that can be used to transform specified religious systems. Oxford University holds the banner of educational prestige, and many notable discoveries have been birthed there. However, when knowledge takes precedence over knowing God, then the Lord is not nervous to shake the foundation of these world renowned systems of higher learning. Religion by any other name is still religion and few have discovered that religion may not have been a coined by God and fewer still including the advocates of the NC2.0, are yet to realize that God is not interested in what His hands did not designed. Religion [exterior motive] is a design outside of God but a relationship [interior motive] is a designed inside of Him. Choose well.

Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

Until we are shaken we wont be shocked

The seven year countdown to make porn the norm in Britain and Europe
August, 2005
On the 5th August 2006, the phenomenon titled Masturbate-a-thon initiated in 1995 in San Francisco (USA) was finally premiered in London and the rest of Europe with eager participants coming together to amiably compete for the covetous title of the Longest Time Spent Masturbating/Male/Female". Money raised from the event goes to charities that serves the cause of increasing awareness to the benefits of this activity and erasing the myths, taboos and shame that often accompanies the innocence of this sexual act. London creatively renamed the event Wank-a-thon which was schedule for airing but was later pulled when senior officials question its content which was due to be shown as a documentary on Channel 4, under the genre educational entertainment. Britain now plays spiritual host to a sexual principality whose main targets are youths, marked for destruction through sex, drugs, alcohol, violence and addiction to the so call reality TV. As mentioned in previous chapters there are no isolated events in our world only correspondences. Channel 4 have carved out a sexual niche promoting programmes whose graphic contents are taking big leaps towards having hard pornographic content during prime time. The people behind the scenes promoting this content are powerful and wealthy and a part of paedophile rings by night and then wear a masks by day to play a role. The argument behind these businesses are that the kids will get it anyway from other sources.

Masturbation is the master bait that is being used to catch a bigger fish- the mind of the youths. Christians are not immune to the effect of this spirit. It is crafted and presented in such a fashion those that shun the activity are seen as an anomaly in society.

A bold, informative look at the love lives and sex lives of teenagers that tells it like it really is, and is definitely not just for teens reads the synopsis on Channel 4s website in regard to the programme The Joy of Teen Sex. In watching an episode it was evident that adults that is grown individuals with their own unique sexual experiences and experiments were sadly becoming involved in the life choices of teens. Within a few minutes of screen time, explicit advice was given together with a filmed couple labelled actors having sex to deliberately and graphically show how to perform. Content of teens boasting in drunken orgies, threesomes and casual sex as the norm was aired without a viable alternate voice bringing balance to this propagated lifestyle. Of the three experts the doctor on site was the only viable voice giving advice for the health and safety of these teens. Shots of teens engaging in sexual behaviour were regularly interlaced throughout. If this programme promotes looking at the sex lives of teens and it is not just for teens the question should be; Who has this programme really been made for? The truth is always hidden in plain view!

More than 5,000 children are being forced to work as sex slaves in the UK, including thousands trafficked to this country by criminal gangs, The Independent on Sunday can reveal. An important study of global slavery exposes Britain as a major transit point for the movement of child slaves around the world. Commissioned by social research charity the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the report paints a shocking picture of an international web of gang masters exploiting children as young as five. Voyeurism/Voyeur 1. A person who derives sexual gratification from observing the naked bodies or sexual acts of others, especially from a secret vantage point. 2. An obsessive observer of sordid or sensational subjects. Could it be there is a market for child sex, teen sex, prostitution and abuse that our children are being prepared to enter into in the near future? The trends would suggest an organised systematic strategy to indoctrinate a new generation for a purpose beyond our current ability to comprehend. With churches drawing congregations of up to 12000 in parts of London, questions need to be asked; where are the voices, the standard, strategies and tools to release people to be catalysts of change? It can be done! Intelligently, eloquently and with excellence;, remember we are admonished to be as wise as serpents and harmless like doves. The human trafficking trade now generates an estimated 5bn a year worldwide, making it the second biggest international criminal industry after the drugs trade. Children's charities in Britain say there has been a "dramatic" rise in referrals of trafficked children to sexual exploitation services. /uk/crime/5000-child-sex-slaves-inuk-437800.html With Police combating Paedophiles and rescuing children from abuse and the sex slave trade, I have to wonder what their views are on the current trends in entertainment, law and educational policy.

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The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

September 2008
BBC news education reporter, Angela Harrison, in her articled titled nine month review bears fruit reported that On three occasions over nine months, representatives from faith groups met teachers, heads, governors and members of sexual health charities and found enough common ground on the charged subject of sex education to advise the government on what they thought should be done. The 25-strong panel, who appear to cover all shades of opinion, agreed "some underlying principles" on how to improve the way the issue is covered (Thursday, 23 October 2008 The carefully worded representatives from faith groups is to be translated as representatives from the church, who have bowed to modern society and political pressures and agendas, whilst finding compromise justified for the sake of acceptance with our neighbours; political, religious, and social. These have caused a spirit of mockery to rise up, knowing that our so called representatives are hypocrites, which can be bullied, pressured and intimidated to deny aspects and contents of their faith and the word of God in scripture. These ones have empowered, preempted and facilitated the persecution of Christians in the UK through giving their blessing to the political, educational and judicial system, which seeks to nullify the voice, lifestyle and influence of our faith. Can God say, Well done good and faithful servant?

Jim Knight (Schools Minister) told BBC News: "We are not suggesting that five and six-year-olds should be taught sex. "What we are saying is we need to improve in particular the relationship education, improve the moral framework and moral understanding around which we then talk about sex later on in a child's education." The outcome? How Did I Begin? by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom which has a cartoon image of a couple in bed in an intimate embrace. It is accompanied by an explanation using frank and adult terminology of the act of intercourse. Another, called The Primary School Sex And Relationships Education Pack by HIT UK, includes material to allow children aged 5 to 11 to learn about different sexual positions and prostitution. The BBC has been highlighted for an educational video featuring full frontal nudity, while its learning resources department, BBC Active, shows computer-generated images of male genitalia. All the material has been recommended by councils for use at ages seven-plus. The dossier, compiled by the Christian Institute, also pinpoints a book called Lets Talk About Sex, by Robie H Harris, which includes a chapter on heterosexuality called Straight and Gay. Furious family campaigners have described the material as too much, too young and warn it will encourage sexualisation. Mike Judge, of the Christian Institute, said: The current approach to sex education demands ever more explicit sex education at ever younger ages. Read more: le-1364360/Sex-education-Do-want-5year-old-child-given-explicitlessons.html#ixzz1HRuHrNzs

Lessons about personal, social and health matters including sex and relationships will be compulsory in all England's schools from ages five to 16.

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The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

Excerpts of My Confession
True love is a relationship shared with the one who frees you. You are not fully you until you get to know the one who made you. You are not educated until you are taught by the Holy Spirit; you have no class until you are a citizen of the celestial house, no real wealth until you have treasures stored up in heaven, no profession until you find yourself in the labour of love and no social awareness until you are conscious of the Kingdom of God. Your dreams and your visions are neither perfect nor complete until you have walked with completion and lie in the bosom of perfection. You are blind until you see Him, deaf until you hear Him, ignorant until you sit in the chambers of His heart and foolish until you dine at the table of His wisdom. Everything that you thought you knew-is but a thought and your knowledge of everything is nothing until you know Him. Ah but when you start to know Him the end result is the beauty of holiness. The beauty of your holiness will resonate from the heart and shine like the sun across your face. It will spring from the well of your womb and flow alongside the banks of His grace. It is trained in pain to radiate humble hues and tempered in faith to be a servant to truth. This beauty speaks with a tone that is truly a song and testifies of a journey interesting though long. It beats with a rhythm pluck on the strings of time and it is refined in fire to reflect His mind. This beauty of holiness is the psalms of the save; those lifted high to the hills: once confined in a grave. Peace like a river flows from whats known, mercy and compassion echoing in your bones. Once a fool, now twice wise: your soul has knees; your heart has eyes. With freedom and humility, you have been chaste sincere, under the shadow of the Almighty, who shall you fear? You have cried a river; to lay your will at His feet, pearls of repentance is your sins defeat. From the valley so steep you arise with a wail; hind feet placed on a hill, woe to hell this day. All that you are is but a glimpse of who He is, born to love and destined to live. Souls fall prey when they meet your gaze, and when you speak hell becomes afraid. You are covered with the blood, with a smell thats sweet, and every stride you make heaven takes heed. This beauty you have is kept in His smile; who can but say truly this is His child The beauty works within you; Hes a beauty who is a friend. Yes Holy Spirit within you is that beauty without an end. A love long relationship that gets sweeter every day, you bask in His wisdom and Hes refreshed when you pray. Oh look at you with heaven in those eyes, respect and honour to you what a heart my, o my. A touch as soft as cotton, laughter as warm as July, so much treasure falls from those lips as you deposit the jewels of life. Music comes to you just to be in your company, dreams sleep with you, and you dance with poetry. Oh this beauty of holiness that shaped you by blood, oh go beloved go now and spread His love. The jungle lovers are coming like the fall of autumn leaves; untamed like wild horses they are the hidden breed. Do not stand in their way; neither look at them with pride; for the moment you do fire blazes forth from their eyes. Their smile is captivating and so are their ways; with Wisdom by their side folly becomes a prey. Violent passion is their secret they were trained not to fear; not afraid to live and neither afraid of the grave. With a kiss from His lips, and smile on this face, a roar from His voice they begin the race. Their joy is complete, their peace so profound, their zeal contagious with cross or crowns. What drives them-but Love; who protects-but Truth; planted alone by His hands He calls them Passion Fruit The dark hordes are gathered; called the sons of night holding strange fire; armed and ready to fight. They raised a loud cry in the heavens Gods prepare for war! chanting, we are the fallen angels with vengeance towards the Lord! Their words ripple through the camp and their breath filled the sky with sulphur smoke; and the clouds blackened in the sky as they fondled their futile hope. Demons prepared their curses the teraphim mixed their wine and they drank from the cup of their adulteries and cursed all that was divine. The Jungle Lovers heard them and passion swelled in their hearts; if the Lord did not hold them; they would trample the very dark. Easy my lovers; you will soon have your way; I have prepare a feast in the presence of your enemies this very day
Comments, Questions and Suggestions to:

The Sign Post, Issue 1, Spring 2011

How long O Lord will they defile the rule of your throne! another shouted from the back send me Lord, with just one smooth stone The Warrior angels stood in awed silence, stirred with the Lovers zeal; Then in walked Michael holding the seven seals. His beauty was astounding; with muscle like chiselled steel; His eyes were fierce with humility Oh only love could bend his knees. He spoke in an ancient language and a roar came back in reply; I almost drop my shield when he met me eye for eye. The other angels blew their breathe in his direction as he again mounted his steed; the horses of heaven are like nothing we on earth have ever seen. He greeted his comrades and joked for a while; heaven exudes a glow when the angels smile. They were mighty in battle; like us born wild and free; and they were immensely loved by God bound to His majesty. Then Michael rode through the line on streets made of gold; then he stop in front of me and handed me a scroll. Then began his speech Heirs of the Most High God; I beseech you this day; that the battle is about to begin and you will catch your prey. For Long we have been with man we have seen your faults and your fears and often we too did wonder after the mystery of His care. This day you will fight without death on your minds; for you have been anointed overcomers by the blood of our Divine. Your faith too is a mystery to us who breathe a different air; but we are fellow servants with you and of us you need not fear. It is our honour to serve with you and eternity is ours to make better acquaintances; but in the sight our enemy I command you to mount your horses. We are brothers and His Majestys mighty men; those who will not bow their knees to Him this day will bow their knees in hell. I served alongside my brother now the heathen that we must fight; and to us all, the knowledge is given that the Wisdom of our God is greater that the passion of our might. My brothers pride is the sand on which he now stands, and the sand on which he must now fight while there is solid gold beneath our feet that will follow us with every stride. He did not know fear until he discovered pride and I did not know pride until I saw the fear that pride lit in his eyes. Remember this as you raise your swords and mount your horses; for the moment you forget this you will fall in hells abyss. We do not fight our brothers with joy but only for righteousness sake; all will taste His wrath having turned their backs to His grace. His voice had a tone I could not describe and when he finished talking he raised his sword to the Most High; We all follow him and the silence was chilling; so quiet we were that we could hear the Lords breathing With the scroll in my hands and the tears in my eyes my Father whisper came to me baby write while you ride. As you read these words keep the reign of your horses in hand, look at the gold beneath your feet; see the devil on sand. Hold your head up high; but not to the honour of pride; now feel His warm embrace and His whisper in your ear saying ride bride ride.

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