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Oracle® Certification Program

Candidate Guide

Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
November 2005
Oracle Candidate Certification Guide

Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
November 2005

1 Benefits of Earning Oracle Certification

2 ™
Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate

3 Preparing for Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Test

4 Registering for Your Test

5 Taking Your Test

6 After You Are Certified

7 Special Testing Opportunities

Test Content Checklist

Visit the Oracle Certification Program website at

1 Benefits of Earning Oracle Certification

By earning an Oracle Certified Associate professionals can have a direct impact on

(OCA) certification, you can have a company's success.
increased entry-level job opportunities. It
The demand for proven, well-skilled
is the stepping-stone to starting a
professionals in the IT industry is high,
successful career as an Oracle
and the competition for jobs is intense.
Individuals, experienced or new to the
An Oracle Certification is in high demand profession, need to know what skills make
in today's marketplace, and the level of them attractive to employers. Employers
demand is expected to grow with each look for ways to select prospective
new installation of Oracle technologies employees who have the solid foundation
around the world. An Oracle Certification of skills needed for effective performance.
helps raise your visibility and increases An Oracle Certification helps make
your access to the industry's most accurate hiring decisions. Not only do
challenging opportunities. thousands of partners of Oracle require
The true value of earning an Oracle certifications within their ranks, but also
Certification credential is increased job an increasingly high number of customers
security as well as expanded access to worldwide. The Oracle Certification
greater job opportunities for both Program helps the IT industry establish a
permanent and project-based assignments. standard of competence in key entry-level
With more opportunity come career and professional job roles.
growth and higher pay. An Oracle Certification is a valuable,
" The most valued skills in 2002 are in industry-recognized credential that
e-commerce, Oracle, Application signifies a proven level of knowledge and
ability. Each higher level of Oracle
Development and Java." 1 certification brings a higher standard of
The Oracle Certification Program is also benchmarked skill and ability, which leads
valuable to hiring managers who want to to greater opportunities and higher pay.
distinguish among candidates for critical
As IT organizations look to cut costs,
information technology (IT) positions.
those who can manage multiple tasks and
For companies that send employees for
job roles will have the highest level of job
annual IT training, certification helps
ensure a return on the training investment
by validating the knowledge and "Oracle Certified Professionals earn
understanding gained during training 28% more money than the average IT
sessions. certified professionals."
Companies can also combine certification
with an employee development program
to enhance employee loyalty and
performance on the job. Hiring certified

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
An Oracle9iAS Web Administrator 1 Source: "Jumping Ship - Survey says IT worker retention
remains a challenge," Metrics - CIO, May, 2002
Certified Associate (OCA) demonstrates 2 Source: "Certification Salary Survey,, Certification Magazine,
a solid understanding of the foundation December, 2000
skills required of a Web Administrator
when employed in support of Oracle9i
Application Server solutions. Get on the
shortlist for job opportunities; or if you
are currently employed as a Database
Administrator, take this chance to develop
your abilities and take on a more advanced
role by helping your organization build an
integrated plan for supporting both
Oracle9i Application Server and Oracle9i

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
2 Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate

organizations require full-time Web

Oracle9i Application Server provides an
integrated infrastructure to rapidly deliver Administrators, and the demand for skills
applications over any network. The skills in this area continues to grow.
required to manage Oracle9iAS are Consequently, many Oracle DBAs have
essential to help companies succeed in the found the need to expand their skill sets
world of information management and to administer application servers, making
automated e-business. Become an the Oracle9iAS Web Administrator
Oracle9iAS Web Administrator, and enter credential a valuable addition to their
one of the career areas that is in very high Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)
demand in the IT industry. credential!
O ra cl e9 iAS Web Earning the Oracle Certified Associate
Adm in is tra to r Cert if ied credential as an IT professional will give
A sso ciate ( OCA) you recognition for your foundation of
The OCA program begins at the Oracle knowledge in using Oracle9iAS
Certified Associate level. Technical technology. This recognition will
professionals at this certification level distinguish you from those without a
have the foundation of knowledge that credential and can help you build your
enables them to act as a functional career by obtaining access to related job
Oracle9iAS Web Administrator. Many opportunities.

Re qu ire d Exam s fo r th e Ora cl e9 iAS Web Administra tor

C er tif i cat io n Pa th
Pass the following exam to earn the Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Oracle9i AS: Basic Oracle9iAS Web
Administration Administrator Certified
Exam #1Z0-301 Associate

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
3 Preparing for Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Test

Oracle recommends that you prepare for also learn how to deploy PL/SQL
Oracle9iAS Basic Administration exam by applications as well as J2EE applications
combining learning and hands-on-practice such as servlets, JSPs, Web applications,
offerings from Oracle University with and Web services. Oracle9iAS Single Sign-
your own experience. Start by reviewing On (SSO) and Oracle Internet Directory
the topics covered on the exam in the (OID) are introduced as part of the
Test Content Checklist in this guide. security concept of Oracle9iAS. In
Lea rn O ra cl e f rom Ora c le
interactive hands-on lab practices students
apply what they have learned and gain
The Oracle University courses described valuable, job-applicable skills.
in the candidate guide are designed to set
the foundation of knowledge that you Oracle9i: Security Concepts in an
need to pass the Oracle Certification tests Internet Environment
and provide a venue for hands-on (Self-Paced Online Course available
practice. with Oracle University Online
Professional Subscription)
For the one comprehensive exam required
for candidates to achieve the Oracle9iAS This eClass, available through Oracle
Web Administrator Certified Associate University Professional Subscription,
(OCA) credential, Oracle University offers covers how to implement a security
the following courses that map to the policy. Students learn about security
contents of the exam. Completion of all concepts, security risks and solutions, and
three offerings will give certification the security features of Oracle products.
candidates the entire curriculum that maps
to the Test Content Checklist (see section
8 of this guide) for the Oracle9iAS: Basic
Administration exam (1Z0-301).
Oracle9iAS: Basic Administration
(Release 2, Instructor-Led Hands-On
Classroom Training)
Students in this course learn the job tasks
that enables them to effectively
administer, monitor, and secure an
Oracle9iAS environment. After an
introduction to Oracle9iAS installation
and architecture, students gain hands-on
experience in configuring its components
and modules, such as Oracle HTTP
Server, Oracle9iAS Web Cache, and
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE. Students

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Introduction to LDAP and Oracle Pra c ti ce T es ts
Internet Directory Currently, practice tests are not available
(Self-Paced Online Course available for Oracle9iAS Basic Administration
with Oracle University Online Exam.
Professional Subscription)
T e s t C o nt e n t C h e c k li s t ( Ex a m
This eStudy, available through Oracle Objectives)
University Online Learning Free Trial,
provides an introduction to the concepts Use the Test Content Checklist in this
and usage of the Oracle Internet guide to identify all the test topics for
which you must prepare. Oracle may
Directory (OID) component of Oracle9i
make modifications to the Test Content
Application Server and an overview of
Checklist. Visit the OCP Website, to view
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
the Exam Details List to download the
latest version of this guide or print out the
Your local Oracle University exam objectives from the website before
representative can advise you on the best attending your exam appointments.
option. For more information, visit the
Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Learning
Path on the Oracle University global Web
site at

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
4 Registering for Your Test

Oracle Certification Program exams are S cheduling Your Exam

offered at Oracle University Testing 1. There are three convenient ways to
Centers and through Prometric, the register for exam:
world’s largest provider of testing to the
information technology industry. Many a. Prepare and appear for test at an
Oracle University Locations now also Oracle University Center
offer these exams, and can serve as a Many countries throughout Europe,
convenient alternative for both India, and Asia offer exam
preparation and exam writing at one preparation assistance as well as the
facility. Follow the registration directions exams themselves at one convenient
shown below for scheduling exams at an location. Visit the OCP Website’s
Oracle University Center or at an Exam Registration page to schedule
Authorized Prometric Testing Center an exam at an Oracle University
(APTC). location.
All exams are delivered electronically by b. APTC Online Registration
means of computer. A brief tutorial Register online at
precedes each test to familiarize you with
the test delivery system. You should c. APTC Telephone Registration
attempt to answer every question on the Call the Prometric Regional Service
exam because incomplete answers are Center (RSC) serving your country
scored as incorrect. Using a summary during normal business hours. (A
screen you can navigate throughout the list of RSCs is given on the last page
exam, proceeding forward and back of this guide.)
among questions.
2. Make sure that you have both the
Rev iew ing t he Can dida te number and title of the exam that you
Ag reem en t are registering for. Schedule your exam
Candidates pursuing Oracle certification appointment Monday through Saturday
must accept the terms of the Oracle during normal authorized Prometric
Certified Associate - Professional testing center hours. Hours vary by
Candidate Agreement before taking the location.
tests. You will be presented with the
agreement on the screen before the test
starts. You can also review the agreement
before your appointment by visiting the
Oracle Certification Program Web site at

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
3. When you register, ask the Prometric C hang ing or Ca ncel i ng You r
customer service representative for a App oi ntme nt
list of valid forms of identification that To cancel or reschedule your test
you will need to present when you take appointment, you must call the Prometric
your exam. You will not be allowed to Regional Service Center. The cancellation
take the test without valid policy by region is:
The Americas: One business day in
4. Regular exam fees are equivalent to advance
US$125, plus any local taxes. Asia Pacific: By midday (Sydney time)
The exam fee is payable to Prometric the previous business day
by any major credit card (VISA, EMEA: Two business days in advance
MasterCard, American Express, and Japan: Three business days in advance
Switch Cards) at the time of
registration. All discounts must be Candidates who do not appear for the test
applied at the time of paying your or who cancel less than one business day
exam fee. before the test do not receive a refund.

5. You must schedule a test at least 24

hours in advance.

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
5 Taking Your Test

Ta king a Test a t an O bta in ing Yo ur Te st Re su lt s

Authorized Prometric Testing You will receive your score report
C en ter
immediately after the test. Beta exam
1. Arrive at the testing center at least 15 score reports are sent to candidates
minutes before your scheduled following analysis and scoring of the beta
appointment. exam. Candidates completing a beta
2. Sign the test log and present two forms version of a test can expect their score
of identification. One must be a reports 10–12 weeks following the beta
government-issued photo period. Your results are automatically
identification. Both forms of forwarded to Oracle following testing.
identification must contain your Please keep a copy of all test reports for
signature. your records.

3. The test administrator will give you a

brief orientation and escort you to a
computer terminal where you will take
the test. You are not allowed to bring
papers, books, bags, or calculators into
the room.
4. Remember to adhere to the
requirements set forth in the Oracle
Certification Candidate Agreement.
You must agree to the terms and
conditions in the agreement before
completing any Oracle Certification
exam. Any attempt to cheat, assist
others, or remove exam content from
the testing room will not be tolerated
and may result in a zero score,
disallowance of OCP credential, and
even prosecution by law.

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Retaking a Test If you receive a low score, an Oracle
Candidates must wait 14 days before University training course may be
retaking a failed exam. There are no appropriate for you to gain more
exceptions to this policy. knowledge. Otherwise, if you require
skillset review only in a few areas, we
If you do not pass an Oracle Certification recommend that you consult Oracle
exam on the first attempt, Oracle University Online Learning, where you
encourages you to use the diagnostic will find each topic area available as a
feedback supplied with the score report to short course module. Most modules
review the areas that need further study. require only 45 minutes for completion.
Visit Online Learning at

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
6 After You Are Certified

Re ce iv ing Yo ur Ora c le K e e p ing C ur re n t w it h New

C er tif i cat io n We lcome K it O ra cl e Te ch no logy Re lea se s
You will receive your Oracle Certified Oracle is committed to keeping the Oracle
Associate or Oracle Certified Professional Certification Program abreast with the
certificate by mail from Prometric within latest technology. To take full benefit of
30 days after successfully completing all your Oracle Certified Professional
the required exams and course credential, you may find it advantageous
requirements as applicable. You should to upgrade your certification to the latest
use your certificate as verification of your release.
Oracle Certification credential.
If you do not receive your Welcome Kit,
send an e-mail to, providing
your name, Prometric ID number, current
mailing address, and daytime phone
O ra cl e Ce rt if ied A sso ciate
Members Web Site
Upon completion of your Oracle Certified
Associate credential, you will receive
information about how to obtain a copy
of the OCA logo in your Welcome Kit.
The logo may be used on business cards
and resumes.
You will also receive a letter of
congratulations from Oracle, which will
indicate how you can begin to access the
wealth of OCA benefits that await you.
This will include the access log in and
password that you will need to enter the
OCA member online community.
The OCA Members site is available only
to Oracle Certified Associate, and not to
Oracle Certified Associates.

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
R e t irem en t o f a n O CP T ra ck Upda t ing Yo ur Demog raphi c
I n f o rma ti o n
When Oracle announces the retirement of
a track, you will have at least six months Visit the Prometric Web site at
to pass the remaining exams in the retiring to update your
track. If you do not upgrade your demographic information.
certification by the deadline, you will be Follow the steps below:
required to complete all tests within the
new track to obtain the latest credential. 1. Log in to the site with your e-mail
Consult the OCP Web site for current address and password. If you have
testing requirements. never registered online before, click the
link to set up your online account.
2. In the left navigation bar under Exam
Services, click Update Profile.
3. You may update your mailing address,
telephone numbers, and your e-mail
4. Click Next. Your OCP Candidate
information is now updated.

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
7 Special Testing Opportunities

Sp ecia l Oppo r tun it i es : Be ta Beta score reports are sent to candidates

a n d T ry o u t T e st s following analysis and scoring of the beta
Oracle may offer beta or tryout versions test.
of OCP tests as new and updated Visit the Oracle Certification Program
questions are developed. Beta and tryout Web site at
tests are generally offered free or at a
discount from the regular test price. ation/ to find beta and tryout
Participating in beta and tryout tests is a opportunities. Oracle provides detailed
good way to economize on your descriptions of each beta and tryout offer
certification and to be among the first to help you decide whether the tests are
professionals to be certified on a new right for you.
track or product release.

Visit the OCP Web site at

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Test Content Checklist

The following test content checklist shows the objectives

covered in the Oracle Certification exam.

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Test Content Checklist

Oracle9iAS Basic Administration

Exam# 1Z0-301
O ra cl e9 iA S I ns ta ll a t io n Use the navigation bar to access
O p t io n s different component home pages and
Describe the architecture and main to get back to your starting point
components of the middle-tier Manag ing O racle HT T P S erve r
Oracle9i Application Server
Specify the directory structure and
Explain the installation options for location of configuration files
Oracle9iAS and how the various Configure and manage Oracle HTTP
installation options enable different Server by using Oracle Enterprise
features Manager and by using dcmctl
Explain the installation dependencies command-line utility
Identify the recommended deployment Locate the main httpd.conf
strategies configuration file
I n sta ll ing O racle9 i Use directives to:
App l ica t ion S erver
Specify server and administrator
Install J2EE and Web Cache functions
Describe the difference between the Specify file location
first installation on a machine and
subsequent installation Limit the number of processes and
Describe when you need to assign a
J2EE and Web Cache instance to an Manage the network connection
Infrastructure Configure and use server log
Install Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, and Co nfi gu rin g Ora cle HT T P
explain the first installation of this type Server: Adva nced Fea tures

Describe the installation when Describe the allowed locations and

components already exist context merging of directives
Manag ing O racle9 iAS Us in g Explain the configuration context of
O ra cl e En te rp ri se Ma nage r directives
Use the Oracle9iAS Web-based Use container directives such as
management tools, and explain the use <Directory>, <Files> and
of symbols and icons to start, stop, and <Location>, <Virtual Host>
restart instances or components Create and configure virtual hosts
Start and stop an Oracle9iAS instance
or a component
Explain the structure of the Farm page

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Exam #1Z0-301—Oracle9iAS Basic Administration

Manag ing PL/SQ L, C GI, and Co nfi gu rin g OC4J

Pe rl App li ca t ion s
Describe the OC4J configuration and
Configure mod_plsql deployment process
Use the mod_plsql configuration files Explain OC4J configuration basics
such as plsql.conf, dads.conf, and
Locate the configuration directory, and
describe the structure
Create a database access descriptor
Describe the server configuration files
(DAD) by using dads.conf and by
such as server.xml, defaultweb-site.xlm,
using OEM
and application.xml
Define authentication for PL/SQL
Describe the relationships among the
configuration files
Prevent the execution of specific
De ploy ing Java App l ica t ion s
procedures and packages from a w it h O C4J
Describe how J2EE applications
I n trod u cin g Ora cle9 iAS connect to databases
C o nta in er s f o r J 2 E E ( O C 4 J )
Create and configure data sources to
Describe the deployment and
be used with OC4J
management features of OC4J
Describe the data-sources.xml file
Explain the OC4J architecture
Obtain data sources information from
Describe the Oracle Process
OC4J home page
Management and Notification System
(OPMN) Create a data source by using OEM
Locate the mod_oc4j configuration Deploy Web application modules:
files, and configure mod_oc4j by using Using Oracle Enterprise Manager
directives such as
Oc4jMount, Oc4jMountCopy, and Using dcmctl command-line utility
Oc4jCacheSize Deploy J2EE applications:
Monitor the OC4J instances Using OEM
Using the Deploy J2EE application
wizard to deploy an EJB
Using the dcmctl command-line

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Exam #1Z0-301–Oracle9iAS Basic Administration

I n trod u cin g Ora cle9 iAS Web Set up invalidation mechanisms

Ca ch e
Manag ing O racle9 iAS
Describe key concepts of Oracle9iAS I n f ra s tr u c t u r e
Web Cache Describe the key features of
Explain the architecture of Oracle9iAS Oracle9iAS Infrastructure
Web Cache Describe the benefits of using
Explain the communication flow with Oracle9iAS Infrastructure
Oracle9iAS Web Cache Start of stop Oracle9iAS Infrastructure
Describe common deployment Manage the metadata repository,
scenarios including starting, stopping, and
Administer and configure Oracle9iAS restarting
Web Cache I n trod u cin g Ora cle9 iAS
Use Oracle Web Cache Manager C lu st e r ing C o nc e p t s

Use the webcachet command-line Explain the terms cluster, farm,

utility instance, and component cluster

Describe the directory structure of Describe the architecture and

Oracle9iAS Web Cache components of Oracle9iAS instances
and clusters
Locate configuration and log files
Explain how different failure scenarios
Start, stop, and restart Oracle9iAS are managed by Oracle9iAS:
Web Cache by using the Oracle
Enterprise Manager Web site A node within a cluster goes down
OPMN goes down
Obtain status, statistics, and metrics
from the OEM Web Cache Home Oracle HTTP Server goes down
page An OC4J process goes down
Modify security settings, including: Describe how distributed configuration
Change the passwords to management works when you:
Oracle9iAS Web Cache Deploy a J2EE application to a
Use Web Cache Manager to change cluster
the administrator or invalidator Create a new OC4J instance with
password which joins a cluster Deploy
U si ng a nd Ma nag in g Oracle9iAS clusters
O ra cl e9 iAS Web Ca che Deploy Oracle9iAS clusters
Create and configure caching rules by
using Web Cache Manager

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Exam #1Z0-301—Oracle9iAS Basic Administration

Manag ing Se cu ri ty Add a partner application

Explain basic security concepts and Add an external application
common deployment topologies
Use the Delegated Administration
Describe the authentication and Service (DAS) for SSO user
restriction schemes available with administration, including:
Oracle HTTP Server
Create SSO user
Define host-based access control:
Change password
Use IP-based access control
Configure credentials
Specify domain-based access
control Use the appropriate directives to
configure single sign-on with Oracle
Configure basic authentication, HTTP Server
Define SSO server to use SSL
Define user authentication
directives in the .httpd.conf Configure applications to use SSO
configuration file. I n trod u cin g Ora cle In ter ne t
Use authentication directives D ire c tor y (O ID)
in .htaccess Describe the functions performed by
Use the htpasswd command-line the OID architectural components
utility to generate a password file Start, stop, and restart by using the
Se cur ing Ora c le HT TP Se rve r
OEM Web site
w it h S ecu re So cke ts Laye r Use Oracle Directory Manager,
(SS L) including:
Describe SSL-based communication Start Oracle Directory Manager
Configure mod_ossl by using Connect to a directory
appropriate directives, and use SSL
with basic authentication Navigate the Oracle Directory
Manager GUI
I n trod u cin g Ora cle9 iAS S ingle
S ig n -O n Obtain user information by using
Oracle Directory Manager
Describe the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-
On (SSO) architecture Connect to and disconnect from a
directory server
Explain Single Sign-On authentication
to partner applications
Use Single Sign-On Administration
page to:
Edit SSO server credentials
Configure the SSO server

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Exam #1Z0-301—Oracle9iAS Basic Administration

O ra cl e Int e r ne t D ir e cto ry Securing OID Da ta

C o nc e p ts a nd A r ch i te ct ur e
List the characteristics of access
What is a directory server? control policies (ACPs) and access
What is LDAP? control lists (ACLs)

Why should you use LDAP? ACL evaluation

What are LDAP components? Access control information

Identify common directory Access level requirements for

applications LDAP operations

OID architectural components Se cur ity Re qu ireme nt s and

R is ks i n a n In tern e t
OID node architecture E nv iro nme nt
OID server instance architecture List and describe the fundamental
security requirements
How does OID work?
D ire ctory and Lightw eight O ra cl e Se cu r ity So lu tio ns
D irectory Access Proto co l Describe how industry solutions
( LD A P) C o n c e p t s address Internet security risks
List different LDAP models Implemen ting a Se cu r ity
Describe entries P o l i cy

Describe object classes List and describe the steps required to

develop and implement a security
Describe attributes policy
B u lk to ols a nd comman d- li ne Describe the principle of least privilege
t o o l s us e d t o m a nag e d a ta i n
O ra cl e Int e r ne t D ir e cto ry List and describe the items on the
general security checklist
List the functions of bulk tools
List the functions of command-line
Manag ing O ID Pro ce ss es
Describe the OID server instance and
node architecture

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Prometric Regional Service Centers

Regional Service Centers

Sydney, Australia Regional Service Center (direct dial#) +612.9414.3663
Lelystad, Netherlands Regional Service Center (direct dial#) +31.320.23.9894
Tokyo, Japan Regional Service Center (direct dial#) + 813.3269.9620
Latin America Regional Service Center (direct dial#) +1.410.843.4300
North America Regional Service Center (toll-free#) +1.800.891.3626

How t o Us e Th is Tab le
1. Locate your country in the table.

2. Call the Prometric Regional Service Center (RSC) listed for your country. The RSC
numbers are shown in the box above. If there is a toll-free number for your country to
the Regional Service Center, then it should be in the following table. For a list of testing
sites in your country, refer to, Test Center Locator.
Algeria Leystad Curacao, NA Latin America

Argentina Latin America Cyprus Lelystad

Australia Australia 1.800.806.944 Czech Republic Lelystad

Austria Leystad 0660.8582 Denmark Lelystad

Bahamas Latin America Dominican Republic Latin America

Bangladesh Australia Ecuador Latin America

Barbados Latin America Egypt Lelystad

Belgium Lelystad 0800.1.7414 Estonia Lelystad

Bermuda Latin America Fiji Australia

Bolivia Latin America Finland Lelystad

Botswana Lelystad France Lelystad 01.428.93.122

Brazil Latin America 000.817.965.5340 Gabon Lelystad

Brunei Australia Bahrain Lelystad

Bulgaria Lelystad Georgian Republic Lelystad

Cameroon Lelystad Germany Lelystad 0130.83.97.08

Canada North America Ghana Lelystad

Cayman Islands Latin America Great Britain Lelystad 08.00.592.873

Chile Latin America Greece Lelystad

China Australia 1.0800.610.0036 Guam Australia 1888.249.6392

Colombia Latin America 980.13.0932 Guatemala Latin America

Costa Rica Latin America Honduras Latin America

Croatia Lelystad Hong Kong Australia 800.96.8444

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
Hungary Lelystad Portugal Lelystad

Iceland Lelystad Puerto Rico Latin America

India Australia Reunion Island Lelystad

Indonesia Australia 001.803.61608 Romania Lelystad

Ireland Lelystad 1.800.626.104 Russia Lelystad

Israel Lelystad Saudi Arabia Lelystad

Italy Lelystad 1.6787.8441 Senegal Lelystad

Ivory Coast Lelystad Singapore Australia 800.616.1132

Jamaica Latin America 1.800.892.1978 Slovakia Lelystad

Japan Tokyo 0120.387737 Slovenia Lelystad

Jordan Lelystad South Africa Lelystad

Kazakhstan Lelystad South Korea Australia 007.8611.3095

Kenya Lelystad Spain Lelystad

Kuwait Lelystad Sri Lanka Australia

Latvia Lelystad Suriname Latin America

Lebanon Lelystad Sweden Lelystad

Lithuania Lelystad Switzerland Lelystad 0800.55.69.66

Luxembourg Lelystad Taiwan Australia 008.061.1141

Macau Australia Tanzania Lelystad

Macedonia Lelystad Thailand Australia 01.800.611.2401

Malaysia Australia 1800.80.0508 Trinidad & Tobago Latin America

Malta Lelystad Tunisia Lelystad

Martinique Lelystad Turkey Lelystad

Mauritius Lelystad Ukraine Lelystad

Mexico Latin America 95.800.332.1034 United Arab Emirates Lelystad

Morocco Lelystad United States North America 1.800.891.3926

Namibia Lelystad Uruguay Latin America

Nepal Australia Venezuela Latin America

Netherlands Lelystad 0800.022.7584 Vietnam Australia 612.9414.3666

New Caledonia Australia Yugoslavia Lelystad

New Zealand Australia 0800.44.1689 Zimbabwe Lelystad

Nigeria Lelystad

Norway Lelystad

Oman Lelystad

Pakistan Australia

Panama Latin America

Papua New Guinea Australia

Paraguay Latin America

Peru Latin America

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Poland Lelystad

November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate
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November 2005 — Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate

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