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THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLUTES This is a story about courage.

About being all that you can be. It takes place in a land called Fluetius. An enchanting land with pretty towns and villages set in the most beautiful countryside of rolling hills, valleys wild woodlands and sparkling rivers. Now, the land was called Fluetius because every child was born with a Flute in their hand, which is their birthright gift sparkling gold and bright. Each one slightly different and unique to its owner, but no one Flute was better than another, they were all perfect. Our story begins with a child named Simeon. Simeon lived in an orphanage on the outskirts of Fluderville, the largest most important town in the land of Fluetius. Fluderville was a rich town of fine shops and houses built around a large cobblestone square, where a fine market was held. The orphanage, however, was not so pretty. It was a large dark building which was beginning to crumble. Inside, the main hall had arched windows too high for the children to see out of. Along each side were forty beds and in the middle a long wooden table where the orphans had all their meals and did their schoolwork. At the end of the room was a glass cupboard which was closed and padlocked. This is where the orphans Flutes were put on the day their arrived, and kept there until the day they left at 13 years old. Simeon was seven years old with black curly hair and fiery eyes. He would often sneak away and stare into the cupboard to look at his birth Flute. He did so because the only memory he had of his parents was as a baby, with them leaning over him and his mother saying: Remember, our son, happiness in life lies in the playing of your birth Flute. Sometimes he would get caught by Mr Crotchet, the man who ran the orphanage. He was tall and thin with patches on this sleeves and knees. His face was pointed and sharp. He liked no-one and no-one, especially the children, liked him. Simeon boy, what are you? he questioned gruffly. I am no good Mr Crotchet Sir. Correct, you are no good and you were born no good. Now get back to work, or else the next time you see your Flute Ill be beating you with it. But sir, I want to learn how to play, Simeon whispered. Dont be silly boy. Everyone is born knowing how to play. Stupid child.
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That night in bed Simeon whispered to the orphan next to him. Do you know how to play your birth Flute? Of course I do, we are born knowing. Why, cant you? Yes, yes, I can, I was just checking that you could, thats all. A tear gently fell down Simeons cheek when he began to see that everyone could play except himself. This was the day he first began to pretend to everyone that he could play, fearing that they would find out he was not good enough and turn their backs on him. This left him feeling separate, alone and fearful. However, as years went by he got better and better, not only at pretending that he could play but that he was brilliant at playing. The other orphans believed him and looked up to him. He was the leader of the children and with this he became naughtier and naughtier. One day he placed a balloon full of water on old Crotchets chair. When he sat down the balloon exploded, soaking his trousers and all the children laughed. Simeon was sorely beaten for that, but he did not care, for in a few weeks he would be thirteen years old and free to leave. On the day he left he received a little money to help him on his way and of course his Birth Flute. He rushed from the orphanage and found a quiet spot where no-one could hear him. He did not know where to begin. He realised he had never actually seen or heard anyone play. They must all do it at home, he thought. All day he tried, not one sound did he produce. Now he knew he was not good enough and would still have to pretend. He decided, in case anyone challenged him to play, hed better hide it somewhere dark and safe and never look at it again. Within a short time he started a market stall. He would get up very early in the morning and go out and cut the wild flowers that grew in the woodlands and sell them to wealthy ladies of Fluderville. He continued to pretend he could play his Flute brilliantly and charmed and attracted a lot of people to his stall. He quickly became successful and popular with the towns people. As the years went by, he grew into a fine, tall man, his black curly hair cascading down his shoulders and his eyes were as fiery as
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ever. But he had pretended for so long that he could play his Flute, that now he believed his own lies. The more he could forget the truth, the sadder his heart became. Something deep inside was missing and it troubled him. But though he was more successful then ever, his friends watched him grow sadder and sadder. When they asked him what was wrong, he would say: I do not know, I feel I am missing something and cannot remember what it is. They knew that a lot of people who felt like Simeon went to the Temple of the God of Flutes, Quavar. So they suggested he went to the next meeting. Simeon entered the large columned building. There were rows of chairs facing towards a huge statue in red marble. It was Quavar the God of Flutes. He had a great angry face and a long flowing beard. He was holding a giant Flute with one hand whilst the other pointed toward the people. This made Simeon feel even more scared and guilty. When everyone was seated, a man in black clothes stood beneath the statue to speak. He looked as angry as the God and shouted, I am Quavarine. Only we can truly play for we have the Authority of Quavar, God of Flutes and when we die he has promised us Eternal Flute playing in Harmony Heaven and everyone else will be sent to No Music Mountain to suffer forever. He then read a list of strict rules, that if the people obeyed, they would go to Harmony Heaven and at last find happiness. Simeon felt the Quavarines had invented the angry God themselves so that they would have power over the people. He thought, I do not want to be happy when I die. I want to be happy now. Suddenly the old memory of his Mother flooded back. Remember, our son, happiness in life lies in the playing of your birth Flute. In hiding his Flute he had tried to forget this. Now he saw why he was so sad. He rushed from the Temple, ran home and went to the cupboard where his Flute had been hidden and untouched for years. Simeon reached for the cupboard handle but was too frightened to open it. He was ashamed and feared how dirty and rusty the Flute had become.
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Pretending he could play had become an unbearable burden. He fell to his knees and cried, Please, someone help me. He ran into the Town Square where most of the people of Fluderville had gathered for market day. He called out in desperation for all to hear. If happiness is in the playing of our birth Flutes, then I admit to you all that I, Simeon, cannot play. I have lied and I am lost. He dropped his head and tears gently fell to the cobblestones at his feet. The crowd were shocked and hushed into silence. Then, almost as if they were one person, they let out an enormous roar of laughter and jeered him for his foolishness and called him a Flippy. Simeon was mocked all the way back to his home and hung his head in disgrace. The next day he awoke and knew what he must do. He packed only his belongings he could carry, took his savings from the jar hidden under the floorboards, left Fluderville and began his search for the truth of Flute playing with a burning passion. He arrived at the first village and asked if anyone could teach him how to play. They also called him a Flippy and walked away laughing. That night he stayed with a kind old man and his daughter who took in travellers. Over dinner of bread and cheese by the light of a giant candle, the old man whispered: Simeon, because of your courage we feel safe to tell you. We admit, we also cannot play and have buried our Flutes in the cellar. Simeon was shocked, he thought only he was not good enough to play. Please do not tell anyone, the old man asked. We have feared all our lives that we would become outcasts. Simeon gave his word and left the next day. He continued his journey, travelling great distances in hope of finding someone who could teach him to play and ease his pain. After a year, and visiting many of the towns and villages of Fluetius, he had still found no-one. But he made an amazing discovery. More and more people had admitted to him, that they too could not play and spent their lives pretending in fear, with their Flutes hidden. Even the ones who said they could play were only believing their own lies as truth, as he had once done.

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For the first time he saw that no-one was playing in Fluetius. They were all living a Great Lie. The land was silent. Except, when Simeon was very still and quiet, he could just hear a faint hum of sadness and fear covering the land. Knowing this, however, did not make Simeon feel any better. He was even more desperate to find someone to teach him, so that he could not only save himself but all the people of the land. Beginning to tire of his journey, he came one day to one of the remotest villages of Fluetius. It was hot and he sat under a large Oak Tree for shade. Suddenly a young man with straight blonde hair, wearing round glasses and a bright yellow robe jumped out in front of him. He was also wearing a large daisy behind each ear. Hello stranger, what brings you here I search for the truth of Flute playing, Simeon answered. Ah-Ah, well you have come to the right place my brother, for I am Fluruee, a follower of the wisest man in all Fluetius. His name is Fluru. He then began to sing: The Fluru makes you happy, The Fluru makes you free, Pleased to follow me and Become a Fluruee. Simeons heart began to beat faster. Are you telling me, this man has the knowledge of Flute playing? Of course, the Fluru knows all of Lifes mysteries, and if you become a follower he will teach you. Where may I find him, Simeon asked excitedly. He lives in a mansion outside the village, follow me. The young man showed him to a beautiful mansion. Inside he saw many followers, all dressed in the same yellow robes. Finally he was shown into a room. On the sofa sat Fluru. He looked a very unusual man; he wore a flowing robe of sparking gold and purple. He had long frizzy hair and the strangest lisp. Simeon spoke: "I have discovered the Great Lie, and with all my heart I seek to play my Birth Flute. Fluru lisped: Look no more my son for you have found your destiny. Simply by sitting in my presence and worshipping me and taking care of my needs, you will soon be able to play your Birth
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Flute. Simeon felt his heart was going to burst. At last the truth was going to be revealed. He believed in the Fluru and fell at his feet in relief. The next day he put on a yellow robe, joined the other followers and began to worship in earnest, caring for the Flurus every need and chanting his name hour after hour. But as the days slipped into weeks and the weeks into months, Simeon began to see that the Fluru could play no more than himself and saw that his need was to be worshipped and looked after. Great sadness filled his heart as, one morning before dawn when everyone else was asleep, he quietly left the mansion. He had believed in the Fluru as his saviour and had hoped for so much. But now he was even more lost and heartbroken. He shuddered as he realised that there was nowhere else left to go but back home to Fluderville to face more disgrace. As he set out, great black thunder clouds formed overhead and, as heavy rain fell and lightning flashed, he felt as if the very sky was scolding him for his foolishness. His money was gone, he was forced to beg for food from one village to the next. After weeks of travelling, he finally arrived at Fluderville, tired and hungry, his clothes in rags. He hid outside the town and waited until midnight, so no-one would see him return to his small house. He sat in his room alone and cried. Maybe real Flute playing does not exist. The people of Fluderville are right. I am a stupid fool to look for the truth. I have lost everything in search, my friends and my money. I will now live the Great Lie as everyone else and be accepted once more. On making this decision, he buried his head in his hands and wept with self-pity. Suddenly, a voice spoke, a voice neither male nor female, neither loud nor soft. To knowingly choose the Great Lie is to throw away your greatest gift. Take courage, look within yourself for the answers you seek. Suddenly, a great anger grew within him and swept through his body like a raging fire. No he would not bow down in shame to the people of the town or give up his search. If he could not find
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anyone to help him, he would take the first steps to help himself. He rushed to the cupboard where his Flute had remained untouched and hidden for over 30 years. With great courage he opened the cupboard, reached in, grabbed it and brought it into the light. He gasped in shame and fear at this Birth Flute, which was covered in hard dirt and rust. It was totally unrecognisable as a musical instrument. He feared the Flute had crumbled to nothing under the dirt. He faced his shame, and for the next seven days and nights worked carefully on removing the dirt and rust. He discovered different ways to achieve this. Some areas he massaged off, some he scraped and on delicate areas he simply breathed the dirt away, revealing the beautiful potential of his shiny Flute, gleaming as bright as on the day of his birth. With the golden Flute clean in his hand he felt renewed, honest and strong. He saw there was nothing to fear or be ashamed of. And though he still could not play, he decided to honour his gift and carry it with him always, for all to see. This decision, however, did not make him popular in Fluderville. The people, including his old friends, ignored and turned their backs on him. For they did not want to be reminded of their own hidden Birth Flutes. But others saw him and his courage inspired them. The Great Lie for them also had become an unbearable burden. So they searched him out at his home and asked if he would teach them to clean and repair their birth Flutes. This he agreed to do and became very busy. At the end of work, busy teaching and cleaning, he would often go for a walk to a large hill just outside the town called Domerock Hill. One day as he was watching the large red sun go down over the horizon he began to quietly talk to himself. Simeon, you have come a long way, you are now a teacher to many people. You work from morning to night and enjoy what you do. The towns people at last grown to respect you and you are now known as the Healer of the Flutes. But your greatest longing remains unfulfilled. For you still cannot play your Birth Flute though you

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have tried many times. He sighed deeply and wondered if his dream would every come true and find real joy and happiness. A few weeks later when Simeon was at his busiest there came a loud knock at the door. Simeon gruffly spoke to one of his assistants: Tell them I am too busy. They can come back later. The assistant nodded eagerly and scuttled off but was back shortly red faced and embarrassed. Well, Simeon said, not looking up from cleaning his Flute. The assistant gulped. Its a young lady Simeon and she says she has travelled many miles and will not move until she has seen you and had her Flute cleaned. Oh, we will see about that. Simeon stormed out to the front door. He opened the door but was stopped in his tracks. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her hair was raven black and wild and her eyes the deepest blue. From that moment Simeon knew he loved her. With her hands on her hips she said: My name is Sophia. I have heard of your work and the most important thing in my life is to have my Flute cleaned. Simeon, staring, said, Of course, please come in. You can rest and I will prepare you some food. Sophia looked into Simeons eyes and smiled and his heart melted. The next day Sophia began her work with Simeon in his workshop at the rear of the house that looked over the garden. The workshop was full of wooden benches, buckets and strange tools hanging from timber beams. Sophia looked around at the other people working on their Flutes and said: "My heart aches to see so many people living in fear. Yes, Simeon replied. Their birth Flutes, instead of being a glorious gift, have become a fearful reminder of their music-less lives and music-less land. After a week, her Flute cleaned, Sophia went to Simeon and asked: May I stay and work with you? For I have decided to dedicate my life to easing burden of others as you have eased mine. Simeon was delighted and a short while later on one of their walks to Domerock Hill he asked if she would marry him. Sophia jumped up, hugged and kissed him, threw her head back, looked up at the stars and shouted, Yes, I will be your Wife, Simeon. They embraced and stayed there until the sun rose.

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After they married they moved from the house in Fluderville to a timber cottage outside the town between the river and the wood. They had been in the home barely a year when Sophia had a special dream. She saw a boy child surrounded in golden light and beautiful Flute music filled the air around him. The child spoke and said, My name is Joshua and I will be your son. Sophia awoke in tears and joy and told the dream to her husband. The next day they discovered she was indeed to have a baby and they were both very happy. When the child was born it was a boy, as the dream had foretold and they called him Joshua. He had the dark hair and the deep blue eyes of his mother. Now as he grew he was like any other small child in Fluetius. He loved to play in the woods, climb trees and run in the fields with the other children of the village. But there was one magical quality about Joshua; He was born remembering how to play his birth Flute. He quickly learned, however, to keep this a secret, for he saw how most adults lied that they could play and became angry when a small child would say they could not. He also knew deep within himself that the time had not come to reveal this truth, not even to his mother and father. Sometimes he would sit by the gate and watch the sad people of the village come to see his parents for help. Some were rich, others poor. Some were strong, others weak. All, however, had the same sadness and yearning, that without real music, without claiming their birthright Flute, their lives had not begun. He knew in his heart that like his parents he would dedicate his life to healing people. Simeon, though he was busy with work made sure he spent a lot of time during the day with his son. They would often walk together along the river bank and talk on all kinds of subjects, but the conversation always came round to music. Joshua would ask, What is the greatest gift in Life? The gift of our birth Flute, of course, Simeon would reply. But why cant we play it then? Simeon thought for a moment and replied, That is a mystery. Maybe we have lived the Lie too long. Though, you know,
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sometimes a wonderful feeling comes over me. It is as if I know how to play. It feels so close I can taste it, then I reach for my Flute and try to play nothing, no music. I believe the answer to playing is very simple, we just can't see it. Joshua said, I will teach you one day. Simeon laughed, picked him up and swung him round. I am sure you will, Oh great teacher. They giggled and played all the way home. Joshua would often go off on his own into the heart of the woods, near his home where other children feared to go. He had discovered a large hollow beneath the biggest Oak Tree in Domerock Wood. He entered through a hole only wide enough for a child. When inside, it was big enough for him to stand up in. Shafts of light filtered through the roots, which to Joshua made it feel magical. It was his secret place, where he could practise his beautiful Flute music without anyone hearing. When he played, the animals of the wood came. They stood around the tree, peered into the hollow and listened. He felt at peace with them. As he played he noticed how the rest of nature worked to the rhythm of music. The wind in the branches of the trees, the babbling sound of running water. He felt at one with every living thing, each had its part to play for Harmony. Only man struggled to play his natural gift. Thats why harmony was missing from peoples lives. As the years went by Joshua grew up fine and strong. One morning he awoke with great excitement. It was his thirteenth birthday and he could hear the voices of his parents in the kitchen. He quickly dressed and ran in to see them. He embraced and kissed them all, then looked expectantly at his father. Simeon smiled and said, I feel it is important this year to give you a special gift to mark this day, the first day of your manhood. He then removed a gold ring from his finger. A ring that Joshua had admired as long as he could remember. It had a smooth oval surface on which was engraved some ancient symbols which read Living in Truth. Joshua could say nothing as it was slipped on his finger, he embraced Simeon and whispered, Thank you. After a wonderful day of celebration and fun everyone was tired, and yawning said their goodnights and went to bed. As Joshua slid under the covers he knew that, with the receiving of the ring,
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something deep inside had changed. He closed his eyes and fell into the deepest sleep, not knowing how different his life would be tomorrow. The next day he awoke to a strange humming sound and rubbing his eyes he followed the sound to the corner of the room. There he saw his birth Flute gently vibrating and glowing gold and red. His heart leapt as a voice spoke to him, a voice infinitely kind, it said This, Joshua, is the day. Something stirred inside him and he understood. He leapt from bed, hurriedly dressed and ran past his mother and father who were sitting at the breakfast table. As he ran out of the door Sophia called, Joshua, where are you going? Your breakfast . Joshua kept running and shouted back, meet me at Domerock Hill, today is the day of truth. Sophia stood at the door urgently calling after him. Meanwhile, Simeon stood silently staring out of the window, watching his son running and leaping across the cornfield towards the village with his birthright Flute held high above his head. As he watched, sensing something, the powerful familiar feeling of playing music washed over him and he realised. Surely, this cannot be? he whispered to himself. Then as if a spell had broken he jumped into action. He grabbed Sophia who was still calling out. Hurry, we must follow him, he shouted. Joshua walked into the village and down the main street, holding his birth Flute above his head in triumph, like an ancient warrior. Children laughed and danced around him as he walked. Adults came out of shops and houses and talking to each other, said: Is that not Sophias son? What is he up to? Has he gone mad? Look at his arrogance, holding his Flute above his head like that! I blame his parents, they always have been ..well, you know .. strange, since they returned from Fluderville. Others shouted for him to stop, he kept walking through the village and up to the top of Domerock Hill. A small crowd, nearly all children, gathered ten or twelve yards from where Joshua stood on the crown of the hill, his arms up stretched, his face looking up to the sky as if in communication with an invisible being. He looked round at the children who were silent with expectancy, the only sound was that of a gentle breeze. To the left he saw his mother and father holding each other. His mother worried and concerned, but Simeon, his fiery eyes ablaze, looked at Joshua and nodded knowingly.
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Joshua closed his eyes and quietly said, I am ready. He lifted his Flute to his lips and played. Powerful, beautiful music washed over the crowd and then poured down the hillside into every home in the village. The villagers were mesmerized and wanted to know where this beautiful music was coming from and followed the sound. When they saw Joshua playing, they were amazed. The music seemed to unlock and fill their hearts. A sound they recognised as something they had waited for their whole lives and hearing him play, they realised their own lie and wept. When Joshua had finished playing, the whole village surrounded the Hill. Simeon, weeping, rushed and embraced Joshua and said, Thank you. I have waited my whole life for this moment. Joshua held him and whispered into his ear: You were right, the answer to playing our birthright Flute is simple. Some of the crowd called out, Master, teach us, explain the techniques, write books, so that we can study. Our greatest wish is to play as you. We are sure that if we worked and suffered for many years, one day we too could play. Joshua spoke with a voice of authority, a voice that Sophia and Simeon had never heard from their son. The knowledge of how to play cannot come from me. The knowledge has always lived in your hearts, but you closed your hearts, believing yourself unworthy and powerless because of the Great Lie. I am here to speak the Truth, listen with your heart. It is your birthright to play beautiful music. Take courage, believe you are worthy and simply play! Some of the important, sophisticated people of the village turned away, fearing that if they tried and failed in front of the others, they would lose their positions of power. These people put pride above the Truth. Others became very angry and said, Only Quavar, God of Flute playing, can teach us to play when we have proved ourselves worthy to go to Harmony Heaven. To play would mean that we were as good as him and we will be cursed for our arrogance. They fell to their knees fearing the wrath of Quavar, the angry God they themselves had invented. These people allowed fear to be above the Truth. Joshua answered: You must take courage, call fourth within yourself the act of playing. It is your destiny to take this responsibility. For, as the ancient wise men taught, Love is in the
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playing of the Flute we were given at birth. God is Love and as you play, you will see that God, Love and Flute playing are all the same. Claim your birthright and play, and in playing you will remember who you truly are. You will need to live a Lie no more. As Joshua spoke he saw the fear in the faces of the adults. To let go of all they had known and play was, for them, like jumping off the edge of a cliff. Then a wonderful thing happened. One by one the children stepped forward to the front of the crowd. Joshua saw the courage on their faces and knew they had heard with their hearts. They held their Flutes to their lips; Joshua nodded and beautiful music rose and filled the air. The children in joy danced round and round while they played. The adults stared at each other in disbelief, still fearing to play. The first adult to step forward was Simeon; he played and, at last, his dream was fulfilled. He was followed by Sophia and Arron. One by one each villager claimed their birthright, thanks to the courage of the children, who had always lived closer to the Truth. A great crescendo of music lifted from the hillside. Though each individual sound was unique, they mingled together in perfect harmony. The music filled their hearts and they saw that to play their birthright Flute was only important for them, to see that life itself was music. They saw that their minds and bodies were music. That nature and the seasons in which they lived was music. That the stars moved by the law of the rhythm of music. All that was beneath and around was music in perfect Harmony. It always had been and always would be. THIS WAS THE GREAT TRUTH! Now they knew that God, Love and Music were all the same and they felt whole, complete and alone no more. And so it came to pass, the beautiful sound spread across the land, every Flutian was inspired to let go of disharmony, pick up their Flutes and play their part. Harmony lived in Fluetius and they all were very, very happy. So remember if someone tells you that youre not good enough. That is the Great Lie. When you think or know you are not good enough. Thats you believing the Great Lie is Truth.

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Your birthright Flute is the gift of life you have been given. Will you choose to live without Harmony and believing youre not good enough, whilst pretending to others you are. This is hiding your gift away in a dark cupboard to collect dirt. Or will you choose to have the courage to live your Life believing you are worthy and, in doing so, discover who you truly are. Dare we be ourselves? This is the question that counts. * * * * * *

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