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National Priorities Project 2004 Annual Report

The cover photograph is of a mural painted by the pregnant and parenting teen students at The Care Center in Holyoke, Massachusetts. The mural was inspired by NPP information about their community. Photograph taken by Jason Threlfall. The information provided in this Annual Report is available at

The National Priorities Project offers citizens and community groups tools and resources to shape federal budget and policy priorities that promote social and economic justice.



Dear Friends, In 2004 we began a multi-year effort to inspire community groups and the public to become more involved in the national debate on how to make the U.S. and the world more secure. We firmly believe that in a democracy no public policy should be left exclusively to "experts." It may seem unusual for an organization that calls for more spending in our communities to target the international. But if we don't get a handle on federal national security spending, we'll have little to spend on our communities. Since 9/11 weve increased total spending on security issues dramatically, compared to programs that strengthen communities. We now spend four times on security (military, war, homeland security and foreign affairs) what we spend on federal education, housing, environmental protection and job training combined. Much of our new work originates from collaborations with security policy analysts, who divide security into three budget categories: offensive (military and war); defensive (homeland security) and preventive (foreign affairs). Nearly 86 percent of our security moneyand 83 percent of the increase since 9/11has gone to military and war. In fact, our military budget is as large as the military budgets of all the other countries in the world combined. Only 6 percent of the security budget goes to homeland security and 8 percent to foreign affairs. In 2004 The National Priorities Project concentrated on the domestic consequences of a military approach, looking at the trade-offs between military and social spending, and calculating the enormous local costs (financial and human) of the Iraq War. One state-by-state analysis, done in consultation with several veterans'

organizations, showed that despite the huge amount of money spent on the war, the needs of our veterans continue to be under-funded. We began to discuss how our security dollar might be spent more wisely. Working with a number of peace organizations and national security experts, we started developing popular education materials around "smart security." We illustrated, for example, how it is much wiser (and less expensive!) to buy up old Soviet nuclear weapons than it is to build new ones. We also laid the groundwork for a new part of our website that will focus on how our federal dollars are spent abroad. Security experts list failed governments, poverty and repressive regimes as root causes of terrorism. Our information will help the public understand how the spending of our federal dollars perpetuate or address these problems. NPP will continue to look at the local impacts of social and tax policy. But until activists and the public rethink our foreign and military policy, we'll never have enough money to adequately address the pressing needs in our communities. There's an old truism that goes: "if you want peace, fight for justice." It works the other way as well: if you want justice, work for peace. Please share this Annual Report and NPP information with colleagues and friends. Let's make change in the world now. There's no better time.

Greg Speeter Executive Director

he election of 2004 was undoubtedly the major event in this country and in a tight election, 51% to 48%, President Bush was returned to office. 120 million Americans (60% of eligible voters) turned out to votethe highest voter turnout since 1968. And, for the first time, a majority of all young adults between 18 and 29 came out to the polls (51.6%).

To a large degree, national and global issues brought citizens to the polls. The presidential candidates actually debated such issues as the war in Iraq, terrorism, and our role in the world. How do we protect America in the wake of terrorist threats? How do we build peace and stability and not wage continual war? How do we strengthen our society at home and provide jobs, education, a clean environment, and healthcare for all? These vital issues will not go away as the Iraq War, the struggle to control energy resources and the interdependence of nations intensifies in the future. Under the radar of the election, the year 2004 had our country traveling the same budget road it has been on for the last few years: ongoing war with mounting costs, a growing deficit ($413 billion in FY04) and cuts to vital community services (such as 8% to clean water, 5% to community development, and 5% to state and local law enforcement). On the revenue side, the Bush Administration and Congress passed more tax breaks for corporations ($210 billion over ten years) and proposed more breaks for the wealthy. Contrary to the arguments used to justify them, these economic policies have not spurred job creation or economic recovery. Yet, there were hopeful signs. Due to budget pressures from the deficit, funds were eliminated for new nuclear weapons and funds were increased for crucial nuclear non-proliferation programs. National veterans groups were able to increase funds during wartime for veterans' benefits. At the state level, activists won major victories in passing living-wage laws in Florida and Nevada. Issues like these will continue to engage people and challenge lawmakers over the next few years. So will the opportunity for national debates on budget priorities.

At the National Priorities Project, we played a strong role in awakening the American citizenry during this election year. Our local data on national and international issues was delivered to the doorsteps of every community by "get out the vote" campaigns, national coalitions, grassroots groups, the media and our website. NPP's goal is to engage Americans in crafting the budget, not just during a presidential election year, but every day of every year. What is a true national security? What role should our country play in the world? What makes a society just and free for all? Over the last few years, NPP has provided more than critiques, offering alternative solutions to these national questions. s



n 2004, NPP expanded its reach as the source for local information on the financial costs of the war in Iraq by highlighting its human costs. In May, when the Bush Administration requested another $25 billion, NPP provided the wars cost to states and more than 250 cities and counties.Taxpayers in Detroit, for example, spent $291,731,250, while taxpayers in San Diego county spent $1,605,827,150. We illustrated how this money could have been used to provide better healthcare, educational opportunities, THE COSTS OF WAR IN FLORIDA: public safety, port safety and homes with renewable 44 soldiers killed energy.
407 wounded 3,809 Reservists and National Guard troops on active duty $7.8 billion (or $4 billion more than what the state received in funds for No Child Left Behind, EPA programs and Community Development Block Grants combined) Another $2.6 billion more for each year the U.S. remains beyond 2004

NPP was able to show state-by-state the number of soldiers killed and wounded and the number of reservists and National Guard troops on active duty. And we focused on the lack of funding for veterans benefits at a time when more soldiers were becoming disabled veterans. s (See sidebar this page.)

* The data presented in the 2004 Annual Report is for 2004 unless otherwise noted. Up-to-date information is regularly posted on the N PP website at

The Bush Administration's proposed spending on discretionary veterans benefits for fiscal year 2005 amounted to $29.8 billion, $3.8 billion below the amount needed. The budget passed by Congress was for $31 billion and still left a gap of $2.6 billion. Vets continue to encounter long delays for medical appointments and disability compensation. NPP's state-by-state analysis (see Texas below) was used by all the major veterans organizations.

Veterans, total: 1,679,056 Veterans, disabled: 202,678 Wounded in action during Iraq War: 456 Active Reservists & National Guard troops: 7,296


Portland, ME Salt Lake City $21,234,700 $46,965,200 $50,528,950 $71,564,250 $245,310,400 $332,103,150 $574,293,600 $592,975,550 $4,828,986,350


Salem, OR Des Moines Nashville Columbus, OH Phoenix

he Pentagon budget continued to climb last year to $421 billion, a 5% hike after inflation, and does not include the war in Iraq or spending in Afghanistan (which totals about $7.8 billion a month). The military budget is seven times as much money as homeland and all other non-military security combined.

Philadelphia New York City

National Priorities Project, working with our colleagues from peace groups and think tanks, has raised the concept of "smart security." The main elements of smart security include reducing nuclear weapons and other Cold War weapons, increasing money to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and providing adequate security for our ports, water supplies, and nuclear power plants. A large part of smart security is redefining the role of the United States in the world. We expanded our multi-year project to involve the public in understanding how our foreign policy drives our military budget. NPP continued its collaboration with the Security Policy Working Group, which is made up of experts and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The Security Policy Working Group aims to reshape the national debate on what is true security in a post-9/11 world. As a member, NPP participated in the second annual DC Roundtable with media, congressional staff and policy experts, and held media conferences on the human and financial costs of the war with the Center for Defense Information. Finally, we have increased our resources so that we are positioned in 2005 to track how our federal tax dollars are spent abroad, not just in Iraq and Afghanistan, but every country in the world. s


he NPP Database, with information on needs and federal spending on such issues as energy, military spending and hunger, continues to be a vital resource for activists. The Trade-offs feature was expanded in 2004 to better serve national organizations, the media and activists. The Trade-offs feature allows people to click on a state, then identify a budget item and see what else those federal dollars could buy in the state. (See Sidebar, next page.) New data such as public safety officers, inspectors of port containers, new elementary schools and university scholarships were provided as alternatives to military spending, and cited by several major newspapers, from The Boston Globe to the San Francisco Examiner.

NPP expanded some of its issue areas as well. Examples include how much the federal government is spending on low-income heating assistance, "reading first programs," the number of people in poverty, and people covered by government health insurance.

NPP increased its research staff to lay the foundation for bringing the NPP Database from the state level down to the county level. By March 2005, county-level information for poverty, housing, education, health and military spending will be accessible for most of the 3,142 counties in the U.S. All of this data will be available to any citizen with access to the Internet.

As the word spread about the NPP Database as a resource, the number of registered users doubled, to more than 3,000 activists and organizations. A high school in Ohio has even begun to use the Database as an educational tool. We expect this trend to continue in 2005 as we expand the data, make it easier to use and increase our promotional efforts. s


Taxpayers in Colorado will pay $164.1 million for ballistic missile defense in FY2005 as proposed by the President's budget. For the same amount of money, the following could have been provided: 23,610 Head Start places for children or 73,286 children receiving health care or 40,826 scholarships for university students that covers tuition and fees


TAX DAY Our tax day release provided local data for all 50 states and more than

160 cities. The information was used by national and local groups in organizing, included in their newsletters and e-mail and covered extensively by the media, such as CNN's use of NPP's Tax Day chart.
ENVIRONMENT NPP released a factsheet on the environment during the summer

when the public spends the most time outdoors. It was prepared in consultation with the League of Conservation Voters and focused on the threat to air, water and health, with information for each state. It was used by the Sierra Club, resulting in media coverage of the threats to water quality by urban sprawl outside of Chicago.
EDUCATION Our focus on education showed,

state by state, how different educational areas were underfunded by Congress and highlighted proposed budget cuts for education by the White House over the next five years. The release was used by national groups such as the Coalition on Human Needs and the Children's Defense Fund, and shared with Congressional budget staff by the Campaign for America's Future.
ENERGY In early 2004, in time for the

reopening of the debate on energy, NPP released its Energy Quick Report, a one-page factsheet filled with telling energy numbers for each state, such as the amount spent on fossil fuels research as compared to renewable energy sources. The Quick Report put state numbers in a national context, telling the story of how federal energy policy gets played out with taxpayer dollars. s


N PP ensures that its information is going to be used by national organizations and local groups before it is researched and written. We communicate frequently with our national collaborators and local partners to find out what is needed in the field and who can use it. Below are examples of how NPP data was used.
NATIONAL AND LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS National and local peace and veteran's

organizations used NPP data as handouts, in demonstrations on Tax Day, at conferences, in interviews with the media and meetings with candidates and elected officials. The most active groups included Veterans for Common Sense, Women's Agenda for New Directions, Peace Action, and True Majority, who used our data in e-mail actions to 300,000 activists. We worked closely with the Center for American Progress, a nonpartisan research and educational institute. They provide daily news briefings to 65,000 activists and used our materials on a number of occasions. We also collaborated with them on an interactive map of the costs of the Iraq War to the states.
MEDIA NPP received a grant from the

Carnegie Foundation for $25,000 to develop a multi-year promotion and marketing strategy for its website and database. We utilized consultants to develop and carry out a media plan for 2004. It has already made an impact on the design and branding of our materials and in targeted outreach to the media. Our releases were picked up by such international and national media as CNN and CNN Financial News, the Guardian (Great Britain), United Press International, The Boston Globe, Sun-Sentinel (Florida) and In These Times, and by radio stations across the country.


NPP provided research and technical assistance to the Media Education Foundation for its documentary film, Hijacking Catastrophe. The film focuses on how neo-conservatives in the Bush Administration have used the fear and trauma of 9/11 to win the support of the American public for two wars. NPP staff was interviewed in the film and participated in its crafting and distribution. Hijacking Catastrophe played in movie theaters in 11 states, was distributed to almost 1,000 libraries in 16 states, sold more than 15,000 copies and was reviewed by The New York Times, The Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and other media.
THOUSANDS OF ACTIVISTS NPP presented at the National Association for the

Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Convention. The workshop on voter empowerment reached more than 600 participants. NPP also presented at the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in their national leadership-training program, and a gathering of hundreds of canvassers for Clean Water Action. NPP participated in a strategic planning meeting for the Center for Third World Organizing on how to connect global and national issues to local organizing. NPP presented at the National Summit on PetroPolitics, attended by labor, the Global Justice movement, environmental organizers, students and leaders from communities of color and faith, to talk about how our nation's dependence on oil impacts our lives, our economy, our foreign policy, and the environment.
INTERNET NPP expanded its website, with more information on military spending,

poverty and education, and invited to take over the website In 2004, more than 1,000 visitors came to the NPP website every day. s

Foundation support comprises about 80% of NPP's revenue. We are appreciative that the following foundations partnered with us in 2004:

Colombe Foundation Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts Educational Foundation of America Ettinger Foundation Global Bridge Foundation Harold & Rita Divine Foundation Proteus Fund/Ford Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund Rockefeller Family Fund Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust Tides Foundation/Connect US Fund Wellspring Fund/Peace Development Fund

Individuals who share our belief that a democracy depends on an educated citizenry have been vital in expanding the work of the National Priorities Project. We thank all of our donors for their generosity and support in 2004.

Anonymous (10) Richard & Ellen Abbott Heather Abel & Adam Zucker Ira & Bina Addes Beth & Vanessa Adel David Ahlfeld & Victoria Dickson James Aldrich & Anne Blackburn Dean Alfange Dean & Alice Allen Jeanne Allen Katherine Allen & Michael Brezsnyak Margaret Anderson & Fred Breeden Eugene & Carol Angus Mitch Anthony & Deborah Kates Laura Arbeitman & Laurie Herzog Lynn Asch Floyd Ashlaw John Austin Arlene Avakian & Martha Ayers Martha Ayres Amy & Phil Babcock Linda Babcock Jamie Bachinski & Bob Byrd Ronald Baer & Renee Schultz Ralph & Esther Bailey Laura & Bernard Baker Bobbie Wrenn Banks & David Root Lynn & David Barclay Jeffrey & Sally Barden Dr. & Mrs. H. D. Barnshaw Donna Baron & Steven Silvern Elaine Baskin Lisa Baskin Mary Bates & John Pucci Frank Battaglia Joseph & Beate Becker Bob Belfort & Cindy Stagoff Allen Belkin & Mary Jean O'Reilly Adi Bemak & Rob Okun Evan & Kristen Benjamin Wendy Berg & Thomas Wartenberg Iris & David Berkman Olivia Bernard Liz Bewsee Dennis Bidwell & Mary Kelly Elizabeth & Peter Bigwood Barbara Black Miriam & Andrew Bourke Ruth Bowman & Ernie Manes Lynn Bowmaster & Michael Docter Katharine L. Bradbury Gerard & Sabina Braunthal Mark D. Brenner Allison Brown & Charles VanderZwaag Jennifer Bryan Esther & Harry Buck Sydna Budnick & Howard Bond Will & Paula Bundy Jim Burke & Lois Joy Penny & Dan Burke Koren Butler & Tracie Kurth Stephen & Cheri Butler Sarah Buttenwieser & Hosea Baskin Eric Byrne & Linda Stone-Byrne Cristina Canales Nan Carey & Stuart Bicknell Vivienne Carey & Roger Webb Anne Cassebaum & John Herold Jessica & Terry Castro Andrea & Jonathan Chasen Julia Chevan & Patricia Jung Francis Chiappa & Dorene Davis Donald Chiulli & Sharron Vaillette

Diane Clancy & Susan Elkin Court Cline Ben Cohen Michael Cohen & Patricia Collins Peggy Ruth Cole Joanne Comerford Roger & Shirley Conant Mary Jo Connelly & Jeffrey Teixeira William Corwin & Jennifer Rosner Andrea Cousins Sarah Creighton Daniel Croteau Frances Crowe Carolyn Cushing & John Laux Anita Dancs & Bill Sweeney Ken Danford & Tamara Kaplan Joel Dansky & Nancy Felton Susan Davies & Richard Talkov Sara N. de Aguilar Michael de Sherbinin & Jan Stevens Margaret DeRivera Carl Doerner Lea Donnan Margaret & Bruce Drew Gwen DuBois & Terrence Fitzgerald Carol Duke Leslie Dwight & Byron Coley Valle Dwight & Phil O'Donoghue William Dwight Jane & Tom Dyer Judith Katz Ellenburg Ann F. Eno David & Dorothy Entin Gerald Epstein & Francine Deutsch

Nancy Loomis Eric Donald & Nancy Evans Hal Fales Mr. and Mrs. Haliburton Fales, II Renee Fall & David Elvin Anna Faro Jerald & Julie Feinland Tory Field Rob & Tamar Fields Anne Fine & Jonathan Liebman Ralph Fine & Valerie Miller Bernice Fischer Sebern & John Fisher Jill Fitzsimmons Nick Fleisher & Peg Fiddler Nancy Folbre & Robert Dworak Mary & Michael Ford Becky Forest & Dave Bulley Robert Forrant John & Nancy Foster Laurel & Paul Foster-Moore Janet Fraidstern Lyn Frazier Margola & Samuel Freedman Ron Freshley & Linda Tumbarello Gene Friedlander & Maureen Moore Meg Gage & Stephen King Peter Gagliardi Maxine Garbo Lucy Garbus & David Slack Tom Gardner Frank Gatti & Eleanor ManireGatti John & Gail Gaustad Gary & Joan Gemme Dana Gillette & Julie Elias Marci & Herbert Gintis

Judith Glaser & Robert Stern Cynthia Goheen Judy Goldman & Sheldon Snodgrass Ellen Goldsmith & Sam Levitt Kathy Goos & Barry Werth Robert Gould, M.D. Gary Graham Ruth Graves Caroline Gray & George Peppard Monica Green & Richard West Christine Greene & William Cole Margot Greenwald Peter Greenwald & Phyllis Bermingham Moira & Andrew Greto Harriet & David Griesinger Jennifer Gross & Christopher DeFrancis Jean Grossholtz Heidi Haas & Fred Hooven Walter & Florence Haas Molly Haas-Hooven Anne Hale Johnson Phil & Jane Hall Raphael Hanson Andrew Harris, M.D. Kate Harris Linda Harris & Alan Eccleston Lucy Hartry Bruce & Ruth Hawkins Charlie Heath & Zevey Steinitz James Heintz Sally-Jane Heit Aaron Helfand Ira Helfand & Deborah Smith John & Priscilla Hellweg Bernard Henken James & Mary Henninger-Voss

William Henry Laurie Herrick & Daniel Zukergood Thomas & Carolyn Herrick Paul Herscu & Amy Rothenberg Marjorie Hess Katherine Hicks & Henry Rosenberg Mary Clare Higgins Kristin Holloway-Bidwell & John Bidwell Jack Hornor Carole Horowitz & Richard Last Dennis Hudson & Lori DivineHudson James Humphreys Sara Hunt & David Caruso Thomas Hutcheson Kent Jacobson & Martha Lyon Ruth & Michael Jacobson-Hardy John Jainchill Sut Jhally John Joelson & Joanne Levin Kenneth & Laurel Kahn Michael Kane & Marion Van Arsdell Renee Kasper Alan Katz & Pauline Bassett David Katz & Kathleen Mellen Fern Katz Gary Katz & Ilene Sakheim Katz David Kaufman & Helmi Pucino Dr. Ellen Kaufman Sharon Kaufman Emily Kawano & James Dee Joe & Lesley Kayan Robert & Hilary Keating Linda Kelly Joan & Thomas Kemble

David & Gail Kielson David Kimball Irene Kimball Murray & Jean Kiteley Philip Korman & Nora Israeloff Rochelle Korman & Richard Friedman Roberta Krause George Kriebel & Sarah Metcalf Karen & Saul Kuhr Eli Kwartler & Barbara Jenkins Joseph LaBonte Helen Ladd Jennifer Ladd Amy Landry Susan Lantz Dr. Andrew B. Larkin Gilbert Lawall Virginia Lawson James Levey & Christine Olson George & Ann Levinger Barbara Levy Tracey Levy Michael Lindberg Peter Lindenauer & Dorothea Von Goeler Edgar & Rebecca Lindsey Robin Lloyd Geoff & Margaret Lobenstine Larry & Maryel Locke Judy Loughlin & Robert Armstrong Elizabeth Loughran Nancy & John Lovejoy Susan Lowenstein Robert Lowry Stephanie Luce & Mark Brenner Nancy Lustgarten & Ned DeLaCour

Dan Lutz Henry Lyman & Noele Sandoz Kay Lyons Carol MacColl & Don Michak Sharon Malloy Thomas Marantz & Gwen Agna Patricia & Alan Marcus Frances & Peter Marcuse George & Arky Markham Frank Marotta & Carolyn Hicks Roberto & Madelaine Marquez Dr. Linda Marston and Dennis Bromery Javier & Jacquelyn Martinez Stephen Martorano Pat McDonagh Donald & Susan McIntosh Maureen McMahon & Doron Goldman Marguerite McMillen & Harold Raush Laura McSpedon Howard Mechanic Robert & Ellen Meeropol Nancy & Chris Meyer John Michaels & Christine Kline Irene Michaud Kimberly Milberg Frank & Patricia Miles Margaret Miller & John Christopher Carolyn Misch Margaret Molloy Michael & Marcella Moran Jane Morrissey Paul Morse Julia Moss & Mark Horowitz Patricia Mullady & Robert Parfet Valerie R. Mullen

Fredi & George Munger Jennifer Nadeau Merry Nasser Martha Nathan & Elliot Fratkin Sarah Neelon Rebecca Neimark & Lee Spector Sheridan & Dana Neimark Dorothy Nemetz & John Todd William Newman & Dale Melcher David & Wendy Newton Ann Nichols Ellen & Barry Nigrosh William Norris Ann Nugent & Anthony Rogers Congressman John W. Olver and Rose R. Olver Dori Ostermiller & David Stevens Sarah & Chris Page Jonathan Parad & Lori Cohen Ruth & David Pardoe Mary Parker Ruth Parnall & Donald Walker Robert Paynter Neal Peirce Howard & Carol Pellett Mary Pendleton Max Pepper Lorna & Dale Peterson Suzanne & Robert Petersson Vicky Pillard & Jerry KochGonzalez David Plaut & Tanya Lieberman Thomas & Johanna Plaut Michael Posner & Carol Owen Russell Powell & Anne Teschner John & Mary Ellen Preston Robert Pura & Marjorie MacDonald-Pura

Garrett Quinn Judy Raphael Karen & John Reuter Deidre Richardson & Ann Hennessey Holly Richardson Michael Richardson & Harriett Jastremsky Edward & Joan Rising Julie Robbins Edward Robinson Phyllis Rodin Margaret Rooks & Jeremy Smith Jim Rooney Lynn & Fred Rose Susan Rosen & Douglas Amy Edith Rosenthal Robert & Rachel Rottenberg Ann Roy Rick Roy & Kay Lyons Joel Russell & Mari Gottdiener Luisa Saffiotti Sharon Saline & Kenneth Hahn Nicholas Sanders Carol Sartz Michael Schaaf Becky Schachter & Emmett Leoder Gary Schaefer & Barbara Fingold Robert Schenkkan & Maria Headley Richard Schmitt & Lucy Candib Steve & Honey Schnapp Peter and Patricia Schneider Jeffrey Schrenzel & Beth Rosen Margaret Schultz Lori Schwartz & Rob Catlin Pamela Schwartz & Joel Feldman

Richard & Beth Schwartz Frances Schwartzberg Joan W. Scott Samuel Scott Maynard Seider Virginia Senders David Sharken & Joanne Jaffin Phoebe Sheldon Sayre Sheldon Mary & Alfred Siano Marilyn Sidwell Jody Sieben & Dan Mason Elizabeth Silver & Lee Badgett Joshua Silver Marie & Scott Silver Risa Silverman & Ryan Hellwig Louise Simmons, Ph.D. Marianne Simon & Tom Leamon Dade Singapuri & Alvin Cohen David Smith & Denise Lello Katherine Smith Preston H. Smith II Suzanne Smith & Steve Flynn Dana & Mary Snyder Judith Solsken Greg & Betsy Speeter Paul Spector & Jane Cross Cheryl & Alan Speeter Margoles Karen Speros David Sprague & Barbara Knapp Sprague Irene & Norton Starr Adrian Staub & Sheri Kurtz Seena & Sandy Stein Bill Strickland Lynne & Bertram Strieb Lucy & Daniel Stroock Elizabeth Sullivan Michael & Marianna Sullivan

Linda & Douglas Sutherland John & Joanne Swanson Alan & Mary Allen Swedlund Rich Sweitzer & Susan Gribbin Alice & Arthur Swift Joan Tabachnick & Jane Fleishman Nate Therien & Susan Newton John Thompson & Eveline MacDougall Linda & John Thompson Martha Sue Thrasher Laura Tilsley & Velma Garcia Peter Titelman & Katharine Baker Kathleen & George Todd Joyce Tousey & Steven Pfarrer Tom & Merle Tresser Christine N. Turner William Turomsha Harley & Jean Unger Flora VanWormer Robert Viarengo & Delores Viarengo Bernard & Martha Vinick James Walker & Nena McCloudWalker Frederick & Barbara Walton Norman & Karen Ware James & Victoria Weed Shelia Weinberg Alan Weiner & Laura Roberts Gerry Weiss & Jenny McKenna Jon Weissman & Joan Grenier Mary Wentworth Jim Westrich & Tricia Spellman Peter Weyman Priscilla C. Whipple Thomas & Darlene White

David & Michelle Wick Patricia Wieland Brooksley Williams & Ezra Parzybok Jamie Williamson & William Marley Malcolm Willison & Martha Huggins Douglas Wilson Robert & Jan Winston Judy Wolf & Justin David Michael & Sara Wolff Tom & Peg Wolff Hayley Wood & Mark Roessler Al Woodhull Emilie Woodward Cate Woolner Robin Yerkes Felice Yeskel & Felicia Mednick Elise Young Amy Zeldes Nick Zeo Robert Zevin Andrea & Robert Zucker

ARISE for Social Justice George Markham on his 95th birthday Michaelann Bewsee Sarah Lindon Dennis Hudson and Rita and Hal Divine Blanche Shea

Norman and Eleanor Cousins Yetta Frazer Audrey Greenwald John Heisler Charlatte P. Henken Louis and Elizabeth Jartz Bernard Katz Andy Nichols John Quinn Ann I. Siano Sylvia Beigel Young


Fazzi Associates HandEyeDesign Jason Threlfall Photography Nick Warren, Ergo Center at UConn Health Center Twenty Six Letters Zoestoes Multimedia

Gifts made in memory or honor of others provide an opportunity to pay tribute to special people or organizations. During 2004, gifts were received in memory or honor of the following persons and organizations whom the National Priorities Project recognizes for their significance to its supporters

Michael Kane* and Sue Thrasher, Co-Chairs Peter Greenwald, Treasurer Hal Fales, Clerk Laurie Herrick Jen Kern George Levinger Stephanie Luce Bill Strickland Michael Wolff

Blue Fox, Inc. Nancy Schwartz and Company Northern Star Communications Rainmaker Consulting Doreen St. John, Graphic Design

Dennis Bidwell Carolyn Cushing Laurie Herrick Alice Hodgdon Robert Lowry Jamie Williamson

Greg Speeter Executive Director Anita Dancs Research Director Kristine Elinevsky Administrative Coordinator Philip Korman Development Director Paul Newlin* Information Technology Director Pamela Schwartz Outreach Director Suzanne Smith Database Manager Dennis West Technology Coordinator

Bette Elsden Mollie Fox Doug Fulton Alice Hodgdon John Laux Jim Westrich

Marena Bennett-Smith Leila Cohan Tia Fattaruso Julie Gimbrone Michael Romy Greer Kari Hewitt Bethany Lowery Brenda Thomas

* NPP gratefully acknowledges these board and staff members who departed the organization in 2004 for their years of service to NPP.

Condensed Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2004 With Comparative Totals for 2003
Cash Grant receivable Pledges receivable restricted to use in future periods Prepaid expenses Website, at cost net of accumulated depreciation Equipment, at cost net of accumulated depreciation

$240,395 75,000 134,766 3,590 79,923 5,574 $539,248 $ 8,756 8,409 819 167,886 $185,870 $353,378 $539,248 $377,714 207,856 ---2,073 $587,643 $300,881 54,106 69,654 $424,641 $163,002 $190,376 $353,378

$133,200 37,500 27,760 2,191 97,221 7,395 $305,267 $ 2,724 7,203 564 104,400 $114,891


Accounts payable Accrued vacation Payroll taxes & fringe benefits Deferred grant revenues

Grants Donations In-kind donations Interest

$190,376 $305,267 $279,918 125,687 10,398 1,296 $417,299 224,658 55,371 78,268 $358,297 $ 59,002 $131,374 $190,376


Program Administration Development

Our complete audited statements available upon request.

National Priorities Project 17 New South Street, Suite 302 Northampton, MA 01060 413-584-9556

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