Who Is Really A Jew

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Who is really a Jew? By Anthony Faber, Phd. Perpetual (C)Copyright (2011 C.E.) By Anthony Blackstone and Neothomism P.C.

(PA) and The American People and The People of God and The People At the time that Jesus of Nazareth walked the Earth, there was a certain controversy as to who was really a Jew or not. Some said if your biological mother was a biological jew then you were really a Jew, others said if you biological father was a jew then you were really a Jew. Others said that the real determining factor as to whether or not you were really a Jew had to do with what House that you belonged to. Some said that you were only really a Jew if your House was the House of Moses, or later. Others said that you were only a Jew if your House was the House of Joseph or one of his brothers, or later. Others said that you were only a Jew if your

House was the House of Abraham, or later. Others said that you were only a Jew if your House was the House of Solomon, or later. Others said that you were a Jew if your House was the House of David, or later. Others said that you were a Jew if you were in the House of Malchisidek. Others said that you were only a Jew if your House was the House of Seth, or later. Others said that you were only a Jew if your House was the House of Adam, or later. Now, from the point of view of Canon Law, depending of which House you are in, as a Jew, has an effect upon what Jewish Law that you are required to follow. If you were in the House of Moses, then you were required to follow the Ten Commandments that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai. If you were in the House of Abraham, you were required to engage in some type of sacrifice annually. If you were in the House of Seth, you were required to keep The Law of Logic, also known as Sheriffs Law or Universal Law. If you were in the House of Malchisidek,

you or someone in your extended family or a friend of the family, is required to offer a sacrifice of bread and wine. If you were in the House of Adam, you were also required to follow the Law of Logic, also known as Sheriffs Law, also known as Universal Law. Now, here is the rather interesting point. If Adam is considered to be a Jew, then all of humanity is Jewish, not just those in the House of Abraham or the House of Moses. The House of Adam is considered to be the House of Rome. If Seth is considered to be a Jew, then all of the canaanites, the acacians, and the phoenicians are considered to be Jews. The House of Seth is considered to be the House of Greece. If Solomon is considered to be a Jew, then the

canaanites, the acacians, the phoenicians, the greeks, and all the african tribes and civilizations such as Carthage and Nubia are considered to be Jews. Now, those who consider themselves to be Jews, and who attend Syagogue, typically consider only those who are in the House of Abraham or the House of Moses, to be real Jews. Earlier Houses, such as the Houses of Solomon, and David, and Seth, are all considered to be pagan jews, or sadducee jews, or greek jews, or sarphidic jews. These pagan jews are typically

required to follow greek philosophy such as neo-platonism or neo-aristotelianism, or neothomism. Thus, Jesus of Nazareth, who was considered to be in the House of David, of course was not required to keep the sabbath or keep kosher, because he was a pagan jew or sadducee jew, and thus only bound by the Law of Logic, not the Law of Abraham, nor the Law of Moses. Finally, I suppose that the House of Adam, also known as the House of Humanity, is technically a pagan jewish house, and Adam was a pagan jew and thus Adam and all of his House are required to follow the Law of Logic, also known as Roman Law. In this sense, I suppose one can say that, minimally, all Christians are members of the House of Adam and are technically pagan jews or roman jews and are required to follow the Law of Logic just as the


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