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It’s Tough To Be The Messenger Of A

Tough Message
Read Jeremiah 1:1-3:5
Ron Mathieu

Jeremiah is another great example of how God uses seemingly unsuited people to
participate in His perfect plan. His plan was conceived before time and extends beyond our
understanding. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”, God says. His assignment was
to declare on God’s behalf that if the Jews continued to disobey they would lose all that was
dear to them, even their Promised Land!

No easy task! He delivered this message for 42 years during the reigns of five different kings,
who along with their people had clearly turned from God. It is hard to imagine how much
flack he must have received for delivering this message. It must have been very discouraging
to get no encouragement in the form of changed behavior. But he had the assurance that God
would be with him and would rescue him.

This assurance did not mean Jeremiah would live a stress-free life, even if he was God’s
messenger. Far from it! Similarly, when we decide to follow Jesus it doesn’t mean we won’t
encounter trials and tribulations. In the final analysis, prophecy is not about fortune-telling. It
is about speaking forth God’s truth.

God’s message to Jeremiah is to not fear man when God directs your path. God’s message to
His people through Jeremiah is that judgment is inevitable if people turn from God. This is
such an important message that Jeremiah repeated it without ceasing until judgment was
rendered. The other message, equally ignored, was that grace is available if people repent. The
choice is clear, and the choice is ours: we can have it our way, or God’s way. This is God’s truth.

P r ay e r
Lord, we confess we find excuses to avoid answering Your call. Give us the courage to follow
You no matter what, and the assurance that that we need not fear, for You will rescue us if we
turn to You. In Christ’s name, Amen
DAY 47

How is Jeremiah’s call similar to that of Moses (Ex 3:1-12) and Gideon (Judges 6:11-18)?

Jeremiah is a reluctant messenger. What are the obstacles Jeremiah sees in answering God’s
call? Do they mirror the reasons why we often find it difficult to respond to the way God
calls us?

In verse 2:3 the Lord says that the people “followed worthless idols and became worthless
themselves.” What are some modern day ways in which people become what they worship?
Are these prophecies valid today?

MY Reflections
Does any particular verse (SCRIPTURE) in today’s reading speak to you?

OBSERVE what this verse is saying to you:

How can you APPLY this verse to your life today?

My PRAYER for today is:

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