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RE: RESPA Qualified Written Request, Complaint, and Dispute of Debt and Validation of Debt Letter Borrower Name:

Loan Number: Property Address: Date: Dear Wells Fargo, Please take notice that this office is an authorized third party on behalf of Borrower; authorization is attached to this letter. Please treat this letter as a Qualified Written Request under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, codified as Title 12 2605 (e)(1)(B) (e) and Reg. X 3500.21(f)2 of the United States Code as well as a request under Truth In Lending Act [TILA] 15 U.S.C. 1601, et seq. Pursuant to Borrowers statutory rights under RESPA, we are writing regarding the loan you service. Borrower seeks to examine the transactional documentation completed and independently validate various charges, credits, debits, transactions, actions, payments, analyses and records related to the servicing of the loan from its inception to the present date, to ensure:
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That each servicer and sub-servicer of the mortgage has serviced the mortgage in accordance with the terms of the mortgage, promissory note and/or deed of trust; That each servicer and sub-servicer of the mortgage has serviced the mortgage in compliance with local, state and federal statutes, laws and regulations; That the loan has properly been credited, debited, adjusted, amortized and charged correctly; That interest and principal have been properly calculated and applied to the loan; That the principal balance has been properly calculated and accounted for; That no charges, fees or expenses that Borrower is not contractually bound to pay have been charged or assessed to or collected on Borrowers account.

Borrower disputes the validity of the current debt you claim that borrower owes. Borrower has reason to believe that your calculations are in error, has compliance concerns under RESPA, TILA, and state law, and questions your right to service and/or modify the instant loan. To disprove non-compliance and to thoroughly document your servicer authorization and claim for fees, Borrower requests copies of the documents described below to be produced to our care. Accordingly, we hereby demand two complete legible copies for each borrower or person with ownership or security interest in the subject property, of all loan documents pertaining to the origination of the above-referenced mortgage(s)/loans maintained by your company, including but not limited to each and every: y Original promissory note and any note addendum, riders, notice of assignment

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Notice of Right to Cancel Notarized deed of trust and all required riders and addenda Required Disclosures from date of initial 1003 application date through present (i.e. ARM, CHARM, HUD, Federally-required, State-required) Truth in Lending statement (including both preliminary and final TIL) Truth in Lending Itemization of Amount Financed document Original and final signed 1003 Applications Original and revised Good Faith Estimates (GFE) Final HUD-1 or HUD1A closing statement Escrow Closing Instructions and Escrow/Impound document Buy-down agreement Complete appraisal on the subject property Rate lock and rate sheet, and loan float sheet associated with this transaction PMI/MIP information or certificate for the above-referenced loan

For each record kept on computer or in any other electronic file or format, please provide a true original paper copy of all information in each field or record in each computer system, program or database used by you that contains any information on the Borrowers account. Please provide copies of:
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All deeds in lieu, modifications to borrowers mortgage, promissory note, or deed of trust from the inception of the borrowers loan to the present date. All contracts or agreements bearing borrowers signature, specifically including but not limited to the original mortgage agreement. The front and back of each and every canceled check, money order, draft, debit or credit notice issued to any servicer of borrowers account for payment of any monthly payment, other payment, escrow charge, fee or expense on borrowers account. All escrow analyses conducted on borrowers account from the inception of borrowers loan until the date of this letter; The front and back of each and every canceled check, draft or debit notice issued for payment of closing costs, fees and expenses listed on borrowers disclosure statement including, but not limited to, appraisal fees, inspection fees, title searches, title insurance fees, hazard insurance premiums, commissions, etc. Front and back copies of all payment receipts, checks, money orders, drafts, automatic debits and written evidence of payments made by borrower or by others on borrowers account. All copies of property inspection reports, appraisals, BPOs and reports done on borrowers property.

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All invoices for each charge such as including, but not limited to, appraisal fees, inspection fees, title searches, title insurance fees, hazard insurance premiums, commissions, or any other expense which has been charged to borrowers mortgage account from the inception of borrowers loan to the present date. All loan servicing records, payment payoffs, payoff calculations, ARM audits, interest rate adjustments, payment records, transaction histories, loan histories, accounting records, escrow records, ledgers, and documents that relate to the accounting of borrowers loan from the inception of borrowers loan until present date. All loan servicing transaction records, ledgers, registers and similar items detailing how borrowers loan has been serviced from the from the inception of borrowers loan until present date.

Further, in order to conduct the audit and review of borrowers account, and to determine all proper amounts due, borrower needs the following answers to questions concerning the servicing and accounting of borrowers mortgage account from its inception to the present date. Accordingly, please provide borrower, in writing, detailed answers to the questions listed below. DEBITS & CREDITS 1) In a spreadsheet form or in letter form in a columnar format, please detail for borrower each and every credit on borrowers account and the date such credit was posted to borrowers account as well as the date any credit was received. 2) In a spreadsheet form or in letter form in a columnar format, please detail for borrower each and every debit on borrowers account and the date such credit was posted to borrowers account as well as the date any debit was received. 3) For each debit or credit listed, please provide borrower with the definition for each corresponding transaction code you utilize. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTANTION 1) Where is the original promissory note or mortgage that borrower signed located? Please describe its physical location and anyone holding this note as a custodian or trustee if applicable. 2) Where is the original deed of trust that borrower signed located? Please describe its physical location and anyone holding this note as a custodian or trustee if applicable. LATE FEES 1) Have you reported the collection of late fees or late charges on borrowers account as interest in any statement to borrower or to the IRS? Please provide us, on borrowers behalf, with the documents requested on borrowers behalf and a detailed answer, in writing, to each of the questions herein within the required lawful time frame. Upon receipt of the documents and answers, an exam and audit may be conducted that may lead to a further document request and answers to questions under an additional QWR letter.

Under Section 6 of RESPA you are required to acknowledge this request within 5 business days and must demonstrate a good faith effort to resolve the issue within 30 business days. As such, we anticipate and appreciate your thorough and timely response so that this matter may be swiftly and fully resolved. These materials can be mailed or delivered to my attention at 77 Water Street Suite 862, New York, NY 10005. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Jerry Espinoza

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