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January 11, 2012 Executive Committee Saskia Sawyer, President,, x12704 Ashley Beaudry, Vice-President,, x16068 Katherine Aliaga, Treasurer,, x13284 Jordan Ames, Webmaster,, x12781 Lisa Cox, Secretary, , x12366 Nicky Bruckhart, Past President,, x14241 Members in attendance: Ashley Beaudry, The Womens College Nicky Bruckhart, Athletics and Recreation Anne Gross, Admission Therese Mathis, AHSS/Languages and Literature Saskia Sawyer, University Advancement Jordan Ames, University Communications David Rossi, GSSW Kelly Raeburn, Natural Science Mathmatics Lynne Briggs, University Advancement Keri Grundstein, College of Law Kathy Aliaga, Facilities Management Catherine Dixon, Inst. Research and Analysis Nick Chabot-Olsen, Registrar Becky Gonzalez, Student Financial Affairs Don Hower, Facilities Management Cindy Koch, Daniels College of Business Michelle Kyner, Penrose Library Ken Pinnock, Human Resources Steve Rundle, University College Carrie Shrader, AHSS/Social Science The meeting was called to order. 1) Introduction of the Council Members. 2) Guest speakers: a) Ty Mills, Campus Safety i) Ty came to talk to SAC about Campus Safety, RAD and CINS. (1) Safety on campus: The person that is attacking women on High Street is being called the Pioneer Pincher. Crime Alerts have been sent via email. This is being brought up today SAC Minutes Page 1

because this person seems to hit about every 30 days, this is the timeframe of when someone is attacked. A description of this person is on the Campus Safety website. (2) Make sure offices are locked and secured. Do not leave keys on desk. If you have purses, briefcases make sure they are out of site and in a drawer or file cabinet. (3) When leaving the office make sure that you are always aware of your surroundings, always stay alert. When walking out to your car have your keys ready. Always haveWhat ifs in mind think about scenarios that can possibly happen. (4) R.A.D is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women. The R.A.D. system is a comprehensive, women-only course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reductions and risk avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense. This is a 12 hour course; hours are flexible, but you have to complete three, four hour sessions. The last four hour session is a simulation where you get the chance to demonstrate what you have learned. Its fun and it helps build your selfconfidence. If your ever in a situation you will have the tools to help yourself in any situation. The class fee is $25 per person. b) Kelly Raeburn, Daffodil days i) Kelly wanted to inform SAC about the American Cancer Society (ASC) Daffodil Days Program. Kelly lost her mother to breast cancer in 2009. ASC gave her mother a grant for an emergency mammogram and important resources from their Denver office, giving her 5 more precious years with her family. Kelly participates in this fundraiser every year to honor her mothers memory and to help others who need the valuable assistance that ACS provides. The money that is raised stays here in Denver to helping people fight cancer in our community. You can show your support by ordering flowers from $10-$25 with a teddy bear. You can also make anonymous donations through February 17th. Kelly will be delivering flowers the first week of March. There is also a link to Kellys personal page to view her personal story and fundraising goals.

c) December meeting minutes were approved. d) Committee reports: i) Events (1) Coat Drive: The coat drive will be from January 16th -30th. Collection date will be on January 31st or February 1st. An email blast will be sent out with the flyer that has dates and location of collection bins. (2) Task Force: Working on Professional Development will be focusing on finding a way to limit redundancy. (3) Outreach Committee: Was at the new employee orientation. Cindy Koch asked if we could get a list of new employees for each department so that we know who is new in that department. Kelly Raeburn suggested we add new employee names on the SAC website as a welcoming to DU. Cindy talked to Kelly at Student Life about having staff and faculty participate in the chili cook off on February 8th, it will be at the Fritz Knoebel School. If anyone is interested please email Cindy Koch. Staff and faculty are welcome to the Winter Carnival which is February 3rd -9th. e) Departmental Announcements SAC Minutes Page 2

i) Athletics: As of January 1st DU are owners of the Highlands Ranch Golf Course. The facility is open year round. The Moore family donated the facility to DU. In the future everyone will have access to the facility more detail will come out later in February. Contact for the facility is Stu Hasall, who is running main operations. ii) Womens College: All positions have been filled. It had been two years that they have had vacant positions. iii) Student Financial Services: are knee deep in billing and colleting payments. Late fall the late fee was increased to $75. Students have 30 days before late fees are accessed. iv) Registrars Office: has projects going on at University Hall with the main floor renovations. They are busy with the 1st 2 weeks of quarter and students changing classes. v) University Communications: As of Monday, January 9th the department has changed their name to the Division of Marketing and Communications. The department will focus on marketing, branding and communications outside and within each academic and nonacademic units across campus. The department will bring in new staff. An internal website will be going out for faculty and staff. There will be a new webCentral which will only be reserved for health and important issues on campus. vi) University Advancement: End of year gifts have been booked. vii) Law School: Today is the official first day of law school. viii) Penrose Library: Law library catalogs will merge with Penrose. The facility will still be separate. ix) Admissions: Have submitted acceptance letters. Going through 2nd round of applications. x) University College: No announcements xi) GSSW: Next week hosting special events for Martin Luther King Day, this event is only open by RSVP because of security issues and seating capacity. xii) AHSS: There is an appointed Student Advisory council will serve one the board. xiii) DCB: Exclusive excellence case competition starting, call will go out in 2 weeks. Different schools get involved with creating a solution for inclusive excellence for companies. The Fritz Knoebel will have a guest chef, press release on Monday, January, 16th. xiv) University Chaplin: Spent the last year restructuring the division and is now restructured. xv) Facilities: Is busy keeping everyone warm and cleaning snow xvi) AHSS: Arianna will not be serving this quarter; Therese Mathis will take her place unless someone else wants to be in her place. There is also a Director of Budget and Planning position open from Patsy Hernandez leaving and a Graduate Student Service Representative position available, please apply online. Julie Alvarez author coming in spring. Book club started and is open to everyone. Please go to AHSS website to see who will be coming to speak in April or May. xvii) Institutional Research and Analysis: Implemented systems online course evaluations xviii) Geography has an interim Dean for Academic unit. xix) NSM : Tristy from the bookstore is the new Budget Director. xx) HR: Sunday is the Faculty/Staff Appreciation event with a basketball game. You can bring family and friends. Please RSVP online. Also working on health and retirement plan, Starting liaison roundtable session, this will not replace the HR liaison meetings. f) New Business:

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i) We will have the Provost at our May meeting and Craig Woody at our July meeting. Please think about what we want to ask or talk about. (1) We are getting a lot of request for the benevolent fund and we need to set guidelines. If anyone would like to research what other universities are doing with their fund that will be a start for our guidelines. Lynn Briggs volunteered to look for information. (2) By laws have still not been approved by the Board of Trustees.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: February 8, 2012, 12 1 pm at Mary Reed, DuPont room Respectfully submitted, Kathy Aliaga

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