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GenEd 111 "World History" Lecture & Book Notes: Ch 19 CHAPTER 19: the beginning of modernization (Industrialization &

Nationalism in 19th AD)

Industrial Revolution: Europe shifted from an agriculture based economy to an economy based on Manufacturing by machines and automated factories. Relied largely on coal and steam Large numbers of people moved from the countryside to the cities to work in the factories. This created A Wealthy industrial middle class & huge Industrial Working Class (proletariat) In Britain Industrial Revolution Began in 1780s. 18th Century: Improvements in Agricultural practices Increase in food production feed more people at lower prices with less labor Increased population = surplus labor for the factories Britain's Success due partially the ability to produce cheaply the articles in greatest demand Growing demand of Cotton Clothes Changes in Textile Production: Flying Shuttle: Enabled weavers to weave faaster on a loom, thereby doubling their output Spinning Jenny: (1768) Allowed spinners to produce yarn in greater quantities Loom: (1787) (Edmund Cartwright): Powered by water, allowed the weaving of cloth to catch up with the spinning yarn. James Watt Steamengine (1760's): An engine powered by steam that could pump water from mines 3 times as quickly as previous engines. Watt Rotary Engine (1782): was capable of turning a shaft and thus drive machinery. This led to cotton mills. 1760: Britain imported 2.5 million lbs of raw cotton. 1840: Britain imported 366 million lbs of cotton. Cotton was at that time the most important product in value. Britain's Iron Industry Was transformed Puddling 1780's: Henry Cort: A system in which coke, derived from coal, was used to burn away impurities in pig iron (crude iron) and produced an iron of High Quality. This led to Britain producing more iron than any other country combined. (1804) Richard Trevithick: Pioneered the First Steam Powered Locomotive (1830) First public Railway line opens . Extended 32 miles from Liverpool to Manchester at 16 mph (1840) Britain had almost 6,000 miles of railroads capable of 50 mph. **Important contributor to the industrial revolution** The Proliferation of a cheaper and faster means of transportation had a RIPPLE EFFECT Prices of goods fell --> Markets grew larger -->Increased sales meant more factories and more machinery

And so on becoming Self-Sustaining The Industrial Factory: Created a new labor system Workers worked regular hours and in shifts Adult workers were fined for a wide variety of minor infractions (such as being a few minutes late) **By the Mid 19th Century Britain became the world's first and richest industrial nation** It produced 1/2 the world's Coal & manufactured goods **By 1850 its Cotton Industry alone was equal to size of the all European countries' Industries combined**

The spread of industrialization began with First Belgium --> France ---> German states In the USA: In 1800: 6 out of 7 workers were farmers and no cities were over 100,000 By 1860: only 50% were farmers and 9 cities had 100,000 or more. (the toatl pop. Sextupled to 30 mil) 1830: 100 miles of railroad 1860: 27,000 miles of railroad Before 1870 The Industrial Rev. Did not extend beyond Europe and the USA. In some states leaders attempted to prevented it such as in India In 1750: European population = 140 million By 1850: It had nearly double to 266 million The Reason: Decline in death rates (less wars, plague, and smallpox) More food supply (people were better fed and more resistant to disease) However sanitary conditions in large cities were appalling; sewers and open drains were common in the middle of streets. The smell was horrible & unhealthy Originally the Bourgeois: was a town dweller, (merchant, official, artisan, lawyer) The new Industrial middle class: made up of people who constructed the factories, purchased the machines and figured out where the markets were. Their qualities included: Resourcefulness, singlemindedness, resolution, initiative, vision, ambition and GREED. They attempted to reduce barriers between them and the Landed Elite while distancing them from the labor class below them. 19th century factory workers would form an industrial Proletariat, that constituted a majority of the working class. The Industrial Working Class: Work Shifts ranged from 12 to 16 hours a day. 6 days a week. 1/2 hour for lunch and dinner. NO minimum wage or security of employment **The worst condition were in the Cotton Mills. Temperatures were high it was dirty, dusty and unhealthy**

Coal mines were also harsh. Women and children hauled coal carts to the lifts. There were cave ins, explosions, a gas fumes. The tunnels were 3 - 4 ft tall causing deformed bodies from hunched over. Women and children worked in many of the factories and mines. Cotton factories used child labor because they had a delicate touch as spinners, were easily trained and cheap. Were paid 1/6th - 1/3rd of what a man was paid. Children as young as 7 worked 12 - 15 hrs per day 6days per week. The Factory Act of 1833: Reduced the number of children employed and their places taken by women. Women made up 50% of the labor force in Textile factories before 1870. and Payed half or less than a man After 1870: 2nd Industrial Revolution New industries, new sources of energy, and new goods New Products: The First major change in industrial development between 1870 - 1914 was the substitution of Steel for iron. Electricity was a major new form of energy. 1870's: the first commercially practical Generators of electrical current were developed. 1910: Hydro electic power stations & Coal-fired steam generated plants enable power to homes Led to the lightbulb By 1880's: Streetcars & subways powered by electricity was in major European Cities. The factories were transformed: conveyor belts, cranes, machines and tools could be powered Communications were revolutionized 1876: Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone 1901: Guglielmo Marconi sent the first radio waves across the Atlantic. 1900: internal combustion engine fired by oil and gasoline resulted in a new source of power & new transportation. Gave rise to ocean liners and then Airplanes. Henry Ford mass produced the Model T. By 1916, Ford's factories were producing 735,000 cars a year. 1903: Wright brothers fly for the first time at Kittyhawk 1919: First regular passenger air service established. By 1900 Europe was divided into 2 economic zones:

Advanced Industrialized Core: (Britain, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Germany, western AustroHungarian Empire & Northern Italy)They had a high standard of living, decent systems of transportation, and relatively healthy & educated people. The Backward and little Industrialized: (the area to the south & east including: Southern Italy, most of Austro-Hungary, Spain, Portugal, the Balkan kingdoms, and Russia) These were still largely agricultural and relegated by the industrial countries for providing food and raw materials. **Economic development + Transportation Revolution (marine transport/railroads) = World Economy**

After 1870, Industrialization began to spread beyond Western & Central Europe & North America.

There was rapid development in Russia & Japan Russia: In 1890's Russia saw a surge of industrializtion under the minister of finance Sergei Witte. He pushed for the massive railroad construction. He also pushed for the modern Coal & Steel industry By 1900 Russia was the 4th largest producer of Steel & half the world's Oil production. Japan: Government built railroads, promoted industry, Instituted a universal educational system based on Applied Science. By the end of the 19th century Japan had developed key industries in Tea, Silk, Armaments & Shipbuilding

**The 2nd Industrial Revolution: opened the door to new jobs for women. There was an increased demand in white collar, low paying jobs as well as a shortage of male employees all of which led to the employment of Women** Women worked as: Clerks, typists, secretaries, file clerks, sales clerks. Government services led to women: secretaries, telephone operators, health care workers & social workers Compulsory Education: meant more teachers Modern Hospital: meant more nurses Socialist Political parties & trade Unions: Emerged after 1870, to improve working and living conditions.

Marxist Theory: Throughout history, the oppressor and oppressed have stood in constant opposition to one another. The oppressor: owned the means of production and thus had the power to control government and society The oppressed: Group dependent on the owners of the means of production. The Class Struggle: Society is splitting up into the Bourgeoisie & Proletariat leading to struggle and finally revolution. Socialist Parties: German Social Democratic Party (SPD): 1875 they began running for the Reichstage (lower parliament house) on the platform of improved working conditions, By 1912, they were the single largest political party in Germany. The Second International: 1889; an association of national socialist groups that would fight against capitalism worldwide.

Led to international Labor day

Marxist parties divided over the issue of: Revisionism

Pure Marxists: believed in the imminent collapse of capitalism and the need for socialist ownership of the means of production. Revisionists: Rejected revolutionary socialism and argued that workers must organize mass political parties and work together with other progressive elements to gain reform. Evolution by democratic means would achieve socialist goals NOT REVOLUTION

**In Britain, Unions won the right to strike in the 1870's** Soon most workers were flocking tojoin Trade Unions in order to use the instrument of STRIKE

Nationalism: the industrial revolution's force led to the creation of Nationalism transforming the political map of Europe in the 19th century. Congress of Vienna (1814): Major powers attempted to restore the Old Order. The leader of Congress was the Austrian Foreign Minister, Prince Klemens Von Metternich who claimed he was guided by the Principle of Legitimacy: To establish peace and stability it is necessary to restore the legitimate monarchs who would preserve traditional institutions. (e.g. France restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy) The Peace arrangements of 1815 were the start of the Conservative Reaction Conservatism: Favoring obedience to political authority, organized religion was crucial to social order, hated revolutionary upheavals, and were willing to accept either (the liberal demands for civil liberties and representative governments) or (the nationalistic aspirations generated by the French revolution era)

After 1815 Conservatism supported: Hereditary monarchs, government bureaucracies, landowning aristocracies, and revived churches (both Protestant & Catholic) Led to the Principle of Intervention: Asserting that they had the right to send armies into countries where there were revolutions to restore legitimate monarchs Liberalism: a result of the enlightenment, French & American revolutions, it was based on the idea that people should be as free from restraint as possible. (favored by middle-class men especially industrial middle) Believed in the protection of civil Liberties (basic rights of all people) including: 1. equality before the law 2. Freedom to assembly 3. speech 4. the Press 5. Freedom from arbitrary arrest ALSO 6. Religious toleration for all 7. Separation of church & State 8. Right to peaceful opposition to gov. 9. the creation of laws by representative assembly *** All should be guaranteed by a Written Document

**They were NOT democrats****believed the right to vote and hold office for landowning men* Nationalism: A more powerful ideology for change in the 19th century. The belief that primary political loyalty of an individual should be to the nation. **Was not a popular force until the French Revolution** Was a threat to the existing political order Conservatives feared such change and tried hard to repress nationalism THE REVOLUTIONS of 1848 Severe industrial & agricultural depression in France brought hardship to the lower middle class, workers & peasants, while the government refused to lower the property qualification for voting angered the people On Feb 24, 1848, King Louis-Philippe was overthrown and a Republican State was enacted. A new constitution was drafted and a single legislature was created (elected to 3 year terms) and a President (4 year terms) ***Charles Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, (nephew of Napoleon) won the Presidency*** The French success led to changes in other countries including: Germany: Rulers promised constitutions with, a free press, jury trials, and other liberal reforms Prussia: Agreed to establish a new constitution and work for a united Germany (didn't happen). Revolution Failed. Austrian Empire: The revolution in Austrian empire failed Italy: Revolution failed ***The Revolution of 1848 in France was overturned 4 years later, and restored an Authoritarian Empire***

THE BREAK-UP OF THE CONCERT OF EUROPE The Crimean War: Ottoman Turks declared war on Russia in 1853, Britain & France Declared War on Russia the next year. It was poorly planned and fought. Heavy losses caused Russia to sue for peace. The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1856 The Crimean war destroyed the Concert of Europe Austria & Russia who were the leading countries in the concert, were now enemies Austria & Russia = Enemies ***Because, Austria didn't support Russia during War*** THE UNIFICATION OF ITALY The breakdown of the Concert of Europe first benefitted Italy. Austria was a dominant power in Italy until the Crimean war. Italy was unable to gain unification until King Victor Emmanuel II named Count Camillo di Cavour Prime Minister in 1852.

Prime Minister Camillo di Cavour pursued economic expansion, increased revenue, equipped a large army. He allied with the French emperor Louis Napoleon. They defeated the Austrians and gained control of Lombardy. Northern Italy overthrew their leaders to join Piedmont. Other areas continued to join Piedmont's kingdom until March 17, 1861 when the new Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed under a centralized government under control of Piedmont & King Victor Emmanuel II of the house of Savoy. Venetia and Rome were the last to be annexed in 186670. **ROME became the new Capital of the UNITED ITALIAN STATE**

THE UNIFICATION OF GERMANY The Frankfurt Assembly failed to achieve German unification in 1848-49 In 1862 Prussian King William I appointed Count Otto Von Bismarck as the new Prime Minister Prime Minister Otto Von Bismarck: was considered the ultimate realist, practitioner of Realpolitik (the politics of reality). He constructed an Active Foreign policy which led to war and German Unification. Prime Minister Bismarck: First defeated Denmark----- he then went to war with Austria (he created the Northern German Confederation & signed military alliances from Southern Germany) --- He then goaded France to go to war in 1870. The Prussian Armies soon captured the French Army and Emporor Napoleon III. ALL of this led to the German states agreeing to enter the German confderation. **In 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors in Louis XIV's palace at Varsailles, William I was proclaimed Kaiser (emperor) of the SECOND GERMAN EMPIRE** **Authoritarian, militaristic values beat liberal, constitutional values** IT BECAME THE STRONGEST POWER on the CONTINENT Britain Avoids Revolution by: 1832, Parliament passed a reform Bill increasing the # of male voters (added the industrial middle class) 1850's 60's Britain's liberal parliamentary system made SOCIAL & POLITICAL REFORMS. Stabilized the U.K. Stability was also maintained by continued Economic Growth After 1850, working classes saw improvements such as increases in WAGES by 25%. All of which led to National Pride, especially allegiance to QUEEN VICTORIA (Victorian Age) The Second Empire of France Began in 1852 when the elected president Louis Napoleon Assumed the title of Napoleon III (A MONARCHIAL TITLE) For the first 5 years his reign was a success. Industrial growth, railroads, harbors, roads, canals. Iron production tripled. He Reconstructed Paris 1860's opposition to his rule began to mount. Napoleon III began to liberalize his regime. This worked initially. War with Prussia in 1870 brought the ouster of Napoleon III and a Republic was Proclaimed. THE EMPIRE BECAME A REPUBLIC

Austrian Empire Problems Austria was defeated by Prussia in 1866. Caused Austria to deal with Fiercely nationalistic HUNGARIANS. This Resulted in: (Ausgleich) Compromise of 1867 -- created a dual monarchy of AustriaHungary. Each part had its own constitution, legislature, governmental bureaucracy, and capital What held them together was a single Monarch FRANCIS JOSEPH, army, foreign policy, system of finances. **Francis Joseph = Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph = Hungarian King** Russian Serfdom Russian Imperial Autocracy: based on soldiers, secret police, repression Withstood the early 19th century European Revolutions. But the Crimean War defeat in 1856 made rulers realize they were behind the times.

Tsar Alexander II made reforms: 1861, serfdom was banned with the Emancipation Edict. They were free. The peasants were distributed wealth but were basically given shit. And weren't really free They had to repay the government for their shitty land

Western Europe: Political Democracy

1871, Britain had a 2 party parliamentary system. Liberals & conservatives alternated power They were dominated by aristocratic landowners, upper-middle-class businesspeople By 1918, all men over 21 & women over 30 could vote. Accompanied by social welfare measures for the working class. Unions & the Labour Party gained power and voted for social reforms: The National Insurance Act of 1911-- provided benefits for workers in case of sickness or unemployment. Small Pensions for 70 and older people was voted for In France, 1875, A improvised constitution established THE THIRD REPUBLIC which lasted 65 years

Central & Eastern Europe: Old Order Policies The rich attempted to block democratic & republic reforms in both Germany and Austria In Russia, Alexander II who made numerous reforms was assisinated and his son undid these reforms. Marxist social democratic pary and the Social Revolutionaries began to attract russian people. In 1905 The Tsarist regime finally exploded into REVOLUTION

THE TRIPLE ALLIANCE of 1882: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy ---Committed a defensive alliance against France Emperor William II of Germany dropped Bismarck's TREATY with RUSSIA Resulting in France ---Russia alliance in 1894. 1907 Britain, France, Russia Alliance known as "TRIPLE ENTENTE"

The crisis in the Balkans set the stage for WW I

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