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I always obsessed in physics and how the way it works. Fact about physics usually amaze me.

Study in this subjects require great skill in math. Math have became my favorite subject since i was little. My passion in physics and math is become larger as the time goes by. Then in senior high i met electricity and algorithm lesson. Suddenly i attracted in these subjects because of math, physics, and high logical mind is needed in those subjects. Since that time, i intend to continue study in college which have major in electrical or informatics. Then after hard work in study, i became student at Bandung Institute and Technology majoring in electrical engineering. I prefer electrical engineering than informatics because i could gain knowledge in hardware and software which appropriate with any kind of device. When i just entered college i had promise with myself, i will join any organization in college alongside keeping my GPA remain higher than 3.25. I had a lot activites in college, such as forming cadre in INKM ITB, electrical student association in HME ITB, Formula Sudent Mushika Team in FSAE contest, ect. A lot of experience gained more than ive expected. My tough time at college happen to me when i become minister in organization development at HME ITB. I had to face sophisticated problem that examined my skill in leadership, manajement, and endurance. Fortunately, with hard work, a lot of patience, and a little bit of luck, i could resolve those problems well. I think my biggest achievement in my life happen in my college time. I could gain many organization experiences, make a lot of friends and relation, and remain my GPA higher than 3.25 are considered as my proudest achievement. My third year in college required me to follow internship in any company that related to my major in electrical engineering. I had my intern at PT Uavido Nusantara which work in UAV and aircraft field. There are a lot of projects in Aircraft field that Uavindo have been working. UAV programming in fligth control system is my biggest interest there. There is one project that need engineer in electrical division. I have a high expectation that i could join that project. I had realized that big hope and expectation is not good. Then, when project manager told me that i could not follow their project because they considered me still lack of knowledge in this field, i felt dissapointed. However, even i could not follow the project in UAV, they sent me into another project. In that project i realized i had to work hard so i could prove them that lack of knowledge in myself as their prediction was wrong.

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