Prueba de Diagnostico 8° Básico

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Colegio Esperanza English Department

Diagnostic test Name Grade: 8 bsico B Objectives Date: Tiempo: 70 min. Total Score 21 points Score: Percentage: Nota

I,.- Vocabulario: identifican palabras relacionadas a equipamiento deportivo. Gramtica: II- Corrigen oraciones utilizando presente progresivo de distintos verbos. III- Completan tabla utilizando superlativos y comparativos. IV.-. Extraen informacin a partir de imgenes usando presente progresivo V.- Comprensin de lectura: leen texto y completan preguntas de comprensin, con respuestas completas.


- Look at the picture and label the sport equipment. (5 pts)

1) ______Bat________ 2) _________________ 3) shorts________ 4) _________________ 5) _________________ 6) jersey________ 7) _________________ 8) _________________


Correct the following sentences using present progressive. (3 points) a. He not is playing soccer with Andy b. What Charles is wearing? c. Theyre siting with Jim


- Complete the table as applicable. (5 pts)

adjective nice Comparative taller happiest better big superlative


Look at the picture and answer: What are they doing?. Use present progressive. (3 points)




V. Read the report and answer the comprehension questions with full answers.

(5 pts)
Free time V. Sport and VI. are the most popular hobbies. Boys usually play soccer and basketball, and girls usually play music tennis and basketball. More teenagers listen to music than play instruments. Most teenagers watch TV for about twoVII. a day. They use computers in their free time for games, the internet, and e-mail. Shopping is hours VIII. also popular, but teenagers don t usually buy things on the internet. IX. Jobs at home TeenagersX. spend about an hour a week on jobs at home. Most teenagers don t like helping at home, buy they usually make their beds and clean their rooms. They don t usually wash the dishes or take out the garbage. XI. Boys and girls go shopping with their parents for food, and they often cook meals on weekends. XII. Conclusion XIII. TeenagersXIV. same things as teenagers in the past, but they use technology more often in their free time. like the They prefer doing jobs in their own bedrooms. XV.

A) Which sport is popular with boys and girls? _____________________________________________________________ B) What do teenagers use computers for? _____________________________________________________________ C) How many hours do teenagers spend on jobs at home every week? _____________________________________________________________ D) Which two jobs don t teenagers usually do at home? _____________________________________________________________ E) When do teenagers often cook meals? _____________________________________________________________


PUNTAJE 5 3 5 3 5 21

MIN. ACEP. 3 2 3 2 3 13

PREGUNTAS 1 2 3 4 5



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