Proposal For Residential Care Center PDF

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Project Proposal
Residential Care Centre
By:- 2011SW109



Proposal for Medha

Table of Contents Table of Contents................................................................................................... 2 Table of Figures...................................................................................................... 2 Letter of Submission............................................................................................... 3 Part A: Brief Profile of MEDHA:................................................................................ 4 Detail of Organization.......................................................................................... 4 Contact details for communication: .................................................................... 5 Part B: Detail of Project Proposal............................................................................ 6 Project Title: Residential Care cum Support & Rehabilitation Centre for children in urban & semi urban area................................................................ 6 Budget Details ..................................................................................................... 11 Budget Details of Project:.................................................................................. 11 Budget for Programme Management Unit......................................................... 12 Budget for Residential Centre Based Expenditure per Unit (50 numbers): ........13

Table of Figures Figure 1. Financial capability of organization.........................................................5 Figure 2. Timeline................................................................................................... 9 Figure 3. Tentative Budget................................................................................... 11

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Proposal for Medha

Letter of Submission Director, Directorate of Social Welfare Social Welfare Department, Sichai Bhawan, Old Secretariat Patna, Bihar Sub: - Submission of Expression of Interest (EoI) For Residential Care Centre. Sir, According to the request for Expression of Interest (EoI), published on 13 October, 2011 in Times of India newspaper for Open Residential Care Centre for children (Girls & Boys), sub grant project, we examined and understood the instructions, terms and conditions provided in Invitation for EoI. We hereby enclose our EoI Application in the prescribed format as mentioned on website of social welfare department for EoI. We confirm that we agree with the instructions, terms and conditions provided in Invitation for EoI. The undersigned declares that the statements made and the information provided in the duly completed application is complete, true, and correct in very detail. We request you to consider our Expression of Interest for further Yours faithfully, (Kanhaiya Kumar Singh) Secretary Enclosed: 1. Date: Place: Expression of Interest FOR RESIDENTIAL CARE CENTRE UNDER INTEGRATED CHILD PROTECTION SCHEME.

Submitted By MEDHA

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Proposal for Medha

Part A: Brief Profile of MEDHA:

MEDHA was established in 2007 and initiated its work with focus to serve the marginalised & deprive section through various interventions at different level in coordination with public, private & community based agencies. The aim of MEDHA is to promote equity & social justice in the society. Through promoting & empowering marginalised community & population group in urban & rural area. So far MEDHA has working with people with disability, transgender, beggars, old age population group, homeless, street children & other extremely marginalised section of society. MEDHA provides various social service for skill up gradation of rural population, creating employment & livelihood opportunity, conduct studies & research to develop strategies to support the specific target group based on needs of the marginalised & deprived community,. It also provide strategic & operational planning for advocacy on rights of marginalised MEDHA professionals have been associated with capacity building & rehabilitative projects in the state. The professionals have initiated the various innovative programs, which have shown its impact in the field. Currently MEDHA is working with beggars, transgender, people with disabilities, rural women population for their employment & livelihood opportunities.

Detail of Organization
1. Name of Organisation


2. Registration Number & Year

: 311 & 2007-08

3. Address West

: House No- 12 D/8A, West Anandpur,

Boring Canal Road, Patna: 800 001 Mb: 9334244501 Email Id: 4. Name of Secretary : Mr. Kanhaiya Kumar Singh

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Proposal for Medha

Part B: Detail of Project Proposal

Project Title: Residential Care cum Support & Rehabilitation Centre for children in urban & semi urban area.

1. Project Goal: To revitalize life of children in vulnerable situation through addressing their immediate & long term need through promoting positive behaviour & capacity building.

2. Target Group: This project will target children below age of 18 in urban & semi urban area, who needs education, treatment, vocational training, and rehabilitation.

3. Objective of the project a. To provide safe residential facility environment and protect children from existing vulnerable & life threading situations. b. To provide guidance, support & therapeutic counselling for positive behaviour c. To providing education opportunities, vocational educational uplifment and capacity building. training for their

d. To sensitize them towards their exploitation & risk situation e. To establishing regular monitoring & tracking system for rehabilitation of each children. 4. Expected Outcome: a. Identifying the vulnerable group of children with establishing a purposeful & professional relationship aimed to help them to come out of the vulnerable situation. b. Rehabilitation plan for each child addressing their immediate & long term need through active directed interaction sessions. c. Sensitization & awareness building about existing threat & risk associated with vulnerable life situations of children. 5 |Page

Proposal for Medha d. Educational upliftment of children through enrolling them in regular education system, open schools, bridge course. e. Creating employment & livelihood opportunity for children through providing them vocational training in coordination with government Industrial Training Institute, Non Profit Organisation, Private Agencies & Corporate. f. Creating peer support system & special training program to learn helping techniques to avoid accidents & risk situation.

g. Promoting Healthy life style & increasing social functioning of children to learn & perform their role & responsibility as a citizen of countries. Regular health check-up with interactive session with doctors on drug & substance Abuse/HIV/STI/AIDS topics including medical counselling h. Aware them their constitution fundament rights & duties. This will also include awareness generation about available government services, schemes & program for their welfare & empowerment. i. Bringing stakeholder together for promoting welfare of deprived children through initiating community based innovative social program.

5. Proposed Activities: For the rehabilitation of the vulnerable children the proposed activities under this project are:

a. Establishing Residential Care Centre: Full residential care centre will be established for children for providing them safe residential environment. This will provide essential self care facility, food, shelter, clean toilet, locker, bath facilities, entertainment & other facilities for children.

b. Training to Project staffs: Staff will be trained on child issues, Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of children) Act 2000, child related law, rule, and regulations. All the project staff will also be oriented towards the special care & support for vulnerable children.

c. Identification of potential children for the project: A base line survey will be conducted in urban & semi urban area for identifying the potential children under this project.

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Proposal for Medha d. Counselling & Case work session with each of the children: Regular counselling & case work session will be organised with each child for assessing their need, identifying his/her problem, counselling, guidance, support, suggestion. This will lead to problem solving to each child & will be helpful in rehabilitation planning & designing activities. These sessions will also be useful for indentifying the interpersonal conflict of the children & providing support & guidance for their progress &development.

e. Group Work Services: Special Group sessions for promotion of self care, self confidence, self learning, team building, trust building, bringing change in aspiration level of children, psychological & emotional support, building self image & formation of proper attitude for change, which are crucial for personality development

f. Regular health check-up: Regular health check-up will be done for the children to avoid the potential risk of disease or health risk.

g. Identification of family & relatives of the children: Family & relatives will be identified through assess information from children. Family & relative will be contacted & trained staff will observe & explored the re-linking the children to their home.

h. Educational & Bridge Course for children: Children will be provided free educational & bridge courses for their educational upliftment. Interested children will be enrolled in regular & open schools & colleges depending upon their academic assessment/level.


Vocation & capacity building course: Vocational & capacity building courses will be conducted in coordination with private or public industrial training institutes, private corporate & non profit organisations. Vocational training will be given on approved trades (by state government).


Prospective building & coordination with Stakeholders: Joint meeting will be organised with schools, colleges, police, corporate

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Proposal for Medha institutions, discussing strategies & plan for rehabilitation of the children.

k. Establishing monitoring & child tracking system: An electronic monitoring & data format will be developed for monitoring to the project & tracking children progress & their rehabilitation program.

6. Project Implementation Time Line: The project will be implemented in three major, which are further divided into 7 phase. The detail of project implementation plan is below:

Figure 1. Timeline Stages Critical Activities A. Program Designing Phase Establishing infrastructure Recruitment of Staffs & Professional Training of staffs Duration Start 0 Month 0-1 Months

Phase 1: (Operationalizi ng Project Implementation ) Phase 2: (Rapport Building & establishment of professional & purposeful relationship) Phase 3: (Study: Problem Identification & Need Assessment)

B. Program Implementation Phase Intake of children in residential care center Workshop with Department, CBOs NGOs, Police

1-3 Months

Study and assessment of each case (child) regarding their need, problem & support required Identification of potential child & formation of groups according to needs, problem, expectation & common goal. Developing strategies for helping & rehabilitation of each of the case

3 -6 Months

Phase 4: (Developing Helping Plan) 8 |Page

6-8 Months

Proposal for Medha C. Project Monitoring Phase Operationalizing rehabilitation plan 8-10 Months for each case Evaluation of each case & 10-11Months Termination from services with follow up visits Intake of New Cases & Dropout Cases 11-12 Months

Phase 5: (Intervention) Phase 6: (Evaluation & termination) Phase 7:

7. Monitoring & Evaluation: For the regular monitoring of the project, a MIS will be developed with a set of qualitative & quantitative indicators. These indicators will be reviewed monthly & quarterly. Monthly meeting will be organised with project team, children, technical consultants & stake holder for their suggestion & feedback on the development of projects. After completion of six month & at the end of the project implementation, third party will be appointed for external evaluation the project. A monthly report will be sent to Department of Social Welfare & other stake holders.

8. Staffing Pattern: A project coordinator cum counsellor will be appointed and will be responsible for overall management of the implementation & continuous evaluation of the project on a day to day basis. Social Worker will coordinate with related activities under project. Two care givers cum bridge course teachers will be appointed for providing care & support to children. These care givers will provide basic education to children with child friendly approach. Two cooking staffs appointed for cooking purpose & 2 helpers will be appointed for & cleaning purpose at the open residential care centre. Two guard will be appointed for security purpose of the children.

9. Sustainability of the Project: With the regular consultation with stakeholder, MEDHA will identify potential support agencies for the support of these children in vulnerable situation. MEDHA will explore the possibilities & other alternative for getting financial or any kind of support from corporate houses, business industries & other donor agencies. Implementation of this project will bring a great change in life of children, who are in vulnerable situations.

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Proposal for Medha

Budget Details

Budget Details of Project:

The budget details of the proposed project are divided into two parts as 1. Program Management Unit & 2. Residential centre for 50 inmates

Budget for Programme Management Unit

Project management unit will be responsible for overall implementation of project and taking leadership of the project implementation. The program management unit will undertake all the coordination activities with government departments, research & academic institutions, organization working on mental illness & disability. Major technical activities will be planned & designed at program management unit. Program management unit will also be responsible for monitoring & evaluation of the project. The detail budget of the program is as below: Sl.No Particulars Unit Year/Trip) Code A.1 A.2 A.3 A. Remuneration Program Manager Project Coordinator Research cumMonitoring & A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 B.1 B.2 B.3 Evaluation Officer Counsellor Accountant Computer Operator cum - Office Assistant Doctor ( Full Time) Lady Doctor(Part Time) Driver Month Month Month Month Month Month 15000 12000 10000 30000 15000 6000 15000 25000 10000 12 12 12 12 12 180000 144000 120000 360000 180000 Month Month Month Unit Rs. 25000 20000 22000 Nos. of Unit (months) 12 12 12 300000 240000 264000 Total Amount

(Days/Months/ Amount in

12 72000 Sub Total 1860000 12 12 180000 300000 120000

B. Travel & Logistics Local Travel Expense Month Contingent Fund Month Out -Station Expenses Month

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Proposal for Medha

B.4 B.5

Furniture & Fixtures Computer set including printer, Scanner etc. Car/Van Generator (sound proof) Diesel & Petrol Baseline Survey (Data collection, Photography & report writing) Training (Trainer and Training materials) Printing & Stationary Communication facilities (Internet, telephone, mobile expenses) Rent (Building)

1 set 1

150000 40000

1 2

150000 80000

B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9

1 1 Month 1

800000 100000 20000 150000

2 1 12 1

1600000 100000 240000 150000

B.10 B.11 B.12

Month 1 Month

5000 60000 5000

12 1 12

60000 60000 60000




12 180000 Sub Total 3280000 Total (A+B) 5140000

Budget for Residential Centre Based Expenditure per Unit (50 numbers):
The residential centre will provide residential & other facility for inmate ultra poor. It will be a short stay home and will provide to work with each ultra poor to study their problem & need and further plan intervention to overcome their problem. Major training sessions will be organized at residential centre to build capacity of inmates to solve their problems and improve their social functioning. A. Remuneration Code Particulars

Unit (Days/Months / Year/Trip) Month Month Month

No of Person 1 1 2

Unit Amount in Rs. 12000 9000 5000

Mont h 12 12 12

Total Amount 144000 108000 60000

C.1 C.2 C.3

Centre Superintendent Care Taker Cooks at each centre

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Proposal for Medha

C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9 C.10 C.11 C.12 C.13

Cook helper Store Keeper Security Guard Teacher 1 Skill development instructor/ Trainer Physiotherapist Yoga Psychologist Barber Washer Man

Month Month Month Month Month Part time per month Part time per Month Part time per month Month Month Unit (Days/ Months/ Year/Trip) Month One Time Purchases Per day

2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

4000 5000 7000 5000 12000 3000 7000 6000 2500 4500

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Sub Total

96000 60000 84000 60000 144000 36000 84000 72000 30000 54000 1032000 Total Amount

B. Logistics Code Particulars

Unit Amount (in Rs) 2000 5500

No of Units

D.1 D.2

Training Materials & Equipments Cot, Bedding etc. for 50 inmate @ Rs 5500 per inmate Fooding @ Rs 70 per head for 360 days for 50 inmates Clothing for 50 Inmate Cooking Utensils Medicare Insurance Orientation/Exposure

12 50

24000 275000





D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8

Per Inmate One time Purchases Per Inmate Month

2500 1 2500 2000 50000

50 1 50 12 1

125000 100000 125000 24000 50000

Visit Purchase of Television, One time Sound system, DVD & Purchases One time purchase Sport Materials others Purchase of Computer with Printer




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Proposal for Medha

D.10 D.11 D.12

Generator Fuel for Generator Electricity Supply, Water Charge & other additional Charges Soap, Detergent, etc Rent of hired building Communication Expense

One time Purchase Month Month

1 10000 10000

1 12 12

50000 12000 120000

D.13 D.14 D.15

Month Month Month

2000 25000 2000

12 12 12

24000 300000 24000 Sub Total 2563000 Total (C+D) 3595000

Establishment & Running Cost of a Rehabilitation Centre for 50 Inmates is Rs. 35,95000 (Thirty Five Lac Ninety Five Thousand Only) Running Cost for Proposed 10 Rehabilitation Centres is 10 X Rs. 35,95000 = Rs. 3,59,50,000 (Rs Three Crore Fifty Ninety Lac Fifty Thousand Only)

Financial Tally
Total Project Implementation Cost will be:
Sl.No A B Central Pool Expenditure Rehabilitation Centre Based Expenditure Total 4,10,90,000 Amount (Rs.) 51,40,000 3,59,50,000

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