Beverly Squadron - Feb 2008

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The Eagle Eye

Beverly Composite Squadron Massachusetts Wing Civil Air Patrol February 2008 Volume 2, Number 2

Promotions & Awards

We had Several cadet promotions this month. Most of the promotions were made at the awards night at the end of Janurary, but there was one during the closing formation this past Wednesday night. Well done Corps of Cadets, congratulations to all.

Cadet Ortins Promoted

C/TSgt Alexander Ortins was promoted to Cadet Master Sergeant at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

Cadet Mercurio Promoted

C/SMSgt Joseph Mercurio was promoted to Cadet Chief Master Sergeant at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

C/MSgt Ortins Beverly teen C/MSgt Alexander Ortins is an Honor Roll

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C/CMSgt Mercurio Hamilton resident C/CMSgt Joseph Mercurio has been a member of the Civil Air Patrol since September of 2003 and has held the positions of Flight Sergeant, Flight Commander, First Sergeant, and Cadet Commander in the Beverly Composite Squadron. Sergeant Mercurio earned his Cadet Solo wings by completing an FAA Solo flight as authorized by his Flight Instructor. Sergeant Mercurio is a junior at Hamilton/Wenham Regional High School in Hamilton Massachusetts. Chief Mercurio is currently serving as Cadet Executive Officer for the Beverly Composite Squadron.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Promotions Cadet Awards, Deployed Promotions, CAP National News Promotions Promotions, Safety, Web Places NER Cadet Academies, WWII Dance 2007 Recap, Commanders Message Deputy Commander of Cadets IT Column, Senior Awards DCS, CAP Pilot, Notice to Airmen, New Members Reports Due, SAREX Schedule, Deadlines, USCAP CAP Proficiency Flight, PAO, Squadron Stats, Conference, Calendar

The Eagle Eye 1

Top Cadet Awards

Cadet of the Year
C/SMSgt Phillip Posillico was given the Cadet of the Year Award at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

The Most Improved Cadet award recipient is a cadet who has come into the program and may have struggled a bit. He or she has seen failure but has shown the strength to overcome, who has matured and shown our members a dedication and persistence to learn and one who has taken life lessons from their struggles and has now started the tradition of passing on our core values to others so that they may also excel in our program.

C/SMSgt Posillico

Past Cadet Commander

C/CMSgt Joseph Mercurio was given a Past Cadet Command award.

The cadet of the year award is always one of the most difficult awards for the Deputy Commander of Cadets to present. Not for its meaning but for choosing just one of the cadets. Every cadet in the squadron has the qualities for being the cadet of the year. But only one of them may receive the award. There are many things that are looked at during the selection process. Dedication to the unit, attending meetings regularly, progressing through the achievements, participating actively in the unit activities and wing, or regional and national activities, as well as volunteering, respect, integrity, and excellence. These are the core values of the Civil Air Patrol. The Deputy Commander of Cadets also looks at personal growth and self improvement. Is a cadet doing all they can, are they making that extra effort?

C/CMSgt Mercurio

Most Improved Cadet

C/MSgt Ortins was presented with the Most Improved Cadet Award at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

C/CMSgt Joseph Mercurio accepted the position of Cadet Commander from March 07 through October 07. The cadet commander is the highest position held by our cadets in the unit. With this position comes much responsibility by overseeing the cadet program and ensuring that all requirements are being fulfilled and making sure that the program continues on its path of building our countrys future leaders.

Former Cadet C/MSgt Ortins
SGT. Aaron Cuscuna C-Trp 2-1 Cav FOB Warhorse APO AE09336

The magnet

The Eagle Eye 2

freshman at Beverly High School in Beverly Massachusetts where he is also a member of the cross country team and a Private First Class in the Marine JROTC program. When not busy with school work, Civil Air Patrol or JROTC advancement, C/MSgt. Ortins enjoys paintball. C/MSgt Ortins has been a member of the Civil Air Patrol since July of 2006, and is currently the squadrons Eagle Flight Commander." Beyond Civil Air Patrol, becoming a plebe at the US Military Academy, West Point is a goal Sergeant Ortins has set for himself.

Tennis, Swimming, Surfing, skiing and working on his Radio Controlled vehicles.

Cadet Sears Promoted

C/AB Jason Sears was promoted to Cadet Airman at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

Cadet Sauer Promoted

C/AB Nathaniel Sauer was promoted to Cadet Airman at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

C/Amn Sears Cadet Airman Jason Sears is an 8 grader at Holton Richmond Middle School in Danvers Massachusetts where he is a member of the jazz band. Cadet Sears has been a nmember of the civil air partol since November of 2007. When not busy with school and home work Airman Sears enjoys building model aircraft and playing the drums C/Amn Sauer Danvers teen Cadet Airman Nathaniel Sauer is an 8 grader at Holton Richmond Middle School in Danvers Massachusetts. Cadet Sauer has been a member of the civil air partol since November of 2007. When not busy with home work, Cadet Airman Sauer enjoys
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Cadet Johnston Promoted

C/AB Ian Johnston was promoted to Cadet Airman at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

Promotions continues at Top of Page

CAP National News dex.cfm?fuseaction=display&nodeID=6192&newsID= 3968&year=2008&month=2 We made the National CAP News page again. C/Amn Johnston
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Promotions continues from Page 3

2d Lieutenant Eaton Promoted

Rockport teen Cadet Airman Ian Johnston joined the Civli Air Patrol 31 July 2007. The homeschoooled highschool sophmore enjoys computers photography and anything to do with flying. 2 Lieutenant Brian Eaton from Salem New Hampshire was promoted to First Lieutenant, CAP at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

Cadet Kluge Promoted

C/AB Kluge was promoted to Cadet Airman at the closing formation of the Beverly Composite Squadron last Wednesday night.

First Lieutenant Brian Eaton Salem New Hampshire resident 1 Lieutenant Brian Eaton is an assistant Communications officer, Assistant Testing Officer, and Officer in Charge of Ramp Checks st with the Beverly Composite Squadron. 1 Lieutenant Eaton is a veteran of the US Air Force and a private pilot. He is currently in training to become a Civil Air Patrol Pilot, with the goal of becoming a cadet orientation pilot and a mission pilot. 1 Lieutenant Eaton is a former Beverly Composite Squadron Cadet Senior Master Sergeant and has continued his involvement with the organization because of the positive effect his cadet training has had on his life. st Including his cadet time 1 Lieutenant Eaton has over ten years of service in the Civil Air Patrol. In his free time 1 Lieutenant Eaton enjoys ice hockey riding his motorcycle and just hanging out. He is a member of the American Legion, and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. While on active duty with the US Air Force 1 Lt Eaton was a load master aboard a C130 Hercules home based in Hurburt Field in Florida.
st st st st

C/Amn Kluge Beverly teen C/Amn Kassandra Kluge had been a member of the Civil Air Patrol for six months, when she qualified herself to attend the encampment this past summer. Airman Kluge is a senior this year at Beverly High School, and when not doing school work or attending CAP activities she enjoys track, flying, reading, running and Painting. She ia also a member of the National Honor Society (NHS), National Art Honor Society (NAHS), and Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), Cadet Kluge is currently taking flying lessons from the Beverly Flight Center and has accumulated roughly five hours of in flight instruction.

There were two senior promotions this month and one belated promotion from December that happened after the December Newsletter and should have been in the January issue.

SM Frisbee Promoted
SM William Frisbee was promoted to 2 way back in December 2007 and that fact was missed by the editorial
Promotions continues on Page 5

The Eagle Eye 4

Promotions continues from Page 4

staff at the Eagle Eye. We apologize to the Lieutenant.

Safe Decision Making and Aircraft Operation

By William Frank, 2d Lt CAP
Safety Officer

This month Im going to discuss aircraft operations and where pilots can get into trouble. According to AOPA Air Safety Foundation, there are three key areas that can result in unsafe operations: First area; trying to extract too much utility from your aircraft. Not verifying or simply ignoring the weight and balance limitations of the plane. Also not calculating takeoff performance on a hot summer day with a high density altitude. Taken separately or in combination, an overloaded aircraft and reduced performance is a recipe for disaster. There are other situations where operation exceeds the utility: flight into known icing conditions without deice equipment and trying to extend a flight to the limits of a full fuel load are two. Prior to every flight a pilot needs to take a step back and realistically assess what he/she is asking the plane to do and can it safely do it. Second key area; trying to stretch your flight beyond your skills as a pilot. A typical situation is a VFR pilot who flies into IFR conditions. Another situation is crosswind landings, if you have not had recent experience at the maximum crosswind component of your aircraft (15 knots in our 172s), then a landing at or near this limit is not a safe condition. A third example is a rusty IFR rated pilot who makes a long duration flight through challenging weather and cannot make the approach to landing at the end of the flight. To maintain safe operations, a pilot must know the limitation of his or her current skills. Third area; dont try to have too much fun with the aircraft. In other words activities that are outside of the transportation mode of the aircraft. Low altitude buzzing, aerobatics in a non aerobatic aircraft, river running without reconnaissance, and untrained formation flying are examples of flight operations that can result in unsafe operations. In summary there are many factors in flying, that, if go wrong can result in a problem. Pilot decision making is one aspect entirely under our control. If we can think in terms of visualizing, recognizing, and then mobilizing on
Safety continues on Page 9 The Eagle Eye 5

Second Lieutenant William Frisbee 2 Lt William Frisbee, is a former CAP Mitchell cadet and a private Pilot. He is currently in training to become a Civil Air Patrol Pilot, with the goal of becoming a cadet orientation pilot and a mission pilot. He is currently serving as the Squadron Information Technology Officer. As a former cadet in the Pilgrim Composite Squadron 2 Lt Frisbee is no stranger to CAP, but is new to the senior program. As a cadet I never realized how much work the senior members actually did. commented the former cadet. While a cadet 2 Lt Frisbee participated in three emergency missions, one of which was a find mission. The team he was on located an emergency transmitter that was accidentally broadcasting a false alarm. 2 Lt Frisbee is a Senior Systems Engineer and in his spare time enjoys building large radio controlled aircraft and Shaolin Kempo Karate
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d d d d



TO TAKE PLACE 25 JULY 3 AUGUST 2008 The Northeast Region will be conducting the NER Cadet Academy next summer at Otis AFB, Massachusetts, which will be comprised of four schools: NER Cadet Leadership Academy NER Cadet NCO Academy NER Honor Guard Academy NER Basic Encampment

NER Cadet NCO Academy Seminar Advisors (cadet and/or officer) Cadet Commander NER Honor Guard Academy: TBD NER Basic Encampment: Standard Encampment Personnel needed Please forward all staff applications (no later than 15 February) to: Colonel Craig Treadwell, CAP Northeast Region Deputy Chief of Staff Cadet Programs 6 Sara Lane Portland ME 04103-3623 E-mail:

All members (cadet and senior) interested on serving on the staff are invited to apply on CAPF 31 with a cover letter describing what position they are looking for and what qualifications they bring to the position. Applications are due no later than 15 February. Interviews will be held on 8/9 March 2008 at Westover AFB, Massachusetts. The following positions will be needed:

NER Cadet Academy:

Admin/personnel Logistics/Supply/Transportation Communications Chaplain Finance Medical Safety PAO Support NER Cadet Leadership Academy: Adjutant (officer) Seminar Advisors (cadet and/or officer) Cadet Commander

WWII Dance
By Tom Lyons, Major CAP
Squadron Commander

Everything is still in the preliminary stages for this dance. I want everyone to have a heads up early. This can be one of the biggest events in squadron or perhaps wing history. We will need help from everybody, that means parents, friends, relatives, your parents friends relatives and anyone else it takes. This can be a night of fun and memories for many people. If we do it right people will be begging to have another one next year. BE READY. WE MUST ALL HELP. More info will follow as soon as the details are worked out in the next month or so. Tentative date is in September, coinciding with the Collings Foundation coming to Beverly.

The Eagle Eye 6

2007 Recap
These are the highlights from last year gleaned in large measure from the Newsaletter and staff reports. All of this was covered in the award night comments, and is recorded here for the record. We should be proud of our 2007 record, lets make 2008 even better.

Started a newsletter in Jan by Cadet Rasmussen 10 News letters (Missing Jan and Apr) 4 out of 4 Wing PAO reports on time 32 Articles to 21 news NER News letter twice in the one issue Made CAP Nation news web site 2 times Updated Web site Maj Carter

Assisted MEMA with the Boston Marathon Marched in the Memorial Day Parade in Danvers Supported Cystic Fibrosis Fly Day 11 Aug 2007 Wing Conference New England Air Museum Battleship Cove NER Conference West Point 5 Seniors, 2 Cadets 4 Cadets attended Encampment 1 Cadet attended a National Activity Supported Wings of Freedom Located new HQ Building and Moved in.

Commanders Message
By Tom Lyons, Major CAP
Squadron Commander

Cadet Program 2007

Added 12 new cadets Cadet Promotions 26 Including one Mitchell Chief Scicchitano 6 Promotions in 12 Months ( Well Done Chief! ed )

Senior Program 2007

Started a Senior Member Mentoring program Added 5 new Senior members Buck, Frisbee, Chaidez, Moynihan, Eaton d Bill Frank to 2 Lt 17 Jan 2007 st Dan Parsons to 1 Lt 17 Jan 2007 d Derek Morrison to 2 Lt 22 Mar 2007 Andrew Buck Captain 30 August 2007 d Bill Frisbee to 2 Lt 12 Dec 2007 nd 2 Lt Bill Frank Cap Pilot

ES Training
Mission Trainees - 6 Scanners Mission Qualified - 1 Scanner

ES Roster (Mission Qualified )

Ground team 5 people in 9 Specialties Mission Base 0 people in 0 Specialties Air Operations 3 people in 6 Specialties

Congratulations to all who won awards at our banquet January 30,2008. It is always a pleasure to award hard working individuals. Our Cadets and Seniors have given a lot of time to the Squadron this past year. They all deserve much credit. Hopefully the Cadets will be inspired to try hard this year to improve and progress rapidly in the program. There are many opportunities for you, seek them out. Scholarships, primary flight training and national activities are but a few of them. Do something that sets you apart this year. Participate in as many activities as you can, and test for your achievements. Don't forget about the physical fitness requirements either. Work hard to keep yourself in good condition. Seniors have a busy year planned as well. We have some big goals to reach this year, I know that with the group we have we can reach them. Be ready to help out on some building projects in the spring. We will be asking the parents that want to help to come forward as well. It shouldn't be too bad, maybe a little light labor. We will also be sponsoring some community service projects around the airport. I know many of you need this for school, so watch for the dates. These are opportunities to show leadership skills that we review for awards. My suggestion is to step up and take charge of a project. Or come up with one on your own. Let's make this a great year at Beverly..

The Eagle Eye 7

DCC Message
By Greg Carter, Major CAP
Deputy Commander of Cadets

Some of you may recall my challenges to our cadets as well as parents and interested friends and family members at our most recent Awards Banquet. The challenges Continue to spread the word about CAP and the cadet program. Assist us with planning for our growth and funding challenges through the possible formation of a Booster Club and look into assisting the cadet program through a cadet sponsor membership. I would like to take this time to expand on the Booster Club program and Cadet Sponsor Membership. Booster Clubs are formed to support local units growth and fundraising goals and targets. In fact we as the Beverly Composite Squadron have set a foundation for the start of a Booster Club. But who can start the booster club? Parents, community leaders and CAP members may start a club; however the club must exist separately from any CAP control, and bear sole responsibility for compliance with local, state and federal laws. Of course the club will have as an advisor our Squadron Commander who will report the status, needs and any wants of the squadron and its members. There are not many limitations on a booster club in that only it may not utilize the name of Civil Air Patrol or US Air Force Auxiliary. In the past current squadron members have talked about the formation of a booster club and have thought of a name that follows this rule Friends of Beverly Composite Squadron. But what exactly can a booster club do for us? Well you are all probably aware of the many booster clubs of our local school sports programs, usually running a snack shack during athletic games. Well as you also no, we are planning to participate very actively in the Wings of Freedom in 2008. A booster club could operate a small concession stand selling Hot dogs, Chips, popcorn etc to help in raising funds needed for us to maintain the building and even expand the building to accommodate new members. As well other fundraising and support type activities can be planned and operated by the Booster club. We are now reaching out to the parents and family members to help us with our growth and what better way

than to begin with a Booster Club. Please help us to help your cadets, to ensure that there will always be a Beverly Composite Squadron, expand our usable space and provide the tools needed to operate the cadet program effectively. If you are interested in working with us in starting a Booster Club please contact myself or Maj. Lyons. The other challenge offered was regarding Cadet Sponsor Membership (CSM). What exactly is a Cadet Sponsor Membership you may ask? Basically this is a membership category that allows parents, grandparents and guardians of current cadet members to assist the units cadet program by providing adult supervision and transportation for overnight activities and any other cadet related tasks that is deemed necessary by the unit commander. A CSM is a financial supporter who maintains current membership through payment of annual dues but doesnt not participate in any capacity except as outlined below: Pay Annual dues of $20.00 (first year is $25.00 which includes a special name tag). You are assigned to the same unit as your cadet sponsor. You must complete our Level 1 and Cadet Protection Program training before associating with CAP Cadets. May ride in or drive a CAP motor vehicle (driving: after obtaining a CAP motor vehicle identification card) May ride as passenger only in CAP aircraft May wear but not required to a CAP distinctive uniform (not Air Force style). Membership is in effect until their cadet sponsor leaves the CAP program for any reason. Why are we soliciting for CSMs We can provide more outside activities for the cadets by supplementing our Active Senior member ranks. We hope that you may consider becoming more active with the Civil Air Patrol by joining our CSM ranks and help us to make the cadet program more enjoyable to your cadet members. For more information on becoming a Cadet Sponsor Member, please contact myself or Maj. Lyons. Both of us can be reached at our regular meeting nights or by email as provided on our Squadron web site,

The Eagle Eye 8

Protect Yourself Online

By William Frisbee, 2d Lt CAP
IT Officer

One thing you are going to see every month is a notice to make sure your computers are kept up to date. Every month both Microsoft and Apple release updates for their various software. Apple users visit and Microsoft users visit Make a point to do this once a month. Ill be sure to remind you in each column, but make it a habit so its done before you read the news letter. Every year software bugs cause ID theft, loss of important data and can be a big nuisance. The more up to date your computers software, the safer you are. One thing I really wanted to discuss this week is mobile phones. Every day while driving to work, I see people cutting across lanes of traffic, swerving in and out of lanes, and just driving badly. Most of the time, I see a cell phone in the persons hands. This is just a bad thing. Did you realize that driving while on the phone is just as bad as driving drunk? Yes thats right, just as many people are hurt or killed because someone wasnt paying attention and was talking on the phone as are killed by drunk drivers. While not all of you drive, most of you have cell phones or drive with people that use them. Is that phone call worth your life? The life of others? Keep off the phone while driving. Dont be afraid to tell your parents or the person driving that talking on the phone while driving is dangerous! If you or they have to use the phone while driving, pull over, use the phone. Driving with Massachusetts drivers on the road is bad enough, dont make matters worse! I know people will claim a headset makes things better, but it really doesnt, your attention is focused on that phone call not the road in front of you where it should be. These problems get even worse when you text while driving. While I know its really convenient send texts to your friend to tell them you are running late, to check the game score or to check stock options, it most assuredly isnt something you should be doing while driving! Dont become another accident statistic because you just had to read that one email, send that one message or check to see how your bank account is doing. On another, better topic, the Squadron will be getting

internet access very shortly in our building. One computer with internet access with be available on each of the floors. These computers will allow us to quickly update cadet and officer files, testing and grading and a multitude of CAP related business to improve the squadron. I expect these computers to be treated with respect and used with care. I will discuss further rules and regulations around the use of these computers when we get closer to having them installed. Thats it for this month, feel free to email me or contact me during the Squadron meetings if you have any IT related questions. My email address is

Top Senior Award

Senior of the Year
First Lieutenant Dan Parsons won the Senior Member of the Year Award at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

To earn this award Squadron Commander cited First Lieutenants presents at more meetings and activities than any other senior member. Lieutenant Parsons is also very active in his duties as Deputy Commander of seniors, Professional Development Officer and assistant Finance Officer. He spends many hours of his own personal time attending to the details of these staff positions.

Safety continues from Page 5

every flight, we will be on the way to safer operations. Details of this column taken from SAFETYPILOT, AOPA Pilot, February 2006

The Eagle Eye 9

DCS Message
By Dan Parsons, 1st Lt CAP
Deputy Commander of Seniors

Second Lieutenant Bill Frank, Cap Pilot

Congratulations go out to 2 Lt Bill Frank for completing his qualification to become the squadrons newest CAP Pilot.

I would like to thank everyone who attended the 2007 awards banquet and congratulate everyone who received a well deserved award. I would also like to thank our past Commander Lt. Col. Jones for her dedicated service to our great Squadron and congratulate our new commander Maj. Lyons. WE have done a lot over the past few years, but there is a lot more to be done! First as you probably have heard from Major Lyons and me, we need donations and / or fundraising. I would like to do another raffle in the next month or so. This will either be a fifty-fifty or some type of prize(s). If anyone has any ideas or contacts that would be willing to donate and item or service for this please let me know. Spring is just around the corner so maybe something summer orientated? Also I have not had any responses except for one regarding Senior training. Other than the usual what would you like to do or see? I am still working out the details on the ICS 200 course that we will offer this year. It looks like CAP has made some changes in the training / instruction of this course in the last month, stay tuned for further information. AS far as uniforms there has been a few changes. Please take a look at the letter posted at the Squadron or check it out at df If you have not heard we have a new Squadron patch. Thank you to Major McIntosh for all your work in designing this GREAT patch. The Massachusetts Wing Conference is March 7-9 2008 if you are planning on going please register early at online registration is for seniors only. Cadets need to see Maj. Carter.
We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship. Omar Nelson Bradley

2d Lt Bill Frank, CAP Pilot Ipswich resident 2 Lieutenant William Frank joined the Civil Air Patrol 20-Jan-06 and currently serves as the squadron safety officer. Lieutenant Frank completed his qualifications for CAP Pilot in December of 2007. Lieutenant Frank is a member of the Northshore Frogman and currently holds an Open Water certification with PADI.

Notice to Airmen
Free IACRA Integrated Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application training is now available. IACRA is the new and better way of process airman applications and is fast replacing the old FAA Form 87101. To learn more about this new and interactive program go to and click on any of the links to get all the information you will ever need on this innovative program.

Welcome New Members

Natahan Boeske Beverly, Ma

Nicolas Nicoll East Falmouth, Ma

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Promotions continues from Page 5

Reports Due
SM Moynihan Promoted
SM Andrew Moynihan was promoted to 2 Lieutenant at the Annual Squadron Awards night on 30 Jan 2008.

James M. McIntosh, Major USCAP Administration Officer

All these reports are due at Wing HQ NO LATER THAN the 10th of March, unless otherwise noted. Monthly Unit Safety Report (SE) MWF 2-17 A/C Report & NER Flight Log (DOO/FMM) CAPF 99, Flight Release Log (SD, DO) MWF 73, Vehicle Inspection (LGT) Communications Equipment Accountability Report, CEAR/S8 (DC) With responsibility statement

Second Lieutenant Andrew Moynihan 2 Lt Andrew Moynihan has been a member of the Civil Air Patrol since July 2007. He is also a member of the d Massachusetts State Guard. In the Civil Air Patrol 2 Lt Moynihan is training for duties as a member of a ground search team.

For the Eagle Eye

Columns 2 March 2007 DCS, DCC, Safety Officer, Professional Development Officer, AEO, ESO, FO, and of course from the Squadron Commander. News stories 9 March 2008 Promotions, Missions etc. and other late breaking material.

2008 SAREX Schedule

Schedule subject to Change; Contact Lt Col Mottley

19 & 20 January 07:30 17:30 SAREX1: DONE 16 & 17 February 07:30 17:30 SAREX2: DONE 19 & 20 April 07:30 17:30 SAREX3: 17 & 18 May 07:30 17:30 SAREX4: 21 & 22 June 07:30 17:30 SAREX5: 23 & 24 August 07:30 17:30 SAREX6: 20 & 21 September 07:30 17:30 SAREX7: 18 & 19 October 07:30 17:30 SAREX8: 22 & 23 November 07:30 17:30 SAREX9:

Ref: National Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 2 3 November 2007 U.S. Civil Air Patrol. ACTION: Approved that the name Civil Air Patrol is the official name and that all references to U.S. be permanently removed and other references to U. S. Civil Air Patrol be phased out over a reasonable transition period based upon logistical practicality. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

The Eagle Eye 11

Proficiency Flight
By Andrew Buck, Captain CAP

PAO Message
By Andrew Buck, Captain CAP

A cold day, broken clouds, one CAP Pilot, two Paid up CAP members, sounds like someone needed to get into the air.

Grandma and Grandpa interested in the newsletter so they can keep up with the grand Kids? Send me an email address and Ill add them to the Friends and Family email alias. Also remember I do bring a few paper copies of the newsletter to the meeting for the computer challenged, they are free for the taking. Remind your cadets if you want them to bring you a copy.

Second Lieutenant Bill Frank, Pilot 2 Lt Frank was in the mood to take Squadron d Commander Tom Lyons, Major, CAP and 2 Lt Bill Frisbee up for some flight time out of Fitchburg Airport on his first proficiency flight since he became a CAP Pilot.

Squadron Stats
Jan 2008 5 Cadet Promotions 1 New Cadet 2 Senior Promotions 3 Cadet Awards 1 Senior Award 2 Mission callouts, 1 mission, 1 find

Wing Conference 2008

Only some light traffic The three officers wanted to familiarize themselves with the area and Pilot Frank wanted to do some touch and go landings. A little nervy taking the Squadron Commander up on your first proficiency flight, but it paid off when Major Lyons d reported during the weekly staff meeting that 2 Lt Frank, is a fine pilot. Ill fly with him any time. Members, contact Lt Frank for your seat assignments. Photos by 2 Bill Frisbee, CAP

March 7-8-9 Sea Crest Resort and Conference Center North Falmouth, Ma Old Silver Beach on Cape Cod 350 Quaker Road - North Falmouth, MA 02556 tel 508 540-5300 - fax 508 540-7710 To all the new members, this conference is for you!

Squadron Calendar
Night 20 Feb 08 27 Feb 08 5 Mar 08 12 Mar 08 Uniform BDU Blues Blues BDU Cadets ES Review Boards, Leadership Training AE, Moral Leadership, Promotions & Awards Testing, PT Seniors TBD TBD Promotions & Awards TBD All TBD TBD Promotions & Awards Safety Briefing

The Eagle Eye 12

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