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Users Guide for FrontRest

Installation of FrontRest....................................................................................................................... 4 Installation in ICG terminals........................ 4 Installation in other terminals.................................................................................................... 4 Installation of the software ....................................................................................................... 4 Terminals and devices............. 9 Terminals................ 10 Devices........ 11 Printer..... 12 Cash drawer.. 13 Display.... 15 Extern DLL. 16 TeleComanda. 17 Company data... 18 Change the language....... 18 Fast item creation......... 19 Adding formats.... 22 Adding modifiers......... 24 Divisible modifiers....... 26 Employee maintenance and Time clock........... 28 Employee maintenance......... 28 Time clock................... 28 Manual registration password and employee card......... 29 Registration password with finger prints.... 30 Employee registration summary......... 32 Printer and kitchen screens configuration.................... 34 Creation of kitchen printout 34 Creation of kitchen screens 36 HioScreen configuration.38 Client management. Loyalty and prepay cards. 39 Loyalty cards. 39 Configuration.. 41 Exchange points for gifts configuration......... 42 Exchange points for discounts configuration.............. 43 Loyalty cards...43 Assign card to a client. 43 Prepay cards. 46 Discount reason 50 Creation of discount reason... 50 Sending to Front configuration... 51 Application of lineal discount reason.... 52 Application of total discount reason...... 53 Stock management....... 54 Items to buy............. 54 Items to sell.......... 55 Item with formats........... 56 Purchases by format... 57 Configuration.. 57 Input the purchase delivery note. 58
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Inventory... 59 Stock recount...... 60 POS closing and cash control............. 61 POS closing..... 61 Automatic Z..... 68 24 hours configuration.... 69 Safe box control...... 70 Sales with tables... 73 To make a sale in cash...... 73 To finish a sale with credit card.................... 74 Sales on hold.... 74 Item with formats........ 75 Item with modifiers................. 75 Specials.... 77 Split a sale.... 78 Tip..... 80 Change table....... 83 Other operations...... 84 Correct.... 84 Return..... 85 Change prize....... 85 Delete items from the order..... 86 Associate a client to an order.. 86 Delivery..................... 87 For delivery...... 88 Delivery........ 89 Cash movements...... 90 Closing day. Z cash count............................................. 91 Open Tab.................................................................................................... 92 Configuration..... 92 Pending sale........................ 92 To recover a pending sale........... 92 Rooms design.. 93 Auto design. 93 Manual design 94 Employee options....... 96 How to add and remove an icon. 96 Reports and Charts....... 97 Reports...... 97 Payment type summarize........ 98 Daily receipts summary.... 99 Sales by hour......................... 99 Item ranking............... 100 Return summary................... 100 Profit margin........... 101 Complementary.. 101 Cash movement: Balance by seller........... 102 Audit........ 102 Tax summary................ 103 Items stock..... 103 Charts...104 Daily summary...... 104 Monthly summary........................ 105 Sales by hour......... 105 Annex 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 107
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SQL 2008 Express with Web Platform Installer Installation............................................................. 107 Download from the web of Microsoft the web installation ............................................................... 107 Select the web platform Data base............................................................................................... 108 Automatically downloading the applications to install...................................................................... 109 To input SQL parameters............................................................................................................ 110 Change accounts of services execution of SQL.............................................................................. 110 Habilitate TCP IP for the installed instances................................................................................... 111 Certificate that firewall allows the exclusion of SQL Server..............................................................112 Install Backward Compatibility (SQLDMO.DLL)................................................................................112

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Installation of FrontRest Installation in ICG terminals

All the ICG terminals come already configured with the following components:

Operative system Microsoft Windows POS Ready 2009 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express

Only need to install FrontRest in the ICG terminal.

Installation in other terminals

In case of installing in a other brand of POS. You will have to install the following components:


Please see Annex 1.

Installation of FrontRest
Input the CD in the computer, and a 5 options screen will appear. Click Update if you want to execute the setup of FrontRest.

The next screen is about the language of the installation process. You can choose the language that you prefer and in this case English (United States), and finally click Ok. Then the welcome screen of the installation will appear. Click Next.

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Accept the License Agreement by clicking Yes.

This screen inputs where the software is going to be installed. To continue, please click Next.

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Once the software is installed, click Finish.

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Select the type of solution that fits better for your business: FrontRest: For restaurants, where the main sale will be at the tables. FrontDisco: For Discotheques and Pubs, where the main sale will be the direct sale. FrontCaf: For coffee shops and cafeterias, where the main sale will be the direct sale and at the tables as well. FrontFood: For Fast-Food, where the main sale will be the direct sale.

Please select the option New data base creation and then please click Next.

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In the Data base connection, inputs: SQL Server: If the installation is in the same premise, write Localhost or the instance name of SQL. If the installation is in a personal computer, input the IP address or the PC name that is the server of SQL Server. User: Write sa. Password: By default appears masterkey. Data Base: Write the name that you want to put for your data base.

Input the address where you want to save your data base and click Next.

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Once the data base is created, click Ok.

The last step will be to call ICGs Commercial Department to obtain the systems Identification key. For that, you will need the license number that is printed in the card close to the FrontRest package. Give the operator the identification key and the systems license number.

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Write the key into the register box Type here the key to register the program. Check the box Update the license though Internet and write the license number and then click Register License now.

Terminals and Devices

Configure from this section the default values of each one of the terminals. As well as the peripherals (printers, biometric readers, etc) connected to each one of the terminals. This screen shows all the terminals defined in FrontRest.

To enter in to the configuration of the software you will need to select the terminal icon of your POS and click Edit Element. The software values are set at default by the software itself but the setting depends on the business type that you have.

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POS: ICG will input the number that our terminal will have. If you have two or more different POS systems; designate a different number to each one of them. The number of POS also defines the series of tickets and invoices (for example, if we assign the POS 1 the series of ticket will be T001 and the invoices F001. If we designate the POS 2, the series will be T002 and F002).

Breaking Hour: By default, FrontRest interpret that if the Z is done after the 00:00h, the cash count will be done with date of the new day. There are businesses that can do different sessions, for example; from 8 pm until 2 am, and from 2 am until 8 am and those sessions have to have the same cash count date. We are talking about discotheques and night clubs. The FrontRest disposes the possibility to define the hour after which the software will change the day, on other words; the discotheque will change the breaking hour to 9 am, so the cash count will count all the session as one day and not in two days.

Sale Warehouse: This is the warehouse in which after a sale the software will take the item out from the stock and ordered the item. If you want to change it you will have to click on the magnifying glass.

Central Warehouse: This is the warehouse which supplies the sale warehouse. It is only feasible to have this central warehouse different from the main when you have different sale warehouses and those are supplied by the central warehouse.

Waste Warehouse: This is the warehouse where all the broken and lost items that you have in your warehouse go.

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Orders printers and delivery notes: This is the printer in which will all the orders and delivery notes will be printed. Previously we have to create the printer from Terminals and Devices.

Click New Element to create a new device.


Select the ticket printer from the left column. The printer should have been created before in Windows.
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If the printer has a cash drawer connected, check the box Open cash drawer when using printer. To select the printers escape sequences. Click on the magnifying glass in the printer model.

Select the printer model and click Ok. Automatically a group of escape sequences will appear. For ICG model printer please apply Samsung SRP350. For other model printer configuration will vary. Once the printer is configuration you are done. Click Ok. When you have the printer configured in to FrontRest. You may set the printer designs in Printout Designs.

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Click the magnifying glass to select the printer for each type of document.

Cash Drawer

If the cash drawer is not connected to a ticket printer you may configured it here. Port: Mark the port where you connected the cash drawer and the sequence to open it (the sequence must be provided by the supplier). Memory address (TouchPC2): Some terminals have a special connector which calls directly to a BIOS zone. It depends on the operative system that can have access to those zones. Input the Port Address proportioned by the hardware manufacturer.

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TPOS2 Port (M3 and M6 models) and (PS1V model): Input the port where is connected.

You may control how the cash drawer opens or closes with those models. To use this option correctly. The cash drawer should dispose a sensor that has to input if the cash drawer is opened or closed. For there more it must be connected to the ICG hardware to be compatible. Otherwise the system will not be able to control the device.

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In this screen you may configure the option to block the POS system from working if the cash drawer is open. On other words; you can make the software not to allow anyone to continue working until till the cash drawer is fully close. You can also configure the time from which the software will audit the state of the cash drawer. The audit of the cash drawer can be consulted on the Audit Report in the Report control section. Cash drawer connected to printer: Select the printer that will be connected to the cash drawer, indicating the port and the escape sequences.

First, you have to create the device in Windows. Aggregate a new printer and select the manufacturer Generic and Generic Printer Only text. Next, select the port where it is connected to. The display as a name for the printer writes DISPLAY (in capital letters). Enter in the displays properties and in Details / Port Configuration; change the Flow Control and write Hardware.

Once the client display is configured. Select the display model (if the visor is not on the model list you should know if it is compatible with any of the others and configure the switches as the manufacturer inputs). You
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will mark the port where is connected to the display. The Initialization sequence and the Deletion sequence. If the client display is EPSON. The sequences in both will be 27,12 If the client display is CD5220 or CD6220. The sequences in both will be 12.

From the Configure screen you may create a welcome message or make the hour and the date appear. The software has two rows an upper and lower row. This is where you have to input all the text that you want to show. If you simply want to show only the date and hour you have to click on Date-Time.

External DLL

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To execute a DLL library when selecting a payment type (for example credit card) in the sale screen. You have to assign here a name of that library and localize where it is.

If you have an ICG TeleComanda. The software will require a Key to register the TeleComanda. Please call to the commercial department to obtain the key.

TCP-IP port and IP address: To add the TeleComanda in the system; the device will show the POS IP and the TCP that will be used. The port number is principally fixed but the software allows it to be changed in case of having the software listening on the same port. Due to multipliable devices or TeleComanda on the same port. Collect and remote printer: Principally used in terraces. This activity allows you to know the table bills and charges, from the TeleComanda. It is also necessary to have this property active to be able to change the subtotals and print the tickets. Complementary: Allow marking the invitation items at prize zero. References to send: It is mandatory to send at least a reference per item because TeleComanda has compatibility with elder versions. The system allows selecting the reference that we want to send. It is important to select only one, because if not the items will be repeated in the TeleComanda. Automatic printout configuration: Select the printout configuration for the printer that you prefer to print out of. That printout configuration does not have to be the same as FrontRest. Select documents designs for credit card payments: Select the ticket and invoice designs that you want to printout when collecting a sale from TeleComanda.

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Company Data
Input all the company data from Configuration / Company.

Change the language:

Configuration / Advanced / Personalize. In case the wrong language is chosen when installing FrontRest. You may change the language from the box language. Once the new language has been chosen click Apply Changes and rebooting the software with the new language.

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Fast creation of items:

To create items quickly and easily click More options / File and then click the tab Item. The next step will be to click Sections. As you can see in the screenshot below.

Create a section by clicking New. Write the description and assosiate and assign the department and a text or image.

Click Items.

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Once inside click the Gallery icon.

Different sections will appear in the screen inside of the gallery. Select which one you need:

Click the different pictures of the products you want to sell.

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Erase all the selection

Erase one

List of selected articles. Click Create items and Exit. You just have to add the price and click Save.

You may also create articles one by one and then adding a picture from the gallery. By click New.

Input the description and the items price. Now, you may click Gallery located in the right bottom of the screen. To assign an image to the item.
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The software will assign by default the Rate 1 and Rate 2 (Those are the sale rates), the same rates you have set in Business / General. You may modify the item and associate different rates for different items.

If you want to decide the price when selling the product, by Clicking Free Price. You can also assign the order of the items when selling the products.

Adding Formats:
The software allows us to create items that can be sold in formats. For example, the Vodka is an article that can be sold as shot, cup, glass, or mixed drink. If you have not created the formats for the items, you can arrange it by clicking Prices/Formats. Once you are inside the screen , click Formats.

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For each format you should define its reference and description. If the format is a mixed drink, it has to input the portion 1, which corresponds to the liquor, and the portion 2, the soda. If the item is not a mixed drink, we just have to input the portion 1.

It is also possible to assign an image or a text.

From this screen you can assign the formats and the price for the items which you sell. You will see in the central part of the screen those articles you have created in the section and also see the available formats in the right.

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Available formats

Created items

Select one or several items and associate the format that you prefer. Automatically, in the bottom of the screen, it is going to appear the different formats and rates to assign a sale price.

Formats and prices

The selected articles appear with a yellow square surrounding the picture

Once you have finished, click Save and Exit. If any of the items do not have the box checked it is sold by doses, the software will ask if you want to do it automatically. All the items shaded in yellow have format.

Adding Modifiers:
It is possible to associate groups of modifiers for the items with the purpose to detail the preparation or the type of side dishes. For example: it is possible to create elaboration modifiers like RARE, WELL DONE, etc., and the side dishes like FRENCH FRIES, PEPPERS, etc, others of preparation like WITHOUT SALT, WHITHOUT ONION, etc.

Click Modifiers.

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If you do not have any group of modifiers, you can also do it from this option. By clicking Modifier File.

The modifier groups can be compounds by items (yellow background) or comments (White background). Select New to add a description for the modifiers group. To assign items click Sections, select one and the items that it will appear under. Then select one or more items and they will remain assigned to this group of modifiers.

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For the observations, click Comments and it will appear all the available.

Add to the group of modifiers

Selected items

To decreases your stock when you assign a modifier to a product, for example, French fries. You will need to assign a quantity to take out from the stock in the portion column, by default, it appears portion 1. It is also possible to assign to each item or comment, from the modifier groups, an increase of price that would be add to the item that you are modifying If you want to change the order of an item or comment, select it and click Selection (up and down), to put it in the correct position. Once you have created the group of modifiers, which you are interested in, click Save and Exit. Now assign the group of modifiers to the articles.

Select the items and check the box of the modifier groups.

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The groups of modifiers have also properties that you can assign: Rate: By default it appears ALL, which means it will apply this group of modifier to all the sale rates. If you want to apply only for a rate, click in Rate and it will appear that image, click it and select the rate. Multi: Mark the check you are selling you can when the groups of modifiers are Multi-section. On other words, when select more than one modifier.

Min. and Max.: When the group of modifiers is Multi-section, you may input the number of minimum and maximum of modifiers to sell. Auto: Mark the check mark if you want to see the time of sell for that item. The software will go directly to the group of modifiers screen.

Divisible Modifiers:
You can also find items that you need divisible modifiers like pizza for example. In which you can choose the different ingredients that you can use in each part of your pizza. Select the items and/or comments you want to add in your item. Click the check Divisible.

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At the moment of the point of sell of your pizza this screen will appear:


Divisibles parts of the pizza

Ingredients that you do not want Divisible parts in a pizza: You can add ingredients for the four parts of your pizza. The image of a whole pizza appears by default, but if you want only ingredients for a half of the pizza you are going to click the upper arrow. Add the ingredients for this half of the pizza. If you only want a quarter just click add the ingredients for that part. You can also point out which .

on the quarter we prefer. For example,

ingredients you do not want in your pizza by clicking

The sale screen will show with all detail of the ingredients you have selected for each part of your pizza.

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Employee Maintenance and Time Clock Employee maintenance:

Go to Configuration / Employee

Click New and input the employee code. Input the employees name. In Short Name write the name that you want to appear in the Employee Selection screen. Assign the employee type by clicking the magnifying glass. The software offers three kinds of employees by default depending of the kind of FrontRest you installed. Finally, input the employees personal data.

Time Clock:
The presence control allows to have an entry-exit registration as well as to have a time control of the worked hours and the costs for these hours.

When working with time clock you can work in three different ways: With a manual registration password With an employee card With the finger print

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Manual registration password and employee card

First, you have to configure that you want to work with time clock. Click Configuration / Terminals Types / Sellers, and check the box Enable Time Clock by terminal.

Input an employee registration in the Employee Maintenance screen. If you are using the magnetic stripe reader to define a registration password from a PVC card. (Swiping an employee card) Numbers and letters are possible. (The symbols as %&_ cannot be used). The first half of characters will be compared with the second half of them. If the two parts are equal will mean that the final password is one of the halves, but if they are different, all the characters will be the final password

Knowing that is easy to obtain a correct code to have as a password, for example: If it reads: %asd2414csdaf, the password will be: asd2414csdaf If it reads: %&1234%&1234 the password will be 1234 because if we take out the special characters. You could read 12341234 and the first half is (1234) which is equal to the second half (1234).

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Registration password with finger print

First, you have to configure that you want to work with time clock. Click Configuration / Terminals Types / Sellers, and check the box Enable Time Clock by terminal.

You also have to activate the device. Go to Configuration / Terminals/Devices, and click New Element and then Biometric Reader.

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Click Register the first finger print in the Employee Maintenance screen.

Put the finger on the biometric reader and look at the screen which requests us to take four samples of the finger prints.

Continue the same process for registering our second finger print.

Because you have to check the box Enable Time Clock by terminal, the employees will disappear of the Employee selection screen.

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From this screen click Clock in and input the password, swiping the card or registering the finger print. At the end of the working day, the employee will repeat the same proceed but now clicking Clock out.

At the moment that the employees are registered, they will appear in the Employee selection screen.

Employee Register Summary

If we click Charts in the screen of Employees, we can see the entry-exit information of all the employees, the total of hours worked per day, the sales done and the cost of each employee.

We have two statistics: E/E Summary (Entry-Exit summary), we can see an exhaustive report about the entry-exit hours, hours worked, total sales, number of sale operations, average price of all the sales per hour and per sale operations, the cost by employee for the total of hours worked and extra hours for each employee. Accumulated by Employee, we can see the accumulated of the previous summary: Total of hours, total sale amount, total number of operations, average sale price per hour, average amount of sales by operations, total amount of the extra hour cost by employee.

Clicking Filter we can input which employee type we want to see in the chart. Clicking Date we can filtrate the date interval which we prefer. To see the costs, we must configure it, in Configuration / Company, tab PayRoll.

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input the number of hours that compose the work day and more than that will be considered as extra hours. In Configuration / Employee types, we should input the cost of a normal hour and an extra hour. Clicking Assign to emplyees of the type, it will copy all the costs for all the employees which have been assigned to that employee type.

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Printers and Kitchen Screens Configuration:

Creation of kitchen printout:

When we activate the kitchen printouts in our team is important to name the printer for the place where is located (kitchen, bar, etc...) To create the screens from FrontRest we have to go to Configuration / Terminals/Devices and then click New Element.

We are going to select the peripheral Printer. activate as many kitchen printers as we have. In the left part will appear all the printers that we have set in our team. select from this list the printer we want to have in the kitchen

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Once we have activated the kitchen printers, proceed to set the different situations for each one of the printers. From Configuration / Advanced / Kitchen Printout Configuration.

The different locations will appear on the left part of the screen, where we have the printers. In the upper part will appear all the printers that have been configured in FrontRest.

2 3

select the printer, the location and then click Add.

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Besides assigning a printer to a location, we must associate also the locations to the items, sections and mixed drinks. For that, go to the tab Location by Item or Situations by Mixed Drink.

click the section and mark the location we prefer and then click Add.

Creation of the kitchen screen:

FrontRest can work with kitchen screen to exchange the traditional kitchen print models for screens. The first we should do is to activate the kitchen print. Configuration / Terminal Types, tab Printout, check the boxes Enable remote printing to kitchen and Use HiOScreen.

Indicate the machines IP where we have installed HIOScreen.

In the option Configuration / Advanced, click Screens to create the different kitchen screens that we have.
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Once the different kitchen screens are created, we click Kitchen Printout Config. click Screens and associate the locations which we are interested in the different screen that we can use.

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Configuration of HiOScreen:
select the situations, in HiOScreens Configuration, to visualize them in the screen.

For more information see the Users Guide for HioScreen.

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Client Management. Loyalty Cards and Prepay Cards

Loyalty Cards:
The loyalty cards are cards that we send to the customers to compensate them for coming to our restaurant. This compensation can be received every time that our customers consume something (as a discount) or after a time (they have x points that can exchange for a gift or a free meal).

go to Configuration / Client/Supplier, Loyalty to create fidelity cards.

click New to create a loyalty card of accumulated points.

input in the description the name of the card we are making. not check the box, Admits balance, because the card would become a prepay card. We can accumulate points in two different ways: With the rate points The points will accumulate on the card depending of the products that our clients consume. This rate will be valued in points not in real money.

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go to Configuration / Rates to create a rate points. click New and write the rate points description and click Save.

Once created the rate points, we should select the items that will accumulate points when selling them. After we enter in Configuration / Item / Sections, select the section clicking Search and then Items.

Once in the screen Show Items, click Default values. After that, check the rate points box to select it and click Ok.

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input the points that will be accumulated to each item. repeat the same process for the items to other sections. X points for X money: input how many points will accumulate for each euro consumed.

Exchange points by gifts configuration:

Configuration / Client/Supplier, Loyalty.

click New. We can create different warnings, indicating the number of points that will be necessary to get the gift, the description of the warning (Ex. T-SHIRT GIFT) and check the box Only Gifts.
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Creation of Gift Items

Configuration / Item / Item, Ok.

click New; write the gift items description, assigning a department and a section. check the boxes Display in sale screen and the item uses stock, and in the option Item type, select Gift.

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Configuration of exchange points by discounts:

enter in Configuration / Client/Supplier, Exchange points. see in the bottom part with the title Exchange points by discounts the place to define the equivalence between points and money. Ex. If we want that our loyalty card discounts 1$ for each 50 points we should write in the box $, 1, and in the points, 50. select the item which will appear in the sale ticket less the discount made.

Loyalty cards
be able to work with three types of cards: Barcode, magnetic stripe and RF-ID.

Assigning a card for a client

We can assign a card to a client; we should configure first the options which will allow us to assign a card to a customer. go Configuration / Employee Types, tab Sale, and check the box Activate Loyalty cards on sale.

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go to Configuration / Employee Type Options and add from the options Configuration the botton Clients.

Sale Operative
To assign the card on a customer click Client in the sale screen click New and write the client information.

The first step is going to the tab Loyalty and clicking Edit Cards. The secont step will be clicking New, and in Id.Card write the number of the card or click Swipe Card to pass the card for the magnetic stripe.

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click the magnifying glass in Card Type and associate the card we have made before. click Ok.

input, in the Expiration field, the date when we want to finish the campaign. Finnally check the box Delivered.

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click Save and Exit. And Exit again. Once created the loyalty card, input the sale and swipe the card at the end. Automatically see in the Information Panel how appears the clients name.

Note: If we swipe the card at the beginning, it will accumulate NO points, on the other hand, if we swipe the card in the middle of a sale, the card will only accumulate the points of the items that have already on the bill.

Pre paid Cards:

The anonymous prepay cards are cards with an initial balance. The clients buy the card and can buy until the balance get 0. When the clients arrive at that point, they can choose to buy a new one or refill the old one. To load the pre paid cards; we should add a new button on the sale screen. go to Configuration / Employee Type Options and add the Load Card, located in the option, Sale.

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Sales Operative
click Load Card from the sale screen before to start the sale.

That will be the moment to swipe the pre paid card for the stripe.

It will appear a window with the possibilities to do; click Create Gift Card.

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After that, it will appear the screen which allows us to load the pre paid card.

input the amount of money to load and then click Ok. Finally finish the sale. Automatically the system will show a message reporting about the success burden of the card.

To sell with a pre-paid card, we just have to add the items to the bill before swiping the card. Automatically, the cards balance will decrease the same amount than the total of the ticket. If there is enough balance the bill will get 0. If there is no enough balance, the card will get 0 and the rest will have to be paid as a normal sale.
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When there is no enough balance, the card pays until get 0 and then the clients pay the rest as they prefer.

To see the sales that have been done by pre-paid card, go to Sales Summary and click No Sales.

To see the balance and the detail of a card, swipe the card on the sale screen without introducing any item and the next screen will be showed:

To see the balance of the card from here. You will have to click Report and you will be able to see all the movements that the card did.
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Discount Reasons

Creation of Discount Reason:

You can create discount reasons in ICGManager by going to Files / Auxiliary Files / Discount Reason.

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Click New and input the description. Now, you may select where you want to apply the discount:

On line: The discount will be applied in the sales line. Input the percentage of discount that apply and whether that discount is changeable or not. If you check the box The discount can be modified. This will allow you to choose the discount that you prefer at the point of sale.

On total: apply the discount for the total. You will be able to select between discount and amount and insert total.

Mask: It will help us to identify the reason for the discount through the cards (for the customers, employees, etc) Dispose of two symbols to identify the cards: * ? Example: *029&V* The asterisk discriminate all the characters until arrive to 029&V and the final asterisk discriminate all the subsequent characters. Because of that, all those cards which have 029&V will apply the discount.

*029?V* The asterisk discriminate all the characters until arrive 029. The question mark discriminate a character. After that, the card has to have mandatorily a V. The final asterisk discriminate again all the subsequent characters. Summarizing, the cards which include 029, followed for a random character that finish with a V will apply the discount.

Sending to Front configuration:

To be able to apply the discount reason in FrontRest and/or FrontRetail, you must configure the sending in Fronts / Fonts, tab Send. Click Block Editing and check the box Discount reasons.

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Application of a lineal discount

The lineal discount reasons are only applicable to FrontRetail. To be able to apply this kind of discounts, you have to go to Configuration / Company, tab Sale and check the box Request discount reason.

You can also add the option Discount by line in the sale screen. Go to Configuration / User, in the left, have to click in the Access Front section, Options, and finally, select Discount by Line.

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When selling an article in FrontRetail. You only have to click Discount by Line.

The Discount Reasons list will appear to apply the discount, so you have to select one and then click Ok.

If the discount is modifiable. You will be able to accept the discount or to input a lower discount.

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Application of a total discount reason:

The Total Discount can be applied in FrontRest and in FrontRetail. After a sale, click Total in FrontRest or Tikets in FrontRetail. Click Change the price in FrontRest or Dpt. in FrontRetail.

You can change a discount of two different ways: Swipe the customer card; automatically the system will apply discount if the masks conditions are applied. Manually select the discount reason clicking the magnifying glass.

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Stock Management
If you want the stocks working correctly. You should divide them in two groups: Items to buy Items to sell

Items to buy:
Those items that you are going to buy would be generics and the reference measures should come reflected in amounts like 1Kg, 1 liter, etc Because, you can find a same item which you can buy in different measures, the system will allow you to know the number of kilos or liters of one single product without knowing the kind of packaging. With that be able to know perfectly the samplings. How can you create an Item to buy? Go to Configuration / Item / Item. Click Ok to enter in the items sheet. Then, click New. Write the items description, for example, FRIED TOMATO.

Input the item owns, for example, to the department, Items to buy, and input the section and the tax to buy this item. In the place Measure, input the weight, of your case 1KG. Input in the Yield square, how much you are going to use the product, 1 is 100% (for example with a kilo of chicken use the 95%, because not need the bones. Therefore input in the square 0.95). Check the box The item uses Stock and Sold by portions. In the tab Purchase, input the units of the items also the purchase price, and the discount.

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Items to sell.
The items to sell are always made by items to buy. All the items to sell can be created by the quick creation of the item or from Sections (See the document Quick Creation of Items).

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You dont have to check the box The item uses Stock, because if you have detailed all the components of the dish, the software will take out from the stock the ingredients automatically. You must have It is a set checked because, you will be able to specify the components of the dish. To specify the cost structures components, click Components.

Click with F6 each one of the items to buy that is used to make the item to sell. Input in net quantity the amount of the item that has to be removed from the stock, for example, you buy the item bacon in kilos, the measure is 1 KG, and in net quantity is 0.3 KG. If you input, in the item to buy, the yield, automatically the system will calculate the gross quantity that have to be removed from stock.

Items with formats:

The items with formats are those which are sold only one part of the item to sell, for example, the rations, one ration, one shot, one cup The principal characteristics of those items are that they have no stock, are sets and are sold in portions.

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To create the formats you can go to Files / Item / Format / New

For example, the formats will go in function of liters that can be used in each format. If a bottle can make 25 shots the format of the shot has to be 1/25 = 0.04. Once you have created the formats. You have to assign them to the items in Add format.

To buy in formats:
As we have mentioned before, you can find an item in different measures each time it is purchased. This it is necessary when the item is been purchased, you can decide in which format (measure) you prefer.

Mark the check Purchase by formats in File / Company / System. You must mark the option Purchase by format if you want to be able to do the purchasing management in different formats (measures) adapting the briefing sheets, delivery date, inventory and replenishment.

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To input a purchase delivery note:

You have to input the purchase delivery note by going to Purchases module / Purchase del. note.

When you active the option to purchase by formats, automatically the systems add the necessary fields in the purchase delivery notes screen. These fields are detailed below: Boxes: Unity 1, or number of boxes which you want to buy. Qty.boxes: Unity 2, or unities that are in each box. Units Format: Total of units that are going to be bought with a specific format (multiplication of the previous points). P.Format: Purchase price of an item in the input format in the previous field. Measure: Principal measure of an item defined in its own sheet. By default the purchase format proposes to add an item in the delivery note is the defined in this unity of measure.
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P. Measure: Purchase price of an item in function of the main measure, defined in the items sheet, and it is visualized in the previous field.

Input the suppliers code in the Supplier box and then click F6 or the magnifying glass. Input the number of delivery note and the suppliers date of the document in Your Delivery Note and Delivery Note Date. Click F6 in Reference to locate the item which you want input directly the suppliers reference. In case that the reference doesnt exist, the system is going to ask if you want to create a New Item or To Associate an Item, which already exists.

Input all the purchase delivery notes lines indicating the boxes, Qty Boxes, Units Formats, P. Format, and discount.

Example 1: The item J&B BOTTLE is bought in a bottle format of 1 liter in first line (you buy 1 box of 12 bottles). The same item can also be bought as bottle format of 0.7 liters in the second line (you buy 1 box of 6 bottles). In the example, the price of acquisition of a bottle of 1 liter is 7.90$, while the price to purchase the bottle of 0.75 liters is of 5.53$. Both lines correspond at same item but they are bough with different formats.

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Example 2: The item OLIVE EXTRA OIL is bought as a bottle of 1 liter (main format or measure unit defined in the items sheet.) and as a 5 liters carafe. The purchasing price of a bottle of 1 liter is 1.48$ and the carafes price is 1$ (price per liter). With the carafe the price per liter is cheaper.

From this option you can make an inventory of all the articles indicating the unities per format (measure) that you have in the warehouse. To achieve that, click Inventory. You cannot use the option Purchasing Module / Inventory because from this option is not allowed the insertion of formats. If you want to modify the inventory date, go to Files / Employee type options / modify / warehouse. Look for the icon of Inventory and Recount and select them, adding to our sale screen.

You can add all the items of one section clicking in Auto.

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To modify the units click in the box. Moreover of the units that are counted, you have to input the format of these units, adding a line in the inventory for each different format. If you input two lines at the same article with different formats, the system is going to regularize for the total of the units.

Stock Recount
Use this option to do the recount of the items that you have in stock. The system will automatically differentiate between the stock and the recount and it will be send to the waste warehouse. You can also input the units per format (measure) that you have in the warehouse.

Click Recount. Select the article to recount.

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As you can see in the picture the 5 bottles of 0.7 liters of the article J&B mean that in the stock there are 3.5 bottles of 1 liter, which is the defined measure in the items sheet.

POS Closing and Cash Control

Daily POS Closing

There are three options of configuration for the Z POS closing:

1. Declare the cash:

Configuration / Terminal Types, tab Cash Count.

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If it is marked, The employee will have to declare the different types of payment. In case of Cash, the user must declare the money that is in the cash drawer, declaring the number of paper money and coins.

If the declared cash does not correspond with the calculated, the software will show the next message:

If the your is answer No, you can go over and modify the declaration of cash before to do the POS closing. If the your is answer Yes, the system realizes the POS closing and it calculates the difference.

If it is not marked, the system calculates the cash out without the necessity to declare the cash.

2. To save opening balance when making Z:

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If it is marked, you can select if the input money is: Enter new opening balance: The amount you input is the opening balance and the remainder is the amount you withdraw. Enter withdraw: The amount you input is the withdrawn and the remainder is the amount you left in the opening balance. *You can declare the opening balance or the withdrawn when declaring the money in the cash drawer; you declare the cash. See the next screen when doing the cash count:

The amount to withdraw is calculated differently depending about the function of Declare cash. If it is marked, the amount of money to withdraw is calculated subtracting the input opening balance to the declared amount. For there more, if the declared amount is not the same than the calculated quantity, the software will show the difference. If declared > calculated, surplus. If declared < calculated, shortage.

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If it is not marked, The amount to withdraw is calculated subtracting the input opening balance to the calculated amount. Because nobody has declared the cash, the difference is not showed. If it is not marked, The system understands that the new opening balance is zero. The amount to withdraw is calculated differently depending of the option declare cash If it is not marked, the amount to withdraw is equal to the calculated amount. If it is marked, the amount to withdraw is the same tan the declared amount.

3. To show Z cash count information to the employee:

If it is marked, The system shows the report Z in screen and the user can print it out.

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If it is not marked, the screen neither shows the Z report nor can be printed. In that case, the screen about the declaration of the opening balance (point 2), cannot be seen. The calculated amount and the difference between the declared and the calculated will not be showed by the system.

You can also configure that when doing the cash count you cannot see the POS closing. On other words, you can only see the declared amount, the opening balance and the withdrawn.

Go Configuration / Terminal Types, tab Cash Count.

We must mark the option Save opening balance when making Z if we want to see the Cash Control screen.

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Configuration / Employee Types, tab Cash Count, not check the box Cash Count

If in the configuration of the Employee type options, you have unmarked the option of CASH COUNT the screen only shows the other fields.

The screen of POS control is showed when doing the cash count:

The cash count and declared have been separated so you must configure it if you want to see the declared cash. Configuration / Employee Types, tab Cash Count

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Now you have differenced the CASH COUNT with the DECLARED.

The option Declared can only be seen when doing the cash count; you can declare the cash specifying by the pieces. In the printed cash count the declared section it is showed as Breakdown.

We must declare the pieces (paper Money and coins)

Cash Count

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Automatic Z
This functionality allows you to do the Z cash counts automatically when detecting the change of system date. The software will take into account the break time for that you can automate the fact to have a Z cash count per day. To activate the functionality it has been created a check in Configuration / Company/ General / Automatic Arching Z

To configure the break hour you must go to Configuration / Terminals/Devices, Edit Element.

In the point of sell the system will check if the sale has exceeded the broken hour. If the answer is affirmative the software will create a cash count showed to the next screen:

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The cash count information will never be showed. So, when doing the POS closing you must use the option Closing report. You can configure it from Employee Types Options / User options, click Modify and find it in the section General / Closing Report.

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24 hours configuration:
For business that is working 24 hours uninterruptedly, can have problems with the working dates because the system is always on. To solve this kind of problems, FrontRest has an option called 24 hours configuration Example: A business makes the zeta before 00:00 and they never shut down the system, because the machine date is the same. The working date cannot be updated so the next day they will be selling with the date of yesterday. To activate the 24 hours working mode you must go to Configuration / Company / General and check the box 24 hours configuration.

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If you have activated the 24 hours configuration at the point of sell the system checks if there are sales with the Z code and the POS: a) If there are no sales, it is the first after Z. If the hour (working date) is higher than the breaking hour, you fix the working date of FrontRest according to the system date. b) If there is an existent sale or more then the system does not do any action.

Safe Box Control: Summarizing

From 2010 versions we have add a new cash control system that is inside of the business safe box. For there more, it controls the terminals of POS cash drawers. That system is called Safe Box Control.

The cash control in a safe box is done from ICGManagers the daily closing report and the cash movements from the own Front.

In the bottom of the daily closing report, SAFE BOX section, you can see the balance of the safe box. Initial cash: Initial balance of the safe box at the beginning of the day. Withdrawn cash: Amount withdrawn of every one of the POS cash drawers. If you are working with safe boxes, when withdrawing cash in the Front, automatically, the amount is transferred to the safe box associated to the terminal. Bank entry: Manually entered amount in the safe box. Bank output: Manually withdrawn amount from the safe box.

Balance openings in POS: The system transfers automatically the cash between the safe box and the POS cash drawers when introducing a balance opening in a terminal. Final cash founds: Total calculated money is equal to the initial cash founds of the next day.

NOTE: The total amount in a safe box can only be consulted from ICGManager because different Fronts can work with a single box even though each Front has its own data base. On other words, you can configure a business with x independents terminals (independent data bases) and all of those terminals will work with the same safe box. Which totals can be consulted from ICGManager. There are five cash movements in Front that affect the total balance of a safe box: 1. Bank entry: It allows us to increase the safe boxs balance from an external deposit (Bank, other security box) 2. Bank output: It allows us to register the output of safe boxs cash to the bank, other safe box, etc.
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3. Transfer from POS to safe: It allows you to register the transfer of cash from the safe box to the POS associated to terminal that executes the system for the safe box. This transfer increases the total balance of the safe box and it decreases the calculated amount for the next Z made in the terminal. 4. Transfer from safe to POS: It allows you to register a cash transfer from the safe box associated to the terminal that executes the system for the safe box. This transfer decreases the safe boxs balance and it increases the deposit in the safe box associated to the terminal. In consequence, the calculated amount in cash also increases for the next Z done in the terminal. 5. Transfer to another safe: It allows you to transfer between safe boxes.

These cash movements in the Front are done by the new icon which links us to the next screen:

Besides of these five movements manually registered by the user, FrontRest / FrontRetail also do an automatic movement when making Z. You can consult the movements by clicking See Movements.

If the Front is configured as Save opening balance when making Z:

When making Z, the next screen will appear:

The amount input as Withdrawn in this screen is registered as the input of cash in the safe box (for example $200.00).

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The final amount resulting of the difference between the total declared and the withdrawn is like a new opening balance in the terminal box and the next Zs total calculated will increase.

If the Front is NOT configured as Save opening balance when making Z:

FrontRest / FrontRetail do not save any new opening balance in the terminal box because automatically the declared amount will be transferred as cash entry in the safe. You can configure the check, Save opening balance when making Z, in the screen, type of terminals or in the Front configuration from ICGManager.

Configuration FrontRetail in ICGManager.

Configuration FrontRest in ICGManager

You have to associate each of the safes to each of the Front boxes to make the control of safe boxes work. You can associate the boxes going to the tab Safe in the Fronts configurations in ICGManager.

Sales with Tables To make a sale in cash

Select the waiter clicking on the number.

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Select the table to start ordering the food.

Select the items by clicking on the sections to open the items that contain. Sections


In the left part of the screen all the items that have been clicking will be added. Once the sale has been finished, click Total. It is going to appear the screen Totalize Sale, click Ticket VAT.

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Finish a sale with Credit Card

Click the Visa Icon.

And select the type of document. A message will appear Follow the PinPad instructions and swipe the credit card and you finish the sale normally.

Sales on Hold
To let a sale on hold after introducing an order click Wait.

Automatically the table will pass to be occupied as you can see in the picture (the blue color and the people seated inform that the table is occupied).
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If you want to recover the order of a table simply click on the table.

Items with format

For all those items that have been formatted when selecting them. The system will ask which format you prefer.

Items with modifiers

When you have an item with modifiers the system will show automatically a screen to select them.

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If you do not want the side dish click NO before selecting the modifier of side.

If you want to add modifiers to the items that do not have, click Modifiers.

Select the list of modifiers that you want and click Ok.

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Select one or some items.

Click Specials to see if the selected items are in some menu.

You can see in the upper part in which menu the selected items are. In the bottom left part of screen appears the items that compose the menu and in the bottom right part the sale that we are doing.

As you can see in the picture the sale is composed by one Special Salad, one Escalope (rare done), and one pineapple.
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In the Sale section you can see in bold letters the items which are included in the menu. The upper part shows the menu which include one or some item to sell and the software proposes that selecting the menu have an additional item, in that case one drink. You just need to click Apply Offer. The screen will show the available drinks which are included in the menu.

Split a sale
From the table screen, click Split.

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Click on the table you want to split and see the next screen.

In the left part appears the original ticket and in the right part shows the different tickets that you can fulfill with the items that you want to pay separately Click Add receipt.

In the upper part will appear the number of tickets that do.

Select from the left ticket the different items that want to add to the new ticket. If you want to add more tickets, click Add receipt again. To end the split, click Total

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If you want to split the tickets with the same cost, click Distribute and input in how many tickets you want to split the total.

The software disposes of several options that allow the introduction of tips:

Defined with the payment type: You can define to keep the change as tip.

That means, if you have an over payment, the change will go to tips, and the screen will be like this:

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Defined in room configuration: You can define, in the table configuration, the percentage by default that will be considered as tip.

Defined in Direct sale: If you work with direct sales, you can assign a percentage as the tip. Go to Configuration / Terminals Types / Direct Sales.

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When totalizing a sale: When totalizing a sale, you can do two different operations:

All the change becomes tip. When there is an overpayment, click Keep the change:

A percentage of the sale becomes tip. Click on Keep the change and the next screen will be shown:

Input the percentage that you want to apply for each ticket, and then click Ok.
From the sales list: Click Sales, look for the sale that you want to input the tip, click Tip.

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Input the tip amount and click Ok.

Change tables:
When you change the table, you can also decide the items you want to transfer to the new table. For that, click Change table.

The software will require the source table and the table destination. When you do that, the system will show the order that you have opened.

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Click on the items that you want to transfer to the new table or click All Order, to transfer all the items. Once you finish, click Ok.

Other operations Correct

When you make a mistake selecting an item, you can erase it from the order. The system only allows taking out the last items, for example, if you input some items in one order and you let the sale waiting, when you recover that sale, the input items will not be able to be erased.

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With the icon Return, you can annul the items from an order so the item will be annotated again in the order but subtracting.

Click Ok to confirm the changes.

Change a price
Click Change Price

. Select the line of an item that you want to modify and input the new price. Click Ok to confirm the changes.

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Delete items from an order

Click the icon Delete.

To be able to delete items from the order, you should create concepts to delete the products. For example COLD, DEFECTIVE To create one, click New; write the concept and if it affects the stock, check Affects the Stock. Click on the items you want to delete; those will be visualized in the right bottom of the screen and click Ok to confirm the changes.

Associate a client to an order

Click Client.

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Click File to create a new client.

Input the information of the new client, and click Save and Exit.

For Delivery
Click For Delivery.

Click New client to create a new customer and input the data or click Choose to select an existent client. Select the type of service to do (Delivery, To go, Drive Thru, or For here). Click Ok to input the delivery sale. Select the items that you want and finfish the sale normally.

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Click Delivery.

In that screen you can see the list of sales to deliver. Select the sales to deliver, these will be shown with green color and click In Delivery. The system will require the employee who will do the delivery.

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As you see in the picture, you can visualize the different delivery status, clicking on them to appear in the screen. The different statuses are showed with different colors to make it easier visually.

POS movements
Here you can receive and give money from/to the delivery man and also you can see all the POS movements done from the Delivery application. Click Cash Movements.

Select the delivery man from the left columns and click New.

Click Received from the seller or Given to the seller. Input the amount and click Ok.

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Day closing. Z Cash count.

When you finish the day make a Z cash count to close all the cash movements and sales done in the day. Click the Z. It will appear the screen to declare the cash; click on CASH to declare all pieces.

Once all the amounts of the different payment types are input, click Ok.

The cash control screen will appear and you can visualize the declared amount and all the movements done in the POS. Input the retired amount and the software will calculate the new opening balance.

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In the screen will appear the Z cash count, which you can printout clicking the printer.
Print in the ticket printer Print in the DIN A-4 printer

Open Tab Configuration

Configuration / Terminal Types / Direct Sale

. Check Attach alias to each open tab and Carry out pre-authorization. Input from which amount and payment type has to do the pre-authorization.

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To active the direct sales, you should go to Configuration / Terminal Types / Tables and check View new sale

Pending Sale To make a pending sale

Input the order normally and then, click Wait.

Input the name or swipe the credit card. In case of using the credit card, the software will prove that the clients have balance in their card.

To recover a pending sale

Click Open tab and that will show us all the sales that you let pending to charge.

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From this screen, swipe the clients credit card and that will recover the sale to be able to totalize it. be able to indentificate the client for the name located in the header of the ticket. click on the sale to recovere it.

Rooms Configuration Auto design

Click Rooms Configuration.

Click New to create a new room. You should input the number and name of the room, if you want to add the tables automatically, you can use the assistant checking the box Auto design. Input the number of tables that will be in the room, the sale rate for each one, the number of covers, and the % to increase to the rate and the tip percentage by default.

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If you check the box Disable table selection, you should do use the numeric pad when you want to open a new table to input the order. If you check the box Use bitmap clients, instead to appear in the rooms design, it will appear client bitmaps.

Manual design
Click Room design. Input the number and name of the new room and not check Auto design. 1

Click on the bitmaps (1) to have access to the picture menu for the room design.

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Select in which bitmaps you want to locate the new table in our new room. Just need to click on the bitmap you prefer, and the table will be located there.

Repeat the operation until have located all the tables in the room. In case to want to define the rooms walls, plants, or bars, select the bitmaps of walls or bars.

Fill all the room as you want using the different bitmaps. Once the room is done, define the properties of each one of the tables.

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Click on one table and then click Properties.

Associated items: Allows charging one or some items in one order only for the fact to open a table. One of the utilities would be assigning the cover charge to a table in case that is mandatory. First, select if the item will be charged by table or by cover, and then Add the item/s. Check the box Associate the items to the all the tables in the room in case you want that all the tables have this items fixed. Table properties: input the table number, covers, rate, % charge, % tip by default. To use the special rate (only applicable in some countries), or you can define also the service type (delivery, for here, to go, and drive thru). Define also the ticket printers and invoices in case of using the Telecomanda. In case to apply a minimum charge, input the item and the amount. You can limit also the maximum amount of charge, in case of exceed the limited amount, the screen will show the message Exceeded table limit. have to fill the free spaces (where you did not put neither walls nor tables, nor floor) so if you click Fill, the system will do it automatically.

Employee options How to add or remove an icon

From the screen, you can define the different icon menus of function for the sale screen, for the user options, and for the table screen. enter in Configuration / Employee Type Option.

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To create a new group, click New and in the properties sheet input the name that indentify this group and the icons visualization characteristics. Input the number of rows and the number of option for row.

Select, in the Elements tab, the options that you want to assign to the new type of employee, once they are selected you have to click Add.

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In case that you want to add more options that they fit, the system will show a message indicating More options do not fit. If you want to add more options, you must modify the rows and the options per row, located in Properties tab. If you want to take out some options, mark the icons and click Remove.

Reports and Charts Reports

Click Reports.

All the reports use the screen below:

Reports title 103 of 119

Reports parameters

Click Parameter to input the range of information that you want to use to create the report: Initial date, Final date, POS number, Seller, Select Calculate to obtain the report with the parameters input before. With that icon, print the report for the ticket printer.

With that icon, you can visualize, export in Excel format and print in DIN A4. Click Charts (in case to have the option) to visualize the report in charts and accumulate different date intervals.

Payment type summary

The report input the payment type, the total amount for each one of the types, input in the main currency, the % that represents each payment type of the entire group, and the number of operations done.

Parameters: Payment type, POS, seller, and date intervals.

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Daily receipts summary

It inputs, for each day of the selected range in parameters and classified by series, the document number, room and table, the tax amount and the total amount of the document, showing the totals by series.

Parameters: POS, seller, date intervals, seller and ordered by (Client or Accumulated P.).

Sales by hours
It shows by hour intervals the number of covers, unities, amount and % (the impact of this interval regarding all day) Showing the cover totals, unities and amount.

Parameters: POS, date intervals, Split (by hour, 30 min., or 15 min.), date intervals.

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Items ranking
It shows all the most sold items indicating the number of unities, amount and % that supposes that amount regarding the others.

Parameters: POS, number of items (Number of items you want to show in the report) sort by (unities or amount), dates interval section, seller, and break down menus. The report also shows the report with included taxes or not included.

Returns summary
It shows the summary of all the returns made by each seller, indicating the sellers number and name, number of returns, number of items and amount, showing the totals of return numbers, number of amount and item.

Parameters: POS, seller, dates intervals.

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Profit margin
It shows the department, section, or item, the sales amount, the cost, the profit and the % which that regarding the cost.

Parameters: POS, dates intervals, calculate by (section, department or item) and sort by (description, sales, cost, profit or profit %). Note: To do that report, you should enter the items purchases, because the cost comes from the purchase price.

It shows all the items that have been given with prize 0, on other words; you invite the customer with free items. That can be done with the icon Change Prize, and Complementary. It inputs the hour, the series, the document number of at least on complementary product, the item description, the number of items that have been sol with prize 0.

Parameters: POS, seller and dates intervals.

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POS movements: balance by sellers

It shows the POS movements, indicating the seller and the balance of each seller, that have been done in the Delivery.

Parameters: POS, seller and dates intervals.

It shows a complete audit of all the actions done in FrontRest:

Delete sale lines Open cash drawer Modify sale Void sale receipt Credit sale receipt Change Price line order Change date Cash drawer opened

The report inputs; the day, the hour, the employee who did the action, the sell number and document number or the item and amount.

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Parameters: POS, date intervals, delete sale lines, open cash drawer , modify sale, void sale receipt, credit sale receipt, change price line order, change date, cash drawer opened.

Taxes summary
It shows the tax applied in the sales, the base tax and its corresponding quota.

Parameters: POS, seller, and date intervals. It allows breaking down by document type and by day detail.

Items stock
It shows item stock located in the articles sheet.

Parameters: Section and warehouse. The report can show all the unlisted items and sort them by reference, description and section.
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Note: To control the stock, it is mandatory to input the item purchase.


Summary daily sales

It shows the sales accumulated of each day, for each interval, indicating through the icon Interval. You can input 6 different intervals and input a new interval clicking Calculate for each new interval to purchase.

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Monthly summary

Is the equivalent to the daily summary but instead to compare the days of the year, it compares the months of the year. The report can compare until 4 different years.

Sales by hours
This report shows the sales done in one day, specifically breaking down the amounts or the sale units depending the sale hour in intervals of one hour or half hour.

Select if you want to filtrate by POS or all the POS, fractionating each hour or each 30 minutes. Specify the date that you want to visualize, see all the items, one or one section and one comparative with another day or with X natural days of the year.

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If you want to see the units instead of amounts, click Units. To printout the report or export it as an Excel, HTML, XML or text file, click Print and select the desire option.

Annex 1 SQL 2008 R2 Express with Your Platform Installer

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Save the file in the computer and then execute, the platform installer from the location where you saved it.

Select Platform Youb Data base

Personalize the application that you are going to install:

113 of 119

114 of 119

Automatically downloading of the applications to install.

Depends of the operative systems version, the additional necessary components will intall automatically.

After the installation, the system will require to restart the computer. After rebooting the PC. The installer will continue with the installation automatically.

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To input SQL parameters

In the final installation process, you must follow the steps indicating the instance name (SQLEXPREESS) verification mix mode and complex password for the user sa.

The verification has to contain numbers, capital letters and lower case but NO alphanumeric characters.

Change accounts of services execution of SQL:

When finalizing the installation, you must change the data base services execution account and the SQL Browser to LocalSystem.

After change the account, you must restart the Service.

116 of 119

Habilitate TCP IP to more instances installed

It is used when other computers gain access to this data base motor by the network.

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Certificate that the firewall allows the SQLServer exclusion

Click to allow other software and copy the executable route: C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQLServer\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe

Install Backward Compatibility (SQLDMO.DLL)

Download the package depending of the platform 32 or 64 bits from:

Installation of sql2005BC*.msi

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Search in the folder Program Files the file SQLDMO.DLL and register it.


REGSVR32 C:\Program files\Microsoft SQL Server\...RUTA \SQLDMO.dll

In Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows server 2008, you have to implement the librarys register, executing as an administrator a command window (cmd.exe).

The ICG applications need the DMO installation in the clients and servers otherwise the application can have errors like Key not registered, dont let to verify the application, dont let to create the data base, or give errors in the importations with ICGRemote. For all of that, you must install SQL2008 BC (Compatibility with elder versions) 32 or 64 bits depending of the PCs operative system.

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