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Largely leftover World War II era weapons were used by both sides.

Egypt had some British equipment; the Syrian army had some French. German, Czechoslovakia and British equipment was used by Israel.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF)

Type Tanks APCs/IFVs IDF Armament Cromwell tanks, H39s, Sherman M4 British World War II era trucks, improvised armored cars/trucks, White M3A1 Scout Cars, Daimler Armoured Cars, M3 Half-tracks, IHC M14 Half-tracks, M5 Half-tracks Mortars, 2-inch (51 mm) British mortars, 65 mm French howitzers (Napoleonchiks), 120 mm French mortars, Davidka mortars Spitfires, Avia S-199s, B-17 Flying Fortresses, P-51 Mustangs, C-47 Dakotas Sten guns, Mills grenades, Karabiner 98k (Czech copies), Bren Guns, MG-34 Machine guns, Thompson submachine guns, Lee Enfield rifles, Molotov cocktails, PIAT anti-tank infantry weapon



Small Arms

Cromwell Tanks: Two Cromwell tanks were "stolen" by IDF combatants from a British camp before they left Palestine.
Development of Sherman M4 Tanks

M4A1 Sherman M4A3 Sherman

M4A4 Sherman

BRITISH WORLD WAR II ERA TRUCKS: IMPROVISED ARMORED CARS/ TRUCKS Improvised armoured cars and trucks were used extensively up to and during the 1948-49 war. Varied in construction being based on a wide range of vehicle chassis with armour added. Armour was either boiler-plate or laminate armoured made with plywood, concrete, rubber or even glass sandwiched between thin metal sheets. Their engines were usually over-taxed due to the weight of the added armour. As face-hardened armour became available later models did not need the sandwich amour. Most early Israeli models had provision for firing ports or hatches but few had turrets or permanent weapons (limitations imposed by British restrictions). Arab models, and later Israeli models, had turrets. The models with turrets typically had a machinegun, e.g. early Arab Legion home-made cars had a Vickers .303 water-cooled machinegun in the turret as well as firing ports for small-arms in the body of the vehicle. Israeli turreted versions typically had a MG 34 machine gun in the turret and another in the hull. Some Israeli models had large triangular rams attached at the front to allow the vehicle to smash through road blocks.

The Israeli's improvised armoured cars out of White Scout Cars during the 1948-49 war. The Israeli's added an armoured roof and a turret with a MG 34 (in addition to the hull mounted machine gun).

IFV and APC DAIMLER ARMOURED CAR: The Israelis acquired a few from the departing British police force in 1948.

WHITE M3A1 Scout Car


65mm French Howitzers aka Napoleonchiks

The Israelis used some French Model 1909 65 mountain guns in 1948-49. Apparently they had wooden wheels!

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

Spitfires North American P-51 Mustang

Douglas C-47 Sky train or Dakota

Small Arms
Thompson Submachine Guns MG 34

Sten Gun

Bren Gun

In 1949, Israel signed separate armistices with Egypt on 24 February, Lebanon on 23 March, Jordan on 3 April, and Syria on 20 July. The Armistice Demarcation Lines, as set by the agreements, saw the territory under Israeli control encompassing approximately three-quarters of Mandate Palestine. This was about one-third more than was allocated to the Jewish State under the UN partition proposal. The armistice lines were known afterwards as the "Green Line". The Gaza Strip and the West Bank were occupied by Egypt and Jordan respectively. The United Nations Truce Supervision Organization and Mixed Armistice Commissions were set up to monitor ceasefires, supervise the armistice agreements, to prevent isolated incidents from escalating, and assist other UN peacekeeping operations in the region.

Israel lost 6,373 of its people, about 1% of its population, in the war. About 4,000 were soldiers and the rest were civilians.

Tanks and Armored Cars

Automitrailleusse Dodge Tank The Syrians modified the Dodge Tanks used during the WWII.

Humber Mk III Reconnaissance

Used by the Egyptians during the Arab-Israeli Wars.

Supplied by the Brits to Jordanian Squadrons which were later used by the Lebanese against Israelis. Charioteer

Tanks and Armored Cars

Most commonly-used tank by the Egyptians. This came from the USSR.; Best Tank of the World

Valentine Tank

Supplied by the British and were used by the Egyptians and Syrians.

The Arabs were less effective and less efficient than the Jews in terms of their weaponry and their sense of nationalism. The Jews really knew what they were fighting for, and they knew what the consequences will be if they do not succeed. The Arabs, although they really want their territory back, they are half-hearted as they fought the Israelis.
It is also important to note that the USSR manufactured the machinery and artillery of the Arabs against the Israelis, but there was no concrete cooperation between the two because of the religion as a factor. The Arabs didnt want the Soviets to fight for them. They wanted to fight their own war without help from their kind. This proves that the weapons of the Soviets was ineffective to the Arabs because these werent used effectively.

The controversy over Iran's nuclear programs centers in particular on Iran's failure to declare sensitive enrichment and reprocessing activities to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Enrichment can be used to produce uranium for reactor fuel or (at higher enrichment levels) for weapons. Iran says its nuclear program is peaceful, and has enriched uranium to less than 5%, consistent with fuel for a civilian nuclear power plant. Iran also claims that it was forced to resort to secrecy after US pressure caused several of its nuclear contracts with foreign governments to fall through. After the IAEA Board of Governors reported Iran's noncompliance with its safeguards agreement to the UN Security Council, the Council demanded that Iran suspend its nuclear enrichment activities while Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has argued that the sanctions are "illegal," imposed by "arrogant powers," and that Iran has decided to pursue the monitoring of its self-described peaceful nuclear program through "its appropriate legal path," the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT, is a landmark international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. The treaty is nevertheless sometimes interpreted as a three-pillar system, with an implicit balance among them: 1. non-proliferation, 2. disarmament, and 3. the right to peacefully use nuclear technology. In 1993 a program was initiated to strengthen and extend the classical safeguards system, and a model protocol was agreed by the IAEA Board of Governors 1997. The measures boosted the IAEA's ability to detect undeclared nuclear activities, including those with no connection to the civil fuel cycle. This was called the Additional Protocol.

Israels Economy
As recently as the 1980s, the most widely recognized symbol of Israeli export was probably the Jaffa orange. Today's equivalent would more likely be a computer software CD. Once a traditional economy--based on agriculture, light industry, and labor-intensive production Israel has now become a knowledge-based economy, with internationally competitive telecommunications, high-tech, and agrotechnology industries, and a per-capita GDP comparable with European Union levels.

Israels Economy The per capita GDP in Israel in 2010 was $29,800.
In 2011, the country had a Moody's A1 rating and an S&P rating of A+. Successive governments for several years have committed themselves to fiscal discipline in line with accepted Western standards regarding deficit as a percentage of GDP. The annual inflation rate, which as recently as 1996 was in double-digits, has been curtailed and was 2.5% in 2010. Exports are nearly all industrial in nature, with Europe and North America the main export markets; perhaps not coincidentally, Israel has free trade agreements with both the European Union and the North American Free Trade area. Trade with Eastern Europe had spiked in recent years, boosted by the influx of new immigrants from that part of the world.

Israels Economy
The Israeli tax burden, measured in tax receipts as a percentage of GDP, was 31.4% in 2009. Although this is significantly higher than that of the United States--which is 24%--it is less than the OECD tax burden average which is generally around 34%. Israel boasts an extremely high abundance of skilled labor. In 2007, there are about 140 technicians and scientists per 10,000 Israelis. The comparable figure in the United States is 83, and European figures are even lower. The Bank of Israel held foreign exchange reserves of $77.3 million in June 2011. The ratio of foreign reserves to GDP is about 24.3%, which is unusually high by international standards.

Israels Economy
High-technology industries emphasize computer hardware, software, telecommunications, biotechnology, and medical electronics. Light industries include processed foods, precision instruments, plastic goods, and the cut-diamonds industry. Tourism comprises an additional important economic sector, especially tourism related to religious pilgrimages the holy sites of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Agricultural production, once central to the economy, comprised only 2.8% of GDP in 2008. Main agricultural products include citrus, cut flowers, vegetables, and cotton.

Arab Economic Activity

Arab Country Qatar UAE Kuwait Bahrain Oman Saudi Arabia Lebanon Jordan Syria Yemen GDP $ 97 967 $ 66 626 $ 46 464 $ 23 410 $ 21 681 $ 19 890 $ 10 873 $ 4 593 $ 3 050 $ 1460

Israels GDP: *$ 32 298

Qatar Economic Activity

Qatar is the wealthiest state in the Arab League, mostly due to its high levels of natural gas and oil reserves, which account for 70% of the countrys revenue. It is believed to have the worlds highest GDP per capita income. The amenities offered by local public authorities are on par with any developed nation in the west. Qatar is said to have the lowest taxes in the world. In addition to the petroleum industry, other industries that contribute to the national GDP include: fertilizer manufacturing, steel manufacturing, cement and cargo ship manufacturing/repair.

Arab Economic Activity

Arab Country Qatar UAE Kuwait Bahrain Oman Saudi Arabia Lebanon Jordan Syria Yemen GDP $ 97 967 $ 66 626 $ 46 464 $ 23 410 $ 21 681 $ 19 890 $ 10 873 $ 4 593 $ 3 050 $ 1460

Israels GDP: *$ 32 298

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates has one of the highest per capita incomes in the Arab League. It once was the richest state in the Arab world but has now lost that title Qatar. Though the economy is mainly driven by the revenue generated from petroleum exports in recent decades other industries like real estate, manufacturing and business services have begun to contribute on a large scale, which has enabled the countrys economy to diversify.

Arab Economic Activity

Arab Country Qatar UAE Kuwait Bahrain Oman Saudi Arabia Lebanon Jordan Syria Yemen GDP $ 97 967 $ 66 626 $ 46 464 $ 23 410 $ 21 681 $ 19 890 $ 10 873 $ 4 593 $ 3 050 $ 1460

Israels GDP: *$ 32 298

Kuwait is noted for being the nation with the second highest GDP per capita (around $40,000, as registered in 2008) in the Arab League and is considered to be the fifth wealthiest nation in the world with the fastest developing economy in the Arab League. Like other members, Kuwaits economy is also based mainly on its oil reserves. It is thought to have 10% of the worlds total oil, which contributes to 80% of the countrys GDP. Other industries that can be found in Kuwait include: financial, cement, construction, shipping and water desalination.

Arab Economic Activity

Arab Country Qatar UAE Kuwait Bahrain Oman Saudi Arabia Lebanon Jordan Syria Yemen GDP $ 97 967 $ 66 626 $ 46 464 $ 23 410 $ 21 681 $ 19 890 $ 10 873 $ 4 593 $ 3 050 $ 1460

Israels GDP: *$ 32 298



Saudi Arabia





Economy of the Arab League

The Economy of the Arab League is mainly based on oil and natural gas reserves. The member states of the Arab League are noted for having an extreme type of economy. This is mainly because of the imbalance of fossil fuel reserves found in member states. The richest member state is Qatar, with a per capita purchase parity of over $80,000, while the poorest member is Somalia, with a GDP (PPP) of just $600. A The overall GDP (PPP) of the Arab League, according to a reputed research organization, was registered at around $13000 in 2008. In addition to the revenue generated from oil, the nascent and upcoming tourism industry is generating considerable income for some states in the Arab League. These members include Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. Similarly, the other potential industry that has seen considerable development in this region over the past years is infrastructure building, which includes subdivisions like communications and transportation.

Modern Economy of the Arabs

As of 2006, the Arab World accounts for two-fifths of the gross domestic product and three-fifths of the trade of the wider Muslim World. The Arab states are mostly, although not exclusively, developing economies and derive their export revenues from oil and gas, or the sale of other raw materials. Recent years have seen significant economic growth in the Arab World, due largely to an increase in oil and gas prices, which tripled between 2001 and 2006, but also due to efforts by some states to diversify their economic base. Industrial production has risen, for example the amount of steel produced between 2004 and 2005 rose from 8.4 to 19 million tons. However, even 19 million tons pa still only represents 1.7% of global steel production, and remains inferior to the production of countries like Brazil.

Oil Weapon
The American economy is very dependent on oil and the United States is one of the most important importers of oil in the world. The key role that that United States play in the oil industry, as the largest importer of oil, is reflected in the fact that oil is always priced in US dollars. The population of the United States account for about 5 percent of the population of the world, but it consumes about 25 percent of the oil that is used in the world every year. The daily rate of oil consumption per person in the United States is about double the rate of consumption in the European Union. The US is the largest consumer of oil in the world, and it is also the world's largest importer of oil. The United States import about two thirds of the oil that it uses.

Oil Weapon
The American economy needs oil for energy production and for fuel. Oil is the most important source of power in the US, where alternative sources of energy have not been developed extensively. About 40 percent of the energy that is used in the United States every year comes from oil. American society is based around the car, so the US requires a lot of oil for fuel as well as for energy production. Oil provides about 97 percent of the fuel used by American vehicles, including ships, trains, planes and automobiles. Oil is also a source of important chemicals for a number of industries, such as the plastics and textile industries.

Oil Weapon
Much of the oil, which is brought into the US comes from the Arab World, particularly Saudi Arabia, although the United States imports oil from a number of different countries in the Arab World, including Pakistan, Iraq and Syria. About 13 percent of the oil that is imported into the United States come from Saudi Arabia. The United States does import oil from countries that are not part of the Arab world, but which means that it is not entirely dependent on Arab oil. However, the US economy needs Arab oil if it is to continue functioning as it does now.

Though the US depends on the Arabs for oil, the Jews remain to hold the key positions that control the American economy.

The class has already learned about the prevailing territorial conflict between the Jews and the Arabs. However, it is important to note that the two contending forces seem to be more at ease with the economy of the United States as the mediator. This topic is argumentative since the majority sees the two forces constantly battling it out, but only few see the thin line that seems to bind them together: the US economy. This thin line seemingly supports the Arab resource: oil, even if it is under the heavy influence of Jews.

Is the Jewish lobby only seen in the US economy? What are the major positions that the Jews hold in the American economy? How important is Arab oil to the US economy?


These are extracts from The Dearborn Independent - 17.12 1921, on the encroachment of the Jews in the American Liquor Industry: ... the bulk of the organized bootlegging ..in this country is in the hands of the Jews..." "...the liquor business of the world has been in the hands of the Jews. In the United states the liquor business was almost exclusively in the hands of Jews for 25 years previous to Prohibition..." "...As middlemen they control the wine product of California. ... The Jews have a grip on the cigar trade..." "It was also true in Russia, Poland, Rumania. The Jewish Encyclopedia states that: 'The establishment of the government liquor monopoly (in Russia in 1896) deprived thousands of Jewish families of a livelihood.' They controlled the liquor traffic, the vodka business, which undermined Russia...."

Those were written more than eighty years ago. And now? How many of the big cartels are Jewish owned? The list below is simply a sample, given merely as an indication of the seriousness of the situation. What follows is a rundown - of a necessity brief - of Jewish control in other sections of human activities: Louis Dreyfus: Headquarters: Paris, France. No. 1 French grain exporter. No. 3 World grain exporter No 4 US grain exporter. No. 5 Argentine grain exporter No. 1 world grain exporter to Russia. Louis Dreyfus has a bank which in the 1970s rose to the fifth largest private bank in France.

Bunge and Born: Headquarters: Sao Paulo, Brazil. No. 1 US dry corn miller (18% of the market) No. 1 Brazilian grain exporter. No. 2 U.S. soybean products exporter. No. 3 US grain exporter. No. 3 U.S. soybean processor. No. 7 Argentine grain exporter. Monsanto: Chief Executive Robert Shapiro. Major UK investors in Monsanto Rothschilds.

Nestle: Headquarters: Switzerland No. 1 World food company. No. 1 World trader in dry milk powder. No. 1 World trader in condensed milk. No. 1 seller of chocolate and confectionary products. No. l seller of mineral water. No. 3 U. S. coffee firm. Nestle has 400 manufacturing facilities on five continents. Nestle chairman: Helmut Maucher. Nestle owns 50.1% of Israeli food maker Osem Investments.

Unilever: (originally Lever Brothers). No. 1 world producer of ice cream. No. 1 world producer of margarine. One of the top five world exporters of dry milk powder. No. 1 European tea seller. No 2 and No.3 world producer of soaps and detergents. One of the top five world crushers of palm oil and palm kernel. One of world's largest producers of olive oil. Largest stockholder Viscount Leverhume.

Philip Morris In 1847 Philip Morris opened a London tobacco store and by 1854 was making his own cigarettes. In 1985 Philip Morris bought General Foods and in 1988 acquired Kraft Foods. No. 2 world food company. No. 1 U.S. food company. No. 1 world processed cheese seller. No. 1 world cigarette producer. No. 3 world confectionery business. Key personnel: Rupert Murdoch, Richard Parsons of Time Warner,which is partially owned by the Bronfman family reputedly a major force in the world's illegal narcotic trade and Stephen Wolf senior adviser of Lazard Freres investment bank. Philip Morris is one of the largest smugglers of illegal cigarettes, both for sale and as barter for other illegal goods. It has been cited repeatedly in the Italian press as one of the world's largest marijuana dealers.

De Beers: Diamonds: Eighty per cent of the world's diamond market is controlled by De Beers, who in their turn are controlled by the Oppenheimer family. The value of diamonds is regulated by the supply of "rough" allowed on to the market, and not because diamonds are rare. Almost all commerce in diamonds is in the hands of Jews. This dates back a long time. Until the early part of the eighteenth century, the world's supply of diamonds came from India and the Jews, with feelers in all the markets of Europe and through connections in the Ottoman Empire, were the conduit through which much of the gems passed. Interestingly enough the rising Indian trade in diamonds is offering a threat to the De Beers' monopoly.

De Beers: Petroleum: Petrol is the principal combustible of the modern age. In 2003 ExxonMobil topped all companies for profits and the City Group tailed only Exxon. ExxonMobil is the combination of the Rockefellers' Standard Oil of New Jersey and Standard Oil of NY, Chevron is the old Standard Oil of California. Citi group is the old First National City Bank, now dominated by the Rockefellers. Chase is the historic flagship of Rockefeller finance. ExxonMobil is labelled as one of the "bad" companies for environmental and Human Rights violations and Standard Oil's reputation in South America does not read well. Although the Rockefellers do not appear to be Jewish in origin, they do have Jewish connections. In some quarters it has been suggested that they are a front for the workings of the Rothschilds.

BHP Billiton: Another mining giant with worldwide interests, covering Iron Ore, Coal, Copper, Oil and Gas, Diamonds, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Aluminium and Alumina, Chrome and Manganese. One of the major shareholders is Chase Nominees i.e. Rockefellers. All in all, 147 powerful companies control 40% of economic activity. 45 of the top 50 are financial institutions. Twenty four companies are US based followed by eight in Britain, five in France, four in Japan, Germany , Switzerland and the Netherlands have two each, and Canada has one. These transnational companies are the dominant institution of our time. They operate ruthlessly as private tyrannies. They are the predators and we are the prey. Nothing in America's constitution or state laws endows corporations with their rights. They usurped them. They have transferred enormous amounts of power, wealth and resources from public to private hands with government complicity.


Of the sixty(60) senior officials of the U.S. Government economic, financial, and monetary institutions, thirty-nine(39) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 65%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior officials of the U.S. Government economic, financial, and monetary institutions by a factor of 32.5 times(3,250 percent). List of Jews in US Finance Departments

The importance of Arab oil to the United States was demonstrated by the events of the 1973 crisis, when the Arab world raised its oil prices, cut oil production and put an embargo in place preventing the sale of oil to the US. This resulted in significant economic impacts in the United States as the power shifted away from industrial countries and towards the oil producing countries. The cost of oil in the United States rose dramatically in response to the price increases and to the embargo on Arab oil. The state of Oregon actually banned the use of Christmas lights and commercial lighting in order to reduce unnecessary energy consumption. In response to calls from the government, approximately 90 percent of gas stations stopped selling gasoline on Sundays and Saturday evenings.

However, by the end of February 1974, about 20 percent of gas stations in the US had completely run out of fuel. Changes in the price of the oil produced by Arab countries can create serious economic difficulties for the United States. The effects of the 1973 oil crisis were long lasting and significant, and they affected everyone in the United States, causing public unrest in some cases, when truck drivers reacted badly to oil rationing. Similar effects occurred in the US when oil prices rose between 2005 and 2008.

However, by the end of February 1974, about 20 percent of gas stations in the US had completely run out of fuel. Changes in the price of the oil produced by Arab countries can create serious economic difficulties for the United States. The effects of the 1973 oil crisis were long lasting and significant, and they affected everyone in the United States, causing public unrest in some cases, when truck drivers reacted badly to oil rationing. Similar effects occurred in the US when oil prices rose between 2005 and 2008.

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