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Where service is featured and news is delivered!

March 2012

Inside this issue: Opening Message..1 Field Day..1 Message from Governor Doug.2 Blurbs2 Recommendations..3

Division 25C Key Clubbers,

Wow I cant believe were in March already. I hope Key Club has allowed you to strengthen your time management skills because this month your going to need it! Not only is this month the deadline for early bird registration for district convention but its also the deadline for awards entry for DCON and its March of Dimes month as well. If you like to win as much as I do youre going to want to not leave all of your contest entries for the last minute and start NOW! Finally, a great thing to do this month is get some input from your members. As you know the members are the most important part of Key Club. By getting their input on things such as what project to do, what fundraiser to do, how they think meetings are going etc. not only do you get great new ideas but the members feel more important which helps with membership retention. Have a great spring break and happy Key Clubbing!

Hour Goals.3 Yours In Service, Scholarships3 Governors Project Month...4 District Contacts..4

Zone K Eliminate Field Day!

When? April 14th from 11:30 A.M.4:00 P.M. Where? Highland Oaks Park in Aventura
This field day will be chock full of activities for you do to. Everything from flag football to silent auctions to water balloon fights and its all for a great cause, The Eliminate Project! The cost for entrance into the event is only five dollars which can save the life of almost 2 mothers and their babies! Come and have fun but we need your help too! The following schools have volunteered: Barbara Goleman Awards/ Face Painting Hialeah Gardens Cotton Candy Hialeah Dunk Tank Miami Lakes Ed. Center- Popcorn/Henna Does your school want to help too? Please email me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !!



In District & International News

A Message from Governor Doug Ream:

Leaders, I have some astounding news to pass on to you in regards to my Governor's Project and the Eliminate Project. I have received the numbers of hours and the money donated and I can proudly say that the District has broken each of the goals that I set. For the Mentoring and Modeling Program, I set a goal of 10,000 service hours for the entire District. We currently have 18234 hours, which is almost double my goal. I would like to specifically point out two clubs who have done an extreme amount of service in regards to the M&M Program: Graceville High School in Division 2A has done over 1400 service hours! Good Job Randolph. Jesuit High School in Division 14B has done over 2300 service hours! Shout out to Devan's club! For the Eliminate Project, I set a goal of raising $45,000 and saving 25,000 lives. I can once again proudly say that the District has gone above and beyond the call in regards to this goal, raising over $60,000! We have in turn saved other 33,000 mothers and their children. The following three clubs have made huge contributions to this goal: Tampa Bay Technical High School in Division 14A has almost raised $2900! Cece and Devon, you rock! Barron Collier High School in Division 22 has raised over $3000! You have an awesome club, Melissa! Hialeah High School in Division 25C has raised over $4000! Amanda's club is leading the pack, saving lives everyday! I think we can go further with each of these projects, therefore I am setting new goals for the remainder of the year. I would like us to attain 25,000 service hours for the Governor's Project and I would like us to raise $75,000 and save over 41,000 mothers and their children.

Thank you,


Were the Mighty Flamingos Alright!

Buy Program Ad Space!!
We need all clubs to sell $250 or more in program ads. This will ensure that your seniors will be eligible for *1st HGHS 7885 Hours scholarships for up to $1000! * 2nd BGHS 5584.5 Hours Ideas for program ads include congratulating your *3rd HHS 1925 Hours current club officers, Kiwanis members, or district board members for a job well done this year. Ad space can also be used to promote a company or thank a special faculty advisor. Recommendation The possibilities are endless and the best thing is that you will Letters! get possibly a cash reward in return while helping out the Florida District simultaneously! Are you applying to be a These convention ads are needed to purchase the cost Distinguished Officer at of program booklets and provide for these scholarships so District Convention? If you please sell as many as you can! I would love to open the conneed a recommendation vention booklet and see the hard work letter from me, the Lieutenand pictures of Division 25C throughant Governor please let me out the booklet!

Divisional Service Goal >>>

The deadline for ads is March 30, 2012!

know at least 1 week in advance so that you can get those points!

Are you a Senior? Find tons of SCHOLARSHIPS!!

If you have been in Key Club for 2 years in good standing, have paid dues, is going to college, and have a 3.0 GPA or higher this is for you!
The Florida District of Key Club International is offering the following scholarships by sending in an application which can be found by visiting Florida Opportunity Fund Scholarships ($1000) Convention Program Scholarships ($1000) Mentoring and Modeling Program Scholarship ($1000 requires an extra essay) Florida District Matching Scholarship (4-$1000 awarded)

Remember the Deadline is around the corner on APRIL 1ST!!! Its SUPER EASY to apply!!

Stay Connected All Year Long!

March is Governors Project Month!

The month of March is Governors Project Month! This year Governor Doug has set forth the Mentoring and Modeling Program which aims at teaching a lesson to elementary and middle school aged children. Historically the month of March has been when clubs across the Florida Dist. have put this service focus at the forefront of their service/impact on the community and performed a project. Projects such as working with your local schools to tutor, having a reading event, teaching life values to the local boy scout troupe, and teaching 8th graders about substance abuse are all great options for performing this service. I want all clubs performing a Governors Project this month and seeing it on your Pride Report. In addition, dont forget that if you complete 30 hours or more with the Governors Project you will be eligible for a pin at DCON and a banner patch if performing 3 different projects! Remember to perform your service One child at a time as Governor Doug would say!

Division 25C FB:

https://!/ home.php? sk=group_1588007341794 84&ap=1

Florida District FB:

https://!/ floridakeyclub

Florida KC Website:

Key Club Website:

Want to contact your district?

District Governor: Doug Ream District Secretary: Jessica Shevlin Email: Email: District Treasurer: Eric Riser Email: District Editor: Jenny Tintner Email: District Webmaster: Jesus Lopez Email: District Executive Assistant: Devon Mims Email : Zone Administrator: Chuck and Emilia Gugliuzza Email:

Florida District Administrator: David McCampbell Email:

Division 25C LTG: Amanda Hernandez 786-252-1723

w w w . k ey cl u b .o r g w w w . f l o r i d a k e y cl u b . c o m D ev el o p i ng co m p e te n t, ca p a b l e , a nd c a r i ng l e a d er s s i nc e 1 9 2 5 .

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