Why Go To University

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WHY GO TO UNIVERSITY The basic reason that the old men created the university itself had a meaning

even before the first stone was laid to build the first ever university in the history of mankind. That is Knowledge, the only reason mankind has survived since the inception of the human society. As per the simplest definition, a University is a place where one can find the treasure of knowledge through the resources of books as well as teachers and by other means. One may argue that books are also found in library also, then why University? The reason is it is a place where one can find the teachers also who are the pundits of specific subjects, which can be helpful in learning! Even the reason that a man desires higher education is specialization! The professional knowledge has been made concentrated into various divisions of the educational system for e.g. primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and lastly universities! So it is the place where one comes in contact with other fellows who share the same interest as well as same level of skills in their same specialty! As a matter of fact, universities provide not mere education, but it also helps prepare oneself for the hard times of life he/she is going to face once the person attempts standing on his/her feet. The reason usually is, the universities are not really in the middle of the cities, rather in country-side areas, where a student may not be able to find his/her favorite food on every Saturday night, he/she may have to travel even to shop or to watch movie etc., or in another instance, the university maybe in the urban area, but the student will be far away from home, thus training him/her to adapt to new bunch of people, giving the opportunity to make more friends and adjust with their needs and preferences! Hence the consequence is better synchronization of the youth among themselves!

ARE PARENTS BEST TEACHERS There is no doubt there parents are the ones those are in closest contact with any person during his/her early years of the life. Right from the birth of an infant, till the person gains maturity and shifts to

another place for study or for living away, he/she has the warmth of parents more than anyone else in the society. Those are the parents who give an individual his/her first lesson of life, which is undoubtedly handling oneself physically. In most instances, its the mother who instructs, or rather provides enough support while the infant is trying to sit on its back or learning to walk or may it be the first words ever the baby utters! Even thats the mother who is responsible for the learning of taking food by a baby. As the child grows, he/she constantly stays in touch of the parents, hence when he is unaware about something; he will surely try to imitate how he has seen his any of the parents doing it. Say it may be eating ice-cream with a spoon or noodles with a fork! Moreover, moral lessons are learnt from parents only. It is one of the customs in Indian people that the pregnant lady should read about good things and try not to worry about anything, otherwise it causes bad impact on the developing child. This clearly depicts that parents start teaching their offspring even before birth itself! In the school-going age, those are the parents which help a kid solve his/her math problems or help remembering the poems! At later ages, usually boys try to imitate their fathers in terms of acquiring skills like physical strength and cracking puzzles! Moreover usually in villages, those are the teenagers only who start joining their fathers to carry forward their traditional occupation! On the other hand, girls imitate their mothers in terms of efforts to show themselves beautiful and charming! It is also observed in urban societies that habit of excessive gossiping is also learned from observation of their mother! So far I have tried to explain why parents are one of the best teachers, because in terms of moral development and physical and mental development in initial years of growth, parents are the best people available around a child to teach him, but later on he/she has to go to a professional school to go on with his/her choice of career! But

there are some exceptions also in this tradition of society, where parents themselves are able to carry the childs education enough to make him successful in life. One notable example is one of the great scientist Thomas Alva Edison, who once was scolded by his teacher because of his unconventional methods of solving problems, which was taken into attention to his mother, who eventually took young Thomas out from the school and taught him at home only and the rest is history as everyone knows that he went on to become a great scientist with more than 1000 patents on his name! Unfortunately what has good perspective has a bad one also. We do keep claiming that parents are the best teachers, but the current situation in todays urban societies is that parents are not finding enough time to stay in touch with their child. Instead its their nannies and caretakers are the ones who teach them to walk! So its no wonder that by the time the kid grows into a teenager, he/she has not much intimate emotional attachment with his/her parents as the previous generation did, resulting in failure to follow their advice and sometimes ending up in troubles which eventually becomes responsible ruining their parents reputation also! Besides, even in some cases the parents may be staying home, but what if they are not enthusiastic enough in raising a child? Even that situation is worse than a child growing up in hands of nannies, isnt it? In summary, I would strongly vote for the parents known to the best teachers unless they themselves are not willing to play the role of a parent!

HAS THE EASE OF COOKING IMPROVED OUR LIFE? Ever since the inception of Industrial Revolution, the human race has been successfully inventing variety of machines to lessen the difficulties in day-to-day life as well as for the industry. Whether it is the field of heavy tools, transportation, health sciences or why not Foods and Beverages! Around 200 years ago it was the time when all the cooks, no matter whether in city or town or village, before food everyone will be lighting stoves only! While today our huge arsenal of kitchen appliances include the conventional stoves and also microwave oven, electric pan, warmer etc. variety of stuff, majorly running on electricity of course. With the ease of cooking, there are also new varieties available in our menu. In older days, people will be thinking whether or not to have a cake to celebrate, while today we think of which flavor should I choose among these 50 varieties of cake! Thus people get things in easier ways than their ancestors did, which improves the quality of life, and hence we seem to have a better life or in other term an Improved Life! Talking in context of the developing countries, majority of the ladies have got rid of the hardship of keep blowing into the stone-stove to keep it lit. This straight away affects their health in physical, mental as well as social terms. Because they are not in contact with smoke as they used to around 10-15 years back, there are less instances of lung-diseases caused by this activity. They are not mentally tired anymore as they just lit the burner and then keep track of the food being cooked. And lastly, a physically and mentally healthy person can take enhanced participation than before! But as every coin has two sides, this one also does! Specially in the urban areas where people are habituated of eating readily available food or so called Junkfood, there is an acute rise in number of obese people within past decade. This problem is more to be taken care in the developed countries as their youth is getting addicted to such habits.

ARE BOOKS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EXPERIENCE It has been told often that Experience is the best teacher. And also that knowledge is wealth. But to gain knowledge, almost all the time the sources are the books! Of course Experience is also helpful in gaining knowledge, but in my opinion, books have got an edge over experience in many ways. It is true that if someone has the experience of a certain task, he learns it in the best manner than ever taught by another person or read from the books. But there is also one thing that unless a person is knowledgeable enough, he will not know what is he supposed to be looking for! There is a saying in medical profession that Eyes dont see what mind doesnt know! For example, suppose a person sells an ordinary looking cup at a nominal price, just with the thought that he has got rid of a junk thing not even worth a penny. But after a few days he reads that the same cup actually belonged to the collection of a king and was highly priced, we can hardly imagine his condition at that time! Thus in this case, the person has just had a bad experience has as a knowledge what he gains is mere fact that he has been ignorant enough of the treasure he had for so long and moreover someone else has been enjoying the fame what should be his. But what if the person had already knew what that cup was worth? And most likely he has got this knowledge from some books on history of the king or maybe from the old manuscripts possessed by his ancestors! Moreover, books are the collection of knowledge in a form which can easily be passed to anyone. No matter whatever is the reason or occasion, books are always there to help you out. Whether it is while trying out a new recipe in cooking, learning a new tune, looking for

someones phone number from the telephone directory or learning how to place incision while treating certain type of diseases! These are not the things where you can try out things and literally experiment with things until you learn the proper way by experience.

WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT YOUR HOMETOWN The first thing I would like to confess is that I do love my hometown even at its current state also. But everything needs some changes. And changes are usually good as they help us improve upon things we adore! Currently many things are there in my hometown that needs some level of improvement. Whether they are roads, sewers, cleanliness or anything else besides. But the main thing I would like to change is that I wish the citizen of the city become more responsible and more dutiful towards whatever job they have been provided to do. Because that is the main reason that eventually leads to anarchy. And when there is anarchy, people start working at lesser efficiency than usual as theyre being forced to perform under pressure. The reason for people working at lesser efficiency rate can be too much pressure or in recent days lack of pressure at all. People who lack self-respect are more prone towards corruption, and this gives room to the people who want to do things illegally. The result is borne by the common man of the society. Neither the officers sitting in the offices nor the person who had offered bribe are going to get buried under the weaker slabs of a building or going to face accident on an improperly furnished asphalt. There are doctors who do malpractice and moreover unhygienic practice which undoubtedly is a hazard for their patients

health. Moreover patients also should start boycotting such practitioners and should report if they come across one.


Its the year 2235 AD. The super advanced technologies ever dreamt by the scientists since 21st century have become the reality. People live for longer now. Once potentially fatal AIDS is now controllable with advances in medical science which now deploys nanobots into the patients body, thus eliminating the need to continue an extensive course of the medications. Space cars also have become reality, but in efforts to tackle the Green House Effect gifted by their ancestors, people now prefer travelling via trains and buses, which have become faster, smoother, efficient and also affordable means of transportation. Living has also gone under enormous evolution as people own houses which efficiently employ solar energy. The electronic equipment and appliances have become automatic. Many people have started trusting androids to handle the household work, including babysitting! But many people have kept hold of activities like cooking, telling stories to toddler etc. with the concept that such activities do need a human touch. But amongst all, advances in the field of space technology have sprinted the most. The century old dreams of mankind to go into hyperspace has become reality by means of interstellar drive and fuel mixture of matter-anti matter. New discoveries are being registered almost every day. But still the quest for extra-terrestrial life forms has been a quest to be accomplished.

Along with technological advances, the human population has also risen to 23 billion or more. So far human population has managed to live comfortably by building taller and taller skyscrapers throughout the planet. Not even the desert of Mojave has been barred. But suddenly there is a boost for the thought of shifting people to another habitable planets. According to United Space Exploratory Organizations Dr. Harvard Steyn, there is enough technology available in their arsenal which can make a man living on a planet.

Its a beautiful morning when Rachel woke up listening to the alarm. She glanced at the clock. It read 5:30 am. Ah, how fast the time passes by when youre sleeping! she thought. But she cant afford the time to move at the same pace by now. It was an important day in her career. Ever since she joined the USEO as an assistant researcher of Exobiology department, she had dreamt of delivering a presentation by herself in front of the Board of Directors. And with every promotion the dream also grew dearer and she started thinking that she was getting close enough to fulfill it. And finally, it was today when Mrs. Rachel Dors was offered to report her findings. She got up off the bed, looked at the computer mounted on the wall and remembered how lately she had been working the previous night. What was it? 1:30 am? Or maybe 2 am. But it didnt matter now. She was all set to grab the opportunity she had been praying for years to be offered. She glanced at the bed alongside. Her husband, John was still asleep. Anyways he could afford to stay asleep for an hour or so, but she couldnt! She went by her daughters room, just to find out that she was also in sound sleep. Once again she glanced at the clock while heading for the stairs. 5:48 am. She felt time had started flying against her wish. She rushed to the bathroom, finished brushing her teeth n quickly took shower. As soon as she got ready, she got busy making breakfast for the family. It was 6:14 am now and she could hear her daughter running all around the upper floor as she was getting ready.

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