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Laboratory Tests

LABORATORY RESULTS Section of Hematology: Date of release: 08/13/11 RESULT Hgb Hct Platelets 138 0.44 89 NORMAL RANGE 135-180 g/l 0.40-0.54 g/l 150-400 x 10g/l INTERPRETATION Normal Normal low high

WBC 16.6 4.50-11 x 10 g/l Implications: High WBC= Infection, Inflammation, Tissue necrotic ( damage), Trauma Low Platelets= Leukocyte differential Count Band Cells Neutrophil Lymphocytes Implications: High Neutrophil= Infection, metabolic disorders, ischemic necrosis Low Lymphocytes= Low numbers of lymphocytes can increase risk for infection. High Band Cells= high band cells indicate that there is an acute body stress 8/13/11 1:30 PM Component Prothrombin time Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time 8/13/11 Leptospiral Test IgG IgM 8/15/11 Component pH pCO2 pO2 HCO3 Level 7.305 28.6 mmHg 107 mmHg 14.2 mmol/L RESULT 0.12 0.80 0.08 NORMAL RANGE 0.00-0.05 0.35- 0.65 0.20- 0.40


Result 10.9 28.7

Normal Value 10-14 secs 27.70-34.10

Interpretation Normal Normal

Negative Negative

BE O2 Sat CTCO2 Section of Chemical Chemistry Date released: 08/13/11 01:40 PM RESULT Potassium Sodium Urea Creatinine AST ALT 4.0 133 31.0 603 31.0 24.0

11.0 mmol/L 97.7 % 14.7 ml/dl

NORMAL RANGE 3.6-5.0 mmol/L 137-145 mmol/L 2.5-6.1 mmol/L 46-92 mmol/L 14-36 u/L 9-52 u/L

INTERPRETATION Normal Low Very High Very High Normal Normal

ALKT 113 30-126 u/L Normal Implications: Too much or too little sodium therefore can cause cells to malfunction, and extremes in the blood sodium levels (too much or too little) can be fatal. Date released: 08/13/11 10:17 PM RESULT Creatinine Urea 739 32.5 NORMAL RANGE 50-110 umol/L 3.2-7.1 mmol/L INTERPRETATION Very High Very High

Date released: 08/16/11 1:29 AM (Creatinine) 1:10 AM (Urea) RESULT Creatinine Urea 08/15/11 Hepatitis Profile Pt Count Cutoff Value Interpretation: Anti-HCV 0.366 0.459 Non reactive 622 30.9 NORMAL RANGE 46-110 umol/L 2.5-7.1 mmol/L INTERPRETATION Very High Very High

Chest xray 08/14/11 Chest PA-LAT/ AP-LAT 1-2 chest: both lung fields are clear. Heart and great vessels are within normal size and configuration. Other chest structures are remarkable. Impression: Normal Chest

Section of Hematology: Date of release: 08/14/11 RESULT Hgb Hct Platelets WBC 106 0.33 100 17.7 NORMAL RANGE 135-180 g/dl 0.40-0.54 g/l 150-400 x 10g/l 4.50-11 x 11 g/l INTERPRETATION Low Low Low high

Implications Low Hgb: A low hemoglobin count can also be caused by an abnormality or disease. In these situations, a low hemoglobin count is referred to as anemia. Low Hct: decreased hematocrit occurs due to overhydration, which lowers the percentage of red blood cells in relation to the liquid plasma portion of blood. Low platelets: could indicate that there may be abnormal bleeding High WBC: Infection, Inflammation, Tissue necrotic (damage), Trauma Leukocyte differential Count Band Normal Neutrophil High Lymphocytes Very Low Implications: High Neutrophil= Infection, metabolic disorders, ischemic necrosis Low Lymphocytes= Low numbers of lymphocytes can increase risk for infection. 02/15/11 Kidney-Ureter-Bladder Both kidneys are normal size which show heterogeneous parenchymal echotexture and indistinct corticomedullary junctions. No discrete mass nor focal lesion seen. Right kidney = 12.0*6.5*6.1cm. Left kidney= 11.7*5.1*5.6cm. Both pelvocalyces and ureters are not dilated. No lithiasis seen. Renal outlines are smooth and regular. Pararenal spaces are unremarkable. Urinary Bladder is undistended with FC balloon. IMPRESSION: Diffuse renal parenchymal disease. Bilateral Undistended urinary bladder RESULT 0.02 0.95 0.05 NORMAL RANGE 0.00-0.05 0.35- 0.65 0.20- 0.40 INTERPRETATION

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