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Additional Mathematics (MID TERM) SECTION A 1. Solve the simultaneous equations 2.

Given that A= 1+4y, B= y-2x and C= y+ and . (5M)

, find the values of x and y if A=3B=C (6M)

( ). Give your answers correct to four 3. a) Solve the quadratic equation significant figures. (3M) b) Express in the form of ( ) , where m and n are constants. Hence, state the value of m and of n. (4M) 4. a) The quadratic equation has equal roots. Find the possible values of p. (4M) b)The roots of the quadratic equation are h and 3, find the value of k and of h. (4M) 5. Diagram 5 shows a right-angled triangle ABC, where AB = (x+2) cm, AC = (y+3) cm and BC= 10 cm. C

(y +3) cm

10 cm

Diagram 5

Given that the perimeter and the area of triangle ABC are 24 unit and respectively, find the possible values of x and of y. (6M) 6. a) Find the range of values of p if the graph of the quadratic function ( ) ( ) cuts the x-axis at two different points. (4M) b) Find the range of x for which ( SECTION B 7. a) Given that b) Given that ( ) i. ( ) , (1M) ii. and and ( ) ( ) ,(2M) . Find iii. h(x) such ( ) (3M) , where a and b are )( ) . (4M)

constants, find the value of a and of b. (4M

8. ( ) P Q (3,q) O Diagram 8 shows a curve of a quadratic function ( ) of the curve is Q (3,q) and it cuts the f(x)-axis at point P. a) State the coordinates of P, (2M) b) By using the method of copleting the square, find the value of h and q. (5M) c) Determine the range of values of x for which ( ) . (3M) 9. Mass (kg) 14 - 16 17 - 19 20 - 22 23 - 25 26 - 28 29 30 Frequency 1 13 16 m 4 1 Table 9 Table 9 shows the frequency distribution of the masses of group of children in a kindergarten. a) It is given that the median mass is 21kg. Calculate the value of m. (4M) b) Using the scale of 2cm to 3kg on horizontal axis and 2cm to 2 children on the vertical axis, draw a histrogram to represent to represent the given frequency distribution given. Hence, find the modal class. (4M) c) What is the modal class if the mass of each child is decreased by 0.8kg? (2M) 10. The roots of the quadratic equation are m and n, where . a) Find - The value of m and n, - The range of x if (4M) b) Using the values of m and n from part (a) , form a quadratic equation which has roots 4m and 2n+7. (3M) c) One of the roots of quadratic equation , where , is three times the other root, find the possible values of p. (3M) Diagram 8 . The minimum point

SECTION C 11. Table 11 shows the prices and the price indices for the four ingredients, P, Q, R and S, used in making biscuits of a particular kind. ingredients Price per kg (RM) in the year Price index for the year 2004 based on the year 2oo1 2001 2004 P 0.80 1.00 X Q 2.00 y 140 R 0.40 0.60 150 S z 0.40 80 Table 11 Diagram 11 shows a pie chart which represents the relative amount of the ingredients P, Q, R and S, used in making these biscuits.

S Diagram 11 R

a) Find the values of x, y and of z. (3M) b) i. Calculate the composite index for the cost of making these biscuits in the year 2004 based on 2001. (4M) ii. Hence, calculate the corresponding cost of making these biscuits in year 2001 if the cost in 2004 was RM 298. (3M)

12. Table 12 shows the price indices and the percentage of usage of four items, P, Q, R and S, which are the main ingredients in the production of a type of milk powder. Item Price index for the year 2005 Percentage of usage P 135 40 Q X 30 R 105 10 S 130 20 Table 12 a) Find i. The price of S in the year 1993 if its price in the year 1995 is RM 37.70 ii. The price index of P in the year 1995 based on the year 1991 if its price index in the year 1993 based on the year 1991 is 120. (5M) b) The composite index for the cost of production for a tin of the milk powder for the year 1995 based on the year 1993 is 128. i. The value of x, ii. The price of a tin of the milk powder in the year 1993 if the corresponding price in the year 1995 is RM 32. (5M)

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