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Stannington First School Newsletter 8th March, 2012

Dear Parents This half term is flying by! The children are all working extremely hard and the teachers are all really pleased with the progress that is being made in all classes. As I am writing this letter, the children from Swifts and Mrs Bolams class are in the Hall being shown some minibeasts from Zoolab there are giant snails, snakes, cockroaches to name a few of the creatures. I will be checking to make sure that none are left behind when the Zoolab man goes! Mrs Rusby has gone with Y4 to Chantry as part of their transition programme and Year 3 are having a very hardworking day with Mrs Butler. Parent Governors One point that came to light on the recent questionnaire was that parents dont know who our Parent Governors are or how to contact them. Our Parent Governors are: Brent Kilmurray Simon Brown David Hepton Richard Glennie If you need to contact them, please see them if they are at school dropping off or collecting their children, or leave a letter addressed to them at the Office and Janet will forward the letter to them. Head Lice Please check your childs hair for head lice as we have had a case reported to us. If you do find any please treat your childs hair before sending them back to school. Choir I have started a choir in school; the children are very keen and have such lovely voices! You will be able to hear them in the near future once they have perfected their song! Football Club The Stannington First School Football Club met for the first time last week and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. To ensure the smooth running of the club and the health and safety of the children, please access school via the side gate only (the gate the children use in the morning). The children will have all their belongings with them so will not need to come back into the school building this will enable Albert to clean the school.

Thanks for your continued support, please feel free to contact either myself or the teachers should you have any concerns about your child, please phone to arrange a mutually convenient time. Kind Regards, Helen Stokoe Head Teacher DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Event *Chantry Road Show at Stannington *PTA Meeting *Parents Evenings Sports Relief Day Easter Bonnet making day *Easter celebration Day in school followed by a Church Service. Information For years 3&4 Parents In School All Welcome Appointments to be made with class teacher children to come to school in sports clothes 1 donation Children to bring in whatever resources they need to make their Easter bonnet in school A carousel of activities for the children during the morning, followed by a service in Church for children, parents, carers and the community. The children will be given an amount of money per class and asked to come up with a way to make this money grow! More details to follow nearer the time. Date 12th March 2.30pm 13th March 9.15am 19th & 20th March Friday 23rd March Tuesday 27th March

*Friday 30th March, service to start at 1.30 pm

Enterprise Week

Week beginning Monday 23rd April

*Summer Fair *Jubilee Day

*Saturday May 26th *Thursday 31st May

Children dressed as children from the 1950s. There will be more details to follow about this we are still in the early planning stages! *Events that involve parents.

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