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Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

International Security
This lecture course introduces students to the subfield of international security or strategic studies. In order to grasp the usefulness of the theoretical ideas presented in readings and lectures, abstract concepts are linked with a study of various national security policies states have adopted in the decades since World War II. The questions the course explores include the following: What are the requirements for ensuring a nations security? What are the fundamental distinctions among the alternative strategies available to states and to their adversaries? What strategies have the U.S. and others have adopted? To what extent have these strategic choices reflected a clearly defined national interest, domestic political and economic pressures, international constraints, and the state of military technology? What lessons, if any, does the history of international security relations during the Cold War suggest about security in the 21st century? Among the many topics we examine are current debates about nuclear proliferation, terrorism, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the rise of China, Asian flashpoints (Korea, the Taiwan Strait), and US security policy for the 21st century-- considering some of the main strategic alternatives available to the US as well as their implications for the types of forces deployed (the impact of the revolution in military affairs, the future of missile defense, and the economic burden to be shouldered). Caveat: This course examines the intersection of political, military, and strategic affairs. Many important topics in international relations are set aside. Students seeking a broader focus should plan on taking Political Science 150, International Relations in Theory and Practice. Students looking for a course covering the full range of U.S. foreign policy issues are encouraged to take a class on American foreign policy. Those interested in exploring specific regional rivalries in depth are encouraged to consider classes more narrowly focused on a single region (e.g., Middle East, Balkans, Northern Ireland, East Asia, and South Asia). This course does include discussion of both history and contemporary conflicts, but mainly to illuminate the usefulness of enduring strategic principles and to provide lessons that may be instructive for grasping the security challenges ahead.

Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

COURSE REQUIREMENTS Readings Required readings are listed below each topic on the lecture and reading schedule. (1) Some required readings are contained in the following paperback book available for purchase at the University of Pennsylvania bookstore: Schelling, Thomas. Arms and Influence (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008). (2) Others, marked with an asterisk (*) on syllabus, can be accessed through the Blackboard website for this class at, or through Penns library website at These readings available online through Blackboard include several extended selections from Deterrence and Security in the 21st Century. If you prefer to read them offline, however, the book will also be available for purchase at the University of Pennsylvania bookstore. (3) Although there are many required readings listed under some of the topics, these are typically cases where I have selected very short essays, or exchanges of views that have appeared in journals. Course Website and Listserv The Blackboard website: I will post topics to be covered in each lecture, course announcements, readings not in the books available for purchase, supplemental materials, and links to other relevant resources online. The Course Listserv will be used to send out announcements. Please be sure that you are receiving these email messages. If you are not, tell us and we will add you to the list the university automatically generates.

Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania Exams: Please note all dates and make your plans accordingly (Alternate exams are not scheduled) 1. Midterm Exam (in-class): February 16

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

2. Take-home Essay (4-5 pages): Topic distributed February 23; essay due March 1. Note: This is not a research paper and in writing it you need only draw on the readings and lectures for this course. 3. Final Exam: Monday, May 7, 9-11am Recitations: Students are expected to participate in a weekly recitation where there will be ample opportunity to discuss the lectures and readings, raise questions for clarification, and, especially during the last half of the course, explore contemporary debates about international security. Grades: Midterm exam Take-home essay Final exam Recitation

25% 25% 40% 10%

NOTE: ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Plagiarism, use of another persons work, misconduct during an examination, prior possession of an examination, and submission of work used in another course are examples of violations of the University of Pennsylvania Academic Code of Integrity. For further clarification, please see Any student who violates the Code will receive a failing grade for the work in question and will be referred to the Judicial Inquiry Officer for further action.

Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania Outline of Course Topics

I. Basic Concepts II. Cold War Era: Strategy and Experience A. US Security Policy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Formative Years: Containment (Truman) New Look and Massive Retaliation (Eisenhower) Flexible Response: Cuba and Vietnam (Kennedy/Johnson) Dtente and Nuclear Anxieties (Nixon/Ford) Deterrence Denounced and Star Wars (Reagan)

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

B. Beyond MAD 1. Extended Deterrence and Defense 2. Deterrence of the Strong by the Weak: China, Britain, and France III. Security Challenges in the Post-Cold War Era A. Terrorism and Counterterrorist Operations 1. Terrorism 2. The Home Front 3. Afghanistan War, Phase I: Operation Enduring Freedom 4. Iraq War: Operation Iraqi Freedom 5. Afghanistan War, Phase II: The Surge and After B. Existing Nuclear Weapons States C. Nuclear Proliferation 1. Background 2. Current Cases: North Korea and Iran D. Asia and the Rise of China E. New Technology and Security Concerns 1. The Revolution in Military Affairs 2. Missile Defenses 3. Command, Control, and Cyberconcerns F. Arms Racing and Arms Control G. Choices: Ends, Means, Strategy

Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

Lecture Topics and Reading Schedule

I. Basic Concepts [January 17, 19, 24] *Smoke, Richard. National Security and the Nuclear Dilemma (hereafter National Security), pp. 5-21. Schelling, Thomas. Arms and Influence, pp. 1-34, 69-189. Goldstein, Avery. Deterrence and Security in the 21st Century, pp. 26-32.

II. Cold War Era: Superpower Strategy and Experience A. US Security Policy 1. Formative Years: Containment (Truman) [January 26] *Smoke, National Security, pp. 22-62. 2. New Look and Massive Retaliation (Eisenhower) [January 31] *Smoke, National Security, pp. 63-100. 3. Flexible Response: Cuba and Vietnam (Kennedy/Johnson) Cuba [February 2] *Smoke, National Security, pp. 101-124. *Welch, David A., James G. Blight, and Bruce J. Allyn. The Cuban Missile Crisis, from Robert J. Art and Kenneth N. Waltz, eds., The Use of Force, 5th ed., pp. 189-212. Vietnam [February 7] *Gaddis, John Lewis. Flexible Response and Vietnam, from Art and Waltz, eds., The Use of Force, 5th ed., pp. 213-238. 4. Dtente and Nuclear Anxieties (Nixon/Ford) [February 9] *Smoke, National Security, pp. 175-216. Schelling, Arms and Influence, pp. 190-220. 5. Deterrence Denounced and Star Wars (Reagan) [February 14] *Smoke, National Security, pp. 236-263.

MIDTERM EXAM (in class) February 16


Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania B. Beyond MAD 1. Extended Deterrence and Defense [February 21] Schelling, Arms and Influence, pp. 35-69.

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

2. Deterrence of the Strong by the Weak: China, Britain, and France [February 23] *Goldstein, Deterrence and Security in the 21st Century, pp. 1-57

Take Home Essay Distributed February 23 Due March 1

III. Security Challenges in the Post-Cold War Era A. Terrorism and Counterterrorist Operations 1. Terrorism [February 28] *Pillar, Paul R. The Diffusion of Terrorism, Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 1 (Winter 2010), pp. 1-14. *Betts, Richard. The New Threat of Mass Destruction, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 77, No. 1 (January /February 1998), pp. 26-41. *Schelling, Thomas C. The Chicago Project on Security and Terrorism Whatever Happened to Nuclear Terrorism?, (September 6 2011) 2. The Home Front [March 1] *Flynn, Stephen E. America the Vulnerable, Foreign Affairs Vol. 81, No. 1 (January-February 2002), pp. 60-74. *Mueller, John Is There Still a Terrorist Threat?: The Myth of the Omnipresent Enemy, Foreign Affairs Vol. 85, No. 5 (September/October 2006), pp. 2-8.

Spring Break [March 6, 8]

Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

3. Afghanistan War, Phase I: Operation Enduring Freedom [March 13] *OHanlon , Michael E. A Flawed Masterpiece, Foreign Affairs Vol. 81, No.3 (May/June 2002), pp. 47-63. 4. Iraq War: Operation Iraqi Freedom [March 15] *Pollack, Kenneth M. Next Stop Baghdad? Foreign Affairs, Vol. 81 No. 2 (March/April 2002), pp. 32-47 *Mearsheimer, John J. and Stephen M. Walt. An Unnecessary War, Foreign Policy, No. 134 (January/February 2003), pp. 50-59. * Biddle, Stephen; OHanlon, Michael E.; Pollack, Kenneth M. How to Leave a Stable Iraq, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 87, No. 5 (September/October 2008), pp. 40-58. 5. Afghanistan War, Phase II: The Surge and After [March 20] *OHanlon, Michael. Staying Power: The U.S. Mission in Afghanistan Beyond 2011, Foreign Affairs, vol. 89, no. 5 (September/October 2010), pp. 63-79. *Blackwill, Robert D. Plan B in Afghanistan: Why a De Facto Partition Is the Least Bad Option, Foreign Affairs, vol. 90, no. 1 (January/February 2011), pp. 42-50. *Khalilzad, Zalmay. The Three Futures for Afghanistan: Why the Country Needs a Long-Term Commitment from the United States, Foreign Affairs, December 16, 2011, *Nagl, John A. Lets Win the Wars Were In, JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly, No. 52 (1st Quarter 2009), pp. 20-26. *Gentile, Gian P. Lets Build an Army to Win All Wars, JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly, no. 52 (1st Quarter 2009), pp. 27-33. *Rosenbach, Eric and Aki Peritz. The New Find-Fix-Finish Doctrine, JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly, No. 61 (2011 2nd Quarter), pp. 94101. B. Existing Nuclear Weapons States [March 22] *Goldstein, Deterrence and Security in the 21st Century, pp. 217-256. *Lieber, Keir A. and Daryl G. Press. The Nukes We Need, Foreign Affairs, vol. 88, no. 6 (November/December 2009), pp. 39-51. *Lodal, Jan. The Counterforce Fantasy, Foreign Affairs, vol. 89, no. 2 (March/April 2010), pp. 145-46. 7

Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

*Acton, James M. Managing Vulnerability, Foreign Affairs, vol. 89, no. 2 (March/April 2010), pp. 146-48. *Kristensen, Hans M., Matthew McKinzie, and Ivan Oelrich. Failure to Yield, Foreign Affairs, vol. 89, no. 2 (March/April 2010), pp. 148-50. *Lieber, Keir and Daryl Press. Lieber and Press Reply, Foreign Affairs, vol. 89, no. 2 (March/April 2010), pp. 150-52.

C. Nuclear Proliferation 1. Background [March 27] *Goldstein, Deterrence and Security in the 21st Century, pp. 257-298. 2. Current Cases: North Korea and Iran [March 29] *Cha, Victor D. What Do They Really Want?: Obamas North Korea Conundrum, Washington Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 4 (2009), pp. 119-38. *Lindsay, James M. and Ray Takeyh. After Iran Gets the Bomb, Foreign Affairs, vol. 89, no. 2 (March/April 2010), pp. 33-49. *Edelman, Eric S., Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr., and Evan Braden Montgomery. The Dangers of a Nuclear Iran: The Limits of Containment, Foreign Affairs, vol. 90, no. 1 (January/February 2011), pp. 66-81. D. Asia and the Rise of China [April 3, 5] *Friedberg, Aaron L. and Robert S. Ross. The Great Debate: Here Be Dragons The National Interest, No. 103 (September/October, 2009), pp. 19-34; *Wang, J. Chinas Search for a Grand Strategy, Foreign Affairs, vol. 90, (2011), pp. 68-79. *Friedberg, A. Hegemony with Chinese Characteristics, The National Interest, (Jul/Aug2011) Issue 114, pp. 18-27. E. New Technology and Security Concerns [April 10, 12] 1. The Revolution in Military Affairs [April 10] *Cohen, Eliot A. A Revolution in Warfare, Foreign Affairs, vol. 75, no. 2 (March/April 1996), pp. 37-54.

Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

*Krepinevich, Andrew. Get Ready for the Democratization of Destruction, Foreign Policy, no. 188 (2011), pp. 1-4. *Singer, Peter W. Statement of Peter Warren Singer. Paper presented at the Hearing on Rise of the Drones: Unmanned Systems and the Future of War, Rise of the Drones: Unmanned Systems and the Future of War, The United States House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight And Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, March 23 2010. *Sluka, Jeffrey A. Death from Above: UAVs and Losing Hearts and Minds, Military Review, vol. 91, no. 3 (May-June 2011), pp. 70-76. 2. Missile Defenses [April 10] *Lindsay, James M. and Michael E. OHanlon, Missile Defense after the ABM Treaty, The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Summer 2002), pp. 163-176. 3. Command, Control and Cyberconcerns [April 12] *Clarke, Richard. War from Cyberspace, The National Interest, no. 104 (November/December 2009), pp. 31-36. *Nye, Joseph S. Power and National Security in Cyberspace, in Kristin M. Lord and Travis Sharp, eds., Americas Cyber Future Security and Prosperity in the Information Age, Vol. 2, Washington, DC: Center for a New American Security, 2011, pp. 7-23, F. Arms Racing and Arms Control [April 17] Schelling, Arms and Influence, pp. 221-286 *Blair, Bruce, Victor Esin, Matthew McKinzie, Valery Yarynich, and Pavel Zolotarev. Smaller and Safer, Foreign Affairs, vol. 89, no. 5 (September/October 2010), pp. 9-16. *Sagan, Scott D. and Kenneth N. Waltz. The Great Debate: Nuclear Zero Prophecies, The National Interest, No. 109 (September/October 2010), pp. 88-96; *Joffe, Josef and James W. Davis. Less Than Zero: Bursting the New Disarmament Bubble, Foreign Affairs, vol. 90, no. 1 (January/February 2011), pp. 7-13. G. Choices: Ends, Means, Strategy [April 19, 24] *Betts, Richard K. A Disciplined Defense, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 86, No. 6 (November/December 2007), pp. 67-80.

Political Science 151 University of Pennsylvania

Professor Goldstein Spring 2012

*Gates, Robert M. A Balanced Strategy: Reprogramming the Pentagon for a New Age, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 88, No. 1 (January-February 2009), pp. 28-40. *Adams, Gordon and Matthew Leatherman. A Leaner and Meaner Defense: How to Cut the Pentagons Budget While Improving Its Performance, Foreign Affairs, vol. 90, no. 1 (January/February 2011), pp. 139-52. *Betts, Richard K. Conflict or Cooperation? Foreign Affairs, vol. 89, no. 6 (November/December 2010), pp. 186-94. *Mearsheimer, John J. Imperial by Design, National Interest, no. 111 (2011), pp. 16-34. *Clinton, Hillary. Americas Pacific Century, Foreign Policy, no. 189 (November 2011), pp. 56-63.


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