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SEPT / 2011



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711212065190002 711212065190 019-4314247




TITLE Report on problems due to lamb taste Peculiar


Pasaraya Serba Gemilang Store Manager, Cawangan Baling 09100 BalingKedah Tel: 04-1234567 16 October 2011 MR. David Lee Branch Manager Pasaraya Serba Gemilang, Cawangan Baling ,09100, Kedah Darul Aman Dear Mr. David Lee Report on problems due to lamb taste Peculiar This report concerned consumer complaints about the problem caused by the taste Peculiar lamb supplied by the supplier to the supermarket. For the record, in the first part I have explained the background of the problem in detail. Meanwhile, in the second section, I have identified the causes of the problem resulted in lamb has a strange taste as claimed by the customer. In this section I also discuss the effects arising from this difficulty. Next, the discussions of the proposed solutions were presented at the end of the same section. While, in the third part, I also gave two suggestions for long-term development in order to avoid this problem recurring.

It has been pleasure and challenge working on this report. Please feel free to contact me in case of clarification or queries on this report.

Yours sincerely,

Sarifah Ahmad


Store Manager Pasaraya Serba Gemilang. Table of contents

1.0 Introduction / Overview 2.0 Background and details of the problems 2.1 Present situation, 2.2 Problems identified; 2.2.1 The frozen meat not properly deep frozen on loading 2.2.3 2.2.3 Packaging that is imperfect during delivery by manufacturer. Package damage have occurred during delivery and exposed to pollution. 2.2.4 Supermarket freezing equipment in imperfect for storage and sales exhibition.

4 5 3

2.3 The impact on the problems 2.3.1 Our company to lose profits in terms of selling our product. 2.3.2 Negative perception by people on supermarket 2.3.3 Consumer would be experiencing food poisoning 2.3.4 Supplier side will be at a loss 7

2.4 The solutions 2.4.1 Pay back money to customers and apologize for all the complexities that occur. 2.4.2 Takes responsibility and medical costs and loss of customers. 2.4.3 Make the press conference 2.4.4 Destroy all the lamb 2.4.5 Repair and maintenance of frozen storage immediately 9

Future development ( Suggestions ) 3.0 3.1 Streamline the quality control department 3.2 Cooperation with suppliers and related ministries. 10

4.0 Conclusion 3



5.0 Reference list



Overview Recently, as a Store Manager of this company, I have received several complaints from customers about our frozen food product. Thus, the purpose of this report is to inform about the complaint from our customers regarding to the peculiar taste of the frozen lamb which are sold by our company especially our frozen food department.

In addition, this report is written to investigate the cause of this problem by using several methods and try to find the solution of this crisis. The methods that was applied was interview a few at random customer, contact immediately supplier side to get information, check that product in present storage stockroom and make inspection how that product maintained by our supermarket.

Until this report is being written, this problem is still being unsolved because it involves many parties including the supplier, our frozen food department and the customers themselves. The difficulty to solve this problem because this problem only realized after consumer parties complaining and it take almost 2 weeks for supermarket management taking action in order to settle this problem.

Therefore, action should be taken instantly to ensure that our company does not have bad reputation from our customers as well as to avoid our company to lose profits in terms of selling our product. Impact which arose from this problem will involve many party such as own supermarket party sales decline, negative perception by people on supermarket, consumer would be experiencing food poisoning, and supplier side will be at a loss.

Hence this report would like to suggest a few solutions to solve the problem such as the frozen meat must be properly deep frozen on loading while delivering, our company management should discuss again in details with the supplier about the quality of the product, our company should provide a proper storage for the meat and the quality control department should separate the product which has already expired from the good ones.


2.0 Background and details of the problems This problem start in early October when our supermarket from consumers department branch started receiving complaint from customer. They claim that frozen lamb that purchased from this supermarket have peculiar taste. Unexpectedly, complaint by complaint were received and until this report written, more 30 complaints recorded. I expect complaint will continue to be received and will on the rise from time to time.

Meanwhile, for your information, company which supplies that frozen Lamb was Syarikat Nusantara Sdn. Bhd., addressed at Lot 19, Kawasan Perindustrian Bakar Arang, Sg Petani Kedah. From statement that I achieve from the company , that all frozen lamb supply imported from Australia. That supply is the latest and still good during delivery carried out. Our supermarket marketing department which received that product had affirmed that information.

Complaint occurring at freezing sales department this supermarket because that meats start smelly. They expect this case will be transmitted and involving other item such as vegetables, fruits and others more. However, we forced to continue keeping that product to be made evidence material to supplier side and also for Health Department study on phenomena which is happening.


Present Situation

I had committed preliminary survey and find that the problems which occurred are : i. ii. Consumers had returned that mutton and request back their money. Many rotten meat dump in frozen store and this incident getting rampant. iii. Our supermarket will at a loss and this matter financially involving a lot of cost. iv. There is consumer already reported this state to authority consumer complaints division involving the ministry such as Health Ministry and Ministry Of Domestic Trade, Co-Operation And Consumers. v. More worse, reported there is customer that have undergone food poisoning.



Problems identified Result of random observation that I managing find out that : 2.2.1 The frozen meat not properly deep frozen on loading. In this case, The frozen lamb that delivered to our supermarket were not properly deep frozen. Meat which is not at the required core temperature will spoil during a long voyage. Checks must accordingly be carried out during loading. Properly deep frozen meat sounds like wood when struck. A wooden mallet may thus be used for performing many checks. The core temperature should be measured for each batch by drilling a hole into the middle of the piece of meat and measuring the temperature with a meat thermometer. Occasionally, meat is supplied which, after freezing, has been exposed to higher temperatures. Such incorrect storage results in depreciation. Such interim thawing can be recognized by the protective coverings' having frozen onto the meat. Distortion of the pieces of meat and dark muscle tissue color are further indications of incorrect handling. Due to an increased risk of decomposition, frozen meat must not exhibit the slightest trace of fresh blood.


Packaging that is imperfect during delivery by manufacturer. The protective coverings must be clean and dry. Blood-stained and frozen down coverings are a sure sign of noncompliance with the necessary cold chain (interim thawing). Perhaps some package not wrapped properly past decomposes because had been contaminated. Dropping or impact results in breakage. Frozen meat may even splinter like wood. It is also sensitive to other mechanical stresses, such as slipping due to poor stowage. Chafing of solidly frozen meat may result in damage to film packaging. Meat packaged in cartons must be secured in the hold or container in such a way that it cannot move during transport. In the case of container transport, it is also important for the goods to be secured in the door area so that they cannot fall out of the container when the doors are opened.


2.2.3 Package damage have occurred during delivery and exposed to pollution. Things that concern is likely to occur because of transport workers is less awareness about hygiene. consequently, this product is very sensitive and susceptible to infection when exposed to open environment. In addition, additionally, the circumstances RF Insect infestation / Diseases. If the specified temperature and humidity conditions are maintained, microorganisms constitute no risk as their activity comes to a standstill at approx. -10C. As a basic principle, a veterinary certificate is required for transport operations.

2.2.4 Supermarket freezing equipment in imperfect for storage and sales exhibition. One more thing, cause that is apparent was frozen cool place that provided by our supermarket very poor and not being service for a long time. Investigations and inspections at the supermarket freezer refrigerators found that all the meat in a store does not work well. This is due to have not maintained. Consequently, it cannot maintain

freezing temperatures as specified. Frozen meat should have a core temperature of -18C so that the activity of microorganisms comes to a standstill and enzymatic degradation processes are largely suppressed. Temperature measurements must be performed and recorded at regular intervals.


The impact on the problems In this report, through investigation and research I do, the consequences will arise from this problem are as follows. 2.3.1 Our company to lose profits in terms of selling our product. Fewer sales, especially sales of frozen material. Sharp decline in sales plunged by 40 percent from 75 percent. This condition is very disturbing. Supermarkets are now faced with phenomena who never


expected so far. We need to take immediate action to address this problem and prevent it from continuing.


Negative perception by people on supermarket This supermarket has a good reputation among consumers in this area. The Society for a long time made the supermarkets as their main mall. From the dry goods, clothing, electrical goods to wet produce, this supermarkets have been providing a variety of needs in their daily lives. However, the present situation shows the reverse. Presence was reduced and the customers seem to boycott the supermarket. If this situation continues, we will face a very critical situation. Matters worse, consumers have already complained to authorities about the situation. Meanwhile, the press waiting for an opportunity to write something bad about

2.3.3 Consumer would be experiencing food poisoning. Food poisoning is unpleasant at best and deadly at its worst. One of the events that can cause food contamination is Food storage: Food that is stored incorrectly.(for instance an uncooked chicken thigh resting next to a bunch of grapes) can be a source of transferring bacteria and other contaminants from one food to another. This is a very tricky area because often people don't think that some foods could be a source of contamination but are unaware that cross-contamination has occurred. In this case, the investigation found, all lamb is in the storage has been contaminated. As well as a sense of Peculiar, our lamb are clearly contaminated with rapidly decaying bacteria reason. so far 5 people have customers and claiming food poisoning due to eating lamb is bought from this supermarket. And now, we are just waiting for the arrival of officials from the health department to make a thorough investigation.

2.3.4 Supplier side will be at a loss


In addition, not only the supermarket, this result was also impressed by the supplier. Suppliers must be losing their customers. While they stock would be detained by the authorities for investigation. All supplies will be forfeited. We expect this situation will last in a long time; of course, it involves a lot of cost and financial. Supply disruption of lamb for a long time. Our party had to find another supplier and will also require new agreements and the various obstacle.


The solutions After reviewing and analyzing all the problems, in this report I propose some events to overcome the problems encountered. for short-term solution, I am presenting recommendations as shown below. While long-term solution I am presenting in the next section. The short-term solutions that I recommend are as follows. 2.4.1 Pay back money to customers and apologize for all the complexities that occur. Supermarket management needs to return money to consumers who are involved and ask anyone who has not returned the meat to return it immediately to the freezer. Use a receipt as proof of purchase to avoid scams.

2.4.2 Takes responsibility and medical costs and loss of customers. The supermarkets will pay for medical expenses and loss of customers affected by food poisoning as a result of lamb is bought from a supermarket.


Make the press conference. The management and senior supermarkets need to held a press conference immediately to explain the real situation to the public. This is because it involves many parties, including suppliers and the public itself.


Destroy all the lamb.


This action is taken to avoid spreading infection. This is done after the health department completed the investigation and under the surveillance department. the supermarket will fully bear all expenses and costs of this action.


Repair and maintenance of frozen storage immediately. All facilities in the frozen storage need to maintained as soon as possible. This is to ensure that all mechanical work as intended. Maintain the temperature is very important, especially the storage of meat. It can prevent such incidents recurring.

3.0 Future development ( Suggestions / Recommendation) As promised earlier, in this report I propose some long-term solution to ensure that the supermarket is moving forward and keep has the confidence of the customer. These proposals aim to develop and strengthen the company's employees to stay competitive, proactive and highly confident. The following are the proposals that I listed. 3.1 Streamline the quality control department To prevent this incident recurring, supermarket management need to restructure the quality control department of this supermarket. Training should be given periodically to the workers of this section that is sensitive and responsible for all the products under their supervision. Survey results found that most employees who work in this department are mostly untrained and unskilled in determining the quality of goods received from suppliers. The incident due to negligence of this section while receiving contaminated products and as a result the supermarket had to deal with other problems. Discipline need to applied earnestly to all employees so as not to casually in the course of their duties. They must be trained to be more responsible for the tasks assigned. Disciplinary action need to impose on employees who fail to carry out the duties entrusted to them. 3.2 Cooperation with suppliers and related ministries. This cooperation is needed on the ground that the supermarkets unable to move itself, especially in dealing with agricultural goods and food. Supply


dependence on suppliers is important for maintaining the cleanliness and quality of the product. While the ministries and government departments need to monitor that good because it involves the public. Surveillance authorities in the farm, slaughter and packaging process must be made periodically to ensure that products are available at the prescribed standards. The authorities need to be more assertive in determining everything is in perfect condition before being sold to the public. 4.0 Conclusion. These findings indicate a problem involving many parties. Nevertheless, the management took the first step because it is very important in business. As an organization that is responsible, then this problem can be diagnosed and solved in two different forms of long-term and short term. By taking into account public interest, the solution steps are taken in a win-win situation. Various measures proposed in this report are based on preliminary research, but it really helps solve the problem rapidly and all parties are satisfied especially customers. Even if the supplier is an organization that involves direct, but the supermarkets are more concerned with internal problems such as labor problems, the department frozen storage, and technical equipment. Finally, it is hoped that all the measures put forward to overcome this problem can be applied to reap the benefits together.

(2,253 words)

5.0 References

Jaya Pushani Ponnudurai, Dr Ranjit Singh Gill, Prof Caroline Martin, Dr Juliana Othman, Dr Woo Tai Kwan. (2010). OUM2203 ELISH FOR WORK PLACE COMMUNICATION, Meteor Doc. Sdn. Bhd. Selangor. (Accessed on 12 Oct 2011) (Accessed on 12 Oct 2011) (Accesed on 14 Oct 2011) (Accesed on 18 Oct 2011)



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