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RTS STRUTS 2.0 Struts 2.0 Course Pre requisites :: Java (min 1.

1.5) Filters,JSP,and Tag Libraries JavaBeans HTML and HTTP Web Containers (such as Tomcat) XML Understanding of MVC Struts 2.0 s/w requirements :: Java 5 Tomcat 5.5 ,a distribution can be downloaded from the Apache Struts website Eclipse 3.2(Helios 3.6) Why choose Struts2? :: Simple Design : The Struts2.0 design allows the action classes to be simple POJOs, thus allows loose coupling and portability of classes Dependency Injection : Struts 2.0 has a integrated dependency injection engine that manages component lifecycle Useful Defaults : Most of the configuration elements have a default value ,which can be set as required The xml-based default configuration files can be overridden Rich Tag Library : Rich set of reusable user interface tags allow easy component- oriented development using themes and templates Multiple view options : Struts 2 Results provide flexibility to create multiple type of outputs, this is done using pluggable Result Types that support multiple view technologies,including JSP, FreeMarker,Velocity, PDF,and JasperReports . Simple integration with other technologies : Struts 2 Actions are Spring-aware, just need to add Spring beans Easy integration with Hibernate, Spring, JSTL Simple Plug-ins : The simple plugin architecture allows developers to extend the framework just by adding a JAR to the application's classpath Ajax Tags : Struts 2 taglib includes several Ajax JSP tags, the AJAX theme gives interactive applications a significant boost Struts 2 can also return a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) response, using a plugin For added value, several Ajax-centric plugins are available Struts is extensible : The distribution provides the general-purpose framework, but you can still write your application your way Struts MVC :: The Model should do the "heavy lifting", and the Action will act as a "traffic cop" or adapter . The framework provides type conversion to simplify transferring data between rich domain objects and textonly HTTP requests.

Struts 2.0 Overview :: Agenda - Struts2 Core concepts :: Overview of :: New architectural features of Struts2 High level architecture of Struts 2 web application framework How Struts 2 implements the Model-View-Controller design pattern Elements of MVC in Struts2 Request Processing life cycle Interceptors , ValueStack , OGNL and ActionContext Configuring Struts2 application HelloWorld application Architectural aspects - Struts2 :: Struts 2 is web application framework that implements the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern Struts 2 also introduces several new architectural features making it cleaner and more flexible New Features - Struts2 :: Interceptors for layering cross-cutting concerns away from action logic Powerful expression language, Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL), that transverses the entire framework Mini-MVC-based tag API that supports modifiable and reusable VI components High-level overview - Struts2 Framework ::

MVC in Struts2 :: How Struts 2 implements MVC,and how the parts of the framework work together when processing a request Controller : org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher Model : Action classes provided by developers View : The Result

Controller : FilterDispatcher :: FilterDispatcher is a servlet filter that inspects each incoming request to determine which Struts 2 action should handle the request. You just need to inform the framework which request URLs map to which of your actions ,configuration files done with XML-based. Model - Action classes :: A Struts 2 action serves two roles o Encapsulates the calls to business logic into a single unit of work o Serves as a means of data transfer between request and Result Action class can be a simple JavaBean with a execute() method Or it can be a extension of ActionSupport class to take full advantage of Struts2s intelligent defaults View - The Result :: The presentation component of MVC pattern Action chooses result to render the response It can choose from any number of results Struts2 supports common view-layer technologies as results These include JSP,Velocity, FreeMarker,and XSL The clean architecture allows building more result types to handle new types of responses Request processing workflow : Overview ::

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