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Executive Board Responsibilities 2011-2012 President - Motivate executive board and members through an enthusiastic attitude towards PRSSA

- Develop the annual theme for PRSSA and continually communicate a vision for the organization - Maintain brand integrity and consistency - Preside at all membership and executive board meetings - Delegate responsibilities to officers and committees - Direct overall operations of Chapter Vice President of External Affairs - Maintain relationship between UD Communication Department and PRSSA-UD, as well as other related on-campus departments o Promote PRSSA within the Communication major and other related programs o Publicize upcoming membership and event opportunities to key publics through e-mails and other effective strategies - Liaison between PRSSA and other on-campus groups, including but not limited to Blue Hen Marketing Club, Alpha Kappa Psi, and B.L.U.E. Advertising - Maintains relationship between PRSSA National and our Chapter o Provides regular reports about national initiatives, upcoming internship or award deadlines, and other national news - Responsible for coordinating member attendance at local, regional, and national PRSSA events Vice President of Professional Development - Maintains relationship between PRSA Delaware (perhaps PRSA Philadelphia) and our Chapter - Manages the Mentor-Mentee Program - Coordinates and disseminates information about PRSA New Professionals and Associate Membership for graduating PRSSA members - Organizes semester-long workshop series for members - Works closely with Program Director and Meetings Coordinator to provide members with on-campus networking opportunities with professionals Operations Director - Responsible for day-to-day operations of organization - Creates and maintains membership lists and e-mail lists - Manages all Chapter correspondence, such as weekly e-mail blasts - Records attendance at every PRSSA function and manages membership point system - Responsible for taking minutes at every meeting and distributing minutes to webmaster and to all dues-paying members and friends (non-paying members)

Finance Director - Responsible for maintaining the organizations finances - Responsible for collecting dues and sending them to PRSSA National by November 1 and March 1 - Manages fundraisers throughout year - Creates monthly financial statements and presents balance at weekly executive board meetings Program Director - Works closely with Vice President of Professional Development to provide members with on-campus networking opportunities - Coordinates (at least two annual campus-wide) special events for members including networking opportunities with professionals - Coordinates profession-oriented field trips for members to local public relations departments and agencies - Responsible for executing annual university-wide PRSSA Challenge strategic planning competition Meetings Director - Secures a guest speaker or workshop presenter for every general meeting one week prior to each meeting, prepares bio of speaker, and introduces him/her at meeting, moderates Q&A - Schedules room for every general meeting at least three weeks in advance - Creates Powerpoint presentation for every general meeting and sends to Public Relations Director to post to website within 24 hours of meeting Public Relations Director - Responsible for overseeing all online communications, including webmaster, PRSSA-UD social networks, and blog - Oversees Communications Committee and ensures blogs are posted each week - Coordinates traditional PR efforts (i.e. posters) for our events and meetings - Creates and executes communication plans for any special events - Proactively proposes updates to social media or interactive tools Overall responsibilities for each position: - Submit weekly task report online to president on time - Attend weekly executive meetings during Fall and Spring semesters and all general events (about one every other week) - Form and oversee sub-committees when necessary - Proactively network, welcome, and recruit members or potential members - Act as an on-going ambassador for PRSSA o Display high-level of professionalism o Respond to all PRSSA-related inquiries or contacts within 24 hours o Hit all deadlines or proactively notify key contacts BEFORE missing deadlines with a solution or substitute

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