#27: GFW Radio (2007) : Date Start End Class Title

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#27: GFW Radio (2007)

Date 1/12 1/16 1/23 1/31 Start 32.30 1min 6min 23min Start 15min 1.03.55 1.11.30 1.29.00min 8.50 1.11.00min 21.40 1min 27.30 10min 41min 54.15 24.20 6.50 11min 1.03.00min 45min 1.10.00min 30min 34.06 23.35 1.01.25 1.04.25 4/26 40.26 40.26 46min 1.08.00min 45.40 1.09.00min 1.11.50 1.08.44 1.36.20 1.27.00min 20min 42min 55min 45.23 45.23 59.56 1.09.37 48.05 1.11.49 1.14.30 1.12.03 1.47.40 1.33.50 30.19 44.38 1.03.24 End 33.40 12.46 9.43 31.45 3.57 19.33 1.08.12 1.25.50 End 10.18 End 22.25 1min 31.25 14min 47.38 58.48 29.50 8.53 24.20 1.06.40 55.05 End 34.05 39.39 27.53 1.04.20 End Intro WBP Intro WBP WBP Email Ending Intro Ending Intro Intro HOTW Class Title GFW turns into 1UP Jeff was sick; WOW release ShawnTeam Fortress Messy gaming rigs contest Vanguard JeffTitan Quest Angry emailer complains about GFW staff GFW vs. Retronauts

2/6 2/13 2/20 2/27

3/6 3/15 3/20 3/27 4/3 4/10


Intro HOTW HOTW News Intro WBP Serious


5/8 6/5 6/14 6/19 7/3

Email Email HOTW Serious Email HOTW Intro HOTW

Jeff went to the movies Heroes of the Web Guy who thinks gaming isn't cool Jeff says print is dead Shawn's high school pledge drive story Random stories; Jeff plays Pokemon on the street Whiskey nerd; Tetris Anti-American nerd The nature of previews Nerd disses Ryan Marrying video game characters Shawn's arcade stories Ryan doesn't talk Shawn's arcade stories Shawn cast intro Craigslist girl Naruto fan Stalker plagiarized from Doom 3, Half-Life 2 Song Shawn plays Halo for the fiction JeffPocket Pool The morality of E3 and previewing games Jeff has a hole in his sock Ryan is reading the magazine Guy works at a deli Guy tried to get girlfriend to listen to GFW Aerith nerd; Bill Roper reads Marketing discussion with Bill Roper Command and Conquer novelization How family treats the GFW writers Guy sleeps with Tails Song (Stan parody) Horrible video game journalism

#27: GFW Radio (2007)

7/17 7/24 7/31 8/14 8/21 1.14.14 Start 22.45 1.20 48.20 52min 1.12.00min 48.20 5.10 1.05.46 1.11.00min 1.19.00min 8min 20min 35.35 1.28.00min 3min 9min 1.08.00min 6.13 55.40 52min 1min 2.55 42min 1.42.50 1.26.00min 15.45 32.18 13min 50.40 1.11.10 1.15.07 52.17 11.05 1.13.19 1.13.30 1.25.28 11.54 23.45 41.36 1.28.00min 5.55 17min 1.16.00min 37min 1.06.12 57.51 13.09 51.45 48.01 End HOTW HOTW HOTW Intro News HOTW HOTW Furries forum
Jeff gets flamed for claiming that Fallout 3 could be OK

8/28 9/5 9/11 9/25 10/4

Horrible video game journalism Embarrassing internet stories Jeff does tech support for his father Song Robert Ashley's travels worldwide Jurassic Park 4 Mass Effect forums Is Master Chief a virgin? Guilty childhood stories Shane Bettenhausen disses PC gaming Halo 3 media kit Shawn's Rainbow 6 story Shawn's scatological stories Halo 3 fan appeals to Jeff Gerstmann
Jeff wants to spoon with Ryan while watching Heroes


10/9 10/16

10/25 11/1 11/20 12/5 12/20

Serious HOTW HOTW Intro Serious

Jeff had a LOTR:O dream Shawn's meth addict story Shawn says Ryan has a lingerie draw Review scores Does Superman sweat and use the bathroom? Guy loves Nintendo character Shawn crank calls an EB Games store Song Jeff Gerstmann's dismissal from GameStop Time magazine's review of Halo 3 Darren is leaving

Starring: Jeff Green, Shawn Elliott, Darren Gladstone, Ryan Scott, Sean Molloy, Robert Ashley Guests: Crispin Boyer, Jenn Frank Special guests: Bill Roper

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