ONE: The New Abundant Energy Revolution & The Power of You

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Ray Podder

The BIL 2012 Talk

Ever regret an expensive purchase?

What if that purchase was an idea that was no longer serving your best interests?

What I thought I was buying...

Image Courtesy: Youngmanblog

What I actually bought!

Image Courtesy: Stateoffailure

What I think Im working towards...

Image Courtesy: Rockslan



What Im actually achieving!


Is Energy Really Scarce?

What if...
Image Courtesy: Boston University

Energy was Abundant? Accessible Everywhere? Empowered Everyone?

...but is $40-75k over 20-30 years the only option?


Why is this option promoted...

...while this is still hard to find?

$41,000 -$65,590

$500 -$1500

Image Courtesy: GM

Image Courtesy: bob hodgen

Or this?
Did you know that you can now make solar powered hydrogen fuel from biowaste in your backyard, or the solution from Point Source Power, a startup of Berkley National Labs that can take biomass and heat it over cooking re that generates the gas needed to make a hydrogen fuel cell. Even the volatility of hydrogen fuel tanks have been addressed with nanoparticles of magnesium sprinkled through a matrix of polymethyl methacrylate, which is a plexiglass polymer. It basically means that it can access the hydrogen at modest temperatures without oxidizing the metal of the tank. You can shoot a bullet through it and all it will do is smolder... It may solve the EV infrastructure problem now that cant keep up with demand, but you dont hear too much about this other than in rural areas where people cant afford the $5 gas!



$250 Billion+ Space Solar Program to capture photons from orbit and microwave them down with minimal loss

Image Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Continue to spend billions to survey and prop up rotting poles installed over 100 years ago

...and so the distractions continue...

...while ignoring the realities...

Image Courtesy:


Image Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons


Image Courtesy: footprintnetwork


Image Courtesy:





It doesnt have to be this way!

Energy is Abundant Accessible Everywhere Empowering Everyone

Image Courtesy:

Energy is Abundant
Everyday, 500,000+ self propelling, dynamic power plants come online...

Less is More

Our hearts use only 0.2v to pump over 2000 gallons of blood through its 4 chambers daily. The only battery it needs is a biochemical reaction of Potassium, Sodium and a little bit of Calcium. No wires, no batteries, and no dirty energy plants. We now have the technology to mimic this process and much, much more...

Source: Banner Lassen Medical Center


Biochemistry, Heat, Pressure, Motion, Kinetics, Light, Friction, Electromagnetism, Nano Materials & More...
A half degree temperature or pH differential between inner and outer cell walls are enough for most biochemical processes to generate energy. For example, The pH differential between the soil and the tree generates enough energy to ll a coconut 60-100 feet above with water. So how come our pumps dont work this way?

Penn States Bruce Logan and Younggy Kim, developed a microbial reverse electrodyalysis electrolysis fuel cell with a nanolter that can take everyday wastewater and generate unlimited Hydrogen Fuel using less than 1% of the energy generated.
Image: Bruce Logan | Penn State


We already know about wave powered ships, but have you thought about the ongoing pressure differential between the water and the ship even when its docked. There are thousands of ships docked worldwide, that can not only generate its own power, but actually produce a surplus just by sitting on the water.
Image: Suntory

Tom Broadbent, Inventor of HydroPower in the UK uses the pressure from existing plumbing in buildings to generate enough energy to power the pump and then some.
Image: PopSci

Simple motion can now capture energy for personal electronics and more.
Image: Earthtechling

Body heat can power electronics like the SkinnyPlayer here.


Image: PopSci

Noise and sound can now generate enough energy to power buildings.
Image: PopSci


Rubber piezoelectric surfaces can generate energy from pressure.

Image: ACS publica

Motion Friction
Motion from foot trafc can power streetlights, escalators & more.
Image: PopSci

Dan Nocera and his team at MIT have developed an articial photosynthesis leaf that can generate 10X the storage within 1/100 of the volume of commercial fuel cell. A swimming pool full of water (3.2 million liters) for example can generate over 43TW (Terrawatts) per second using his solution.
Image: MIT

Organic photonics and nano electronics like these nano scale solar cells can be sprayed as dust on clothing or other porous surfaces to generate enough power for proximal appliances like lights and electronics.
Image: Georgia Tech

From Namib beetle inspired nano-mesh technology that can collect water from even the driest atmosphere on the planet, and help grow food in the desert and many other applications. Self-replicating nano materials that can help create the next breakthrough batteries and resilient materials for everything from computing to construction
Image: MIT, Georgia Tech

Accessible Everywhere
If every place can be a living power station, is the centralized grid still necessary?

HALO IPT Induction Charging

Wireless transfer via WiTricity is now real. From inductive charging becoming standard for electric cars to reapplying Tesla coil principles to distribute without wires at the last mile, the gridless grid is real and available now.
Image Courtesy: Pop Sci
Image: PopSci

Fujitsu Magnetic Resonance Transfer


Nanophotonic glass can capture photons by an instant state change from clear to cloudy to power buildings and transfer line of sight to another. One of many nano innovations for energy from
Image: Nanoholdings

Sean Elliot of Boston University, can use light sensitive pigments into certain heme proteins into darkness dwelling microbes to produce hydrogen fuel. Your body is now the power station. What would innovation like this do in developing nations if the tech was made available?
Image: Pubmed


Empowering Everyone
Ingenious people do amazing things with next to nothing. What if innovation could be shared for the common good?

2 Liter plastic bottles with bleach and water placed through holes in the roof can supply the light of a 50w bulb and last for upto 5 years! Access is about innovation with what is available. Innovation that can be accessible to many...
Image: Cleantechnica


Rural Africans are using discarded bike parts to make local wind energy. What would happen if the latest IP that is now shelved by big Oil and Gas could be made openly available to these innovators?
Image: FastCoDesign


Self Powered Air Car

Fuel Cell for Water Powered Car Design

Water Powered Car Engine (

A real Air Powered Perpetual Engine* (*generates energy from its own process) developed by a 15 yr old kid student from Uzbekistan in 2008!
Image: Ecofriend


Can we really do this?

This is what we did with $300

Image Courtesy: Ingersol Rand

This is what we do with 1/100 the water in 1/1000 the space!

Local grow technologies that use 1/100th of the water, 3-5 times the weight of the plant to wattage used (most indoor growers can use 1/1000 of the space of mass agriculture) and a simple solar powerered LED bulb to generate enough yields to never pay for produce or a supply chain again!
Images: Omega, Pods, & Aeroponic technologies via Treehugger

This is what we make with just an idea and the generosity of friends!

Localized manufacturing technology with 3D printing is starting to eliminate supply chains altogether and even print most of the replacement parts for these printers. Soon, buying a product will no longer mean shipping, but downloading the le to print where you are...
Images: MIT Solar cells, Cornell 3D Labs, Origo Toy Printer and more

This is what we can make without a supply chain or economies of scale!

...and even this!

Up next, your entire house now printed with a 3D printer. Enrico Dini has not only envisioned the possibilities, but actually created the prototype of off-grid energy efcient dwellings to come...
Images: The Man Who Prints Houses

So whats keeping us from true abundance?

Not the extrapolation of the past paradigm of infinite growth on a finite ecology, but true abundance where we each have more than enough to live the highest quality of life...

Oil = $$$

The reserve value of money is based on the price of oil.

Oil is priced mostly in dollars, and has more direct effect on the value of currency and the direction of investment than any other resource. The dollar is inextricably linked to crude oil. What will cap and trade really do, if the real value of money is tied to oil? Whats the point in investing in solutions that will make oil obsolete, if it can also make your money obsolete? Which investor will actually opt for that? Is it any wonder why real value on human terms is overlooked in favor of market valuation?

Valuation Now Trumps Value

That Explains a Lot!

Image Courtesy: AP

...and we are now running out!

Image Courtesy:

Escalating the Insanity!

Poisoning Our Water!

Image: Naturthink

Image: Thinkprogress

Image: Gasland

Upsetting the Earths Delicate Balance!

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Image: Doral 360


Devastating Living Lands!

There are over 6,000,000 abandoned drill sites in the U.S. alone, not to mention the tar sands, fracking pools (like this one in Canada) and the growing numbers of decimated ecosystems and most of the arable land mass of the planet in the name of big oil and gas prots!
Image: Screen shot from Garth Lenz from TEDx Vicroria

Killing Our Future!!!

At present there is a preponderance of evidence that there is no threshhold dose of ionizing radiation so low that it is safe or such that the risk of damage (even serious damage such as leukimia) is zero Karl Z. Morgan
Fukushima Reactor Fire:

Manhattan Project Scientist and Anti Nuclear Activist

So we do a lot of...

Image Courtesy: Flickr

Dazzling the Debt

Photovoltaics are most effective in distributed contexts like solar lm and solar thermal for homes and businesses. Generating utility scale power with solar is actually more expensive than current dirty energy methods. Today, solar investments are already tied to dated tech that makes for a great show for investors, but not so much benet for the rest of us. Chinas 54 percent share of the global panel-making market will grow, and well remain locked into older technology.
Image Courtesy: Flickr

Hiding the Real Cost

2.4 million tons of manufacturing CO2 dumping in India & China

21.6 billion gallons/year from Sierra Nevada Mountains in a region experiencing years of ongoing drought

Dazzle the Debt

Hide the Cost

Wind farms disrupt delicate ecosystems and communities where they are placed. They use oil to drive the turbines and are already invested on oild and gas for their existence. The noise and vibrations are harmful to the biosphere, and the tech is already old compared to bladeless Tesla turbine inspired solutions at the local level. Its Greenwashing at its best.
Dan Forbes via Wired

7.4 times the size of the Empire State building is used everyday to generate electricity! 2,714,140 tons/ day. All Clean coal does is direct the poisons into the ground instead of the atmosphere!


This is a picture of the mouth of a 7-year-old boy named Ryan Massey who has the misfortune of living in a coal mining area in West Virginia. [Ryan's] entire family tries to avoid any contact with the water. [His brother] has scabs on his arms, legs and chest where the bathwater polluted with lead, nickel and other heavy metals caused painful rashes. [Ryan's] teeth were capped to replace enamel that was eaten away. Neighbors apply special lotions after showering because their skin burns. Tests show that their tap water contains arsenic, barium, lead, manganese and other chemicals at concentrations federal regulators say could contribute to cancer and damage the kidneys and nervous system...


Source : Reuters

...but hide where?

Image Courtesy: footprintnetwork


Image Courtesy:

Energy is Abundant Accessible Everywhere Empowering Everyone

Image Courtesy: Free Your Mind and Think on Facebook

You have a choice

You Make the Rules

In fact, from crowdfunding, alternative currencies, crowdsourced innovation, digital trade and barter economies, sharing cars, time, tools, and more, you are already doing it!

Sharing Access






Including Everyone
Image Courtesy: Flickr

investor / innovator / integrator

& Rewarding All...

Image Courtesy: Flickr


Image Courtesy: The most beautiful things in the world

To put Value ahead of valuation

Source: Bed Zed Eco Village, UK

with Contextually Relevant Solutions for Energy and Economic Abundance

with resilient communities that groove to their own vibe...

Image Courtesy: Flickr

with Energy that is Abundant, Accessible Everywhere, and Empowering to Everyone

Vibrations Friction

Materials Heat

Kinetics Motion




Nano Materials

HALO IPT Induction Charging

Direct + Unbounded
Fujitsu Magnetic Resonance Transfer





Energy is Abundant Accessible Everywhere Empowering Everyone

What about the business of scarce energy?

Opportunity or Obsolescence. You Choose.

Source: Floppy disk pen holder via Ofcesuppliesjunkie

The Abundant Energy Revolution is Here.

How will you lead it?

Source: Shutterstock

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