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So what are nosodes?


Definition:- Nosodes are some Homoeopathic preparations obtained from microbe cultures, from viruses, fungi, pathological secretions and excretions. i Definition:- Homeopaths also use treatments called nosodes (from the Greek nosos, disease) made from diseased or pathological products such as fecal, urinary, and respiratory discharges, blood, and tissue.ii Definition:- Nosodes are homoeopathically preparations of organic material derived from inactivated dieases products, cultures of micro organisms (e.g. Bacteria, fungi,and viruses) or parasites, infected or Pathalogically changed material or decomposition products frpm humans or animals, rendered safe during homoeopathic manufactering process.iii It was Constantine Hering who named them the word having it's root in the Greek word Nosos meaning disease. It is also related to the latin word Noxa for noxious.iv In their early days they were well received. However, Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux, a homoeopathic veterinarian, began to conduct experiments with the use of potentised disease materials based on the theory that what will cause a disease will cure it - Aqualia Aqualibus Curenturv a form of treatment which came to be known as Isopathy. Hahneman reacted to this kind of use of nosodes and there was somewhat of a decline in the popularity of their use for some time. Hering continued to use them to great effect.

Constantine Hering

He found that using the nosode on it's own rarely brought about a cure in the patient. It only had it's full effect if it matched the full picture of the patients symptoms. The absence of this did not rule it out though he used them in treating patients at a miasmatic level. There are a number of ways or situations in which a nosode can assist in arriving at a cure; 1. when the symptoms of the client are characteristic of the proving of the remedy, ie, the nosode is the simillimum, then this can cure. 2. when a well chosen remedy has no effect, or the symptom picture changes, following the administration of that remedy, then the nosode that matches the miasmatic history/picture can stimulate the patients energy to respond to the constitutional remedy. 3. when there is a lack of symptoms. There are times when there are very few symptoms by which to prescribe. The choice of which nosode then rests on knowing both the medical history of the patient, and that of their ancestors. This can also apply when a person has never been well since an infection with a disease. Choosing a nosode that corresponds with the original infection can help. This should only be used when there is no other clear symptom picture. 4. when partial pictures of the constitutional remedies manifest yet no one remedy completely fits the case, the administration of a nosode can stimulate the vital force to clarify the symptom picture.

5. when the progress of a constitutional remedy that was improving the patient stops, a

nosode used as a misamatic intercurrent can stimulate the life force, releasing the block in the patients energy allowing the constitutional remedy to continue working.

An Auto-nosode is a homoeopathic remedy made from the patient's own disease substances. Hahnemann once had a patient suffering from phthisis that was not responding to well chosen remedies. He prepared an auto-nosode made from the saliva of the As there are many nosodes, (See the list of nosodes available from Nelsons, at an unspecified date extracted from a study of sarcodes Nosodesby Dr K.R. Mansoor Ali Bhms. M.d. at appendix 1) I will limit my study to five of the most commonly used Nosodes - Medorrhinum,

Carcinosin, Tuberculinum, Psorinum, and Syphilinum. These are the nosodes most commonly associated with and used to treat different miasms evident in a client. There are many more nosodes, and potentially many more miasms to be named. I have recently come across a book title Miasms and Nosodes - The Origins of Diseases, Volume 1, by Louis Klein. His publishers say the following about his book:From the publishers website: Louis Klein is a homeopathic pioneer who uses many previously unknown nosodes. He describes new miasms and defines the existing miasms anew in a demystified and easily understandable way. According to him, miasms are nothing more than resulting chronic states of infectious diseases, and nosodes are the remedies derived from these infectious diseases. On the basis of his broad clinical experience he attributed many known remedies to miasmatic states. A miasmatic state becomes the core idea around which similar remedies are grouped. For example Tetanus miasm signifies states of spastic paralysis, which can be treated with remedies of this miasmatic realm. Apart from its prototype, the Tetanus nosode, Tetanus miasm incorporates remedies like Angustura, Hypericum, and Helodrilus. So this new miasmatic classification of remedies is highly practical and useful. This book is the first of a series of 3 volumes, where Louis Klein describes the history of miasms and his systematic new approach to this concept of disease. Already more familiarily, Sankaran has identified ten miasms in his system though his use of the word miasm relates to the depth of the disease, rather than, necessarily, the predisposing history of infection. However, I will confine my attentions to those substances listed above, associated with the miasms commonly accepted among classical homoeopaths.

Carcinosin Source There are many different preparations of cancer nosodes, with different results from different preparations. In an acticlevii by Tinus Smits published in Homoeopathic links 1/98, the author mentions 13 different preparations some made with a single cancer type, others with a combinations of cancer types ranging in number from 12 upto 58. The carcinosin on sale at Nelsons of London, per the article, has 15 different specimens of cancer within. Because of this variety in remedies, sharing the same name, results in treatments were apparently inconsistant. William Boericke, J.H.Clarke and J.H.Compton Burnett in the first part of this 20th centuary were among the first to use nosodes of cancer in the treatment of their patients. Dr. D.M. Foubister from England quotes many cases in his paper Carcinosin in the nineteen fifties. The nosode is used as a Constitutional Remedy, as a Miasmatic intercurrent, and controversially, in some quarters in prescription more akin isopathy.

The Constitutional Picture A Brief sketch

Carcinosin is the name we give to the pathological picture that arises when the life force it's self, present in an individual with great intensity is thwarted and turns upon it's host organism, consuming it in it's mad search for outflow and resolution.viii Intensity of sexual desires Fastidiousness Control Low self esteem History of abuse or a sense of being traumatised by the brutality of life Guilt Desire to please Loss of sense of identity Poor boundaries Very social Loves to dance Loves to travel Seaside Likes music Can't say no Poor sense of personal boundaries Resentful Strong sense of responsibility Perfectionist Workaholic Desire to please Fear authority Prone to fantasise Fears:- cancer; being in a crowd; in narrow places; in high places; spiders, mice, snakes; of failure in examinations; fear of failure; fear of thunderstormsix also exilerated by thunderstormsx when desires and aversions intermingle, or alternate, in the same patient, with reference to one particular item of food, Carcinosin must be thought of.xi

In the reversed combined Repertory of the ISIS repertory programme 274 ruberics are presented. Of these approximately 200 are listed in the Mentals. This leaves very few physical symptoms which can be repertorised.

Indications for selection as miasmatic intercurrentxii

Once it is clear that a miasmatic intercurrent remedy is needed, the following factors are among those that indicate that the nosode needed is carcinosin. History of cancer on one or both sides of the family. Tuberculosis in the family history. When it looks like, Nat Mur, Sepia, Tub b, Phos but they cease to work. Early eruptions of baby and permanent teeth can indicate that this is the underlying miasm, pernicious anemia.xiii Sometimes indicated when there is no apparent history, but showing a high level of alcohol addiction among siblings. Constipation and insomnia from childhood are strong indicators. High or frequent fevers as a child. Moles - round and dark brown. Concern and regard for others is fundamental. There is a great similarity between Carcinosin, Medorrinhum and Tuberculinum. However, there is a light and warmth in Carcinosin that is attractive and appealing unlike Tuberculinum and Medorrhinum, which are more self serving. In cancer, no poison or foreign principle causes the cells to begin their destructive and unrestrained growth. What is occurring is simply a stepped up, if chaotic, version of the growth process of normal tissue. In the gonorrheal and tubercular miasms on the other hand, there is the introduction of a foreign principle which intensifies, but also perverts, the energy. Cruelty and hardness are everywhere manifest in these remedies, the result, if you will, of this perverse external principle. Thus, the Tuberculinum or Medorrhinum child is often cruel, or mean. This is completely absent in Carcinosin. About the only categorical assertion one can make about this type is that it will never be malicious or cruelty. The remedy is listed as a (4) under "sympathetic" and "anxiety for others" in the Complete 2010 Repertory..xiv

Source Pus (with bacilli) from tubercular abscess. The potencies of Fincke and Swan were prepared from a drop of pus obtained from a pulmonary tubercular abscess or sputa. Those of Heath from a tuberculous lung in which the bacillus tuberculosis had been found microscopically; hence the former was called Tuberculinum and the latter [Bacillinum.] Both preparations are reliable and effective. Tuberculinum Bovinum was prepared on the instruction of J T Kent. In his Letcures on Materia Medicaxv he said The preparation which I use is a little different from that which is generally found in the market. This preparation I procured through a Professor of Veterinary Surgery. In Pennsylvania there came a time when a handsome herd of cattle had to be slaughtered because of tuberculosis. Through the Veterinary Surgeon of the Pennsylvania University I secured some: of the tubercular glands from these slaughtered cattle. Dynamization: I selected from these the most likely specimen. This was potentized by Boericke & Tafel as far as the 6th, and has since been prepared on the Skinner machine, the 30 th, 200 th, 1000 th and the higher potencies. This preparation I have been using for fifteen years. Many of my friends have been using it, as they have procured it from me. BACILLINUM is another version of a nosode made from tuberculisis from Boericke's Pocket book of Materia Medica, it is described as A Maceration of a Typical Tuberculous Lung Introduced by Dr. Burnett. Has been employed successfully in the treatment of tuberculosis; its good effects seen in the change of the sputum, which becomes decreased and more aerated and less purulent. In tuberculosis the lymph nodes associated with the lungs and heart also become involved with the infection and usually become enlarged. It can spread to other parts of the body. The immume system protects the body by forming scar tissue around the TB bacteria and isolating it from the rest of the body, to contain the infecton. This stops symptoms and spread of the disease. Scar tissue and lymph nodes may eventually harden, like stone, due to the process of calcification. TB was romanticized in the nineteenth century. Many poets and writers of the time were associated with it, including Keats. It was frequently present in cramped over crowded places and the cure was open air in plenty. The following are extracts from two accounts of tuberculosis form the 40's and 50'' in Ireland. One man told me that the eyes of victims possessed a sparkling luminosity in stark contrast to the sickly wasting of the body.xvi
I was put in a big ward at first and they had me strapped into the bed, I was not allowed to sit up at all. For the first couple of months I cried day and night, it was awful. They wanted to send me to Cappagh Hospital but my father wouldn't let them because it was too far away. Then they put me in a smaller ward with just three teenagers. Our beds were out in the veranda, you had to sleep out there too, even if it was freezing, they said it was the best thing to do for Tuberculosis. They wouldn't let me use my arms a lot because they were afraid of me damaging the spine. I had to lay flat on my back in the bed. They had a special thing to drink out of, like a teapot with a long spout, because I was lying down. I was treated very well in there, and because I was the youngest child I was spoiled. When after two years it was finally time for me to go home they took me to the theatre to fit a plaster of paris full body cast. I couldn't stand on my own so I was held up with a strap around my arms. After that they had to teach me to walk again. xvii

The romantic associations and the weakness are all features of the remedy made from the nosode.

The Constitutional Picture A Brief sketch xviii

Endless longing for what is not there. Dissatisfaction in present state Romantic idea of something different Poor health and weak immune system Little or no physical stamina Impatient want changes to happen now Feel life is short urgency to experience it to the full Enjoys sex but exhaustion does not permit so they remain unsatisfied. desires emotional fulfillment, live intensely, strong health, Nervous anxiety or uneasiness reason unknown Strong changability philosophies, desires Changing symptoms or alternating symptoms Desire to travel Desire to move the body restlessness Desire a change - study job profession without satisfaction Physical complaints better for movement Can be sweet, gentle, kind Can be obstinate and destructive, especially when ill. Moods changeable Often artistic, romantic and melancholic Better in mountains, woods, warm dry air Worse on moist seashore Very thirsty Fear dogs Depressed Takes cold easily Emaciation rapid and pronounced even while eating well Mentally active and precocious Sudden onset of symptoms Sudden ameleoriation. Perverted sexual cravings or masturbation exhausts.

Indications for selection as miasmatic intercurrent

xix xx

As well as a history of tuberculosis in the family, the picture of illness of an individual in the miasm will have a some ot the following conditions. Clinical conditions; aching pain in knees, swelling, bedwetting, cancer, carious teeth, destruction of bone marrow, diabetes, dry cough (barking), emaciation, epilepsy, extreme fatigue, weakness, glands enlarged, tonsils, influenza, insanity, obstruction of intestines, malaria, insomnia, nocturnal perspiration, palpitation, profuse hemorrhage of any orifice, pneumonia, worm, short temper, nasal coryza, worms. Alternation e.g. constipation alternates with diarrhoea. Periodicity e.g. headache comes on every seventh day. One sided diseases e.g. insomnia, anorexia, migraine, fatigue etc. Other conditions which present with ill-defined symptoms or too few symptoms. All allergic manifestations such as food and dust allergies (if the allergies are seasonal consider psorinum). All haemorrhagic conditions.

Typical skin condititions will have some of the following characteristics Ringworm, eczema, urticaria, herpes, recurring boils with pus and fever. Does not heal fast. Worse for warmth of bed Better for cold; Nails are white Any skin condition characterised by recurrence, periodicity, alternation or haemorrhage. Tubercular conditions are obstinate and difficult to eradicate. Allergic skin manifestations. Herpes, which is extremely recurrent and may be periodic. Recurrent pustular eczemas Venous thrombosis and varicose veins with red flushing Petechial haemorrhage, ecchymosis and purpura are tubercular. Ulcerations with haemorrhage. Skin diseases of threatening or destructive natures. The areas affected tend to be those which are subjected to much use. Eruptions therefore are evident around the fingers and lips, and in or around the mouth. Amelioration is from the open air, and dry weather. When tubercular skin is suppressed, it affects the inner tissues causing destructive and ulcerous tendencies in the deeper tissues and can cause debilitated tubercular states such as fatigue syndromes. Ringworm or where there has been a history of the suppression of ringworm. Recurrent and obstinate boils with profuse pus and fever difficult to heal. Skin conditions associated with glandular involvement are tubercular. Sensation of exhaustion concommitant with skin diseases. Aggravated at night, by touch and pressure generally, while thinking of complaints, after undressing, from milk, greasy and oily foods, from the warmth of the bed (syphilitic component), and after itching. Angry looking and often accompanied by oozing of blood. Skin lesions are red and haemorrhagic in appearance. Pale with a bluish tint showing signs of venous stagnation. Varicose veins have a red flushed appearance. Freckles are quite significant especially in fine, transparent, smooth-skinned people. Urticaria and herpes. Painful eruptions in the vagina during pregnancy are characteristic. Formation of pus after insect or fly bites or the slightest injury, which does not heal fast. Recurrent stitch abscesses after an operation. Scarring after ulcers with bleeding. Offensive foot or axillary sweat which when suppressed may induce lung trouble or some other severe disease. Animal parasitic infestations with tickling and bleeding.

Source The homeopathic remedy medorrhinum is prepared from urethral discharge from a male patient who has gonorrhea, and is used to treat an assortment of health conditions, including gynecological problems. This homeopathic remedy was introduced by a New York homeopath Dr. Samuel Swan in 1842 and proved by Dr. Swan himself along with Dr. Edward Berridge in a publication in 1889.xxi Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which develops and thrives in the warm and moist parts of the body. This bacteria can be found in moist areas of the body including the vagina, penis, eyes, throat, and rectum. Infection can occur with contact to any of these areas. An infected person may also spread gonorrhea from one part of their body to another by touch. The cervix is primarily affected in women but untreated gonorrhea can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing difficulties with pregnancy. Symptoms include bleeding, burning on urnination vaginal diacharge and irritation of vagina. These may go unnoticed. In a man, there may be a yellow pus-like discharge from the tip of the penis the head of which may turn red, stinging and or frequent during urination, blood in the urine. In women, it can be a secret disease, not being identified until much after the infection, perhaps on trying to become pregnant. This secretiveness is a part of the picture of the Nosode.

The Constitutional Picture A Brief sketch

A remedy of extremes Loves traveling Could be reclusive Explorers of travel philisophy - relationships Strong need for independence Averse ro responsibility Desire for Fun Party Animal Lack of confidence in his own capabilities Desire for control Vacillate between wanting to be in control and aversion to responsibility Fixed ideas Easily board/distracted Fear something awful is going to happen, of news of death Premonitions of death Worse for anticipation Intuitive Impatient wants it now. Love what is forbidden Courageous Flips from loves to hates food, parents, animals Sensetive and emotional Hard and cruel Loves beauty, flowers Self-centred Aggressive Child due to shock, trauma, neglect withdraws from parents Overproduction of mucus Overgrowths such as tumours, skin tags, moles Better for seaside Ameloriation of all symptoms at night

Indications for selection as miasmatic intercurrent

xxii xxiii

The picture of an individual in the miasm will have a picture of excess and over production, growth like warts, and a sense of something to hide, condylomata, fibrous tissue, attacks internal organs, pelvis, and sexual organs. Hypertrophy, hyperplasia, hypersexuality, workaholic tendencies are all typical of the miasm. The underlying feeling is a feeling of insufficiency and a desire to compensate or hide it. This gives rise to an increased attempt to repair causing an over production. The following conditions can be used to establish if medorrihnum is the active miasm. Clinical conditions abortion, acne without pus, angina pectoris, anemia, appendicitis, whooping cough, aches, colic, pelvic disease + sexual organs, piles, prostatitus, nephritis, gout, arthritis, asthma, dysmenorrhoea, fibroids, herpes, rheumatism, warts, urinary ailments, swellings without any cause, overgrowth of tissue anywhere in the body, benign enlargements. Typical skin condititions will have some of the following characteristics Absence of striking symptoms. History of gonorrhoea. History of heart disease. Warts, veruccas, moles, condylomatas, skin tags, dermoid cysts, fibromas and lipomas. Genital warts. Herpes of all types. Hyperpigmentation of the skin, and melanomas. Keloids, corns with thickening of the skin and post-operative scar tumours. Cauliflower-like tumours from radiation. Hypertrophied conditions of the skin. Circular patches of hyper-pigmentation in different areas of the skin. Fish scale eruptions with the thickened skin. Painful localised skin eruptions. Slow healing vesicular eruptions . Urine-coloured patches are sycotic. Aggravated by the consumption of meat; in humid and rainy weather, and from changes in the weather. Amelioration in dry weather. Relieved when warts or fibrous growths reappear. Painful skin eruptions are better by pressure. Pelvic inflammatory disorders. Suppression of ringworm leading to rheumatism, chronic headaches, stomach complaints or chronic bronchitis. Isolated and painful acne, red, angry looking. Ppapular or vesicular eruptions around menses. Skin looks oily and the tip of the nose appears red. Exfoliating eczemas. Herpes (including herpes zoster and genitalis). All warts and excrescences. All scaly and patchy skin eruptions. Post-operative scar tumours. Abnormal growths. Sweat on the forehead during sleep. Parasitic infestation with thickening of the skin. General thickening of the skin or thickening of crusts and scab and scar tissue. Nails thick, irregular and corragated. Suppression of sycotic skin diseases affects nerve centres of the body and heart, liver and reproductive system.

Source In Choudarys Materia Medica on the Isis repertory system he says We have had three different preparations of this nosode since Hahnemann's time. The first was prepared by Hahnemann himself from the sero-purulent matter contained in the scabies. Dr. Gross had a preparation of his own, which he calls psora sicca, prepared from the epidermis of efflorescence and pityriasis. The third preparation was by Constantine Hering who utilised the salt derived from a product of psora. I phoned Helios in London and they were unable to confirm the source of their Psorinum, though they did confirm that the batch they are using was obtained in 2009. Scabies is found worldwide among people of all groups and ages. It is spread by direct contact with infected people, and less often by sharing clothing or bedding. Sometimes whole families are affected. It is caused by mites that burrow into the skin and deposit their eggs, forming a burrow that looks like a pencil mark. Eggs mature in 21 days. The itchy rash is an allergic response to the mite.xxiv The initial alergic response is delayed. However, in the case of re infestation with the mite the allergic response is much quicker. This irritation the allergic response - is the characteristic feature of the nosode.

The Constitutional Picture A Brief sketchxxv

Hopelessness. Depressed. Irritable. Easily angered. Thinks of dying. Sad, joyless. Looks unhealthy. Skin looks dirty in children. Skin looks greasy in adults. Worse for water. Allergic. Fears washing. Great weakness. Issues of survival; shelter, home, food, money. Fearful. Bad odours of breath, sweat, discharges, stools. Sick children who worry and fret all day and night without sleep. Sick children who are good and play all day and are distressed and screaming all night. Emaciation in children. Worrier. Strong tendency to aggravations in spring. Lack of vital reaction. Night sweats. Itchy conditions that are dry, and rough. Worse for changes in the weather. Fungal and parasitic infections. Haemorrhoids. Varicosities, ulcers and chilblains of extremities ankles, feet, toes, fingers, legs with itching and pain,and inflamation. Worse for cold, heat, undressing, scratching. Memory weakness.

Indications for selection as miasmatic intercurrentxxvi


The essence of psora is lack or dryness, shortage, scant, or absent, for example atrophy, anaemia, ataxia, anorexia etc. Disease which have the description Hypo as a prefix are generally psoric. Also a susceptability to catching infections and a general sensitivity, resulting in hypersensitivity both physically and mentally. On the level of the physical this is the itch an irritation that needs scratching. Mental sensitivity shows in irritibility, anxiety, alertness, apprehension and a general fearfulness. It is frequently associated with survival and security issues. The picture of an individual in the miasm will have a sense of struggle with outside world. Seasonal factors will be evident, like allergies. Sensitivity to light, sounds, smells which cause headaches, nausea or a general feeling of being unwell can also feature It will show in times of stress. There is frequently in a lack of confidence and a tendency to be anxious. There is a fear of inability to carry out tasks, a sense of insecurity, worry about the future but also with a sense of hope. There can be an alertness to this miasm. There can be a selfishness, a tendency to philosophy. Pains can feel sore, bruised, tender or neuralgic in nature. The following physical manifestations are strong pointers to the presence of psora. Clinical conditions; acidity, burning, cancer that is slow growing, sarcomas, constipation, epilepsy, flatulence, hoarseness, itching of skin, burning of spinal cord, burning watery discharge from nose and eyes. Rheumatic state and Anaemic condition of the bloodxxviii are indicators as are seasonal hayfevers or allergies. Typical skin condititions will have some of the following characteristics; Eczema and eruptions of all kinds in which dryness predominates. Pimples with dryness and scurfy scales. Dandruff with bran-like scales. Sweat profuse worse during sleep, offensive. Nettle rash is of psoric origin but can only manifest as a combination of two miasms, mainly psora-tubercular (as allergies are tubercular). Tendency of recurrent skin diseases is psoric in origin Scratching eruptions are followed by dry scales. Eczemas and eruptions are papular and associated with itching. Voluptuous tickling and itching, which is only temporarily relieved by rubbing and scratching. skin diseases are devoid of suppuration and apt to be dry. Sensation of burning. Unhealthy skin with itching and burning itching often occurs late in the evening before midnight and is most unbearable. aggravated by cold, in winter, and from undressing. Amelioration is from sweat. Relief also comes from the reappearance of suppressed skin eruptions. anxiety, apprehension, and fear of incurable diseases from suppression of skin diseases. skin appears dirty, dry and harsh and becomes more dry with washing. Aggravated by water and often has an unwashed, unhealthy, dingy look. Cracks on the hands and feet with extreme dryness. Eruptions noticeable by the roughness of the skin. Itching without pus or discharge Warts (syco-psoric) on face, arms and hands, with dryness. Psoriasis crusts, which are thin, light, fine and small, are psoric. Cracks on the hands and feet with extreme dryness. Small, sensitive, painful, non-suppurating boils, which may shed scurfy scales. Scanty, sour smelling sweat, especially on forehead and during sleep is psoric. Animal parasites with tickling in the skin and voluptuous itching. Voluptuousness is an excessive component rendered by sycosis.

Source Syphilinum is made from a syphilitic lesion or chancre. The matter exuding from a true chancre.xxix Swan gave us the nosode Syphilinum, though he used it in isopathy, rather than as a homoeopathic There are four different stages in the development of the disease of syphilis. The chancre belongs to the 1st stage. This sore is usually painless, and the person may not know that they have been infected. The second stage has skin rash, frequently on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, and mucous membrane lesions. These can also be so mild as to pass unnoticed. It is the last stages of the disease that the destructive nature of the nosode makes it's self visible. It may damage the internal organs, including the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints. It may also include difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness, and dementia. This damage may be serious enough to cause death. xxxi

The Constitutional Picture A Brief Sketch

Sadistic Fascination with death and decay Dreams of death Tendency to collect things Obsessive compulsive disorders Fear contamination and germs Obsessive hand washing Despair recovery Worse by night Dread of night Depressive Destructive Cross, irritable, peevish Difficulty with maths Despairs recovery Discharges offensive Dwarfism Bad breath Decay of teeth Suicidal Desire for alcohol Empty vacant feeling Physique v thin, Complexion pale Teeth distorted Uneven development eg. eyes different colour or size Skin thin, transparent Face angular, thin Spoon shaped fingers

Indications for selection as miasmatic intercurrentxxxii


In general any diseases that begin with the prefix dys indicate the syphilitic miasm. The exceptions to this are those which indicate excess. This indicates difficult or destructive behaviour of the organs or the systems involved, on a mental and emotional level and on the physical level. On the physical level this shows in degneration and structural destruction. Ulceration, pus formation and necrosis are signs of its presence. Irregular peristaltic movement resulting in dysenteric spasm and stool. High systolic and low diastolic blood pressure in one individual shows that the circulatory system is performing irregularly. Deformity, memory

diminished, fissures and cracks. Disorder is everywhere. Mentally this shows in destructive behaviour, perversion in sex and sexual wantings, and the ultimate of self destruction suicidal tendencies. There is a strong, pessimistic view on life. A feeling that it is pointless to try and change anything - the wrong can't be righted so gives up, destroyes things, gets violent, suddenly at self or others. A rigidity in behaviour, mental paralysed and stupid, dull, stubborn, and ignorance. There is bone pain and pains generally are tearing, bursting, burning. Clinical conditions that indicate the presence of syphilitic background have discharges that are putrified. Blindness, ulcerations in veins and bones are characteristic. Also cancers that spread quickly and aggressively. Fistulas, gangrene, hyperextension, bone marrow inflammation, insanity due to depression, leucorrhoea, rheumatism of long bones, ulcerated sore throat, history of abortions, sterility, immature death, ischemic heart disease . Typical skin condititions will have some of the following characteristics. Ulcers and abscesses on different parts of the skin. Necrosis, gangrene and bedsores. Deep cracks and fissures in the palms and soles. Destruction of pigmentation Stitch abscesses. Skin cancer characterised by ulceration and necrosis Burns and scalds with degenerative ulceration. virulent types of open ulcers. Copper or raw ham coloured eruptions. Ulcerated skin with pus and blood represents syphilis. Eruptions, which are slow to heal, are syphilo-psoric. Skin is not itchy but sensations of rawness and soreness. Ulcers and putrefaction of all tissues painless and itch free. Aggravated at night, in summer, from the warmth of the bed and from warmth in general. Amelioration comes with any abnormal discharge. Intellect is affected, causing dullness, depression and a lack of enthusiasm on suppression of skin complaints. Ulcerating moles with hairy tufts are syphilitic. Discharges, putrid and offensive with ugly looking ulcers. Copper coloured eruptions, which do not heal fast, but turn to ulceration. Eruptions are patchy. Slow to heal is psora-syphilitic Stitch abscesses. Gangrenes of the skin and dry gangrene are all syphilitic manifestations. Crusts are always thick and heavy. Syphilitic sweat is offensive and aggravates all complaints. Parasitic infestation with ulceration of the skin.

i ii iii iv Nosodes in Homoeopathy David Little 1996-2007, all rights reserved. Nosodes in Homoeopathy David Little 1996-2007, all rights reserved. Nosodes in Homoeopathy David Little 1996-2007, all rights reserved.

vii viii ix x xi xii
By Don Webley

Inspiring Homoeopathy at

By Don Webley
By Don Webley THE CARCINOSIN DRUG PICTURE* By DR. D. M. FOUBISTER * Paper read to the Scottish Branch, January 15th, 1958. By Don Webley Lectures on homopathic materia medica by James Tyler Kent, A.M., M.D. Late Professor of Materia Medica in Hering College, Chicago. Presented by Dr Robert Sror



xvi xvii

From a review of a book called The White Death at

Gavin Murphy on Extract from MIASMATIC PRESCRIBING: MIASMATIC DIAGNOSTIC CLASSIFICATIONS OF SKIN SYMPTOMS by Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea Boerickes Materia Medica




A Proving of Medorrhinum E. W. Berridge, MD., Translated and Arranged for the Press by H. P. Holmes, M. D. Transactions of the International Hahnemannian Assoiciation 1889, page 221-271. xxii Extract from MIASMATIC PRESCRIBING: MIASMATIC DIAGNOSTIC CLASSIFICATIONS OF SKIN SYMPTOMS by Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea xxiii Boerickes Materia Medica
xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii From Materia Medica of Nosodes, by Henry Cray Allen arranged by Dr Robert Seror Boerickes Materia Medica Lectures on Homoeopathic philosophy, Page 156 James Tyler Kent

Allens Enclycopedia Bogers study of Materia Medica Boerickes Materia Medica

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