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A billion $ Empire

G U E S S W H AT ?

The Absolute Secret

You cant make a billion, if you have making money as goal of your life!

Neither Gates did that, nor did Larry and Sergei

Beyond six zeros, money cant be your end but a reward for your excellence and

Do you want to make a billion?

10000 investment in 1965 in Berkshire Hathaway was 30 million against 0.5 million has it been invested in S&P 500

Miracles do happen in life!

Einstein was refused admission into Polytechnic college!
Walt Disney was bankrupt 5 times!! Narayanmurthy was a interview reject by Ajim Premji!!!

Lucky by Chance?
Make chocolate a part of the morning meal

Michele Ferrero : $ 10.6 billion

Make shoes with tiny holes in the sole that release sweat--thereby eliminating stinky


Mario Moretti Polegato $3 billion :

A coffee shop on every corner of America

Howard Schultz U.S. $1.1 billion :

Cricket is a Game of billion people

But, only 15 make money out of it
For Spectators, life is beautiful, for Theorists, its puzzle which they have been able to

solve! But, when do we work out puzzles?

Life is a Serious Business!

The story of Steve Jobs
Probably 99% of all financially successful people today started off broke or went nearly

broke in their journey.

The average self-made millionaire has been bankrupt or close to bankrupt 3.2 times.

Most of us fail! But the biggest failures are the ones who didnt even try in a lifetime!

Three Levels of Wise men

Do what you love to do: Commit to excellence
40 plus formula 40 is for survival, plus is 4 success Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning Do good and it will be paid back to you! Practice frugality, frugality, frugality in all things

For maximizing your six zeros

Learn from the working of stock market
Concentrate single mindedly on one thing at a time Develop a reputation for speed and dependability Get around the right people. Back everything you do with the twin qualities of persistence and determination.

Science of getting RICH

Obsession: but, not of making money!
In real life, out of 10, every 9 other work for the tenth! Y for YoungNot a spectator s sports! I for Idea Money is reward for excellence and efficiency

All ,made a billion ...$s.


We are still masters of our fate. We are still captains of our souls.

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