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Global Culture

Preparatoria Bicultural UVM Torren Professor: Jos Alonso Fernndez Cabrero Rubric for: Essays

Beginning (x1) Ideas & Content

2pt Total: 8pt

Emerging (x2)
Main idea is somewhat clear, but there is a need for more supporting information. Limited use of facts, terms and definitions. Some misused. There is a weak link of knowledge to other applications. Makes connections with other contexts. The introduction states the main topic. A conclusion is included. Beginning and ending not developed The authors purpose of writing is somewhat clear, and there is evidence of attention to audience. The authors knowledge and experience with the topic is limited. Some external sources of information are used but their accuracy is questionable. More than two grammar and spelling errors, but less than ten. Print too small or too large. Pages stapled together. Cover or identification information incomplete.

Developing (x3)
Main idea is clear, but the supporting information is general. Sparing use of acts, terms and definitions. Concepts and Theories are also present. There is a clear link to other applications. Makes connections within various contexts. Strong order and structure. Inviting intro and satisfying closure The authors purpose of writing is somewhat clear, and there is some evidence of attention to audience. The authors knowledge and experience with the topic is evident. External sources of information are used sparingly but the placement and choice seems overdone. Only a couple of grammar and spelling errors.

Proficient (x4)
There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information. Engaging use of terms and definitions in a clear and understanding context. Several links to new contexts and a wide range of applications. Makes strong connections within and between various contexts. Effectively organized in logical and creative manner. Creative and engaging intro and conclusion. The authors purpose of writing is very clear, and there is strong evidence of attention to audience. The authors extensive knowledge and experience with the topic is evident. Adequate external sources of information are used in a natural and accurate, not forced, placement Accurate grammar and spelling. Clean and neatly bound in a report cover. Arial or Helvetica size 11 double-spaced used. Cover or identification correctly used and applied.


Knowledge & Understanding

2pt Total: 8pt

The main idea is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information. There is no use of facts, terms or definitions. There is no use of concepts or ideas. There is no knowledge transfer or applied knowledge. Lack of coherence; confusing. No identifiable introduction or conclusion

2pt Total: 8pt

1pt Total: 4pt

1pt Total: 4pt

The authors purpose of writing is unclear.

Sources of Information
1pt Total: 4pt

There are no external sources of information. Very frequent grammar and spelling errors. More than ten.

Spelling & Grammar

0.5pt Total: 2pt

0.5pt Total: 2pt

Handwritten. Loose or dirty pages. No cover or identification information.

Clean and stapled together. Cover or identification information used.

Comments Total Score

Out of 40pt

Global Culture
Preparatoria Bicultural UVM Torren Professor: Jos Alonso Fernndez Cabrero Rubric for: Debates

Beginning (x1) Knowledge & Understanding

2pt Total: 8pt

Emerging (x2)
Provides adequate information that is accurate but needs more details in opening / closing and arguments There is a weak link of knowledge to other applications. Makes connections with other contexts.

Developing (x3)
Provides proficient details and historically accurate information in opening / closing and arguments There is a clear link to other applications. Makes connections within various contexts. However most are outside personal context. Makes connections by using two pieces of evidence that effectively supports argument Speaks clearly and confidently to audience. Uses appropriate language, volume, tone and humor to convince audience. Has prepared for points by opponent and responds proficiently with evidence

Proficient (x4)
Provides exceptionally detailed and historically accurate information in opening / closing statement and arguments Several links to new contexts and a wide range of applications. Makes strong connections within and between various contexts; especially those important to the student. Skillfully draws connections by using more than two pieces of evidence that overwhelmingly supports argument Exceptionally expresses ideas clearly and concisely to audience in confident manner. Skillfully varies pitch, tone, uses humor and appropriate language to convince audience. Clear and thorough preparation for opponents points with exceptional challenges / rebuttals with evidence


Provides few details or inaccurate or irrelevant information in opening / closing statements and arguments

2pt Total: 8pt

There is no knowledge transfer or applied knowledge.

Thinking & Inquiry

1.5pt Total: 6pt

Offers little to no evidence to support argument

Presents some evidence to support arguments and conclusions

1pt Total: 4pt

Often hard to hear and seems lost or confused. Needs to use volume and tone to be more convincing Seems totally unprepared for opponents points and make few rebuttals

Needs to speak more clearly and confidently. Adequate use of language, volume, tone to convince audience Adequate preparation for opponents arguments but needs stronger rebuttals

1pt Total: 4pt

Comments Total Score

Out of 30pt

Global Culture
Preparatoria Bicultural UVM Torren Professor: Jos Alonso Fernndez Cabrero Rubric for: Mind Maps and Tables

Beginning (x1) Knowledge & Understanding

2pt Total: 8pt

Emerging (x2)
Shows some understanding of the concepts. Concepts are used sparingly. Some illogical ideas in appropriate concepts are used. Ideas radiate (maps) or tabulated (tables), some confusion as you follow ideas. Information is collected but roughly organized. Somewhat tidy. Ideas identifiable, but difficult to understand. Some color or images are used. More than two grammar and spelling errors, but less than ten. Print too small or too large. Pages stapled together. Cover or identification information incomplete.

Developing (x3)
Shows an understanding of most of the concepts. Concepts are used frequently. Most ideas are logical and appropriately used. Ideas clearly connect and are structured accordingly but do not follow a consistent order. Information is collected and organized. Tidy. Ideas and concepts identifiable but hard to follow. Color and images are used outside context. Only a couple of grammar and spelling errors. Clean and stapled together. Cover or identification information used.

Proficient (x4)
Shows an understanding of all concepts. Concepts are used extensively. Ideas are used accordingly and appropriately. Ideas clearly connect and are structured accordingly and follow a consistent order. Information is collected and organized in an easy to understand manner. Tidy. Ideas identifiable and easy to follow. Color and images are used appropriately. Accurate grammar and spelling. Clean and neatly bound in a report cover. Cover or identification correctly used and applied.


Shows a lack of understanding of the concepts. No use of appropriate concepts. Illogical ideas or unnecessary concepts used. Little to no indication that ideas are connected. Attempts are made to collect and organize information. Not tidy. Difficult to understand. No color or images are used. Very frequent grammar and spelling errors. More than ten. Handwritten. Loose or dirty pages. No cover or identification information.

1.5pt Total: 6pt

0.5pt Total: 2pt

Spelling & Grammar

0.5pt Total: 2pt

0.5pt Total: 2pt

Comments Total Score

Out of 20pt

Global Culture
Preparatoria Bicultural UVM Torren Professor: Jos Alonso Fernndez Cabrero Rubric for: Class Participation

Beginning (x1) Research

1.5pt Total: 6pt

Emerging (x2)
Rarely able to cite from research. Rarely uses research to support points. Rarely a willing participant, rarely able to respond to questions; rarely volunteers point of view. Often unprepared; occasionally arrives late; rarely solicits instructors' perspective outside class

Developing (x3)
Occasionally cites from research. Sometimes uses research to support points. Often a willing participant, responds occasionally to questions; occasionally volunteers point of view Rarely unprepared; rarely arrives late; occasionally solicits instructors' perspective outside class

Proficient (x4)
Often cites from research. Uses research to support points. Always a willing participant, responds frequently to questions; routinely volunteers point of view Always demonstrates commitment through thorough preparation; always arrives on time; often solicits instructors' perspective outside class


Unable to cite from research. Cannot use research to support points. Never a willing participant, never able to respond to questions; never volunteers point of view. Rarely prepared; often arrives late; never solicits instructors' perspective outside class.

0.5pt Total: 2pt

0.5pt Total: 2pt

Comments Total Score

Out of 10pt

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