Complaint - Ge'Shun Harris

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Geshun Edward Harris


Co. Atty. Complaint No.: 2109956-1

Court File No.:

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State of Minnesota, Plaintiff, FELONY CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Summons Warrant Order of Detention Amended Certified Juvenile EJJ

v. Geshun Edward Harris, a.k.a. GeShun Edward Harris (DOB: 05/05/1991) 779 San Juan St., #G101 Corona, CA 92879,

Defendant. The Complainant, being duly sworn, makes complaint to the above-named Court and states that there is probable cause to believe that the Defendant committed the following offense(s): COUNT 1 On or about the 11th day of January, 2012, in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the defendant, GESHUN EDWARD HARRIS, did unlawfully without the consent of the cardholder, and knowing the cardholder had not given consent, use a financial transaction card to obtain or attempt to obtain property of another of a value of, or the aggregate amount of the transaction was, more than $250. Said acts constituting the offense of Financial Transaction Card Fraud in violation of MN Statute: 609.821.2(1); 609.821.3(a)(1)(iii); 609.821.3(b) Maximum Sentence: 5 years or $10,000 fine, or both.

V. 8/07

Geshun Edward Harris


Co. Atty. Complaint No.: 2109956-1

Court File No.:

Page: 2 of 8

STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CAUSE The Complainant states that the following facts establish probable cause: Your complainant is an investigator with the Airport Police and bases this complaint on a review of reports and upon his own investigation. On January 3, 2012, H.B. flew into the Twin Cities airport, but his gate checked bag did not arrive with him. The next day United Airlines contacted H.B. and told him that his missing bag had been located. H.B. went to the airport to retrieve his bag, but when he arrived the bag was not there. H.B. said that he had an American Express credit card, an Apple iPad 2, Dell laptop computer, and Bose noise cancelling headphones in the bag. Detective Seelig was able to view the airport's Closed Circuit Television system. Detective Seelig saw a young man with a University of Minnesota duffle bag walk around the carousel baggage claim area for a while. The man takes a roller bag from carousel 11 and then takes another bag from carousel 12. The man then left the baggage level and was seen entering a blue Dodge Avenger with Minnesota license plate 912ATN. On January 11, 2012 at approximately 12:59 pm, H.B.'s credit card was used to purchase $35.07 in gas at a Holiday gas station in Minneapolis. At 2:20 pm that same day, H.B.'s credit card was used to purchase $228.34 of items at a GNC store in Minneapolis. The person using the card created a Gold Card during the transaction in the name of Chris James. The address "Chris James" provided was 769 San Wan, Riverside, CA 92879. At 3:50 pm that same day, H.B.'s credit card was used to purchase another $104.06 in items at the GNC store located at the Rosedale Mall located in Roseville, Ramsey County. That same day, H.B.'s credit card was used at the Macy's located in the Rosedale Mall to purchase items for $462.00. A later transaction at 5:29 pm on H.B.'s credit card in the amount of $169.00 was declined at the same Macy's. Investigators were able to recover surveillance video of the Macy's purchase and saw a tall, muscular young black male wearing University of Minnesota clothing make the purchase. On January 14, 2012, H.B. returned home and discovered that his bag had been returned with an apology note attached. H.B. indicated that most of his expensive items had been returned, but he was concerned about his car key not having been returned. H.B. was able to determine that an iPhone and an Apple computer had been visiting his web site nearly every hour and he was afraid whoever had the key was planning on locating and stealing his car. H.B. had the locks to his home changed. On January 23, 2012, Detective Christensen received a phone call from a woman claiming to be the mother of the young man responsible for the missing bag. She said he was trying to mail H.B. $900.00 in order to pay him back for the missing items. The woman said that her son was Shaun Edwards, his date of birth was May 5, 1991, and he lived in Arizona. The woman said that her son felt really bad about the situation. Also on the phone was S.W., the daughter of the Dodge Avenger's registered owner. S.W. said she picked Shaun Edwards up from the airport on January 4, 2012. While en route to a friend's house, Edwards realized he had the wrong bag. Detective Christensen received another phone call from the woman, but this time GESHUN EDWARD HARRIS (DOB: 5-5-1991) was also on the phone. Harris said he grabbed the wrong bag from the carousel and did not return it because he did not want to be arrested for stealing the bag. Harris said he touched some of the items inside the bag and because of that he threw those items away. Harris claimed that he only went through the bag in order to try to reunite it with its owner. Harris admitted visiting the blog of the bag's owner.
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Geshun Edward Harris


Co. Atty. Complaint No.: 2109956-1

Court File No.:

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Detective Christensen asked Harris if he used the victim's credit card. Harris said that he used the credit card at the gas station, two GNC stores, and the Macy's. Harris provided the address of 779 San Juan Street, Corona, CA 92879. Detective Christensen located photos of GeShun Harris from the Minnesota Gopher football roster, and he verified that the images matched the images of the thief from the airport and Macy's store.

V. 8/07

Geshun Edward Harris


Co. Atty. Complaint No.: 2109956-1

Court File No.:

Page: 4 of 8

Complainant requests that Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release, be: (1) arrested or that other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendants appearance in court; or (2) detained, if already in custody, pending further proceedings; and that said Defendant otherwise be dealt with according to law. COMPLAINANTS NAME: John Christensen COMPLAINANTS SIGNATURE: ____________________________________

Subscribed and sworn to before the undersigned this ______ day of _________, 20_____. NAME/TITLE: SIGNATURE:



Being authorized to prosecute the offenses charged, I approve this complaint. Date: 03/05/2012 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS SIGNATURE: ____________________________________ Name: Derek Fitch Assistant Ramsey County Attorney 50 West Kellogg Blvd, #315 St. Paul, MN 55102 651-266-3222/jh Attorney Registration #328339

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Geshun Edward Harris


Co. Atty. Complaint No.: 2109956-1

Court File No.:

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From the above sworn facts, and any supporting affidavits or supplemental sworn testimony, I, the Issuing Officer, have determined that probable cause exists to support, subject to bail or conditions of release where applicable, Defendants arrest or other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendants appearance in court, or Defendants detention, if already in custody, pending further proceedings. Defendant is therefore charged with the above-stated offense.

THEREFORE YOU, THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT, ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear on the 4th day of April, 2012 at 1:20 PM before the above-named court at Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center, 425 Grove Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 to answer this complaint. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR in response to this SUMMONS, a WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST shall be issued.

Execute in MN Only

WARRANT Execute Nationwide

Execute in Border States

To the Sheriff of the above-named county; or other person authorized to execute this warrant: I hereby order, in the name of the State of Minnesota, that the above-named Defendant be apprehended and arrested without delay and brought promptly before the abovenamed court (if in session), and if not, before a Judge or Judicial Officer of such court without unnecessary delay, and in any event not later than 36 hours after the arrest or as soon as such Judge or Judicial Officer is available to be dealt with according to law.

Since the above-named Defendant is already in custody, I hereby order, subject to bail or conditions of release, that the above-named Defendant continue to be detained pending further proceedings.

Bail: Conditions of Release:

This complaint, duly subscribed and sworn to, is issued by the undersigned Judicial Officer this ______ day of _____________, 20_____. JUDICIAL OFFICER: NAME: TITLE: SIGNATURE: ___________________________________

Sworn testimony has been given before the Judicial Officer by the following witnesses: COUNTY OF RAMSEY Clerks Signature or File Stamp:

RETURN OF SERVICE I hereby Certify and Return that I have served a copy of this COMPLAINT - SUMMONS upon the Defendant herein named. Signature of Authorized Service Agent: _________________________________

V. 8/07

Geshun Edward Harris


Co. Atty. Complaint No.: 2109956-1

Court File No.:

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FINDINGS OF FACT Probable cause found that defendant committed the offenses charged. Ordered defendant's motion to dismiss denied. Plea of not guilty to all counts entered. Trial and hearing on all issues set.

Dated: ________________________

_______________________________________ JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT

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Geshun Edward Harris


Co. Atty. Complaint No.: 2109956-1

Court File No.:

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Defendant alias name(s): Defendant last known address: State ID: Fingerprint ID: FBI ID: St. Paul PD ID: Offender ID: 779 San Juan St., #G101 Corona, CA 92879

DOB: 05/05/1991
Alias DOB(s):


Fingerprinted? No Yes Yes (Issuing Agency: ) No Handgun permit? Location of violation: IF DRIVING OFFENSE: Driver's License Number: License Plate Number: Accident Type: No injury/no damage check all that apply Personal Injury Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC):

Issuing State: Issuing State: Property Damage Fatality

V. 8/07

Geshun Edward Harris


Co. Atty. Complaint No.: 2109956-1

Court File No.:

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1 01/11/2012





Definition 609.821.3(b)

Financial Transaction Card Fraud-Use-No Consent Finance Trans Card Fraud-Value $251 - $2,500 Finance Trans Card Fraud-2 or More Offenses in 1 or More CountiesAggregated


N Airport Police Admin Office ORI - MN0272500 CN - 12000303 Charging

V. 8/07

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