Black Swans 2 Final Script

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BLACK SWANS RELOADED by Marco Gusmao and Alex Trimbo

Address Rua Marcondesia Marco: 7660-9599, Alex: 9996-0068

EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT The Black Swans are back, this time with new characters and a bigger plot. PEDRO and GLEN are running towards a house. Various cuts and chase sequences until they reach a wall. PEDRO Lets do this GLEN (Tense) CUT TO: INT. HOUSE - AFTERNOON The Black Swans are gathered around a TV, being given their next mission. On the TV is their new leader THE BEEF, who explains to them their mission. Gathered around are PEDRO, GLEN, STEVE, and ALAN. THE BEEF So, this time I have a big project in mind. It will require our best equipment and 100% commitment. While hes talking, a couple of shots of the equipment and characters faces. THE BEEF (CONT'D) The guy we are taking down is very powerful, there is no room for mistakes. The security is hard to infiltrate, so Pedro and Glen will go in through the back and take out the camera, while Alan and Steve mislead some of the security guards at the entrance. From then on you know what to do. Good luck. The TV turns off and slowly an action type music comes on as it fades to the action sequence. First we have a shot inside a car driving up to the house from the back seat. Characters look like a silhouette. They conveniently park a couple of blocks away from the house. STEVE (Sighs) Its time. Quick shot of Glen. His eyes are wide open, almost scared.



They all look each other in the face. PEDRO and GLEN put on a mask and run to another block while STEVE and ALAN, both in suits, walk to the house entrance. CUT TO: EXT. HOUSE The doorbell rings, and from the inside of the house two security guards open the gate window and see ALAN and STEVE. GUARD 1 What do you want? STEVE I am here to meet with Benjamin GUARD 1 There is no Benjamin here. CUT TO: EXT. HOUSE BACK YARD PEDRO and GLEN are back where they were in the beginning of the movie. PEDRO leaps and grabs on to an edge and pulls himself over the house. GLEN stares at the wall. He runs towards and can barely lift off the ground. He looks around to see if there are any other options for him to go over. He sees a kind of middle sized ledge to his left. He strenuously gets on top of it and as hes trying to get to the other side PEDRO pops up from the side. PEDRO Come through here, we can go through here faster. GLEN is kind of pissed off at the time and strength used to try and get over the ledge. They go into the house and carefully get inside. Cut back to the main entrance. The doorbell rings again. GUARD 1 I am serious, there is no Benjamin. STEVE Are you sure there is no Benjamin. Hes a black guy about yay high. GUARD 2 Theres no Benjamin here


STEVE Cmon really think about it, hes almost a midget, red headed... Interrupted by a sound that is heard from the back. The guards look at each other. GUARD 2 I better check up on that. The window closes again. When the window closes cut back to PEDRO and GLEN. PEDRO We better hurry up, the cameras have to be turned off soon. Dont make any noise. GLEN Cmon, Im like a cat. As he says this he walks straight into a glass door. GLEN looks back at PEDRO looking surprised and ashamed. PEDRO (kind of angry) Come through here Glen. They walk towards another part of the house. ALAN (through the radio) Everything ok? Theres a guard coming your way! As they approach another door, this one to the kitchen, PEDRO tells GLEN to be quiet. PEDRO (whispering) Stay back and give me cover, Ill be in and out quick. As he is saying this a guard passes by a door in the back. GLEN is a bit scared, while PEDRO goes into the house. He reaches the other door and in a spy style goes into the other room. Back to GLEN now as we hear the sound of the sliding door opening. GLEN doesnt know what to do so he clumsily goes to the wall and when the guard is about to pass while talking on the radio, GLEN knocks him out. GUARD 2 (talking to the radio) I think everything is o...


GLEN (shaking his hand in pain) Yeah, watcha you gonna do now. Glen Johnson ladies and gentlemen. (While imitating Muhammad Ali feet work) Quick like a cat. RADIO (Faint) George... George, is ... CUT TO: Cut back to the main entrance again. This time we see the guard as he is talking to the radio. GUARD 1 (talking to the radio) Everything ok? GLEN (On the radio imitating the guard he just took down) Everything is clear here. Cut to the outside where we see Alan and STEVE. STEVE We have to do something. ALAN Not until the cameras are out. STEVE We cant wait any longer. ALAN ignores STEVE and before he rings the doorbell again we hear PEDRO on the radio. PEDRO (on the radio) The cameras are out. They ring the doorbell. When the guard opens up again ALAN punches him out. They all meet up at the living room except for GLEN. ALAN speaks through his radio. They look back and see a guard going towards GLEN. ALAN Glen, guard coming your way. Take him out quietly.


Medium shot of GLEN sneaking behind the security. Close-up as he is holding a cloth with chloroform. A different closeup as he aggressively wraps it around the securitys face. The security mumbles as he tries to scream. GLEN (Quietly and in a panicing way) Shhh, go to sleep. Medium shot of them as it looks like he passed out, when he looks up and mumbles again. GLEN grabs the bottle of chloroform and pores it all on the cloth. He rapidly puts it on the guard. He is kind of scared. As the guard goes to sleep, GLEN starts feeling sleepy as well GLEN (CONT'D) (Sleepily)


Close-up of Pedro. He visibly becomes a little sleepy. Someone talks to him on the radio STEVE (radio) Glen, is the area clear? Pedro is so affected by the chloroform that he answers: PEDRO (Groaning & sleepy) Uahhhhh haaaa Cut to the living room where Steve, Pedro, and ALAN are. PEDRO (CONT'D) (nervous and agitated) They might have gotten Glen. I better check it out. PEDRO heads to the kitchen. As he approaches the door he hears some noises. He takes out his taser. As he is about to enter the room GLEN walks out. PEDRO tases him. GLEN passes out. PEDRO (CONT'D) Sorry Glen. PEDRO checks for a pulse on Glen. He checks a couple of times, and to be sure he checks his own pulse then Glens again. After this he decides to tase GLEN. Clear. PEDRO (CONT'D)

He tases Glen and checks again the pulse.


PEDRO (CONT'D) (on the radio) Everything is clear here. There has been a small incident, but Im taking care of it. Close-up of Steves worried reaction. Alan, not sympathizing with the situation says: ALAN (on the radio) Ok were heading up. Stay down here in case somebody comes in. Shot of Pedro and Glen on the ground as he has his shaking moments PEDRO (on the radio)


They climb up the stairs quietly. The camera accompanies them in a dolly shot as they reach the master bedroom. STEVE heads towards a painting which he takes off. There is nothing behind it. ALAN and STEVE look at each other surprised. STEVE angrily pounds on the painting. We hear a sound. ALAN Did you hear that? What? STEVE

ALAN Steve, shake the painting. Steve shakes the painting, and this time they all hear the sound. They flip over the painting and Alan quickly gets out a huge kitchen knife and opens up the painting. Their eyes open wide as they see what is there. ALAN (CONT'D) Weve got the envelope. STEVE We are set for life. As soon as he says that they hear a noise from the hallway. As the sound becomes louder we see a shadow of a gun. Cut to black. We then see THE BEEF approaching ALAN and STEVE on the ground. He grabs the envelope. Cut to black. We then see as THE BEEF leaves the room. PEDRO surprisingly knocks out THE BEEF. We then see PEDRO and GLEN as they approach the room. GLEN shakily grabs the envelope. They look at each other.


GLEN I cant believe Steve and Alan are dead. PEDRO (excitingly) Lets head to Mexico. Arriba. GLEN

Still frame of both of them as it fades to black. Maybe a short credits scene or during the credits, a couple of pictures of Glen and Pedro at a pool some where in Mexico having the time of their lives.

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