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ENG103 WEEK 1, PART 2: Developing and Organizing Support Slide 1 Introduction Welcome to the second part of week one

of English one-ohthree Writing Fundamentals. In the previous lesson we discussed the stage one strategies of prewriting. In this lesson we will discuss writing the controlling ideas as a topic sentence. Next Slide: Slide 2 Objectives After you complete this lesson, you will be able to: Identify and write a topic sentence; Define outline and sentence outline; and Write an outline for developing and organizing support. Next Slide: Slide 3 Writing the Controlling Idea as a Topic Sentence A great tip in writing is to state your controlling idea and support it. If you have no controlling idea no topic sentence your paragraph will be unfocused, and your readers may be confused or bored. If you organize your material well, so that it supports and develops your controlling idea, you can present your views to your readers with interest, clarity, and persuasion. An effective topic sentence has both a subject and a treatment. The subject is what you intend to write about. The treatment is what you intend to do with your subject. Consider, for example, this topic sentence: Magic Johnson was a great all-around N-B-A player. The subject is Magic Johnson and the treatment is was a great all-around N-B-A player. This sentence is an effective topic sentence because it limits the subject and indicates treatment that can be developed in additional sentences. Next Slide:

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Ineffective Topic Sentences

Ineffective topic sentences are often too broad, too vague, or too narrow. Some samples of ineffective sentences include: Magic Johnson was everything to everybody. This sentence ineffective. Magic Johnson was fun. This sentence is too broad or vague. Magic Johnson went to college in Michigan. This sentence is ineffective. And Magic Johnson signed with the Los Angeles Lakers. This sentence is too narrow. Usually, simple statements of fact do not need or do not allow for development.

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Writing an Outline

Next Slide: An outline is a pattern for showing the relationship of ideas. The two main outline forms are the sentence outline and the topic outline. The topic outline is commonly used for paragraphs and short essays. An outline shows how a topic sentence is supported. Thus it shows the organization of the paragraph. The foundation of a good outline and, hence, of a good paragraph is a strong topic sentence, which means one with a specific subject and a well-defined treatment. After you have written a good topic sentence, the next step is to divide the treatment into parts.

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Next Slide: We have reached the end of this lesson. Lets take a look at the major points of this lesson. A great tip in writing is to state your controlling idea and support it. An effective topic sentence has both a subject and a treatment. The subject is what you intend to write about. The treatment is what you intend to do with your subject. An outline is a form for indicating the relationship of ideas. The outline shows how a topic sentence is supported. Thus it reveals the organization of the paragraph.

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