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Lesson 2

1. Understanding The Scriptures A. I. ILLUMINATION a. Illumination is the work of the Holy Spirit which helps in the understanding of the scriptures1. b. Only believers are able to understand the scriptures since unbelievers do not have the Spirit of God (1 Cor 2:14)2. c. Illumination is important for believers to understand the Word of God (Luke 24:44-45). d. Jesus Himself reminded the disciples the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). B. I. INTERPRETATION a. Interpretation is the human work of obtaining meaning of the scriptures. b. While illumination is the Divine work, interpretation is human part of expounding the scriptures. II. METHODS OF INTERPRETATION 1. The Literal Method a. This method involves interpretation of the scriptures in an ordinary sense or normal meaning. b. Since the scriptures were written to ordinary people, it is assumed to be interpreted normally. c. Reasons for literal interpretation are biblical, logical and philosophical. Biblical because of prophecies of Christ was literally fulfilled. Other reasons are the fact that language was given by God for the purpose of being able to communicate with man. 2. The Spiritualizing Method a. Many preachers and teachers use this method. b. This way of interpretation involves seeking another or possible a hidden meaning in the scriptures that God intended to communicate to his readers. III. THE DIVISIONS OF THE BIBLE 1. The Old Testament a. The Old Testament was the Bible of our Lord Jesus and His apostles (Matt 5:17-18, Luke 24:27, Acts 17:2) b. It gives us information about the existence of God (Gen 1:1, Deut 6:4, Isa 40:10-31), first humans (Gen 1-2) and the first human sin (Gen 3) c. It gives prophecy about Christ (Isa 49:6-7, 52:13, Ps 2:8-9, Isa 2,11, 53)

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Ibid, p.175 Lightner, Handbook of Evangelical Theology, p. 22

2. The New Testament a. Continues the message of the old Testament b. Fulfils many prophecies (Matt 5:17-18, Lk 18:31, Rom 16:25-26) c. It tells us about the Church ( Acts 2-4, Matt 16:18) d. It tells us how sinners can be delivered from the punishment, ruin, and bondage of their sins and be reconciled to God (John 3:16-18, Rom 3:9-26, Eph 2:1-10). 3. The Books of the Bible 1. The Old Testament a. The Law/Pentateuch Genesis Deuteronomy b. History Joshua Esther c. Poetry Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes. Songs of Solomon, Lamentations. d. Major Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel e. Minor Prophets Hosea Malachi 2. The New Testament a. The Gospels Matthew, mark, Luke, John b. History The Acts c. Pauline Epistles Romans Philemon d. General Epistles Hebrew Jude e. Apocalypse/Prophecy Revelation

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