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Amaris Creative Writing Lewis Ill Sail for a Little The sea was so violent The crew went

below They begged him to join them But he would not go Oh sail a little little For just a little little Oh sail for a little Til she finds him Open. Sea green eyes awoke from a peaceful slumber. He sat up and took in a deep breath. His fins fluttered as he arose from his bed. He almost glided across the room. The mirror he approached looked as if it had been snatched from a pirate ship, the gold accents glowing in the sunlight that poured in the window cracks. He faced himself. A few strands of ebony locks fell over his face, the water caused them to stay in a constant state of curling. His eyes purple sea-glass, his figure was sleek his complexion a light purple to match his eyes. His tale is not one typical to sea lore. He did not scare those on the Irish countryside away. He in fact did rather the opposite. He always made his way ashore the water dripping from his clothing. He would finger comb through his hair and stride confidently to a tavern near the shore. The tender would send a glass of beer down the table and he would smile and nod to him. He would sit at the counter for some time until hed notice the eyes from across it. Shed stare and he would approach. Why what would a beautiful lass such as you be doing in a place like this? his voice would always have the low sultry tone to it. She would stutter a few words Alykas, you are too flattering Followed by a nod and he would wink to the bar tender. Hed bring her to a room he had in the back. Drop your knickers hed pull her to him and she would be his for a short while. He was always distant when he made love to them. Shed scream and moan and he would be off in a distant world contemplating the meaning of life only to be pulled back by her loud moan. Faster, faster He did as she told still only half invested. She provided a release and nothing more. Hed finish his cruel deed and then shoo her away. They always left sobbing. Did they honestly expect him to want to spend a lifetime with a bar wench? Sometimes they would scratch and slap but they would always come back for seconds. When the day was at end he would return to his home in the ship under the sea. He was a ladies man and he got what he wanted. He stared at himself in the mirror admiring his

figure. He was as cocky as any mortal man. He surpassed any mortal man in both his skill and his looks. The white long sleeved shirt flowed with the water currents. His heart was unattainable. All that mattered was he and that he was happy. He left his ship and swam to the surface. He loved the sea but it was a lonely life. If he ever loved anything it was the shore. He reached the surface and let himself dry off slightly on the shore. As he looked out to the ocean he saw a ship approaching the shore. This was rare and he worried if they would be dumping anything in his home. He watched as the ship came closer to the shore and was able to examine the sails. The sail had a design on it resembling a butterfly; the color was a deep green and intrigued him deeply. Some time later the ship was ashore and they began moving crates off the large ship. Up close he could see that the entire ship had green accents. As he watched large men removing crates from the ship then he saw her. She was pale and covered in brown kissable freckles. Her brunette locks braided into a fish tail. A brown and beige corset clung to her curvy figure and he almost felt his jaw drop to the ground. He approached her and in the most suave voice he could muster asked: May I speak to your captain? Her responding voice was like an insatiable fire Well Im sorry to disappoint you fish vermin but I am the captain He was shocked at her response but this only meant more of a challenge. She will be quite the catch he thought and held in a snicker. What are you chuckling about she spat at him. She was almost a foot shorter than him but she had bite from her many years at sea. Shed been the captain of this ship ever since her father died of a broken heart many years ago. She was hardened by this and swore that shed live out her days alone to never be weakened by romance. Oh nothing at all my beautiful lass. I am Alykas Talliam and it is an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance He took her hand and kissed the back of it winking at her. Her expression became that of disgust as she withdrew her hand quickly from him. Captain Quikta Mareni She spat And I would be most grateful if you removed yourself from my ship What if I decline? he said with a lift of his eyebrows and a smile. Before he knew it he was in the water off the side of the ship. Quikta was laughing from the bow of her ship. Enjoy your fall Mr. Talliam? she chuckled. Cruel cruel siren I will be back! He spit out some water and then swam deep under the water. A mortal woman who can deny my advances? What a darling challenge He chuckled swimming in circles. His mind was buzzing and his heart leaping. The following day he made his way to shore once again, to the tavern he spent his days. A beautiful lady sat on a stool, her fingers laced around a cold glass of beer. He approached her and within moments she went back with him. Quikta found she was feeling rather thirsty and decided to enter the tavern by the shore. The bartended was very kind despite her dress. She sat at the counter nursing an ice-cold glass and thinking about the fish fella from the day before. He was far too cocky for someone who looked like shark food. He thought shed be just as easy as the bar wenches and that insulted her. She needed no man, mortal or fish, to live her life.

Alykas motioned for the wench to depart; he got a good slap from her this time. He rubbed his jaw and put himself back together. Quikta watched as the girl ran out, she was confused and upon looking to the tender for an explanation. He just pointed to the room in the back. She rose from her spot and walked carefully back there. Her hand was on the knife holstered to her thigh. As she walked close she watched him walk out. You again? she grumbled and sighed with discontent. Oh lass did you want to see my quarters he chuckled resting a hand on the wall beside her. Id rather sleep with the fishes she chuckled and then turned to return to her drink. Well that could be arranged to dearie, he breathed from behind her neck. With a swift hit she knocked him in the nose. He fell back onto the ground. The bartender chuckled slightly as Alykas sent a glare his way. Oh Im so sorry, you shouldnt be sneaking up on a lady like that She chuckled in his face. He pushed his lips to hers at her newfound closeness. She had a bitter taste with underlying sweetness. She was caught off guard. Her eyes were wide with shock. He tasted like the sea. The salty taste was a reminder of her journeys. She pushed him off and spat on the ground. You disgusting seadweller, I should slash your neck she pushed him to the ground, her knife at his throat. He held his attempted moving his neck slightly backward to avoid her knife. His mind was buzzing. The kiss he shared with her was unlike anything he had felt in his life. His cheeks felt hot and he brought himself to say a few words. Okay, okay just let me up please his voice was strained. Dont you dare touch me again She growled and stood up, brushing off her knees. She refused to let him know that she had liked it in any way. Yes the kiss had felt good to her but love weakened. She was strong.

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