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Technical University in Koice Fakulty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Academic year 2011/2012 ST

monday, 13:3015:00 Grade: III. AI Subgroup: A

Protection of computer networks

Task number: 1

In Koice, 5/ 3 2012

Elaborated: Peter Baa

Elektromagnetick kompatibilita

Modeling of switching electromagnetic pulses

Task: 1. Determine the characteristics of switching electromagnetic pulses: First determine the maximum: a) positive (Um) and b) negative (-Um) amplitude of switching electromagnetic pulses; 2. Calculate the coefficient of overvoltage kp;

Theoretical analysis
Switching electromagnetic pulses occur in all high and low voltage power networks and electronic circuits which there is inductive load. Switching electromagnetic pulses have their origin in different switching marches that occur in an electrical circuit, either intentionally designed as switching process to transfer or energy conversion, or as random respectively " unplanned process". Switching electromagnetic pulses occur during load switching with prevailing imaginary component. The cause of the Switching electromagnetic pulse is in the conversion of magnetic energy in the transformer to electrostatic charging capacity of the transformer windings. The current interrupted by switch oscillates with high frequency. While there is a small distance between switch contacts, the increasing voltage between them can cause the sparkover, which is accompanied by fire arc. The arc extinguishes during the oscillated current at zero value, and goes on again by overrun of Dielectric voltage between switch contacts. With increasing distance of the contacts it must be sparkover always at higher voltages until flashover voltage between farther contact doesn't overstep the induced voltage. The main sources of switching electromagnetic pulses: 1. Removing the unloaded equipment with the predominant induction character 2. Removing the devices arranged in series with a predominant induction character from the big power sources 3. Frequency or phase-controlled devices 4. Sparks on the commutators and rotating rings machines 5. Short circuit in the supply 2

Elektromagnetick kompatibilita

Circuit diagram

Tab. 1 Work space (measure board)

Used equipments
switch, vn probe, monophasic transformer, bulb, monophasic motor, memory oscillator

Elektromagnetick kompatibilita

Tables of measured and calculated values

Device: Bulb Amplitude Um (V): 356,38 kp = Ump / Um = Ump / (252*2)
Preptie Up+ (mV) 640,00 532,00 -400,00 480,00 496,00 396,00 560,00 720,00 392,00 620,00 472,00 -480,00 UpKoeficient preptia kp+ (-) 1,80 1,49 0,00 1,35 1,39 1,11 1,57 2,02 1,10 1,74 1,32 -520,00 0,00 Tab. 2 SEMP of bulb kp(-) 0,00 0,00 -1,12 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -1,35 0,00 0,00 -1,46

Elektromagnetick kompatibilita


Singlephase transformer

Amplitude Um (V): 356,38

Preptie Up+ (mV) 520,00 600,00 560,00 720,00 760,00 1120,00 740,00 1780,00 1440,00 1160,00 760,00 -520,00 -500,00 -480,00 -1080,00 -560,00 UpKoeficient preptia kp+ (-) 1,46 1,68 1,57 2,02 2,13 3,14 2,08 4,99 4,04 3,25 2,13 Tab. 3 SEMP of transformer kp(-) -1,35 -3,03 -1,57 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -1,46 -1,40 0,00 0,00

Elektromagnetick kompatibilita


Monophasic motor
Preptie Up+ (mV) 620,00 400,00 760,00 360,00 420,00 1140,00 420,00 740,00 620,00 660,00 1020,00 -760,00 -860,00 -920,00 -580,00 -580,00 -1040,00 -700,00 UpKoeficient preptia kp+ (-) 1,74 1,12 2,13 1,01 1,18 3,20 1,18 2,08 1,74 1,85 -640,00 2,86 Tab. 4 SEMP of motor kp(-) -2,92 -1,96 0,00 -2,41 -2,58 -1,63 -1,63 0,00 0,00 -2,13 -1,80

Amplitude Um (V): 356,38

Elektromagnetick kompatibilita

Graphs, charts, diagrams


Elektromagnetick kompatibilita


Elektromagnetick kompatibilita

Monophasis motor:

Elektromagnetick kompatibilita

By measuring we made a confirmation that switching electromagnetic pulses occurs in electric circuit during the process of turning the device on and off. Evaluated values you can find in the tables and our photo documentation. As you can see on pictures above, the measurement was successful.

Our main goal in this lab was to determine the maximum positive and negative amplitude of switching electromagnetic pulses and also calculate the coefficient of overvoltage. We did both of these tasks and you can see the results of our measurements in the Excel tables and in the photos of oscilloscope. We worked in a 5-member and at the beginning of our lab, we prepared workstation and we changed the components in the circuit in sequence. Then we set up the memory oscilloscope to the REPEAT mode of triggering. At first, we had to measure the SEMP of the bulb. Since the power extension had a good switch and we just wanted to measure the switching electromagnetic pulses, it was easier for us to connect and disconnect the cable of power extension as the turning the switch on and off. In this way we were able to create bigger values of switching electromagnetic pulses as it is clearly seen in the Excel tables. After we finished the measurement with the bulb, we made the same measurement with singlephase transformer and singlephase motor. We succeeded at our first measurement and we made all the tasks successfully which were mentioned earlier.

[1] Dolnk, B., Harmonick analza zvodovho prdu obmedzovaov prept, Koice: FEI TU, 1996. [2] Bollen, M. H. J., Gu, I. Yu-Hua, Signal Processing of Power Quality Disturbances, 1. vyd., IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering. 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006, kap. ORIGIN OF POWER QUALITY VARIATIONS, str. 52 67, 82112.


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