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CLAN – Slagelse Police, Slagelse, Denmark

Results of the questionnaire.


VUC Vestsjælland Syd, Slagelse, DK

CLAN – Continuous Learning for Adults with Needs

Grant Agreement 2007-3569/001-001
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

Results of the questionnaire.

Below please find the answers received from 10 police officers. The questionnaire was
presented to 40 police officers. It is important to note that job-related education does not
seem to be a problem. The use of ICT does not present a problem either. ICT is part of the
daily routine in the police.

VUC Vestsjælland Syd, Slagelse, DK

We chose to focus on the working hours of police officers and present them with the
questionnaire that was prepared by the coordinator of this project.

The police force is based in the Ministry of Justice. The head of the police department is titled
The National Commissioner of Police. The National Commissioner supervises 12 police districts,
having each a Commissioner.

Our focus group is the police officers at the local police station. First we list what it takes to
become a police officer.

How to become a Police Officer in Denmark

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

• have reached the age of 21

• be a Danish national/ have Danish citizenship and be good at Danish
• be in good health with normal hearing and not colour blind
• have a driving licence for a car
• have passed the test for lifesaving in a swimming pool or the like
Basic Training - 36 months

The responses to the questionnaire were as follows:

1.1. Which are the main critical points coming from the job particular condition and

• 40% Shift hours

• 30 %Family
• 20 % Work Load
• 20 % Place of courses (away from place of work)
– In service training – no problem
– External training difficult – demands a lot of planning
1.2. Which are the main social, cultural or religious opportunities to renounce to,
because of one’s job?
• 50 % Family and cultural events
• 30 % Education

1.3. Which are the perceived obstacles of social and cultural growth?
• 40 % time
• 20 % money
• 20 % no barriers
• I knew beforehand (a remark that shows that this person was well aware of the working
condition when he/she joined the police force)

2. To grow in the CLAN: training and learning needs

2.1.Which are the training activities the interviewee has participated in, during the
last three years?

100 % of the interviewees have participated in in-service training

2.2. Does the interviewee think that those training activities are specifically linked to
the competencies useful for the professional life or that some competencies could be
used for the social and citizenship growth?

– 70% consider that the training is useful in a lot of situations outside work.
– 30 % consider that the training is job relevant only

2.3. Which are the interviewee’s social competencies (the ones necessary for having
the full enjoyment of one’s own political and social citizenship) that he/she should
or would increase through training activities?

• 30% mention courses in communication, listening, how to handle difficult

conversations, become better at understanding young immigrants
• 20% would like to be able to take part in cultural activities

2.4. Which are the innovative instruments or the didactic methods the interviewee
has used, or has been told about that could, in his/her opinion, help reconciling work
schedules with training ones?

• 50 % do not know of innovative instruments

• 20 % know of internet courses
• One mentions that he/she cannot imagine how internet-based education can replace
the relationship between teacher/students and group work.

3. To grow out of the CLAN: informal and not formal training

3.1. With which instruments and/or any kind of means does the interviewee acquire
competencies different from the ones employed for professional reasons?

• 30 % mention the Internet

• 20 % mention literature, travels, cultural events
• 20 % try to keep updated on courses offered by the police
3.2. Does the interviewee use internet in order to train or keep him/herself
informed? If yes, when (in which hours) and in order to have which training or

• 90 % of the interviewees use the internet to be updated on laws, etc. Both at work and
at home.
3.3. Does the interviewee use social networking instruments (blog, chat, forum)? If
yes, in order to have which training / information?

• 58% use these instruments for information and to be updated on events

• 42 % do not use any of the above.


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